I’m sharing my love for walking and why winter walks are my favorite. The key is bundling up and breathing in the crisp air!
Winter Walks Are My Favorite
Crisp winter walks are so refreshing! I do not care for winter unless I am wearing a down coat and moving. (Please don’t make me sit on cold bleachers…!)
In the summer walks are great, but the sun is just so darn hot, and you have to take a shower at the end of your walk. But in the winter you can walk for miles without breaking a sweat if you dress appropriately. Therefore you can fit one into any part of your day. In the winter I tend to go to the gym in the morning for group fitness and sauna time, but I love to add in an afternoon walk with the kids.
The Key Is Bundling Up!
A down coat (I have a similar one to this) and movement = the perfect mix. I always have gloves on too. And if I’m solo, Airpods with a podcast in. The boys have been sledding like crazy since we got our latest round of snowfall, and I pace back and forth while I supervise.
Fresh Air Makes Us Happier
When I worked in public relations, I used to take a walk on my lunch break everyday. I’d call my mom or think about my life’s dreams. Those daily walks got me through the long office days. I went almost every day that it didn’t rain – summer + winter. (And yes, I was the office nerd with the sneakers and the skirt – because comfortable shoes are a requirement for a good walk!)
I have come to realize that I need fresh air every day. Everyone does – it’s in our nature. (Get it!?)
Walking Is Great For The Mind & Body
Let us not underestimate walking as great for our body too. There are so many benefits, from reducing risk of heart disease to controlling blood sugar. It’s no surprise a daily walk has a positive effect on mental health too. I always come home with a more clear mind. In general I try to walk as much as possible. Downtown to run errands or when we have a lull in our day.
Winter Walking Gear
From bouncy sneakers and buttery soft leggings to puffy vests and weighted vests (my assistant loves that 8lb. one from Target), I’m sharing a few favorites to keep you warm and comfortable on your winter walks.
Goal: A Walk Every Day
Walking is also so energizing. If you’re feeling sleepy, a walk is actually the best solution if you don’t have the time or space for a nap. I am always my sleepiest between 3-4pm, and nothing energizes me more than fresh air. I’ve heard that babies sleep better when they get outside for 30 minutes a day too, and that was true for Birch when he was young.
My goal is a 15-30 minute walk everyday. Most days I get this going to the bus stop and back (about 3/4 of a mile). And if we keep playing outside, the steps continue.
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog says
I love winter walks too, especially since it doesn’t really get ‘cold’ here in Hong Kong!
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog
Paula says
We walk two miles every day with our two dogs. A chihuahua who loves it more than anything else and a beagle mix who is too fat and loves to go but hates to actually walk. She prefers to spend time sniffing every single tree/leaf/sprig of grass. Sometimes the chi and I leave the other dog and husband to just wander and we walk faster. Otherwise we have to stop and wait for them too much. Husband is 72 and I am 69 and we are retired so we can go anytime of the day however we live in lower Alabama so most summer days we are out an about by 7 am at the latest. I do not like hot weather. Winter is perfect for walking down here. We do go to the gym also for some weight workouts and treadmill walking if it’s rainy.
Kath Younger says
I know there are stats that dog owners log significantly more miles than regular folks. Two miles a day is fab!
Lane Alexander says
We live right next to a great walking trail, there is even a secret passage way from our neighborhood! I have instituted “Sunday Walks” where I go by myself on Sunday afternoons to kind of get ready for the week and start with a fresh attitude. It has helped with the Monday blues!
Kath Younger says
I love that!
Cecilia says
Love this idea! Good for you for not letting the cold stop you!! Does mazen get to stay home alone if he doesn’t want to come?! If my 8 y/o didn’t feel like walking I’d have to say “too bad, buddy, this is what we’re doing today!”
Kath Younger says
No he either comes with us and uses some kind of wheels (rollerblades, scooter, bike, skateboard – we have them all lol!) or he’s not there that day. Not old enough to stay home alone yet….at least I don’t think!
Taryn says
I LOVE walking! And hiking. Once we got our dog, I started walking way more than before. I do a 30 minute walk or run every morning at 5:30am before I have to get ready for work. I go home every day on my lunch break and give him another 30-minute walk. We live in 7 acres and have cut many trails through our property, so he is running off leash and I am just strolling along. I also get him outside for a third walk after getting the kids off the bus. I love how much more I move now. And I agree – walking is so good for stress levels. And fresh air (especially in the winter when we spend more time indoors) is good for everyone. My kids now roller-blade along with me (or bike, or scooter).
Kath Younger says
Yes and yes!
Christa says
Which jogging stroller do you have? I’m in the market!
Kath Younger says
I have the BOB Revolution CE. A really old one from Mazen’s babyhood!
Miley says
I love to walk too! I think it’s such an underrated form of movement. I currently spend my walks day dreaming about life after graduate school and have hopes to get myself a furry walking buddy when I graduate. Haha! 🙂
Kath Younger says
Awww you need a furry buddy!
susie says
Have you given us a porch tour yet? I want to see it!
Kath Younger says
Not yet!! I’m kinda of waiting for some finishing touches, but we might wait till spring for those. You can see it mostly finished in my Instagram story highlights!
Katie says
I love walking! I used to run a ton and injured my knee. I now prefer walking over running. It could be my age, but I feel that walks are more mindful. I notice nature more, etc. Also, no matter what is going on in my life, I always feel better after a walk.
Carly says
Aww no pics of Gus out enjoying the walk with you? Daily walks must be so good for him to help heal from his surgery. Birch must love walking with his Gu-Gu buddy every day!!
The Many Thoughts of a Reader says
I live on a busy road and unfortunately I don’t feel comfortable using a stroller on it. I had been walking in my daughter’s school neighborhood right after drop off until the ice hit last year and then I was pregnant and felt like poop. I would love to do more walks, but currently we need to fix our stroller and unfortunately snow covered walk ways. Ughh… Hoping this spring we can do it more, or I may have to become a mall walker.
Kath Younger says
Mall walking – I like it!
Amanda says
I am a huge outdoor walker! <3 Rain or shine, hot or cold (not as much now that I live in FL, but I would layer up in brutal MI winters). For my morning walks, the only element that stops me now is lightning. I wear rain paints with my rain coat when needed. I will house walk if necessary. And then the nicer the weather, the longer/more I walk. Similar to you in your office days, I'm the dork who puts on her sneakers – plus sunglasses, hat, and ear buds – to walk for ~30 minutes at lunchtime. My colleagues joke with me about it.
Kath Younger says
You are hard core!
Amanda G says
I cant wait for good walking weather again! Currently -44 with windchill here so it’s going to be a while. I had to smile about how toasty Birch is after a walk and how relative it all is. If it’s at least 8 or 9 degrees above zero, out we go(me and my 15 month old son), hes all toasty in his double layered snowsuit, face mask, and 4 blankets! I could walk forever and it’s always my go to. Right now, its the one workout that I can manage, motivation and energy and effort wise. Teaching all day, 15 month old son=exhausted zombie 24/7. I love how a good walk lifts my mood and doesnt require much of me other than being upright and moving forward!
Kath Younger says
That is super cold!!
Apriori says
Every darn day -just not in nice or lightning. I can bundle up, wear a raincoat, whatever it takes. Walking is for sure my meditation. Good for you for instilling and nurturing that love of outdoors in your son at such a young age!
Kori says
Sadly, I haven’t gone out nearly as much after lunch at work despite these weirdly mild temperatures. My intern & I did walk last week, & it felt so good! My coworkers know I walk often, especially in the spring & fall. Summer I do as well but choose to be more careful by wearing sunscreen & not staying out too long. I don’t want to be a sweaty mess the rest of my work day. ? I agree that walking is amazing & underrated!
Cheryl says
While biking is our prime choice for getting miles, we have made a commitment this year to get more “foot miles” with walking or hiking. We’ve been talking about starting a blog to document our favorite trails and have finally gotten it off the ground. We’re now making our list of all the local places we need to walk in order to talk about them!
Kath Younger says
Yay! Sounds like a great blog resource!
Kelli H says
We try to walk everyday around 4 or 4:30 because we have a dog but we also love to get out as a family too. I love cold winter walks. Probably my favorite time of year for walks. It’s getting hard though because my daughter hates her stroller but she’s sooo slow to walk on her own right now. We let her a little but we’d never get anywhere if we let her walk the whole way. She’s 2.
Kate says
Yes to the winter walks! I live in Chicago, and I found that a pair of down mittens (like yours in the graphic—I got a cute pair from Athleta last year) is key to me being happier with warm hands, lol. Also I keep a few tissues in my pocket for those 20 degree days when my nose runs because it’s just plain cold. Thankfully it’s usually sunny on those extra cold days, so that always helps!
Kath Younger says
We need tissues that attach to our coats like the doggie bags!! 🙂 I’m on the market for some heated gloves if anyone has a recommendation?