A bright, herby, entree-style potato salad that’s roasted not mushy. Plus cubes of tofu for more protein! Plain yogurt lightens up the dressing.
Roasted Tofu Potato Salad
This isn’t your grandmother’s tater salad. This salad has half tofu and half potatoes to turn it into a full entree salad. Rosemary + dill red potatoes plus herby Twin Oaks Tofu, roasted in the oven. This tofu potato salad has a lot more texture and protein than the just potatoes kind.
Yogurt + mayo + mustard + garlic gold dressing
Was delicious!!!!
It was only after I put my fork down after my last bite that I realized that I completely forgot to add the bacon I bought for this recipe!!!! The dish would have been even better with a crumbled bit of the good stuff on top.
Inspired by Heidi Swanson’s “Mostly Not Potato Salad” from Super Natural Every Day
Roasted Tofu Potato Salad
- 6 medium-to-large red potatoes cut into eighths
- 1 tsp dried dill or fresh if you’re lucky!
- 1 tbsp chopped fresh rosemary or dried if you don’t have it
- 1 block tofu of your choice
- 1 cup green beans rinsed and chopped
- A few tbsp olive oil
- A few sprinkles of kosher salt
- Spring mix for serving
- Dressing
- 2 tbsp low-fat plain yogurt
- 1 tbsp mayo
- 1 tbsp dijon mustard
- 1 tbsp red wine vinegar or Garlic Gold Red Wine Vinaigrette
- Optional: 1 clove garlic
- Preheat oven to 400*
- Toss potatoes in herbs, a few pinches of salt and olive oil to coat.
- If your tofu isn’t flavored, add a similar flavor profile as the potatoes.
- Put potatoes and tofu in oven and roast for 30-35 minutes, until potatoes are fork tender and crispy.
- Toss green beans in olive oil, salt and pepper in a separate pan.
- Add green beans to oven with 15 minutes remaining.
- Combine dressing in a jar and shake together.
- Combine everything in a bowl and top with dressing. Coat well.
- Serve over spring mix.
- PLUS – CRUMBLED BACON – which I totally forgot!!!!!!!!!
Kathleen @ KatsHealthCorner says
Does every Great Harvest carry the same products? Would I expect my Great Harvest to carry your new flavor “in-the-process”?
KathEats says
No, every Great Harvest is locally owned and totally different
lynn @ the actor's diet says
ha ha re: breath. i just finished filming a movie with a lot of sex scenes and the first week we were very conscious about teeth-brushing and mints but by week 3 we were tired and lazy. if one of us had garlic for lunch, everyone else did and we didn’t care!
KathEats says
So did you have to make out with anyone!? I’m dying to know how that works behind the scenes!!
lynn @ the actor's diet says
i blogged about some of my sex scenes! you can read about the easy one here:
and the not-so-easy one:
Lea @ Healthy Coconut says
Ha ha breath comment…I also think the same way when I watch those early morning scenes in movies.
Katie says
I think potatoes and dill is one of the greatest combos ever!
Amy says
Haha, love your post title – I’m (still) rereading and have been since March! I’m making it last as long as possible, man.
My guess on the first picture: chestnuts?? That’s what they look like to me!
Sarena (The Non-Dairy Queen) says
The granola and potato salad look delicious! Sounds like things are moving right along for you two! Enjoy the evening with Matt!
Annette @ EnjoyYourHealthyLife says
Oh my, that granola looks super yummy! I don’t care for potato salad, but adding tofu is intriguing. Can’t wait to hear/see the granola recipe 🙂
Averie (LoveVeggiesandYoga) says
Oh so much in this post…
Heidi’s book. I got it about 3 days before I left on vacay and can’t wait to get home to San Diego to cook. How crazy does that sound? Well, in due time 🙂 I love the tofu tater salad…and mayo + mustard dressing is off to a great start for me. Love them both.
Mouth breathing and no teeth brushing….ewww, that’s just not a pleasant thought now is it!
Good to know about that cleaner. I am always looking for something that WORKS.
ADT going off and having to race back to the location. Been there. Always fun, eh?
Have a great and thanks!! 🙂
Dee says
man, that salad looks divine!
J3nn (Jenn's Menu and Lifestyle Blog) says
Too bad about the missing bacon! That dish looks pretty tasty.
Robyn @ Blueberries and Oats says
Mmm that potato salad recipe looks delicious! I always forget about rosemary/dill combination and how amazing it is!
Thanks for sharing your bakery opening journey with us. =) It’s like we all get to live out a dream through you. I mean, who doesn’t want to have their own bakery!?
Flourchild says
Yum, It looks very good and so healthy!!
Eileen says
That dinner looks great! I love the tip about giving the tofu “a similar flavor profile.” As I got to be more experienced as a cook, this idea really freed me up to create my own ideas and not always rely on a cookbook. I love putting dinners together that way!
Vanessa says
Hahaha. Totally laughed out loud to the post title!! My cousin and I always crack up at that. “Boil em, mash em, stick em in a stew!!” 🙂
Tori (Fresh Fruition) says
That looks SO GOOD! I love roasts. Heat it all up ’til it’s crispy, then mix it all together! Perfection.
erica says
oooh. i love the lord of rings title! made me smile:)
Shauna says
soap nuts! We are using them as fabric softener right now an love them 😀
Alaina says
I had a feeling it was a reference to Lord of the Rings. 🙂
I think bacon make so many dishes better!
Emily @ One Sweet Vegan says
That’s so funny that you mentioned the people in the movie whispering in each other’s faces first thing in the morning. That has got to be one of my major pet peeves when it comes to movies! I hate it! 🙂
Lauren says
Love the title of this post, I’m a HUGE lord of the rings dork. I actually studied it in college, haha! Also the salad looks awesome!
Holly says
I have tofu and new potatoes on hand for this week, I think I finally know what to do with them!
Holly @ The Runny Egg says
My dad loved to talk in that voice whenever we had potatoes with dinner. It was hilarious at first and then it was just annoying 🙂
Chloe (South Beach Girl) says
I love that you picked up on “mouth breathing” – I always think about that during movies! Also, your salad looks divine, very similar to a potato salad but healthified 🙂
CheezyK says
“Po-tay-toes! Boil ’em, mash ’em, stick ’em in a stew … Lovely big golden chips with a nice piece of fried fish.” Love, love, love the movies and the books!
Oh, and SoapNuts! Keen to see what your experiment was, I assume it was something outside of the ordinary uses ..
Laura @ Sprint 2 the Table says
I’m hooked on using mustard in everything lately – totally trying out that dressing!
Can you believe how fast it got hot outside?! I was sweating bullets all day long. Not that I’m complaining after being frozen all winter. 🙂
Hannah (tickledtofu) says
Holy moses that salad looks incredible! I’ll have to whip up some veganaise ASAP and try it out for myself!
kate says
That salad looks amazing I love the idea of potatoes and tofu!
Caley says
You definitely have to read Evening, the book! It was much much better than the movie. The movie lost all of the romantic, wow factor the book had (which usually happens, unfortunately!). Definitely worth while.
Angel7 says
The Roasted Tofu Potato Salad looks really good! I am sure that the bacon would have made it taste good!
Becky says
I’m loving how you don’t have noxious toxic fumes in the bakery! How many times have we been enjoying a bagel or a cup of coffee in a shoppe, only to suddenly gag when someone starts spraying chlorox or Lysol around us! Yuck!
Mastering Public Health (@MasPublicHealth) says
Might those be goldenberries (AKA gooseberries)?
Ashley says
Absolutely love the looks of that salad!!!!
Mama Pea says
I thought I was the only person who worries about breath in movies/TV. I was cringing watching Mad Men last night because Don Draper was breathing in this woman’s face after a bunch of cigarettes and scotch. GAG!
The Healthy Hipster says
I’m dying to get Heidi’s book, I hope all the recipes look this delicious!
Hillary [Nutrition Nut on the Run] says
I made granola tonight, too. Love how it makes the house smell 🙂
Khushboo says
Bahah about the breath comment- that would urk me to! I made your granola recipe (with coconut/almonds) on Friday for my friend who is a granola junkie and it was a hit!
Alexandra says
Are those roasted dates??
jenna k says
as a near-graduate in microbiology, reading the stats on that basic g made me a little giddy!
Hannah says
I can’t believe I’ve never heard of this movie! Not only does it have an Aussie and Meryl Streep, but it has Hugh Dancy, who is clearly destined to be my husband. Thanks Kath!
Cait @ Beyond Bananas says
If you’d like to share your heat, I’d gladly take some of it.. it was freezing here this weekend.. (although I am SURE I will regret saying this very soon.. when summer heat and humidity set in!)
Rochelle says
Boy that lady Mary left a mean comment! Im sorry you have to put up with nasty things like that Kath, your blog is awesome and i really look forward to reading each post it inspires me to take care of myself and be as healthy as i can be! On another note that salad looks great, i would never have thought to use tofu in a potato salad!
Lauren says
What a cleaver potato salad recipe! I never thought to use tofu. This is brilliant!
Kristen @ Change of Pace says
Bacon makes everything better 🙂
Jumanah @ Healthy Living in the Middle East says
I’m sad you wont be sharing the granola recipe! It looks wonderful!
I love herbs on potatoes! Makes them so good!
Kristen Waby says
I love homemade granola! I’ve always wanted to try it for myself but have never had the right ingredients on hand!
Caitlin says
I saw that movie a few summers ago. It was different, but very good!
Chelsea @ One Healthy Munchkin says
Haha I love the title of this post! It makes me want to go watch Lord of the Rings for the hundredth time!
Krissie J says
I couldn’t love the title of this post any more! 🙂 I think it’s awesome you guys are running a Great Harvest! I’m a huge fan of the two in my area.
Melissa says
Sounds like such a great summer day! Just reading this post made me think of all the things I love about summer! 🙂
Tom Gellak says
Taters!! This one brought back some memories for sure!
About food now, I personally think that your roasted tofu and potato salad is better without bacon to be honest.
I find bacon’s taste overwhelming compared to most other flavors (and I am trying to be vegetarian too!) so I am skipping it along with most other meat products from my latest cooking.
Halley (Blunder Construction) says
Yea, I don’t get the title reference. NerdKERF has a one-up on me there 🙂 Thanks for detailing all your natural cleaners, I’m trying to make the transition in my own home.
KathEats says
Here’s a great clip – listen at :29!
Halley (Blunder Construction) says
So random/a little scary!! THX
Cait's Plate says
I wish I could do what you do with food! I would NEVER in a million years think of creating that meal, but it looks SO amazing. I guess it’s good we have you around to continually inspire us with your yummy dishes!
rachel says
i am so glad someone else thinks about those morning breath scenes! you’re right; they would not be breathing in each other’s faces like that first thing!
Rebecca says
eeek — I have absolutely NO self control around granola fresh out of the oven. That looks so delicious. How nice that sampling counts as “work” for you 🙂
Erica says
The cleaners sound fantastic! I had scuffs on the floor (drives me NUTS!)- I might need to buy some of the Scour Off. An evening of baking sounds lovely. Hope the granola turned out perfect. Warm potatoes on a salad- I don’t think I’ve ever done that! I totally want to try. Have a great Monday
Mari @ itsgoodno.blogspot.com says
I just started using the seventh generation disinfectant and I LOVE it because it disinfects with Thymol (thyme oil) and smells like natural ingredients not tons of chemicals. Just curious as to what are you thoughts on that brand…
Ingredients: http://www.seventhgeneration.com/Disinfecting-Cleaner
KathEats says
Looks nice to me! I bet it’s more expensive than Shaklee because it’s not a concentrate, but I bet it smells great!
Natalia - a side of simple says
Oh, poor Sam. He’s always getting picked on when really he’s the hero…
Jil @ Big City, Lil Kitchen says
The tater salad looks delicious!!
Jess (Sweet Potato) says
Love the title!
Susan says
How much Basic G do you put in the spray bottle? The Basic H bottles tell you how much to put in, but the G bottle doesn’t.
KathEats says
I know – that’s frustrating!! It’s 3/8 a teaspoon, or just under a half teaspoon
Susan says
Thanks! Going to sharpie it on the bottle!
Seth @ Boy Meets Food says
HA! That’s so awesome that you named this post like that. Just a day or two ago I added your baked potato soup recipe to our meal calendar, and titled the day the exact same!!! Great minds think alike!
I’ve really been enjoying following the GH progress. Keep up the great work!