Sorry, but I’m out of titles
Up early this AM for a good workout. Some squirrelliptical, 26 minutes on the Stairs, 5 minutes jump rope and other jumping things, pull-ups, shoulders, and back. Whew! Had some beer bread with PB before i left – but I kept the PB separate so I could enjoy the doughy beer!
Breakfast today was baked oatmeal and mango – double yum! We put the oatmeal in the oven at 325* when we get back from the gym and 20 minutes later after we’ve showered and dressed it’s heated through and crispy! Does dirty up a pan though 🙁 I topped mine with almond butter and toasted almonds –
With a delicious cup of coffee –
Breakfast today was about 500 kcal, 10 grams fiber and 16 grams protein. I couldn’t decide between the mango and nuts so I had both!
Off to classes, then I’m meeting ALLY for lunch at Cupps!! Can’t wait!
jenna says
I need to try this baked oatmeal…looks so good and I LOVE mango!
I want to go to lunch!!!!!! 🙁
Emma says
Haha that looks great! But how did it dirty up a pan? I thought it was prepared early and then just cut after being removed from the pan lined with parchment paper…do you not just microwave it on a plate?
Also Kath, as an athlete, often playing with my pre-workout snacks- I’ve noticed that I can eat a bigger snack before my workout without any kind of weight gain. It in fact energizes me more, keeps me in a better mood, and I work out even harder! Unless you have a problem of risking an upset stomach & feeling heavy (which I guess you might if you are beginning with cardio), try it some day! Maybe double your carbs! And let me know if anything changes!!
Have a great day! I love seeing your lunches from Cupps! They always look so good!
hk says
mango looks beautiful, I’m pickin’ one up as soon as I make my way to WF! Baked oatmeal looks delish, I’m all about the combo of texture…crunchy and creamy YUM 🙂
have fun at lunch!
caitlin (in FL) says
kath you are going to LOVEEEEEE “in defense of food” it really changed my perspective about trusting what the government tells us to eat.
if anyone hasnt read it yet, DO! It’s an amazing book.
Katie says
Okay, it’s official, I have to try this baked oatmeal. It looks too good!
Kathryn says
Kath – I just wanted to tell you you inspired me to wake up this morning! I wake up early to work out before work, and it’s always so difficult to peel myself out from under the covers. However, it’s nice to know that others are committed to doing the same thing every morning. THanks for your continuous inspiration to live healthy!!
Katie R says
Hey Kath… do you take a multivitamin every day? You get a well balanced diet and I’m just wondering if you think it’s still beneficial to take one or not? Thanks!!
Susan says
How many calories of trail mix do you eat before lunch (on the days you eat it). Is that part of the calorie total you give us?
Have fun at cupps!
Ally says
Mango looks great, I think it’s becoming my new favorite fruit!
I’m so excited for lunch!! 🙂
arimcg says
I agree, In Defense of Food is pretty amazing. I love the way he thinks, and he makes it so easy to understand, which had to be really hard – it can be a very textbook-y topic. I’m surprised you haven’t read it yet.
Nadia says
I forgot to post this before…I made your baked oatmeal last Sunday and I loved it so much I ate 2 out of 4 servings for dinner 🙂 I had one portion with maple syrup and the other with some almond butter drizzled on top. I don’t even like almond butter but it was really good with this and had another portion with AB on Monday night as well. SO good. I still have one more serving left and then planning on making it again this weekend…i’m hooked 🙂
Kelly T says
I think titles are the hardest part.
You cut your mango very nicely. I consider cutting my mangoes a success when I keep all my fingers in tact.
mags says
is ally a a blogger friend? have fun and take lots of pictures!
Romina says
Delicious!! Who could choose between mango and nuts? They’re both amazing for breakfast. =)
Sloan says
Hi Kath,
I noticed that you picked up a couple fennel bulbs at the store for this week. I’m not sure if you’ve got a plan for those just yet, but last night I used this recipe from Cooking Light for braised fennel with orange to cook some fennel from my garden:
It was delicious and full of flavor. Highly recommended!
rhodeygirl says
NC kids!
My bf is in NC right now for a deposition (he’s a lawyer) and all of his lawyer friends keep saying he should come back with me some time to visit the Biltmore Estates… has anyone ever heard of them? visited them? would it be worth flying down from Rhodey and Philly for a weekend?
P.S. Kath mango is absolutely my favorite fruit!! The only drawback to moving out on my own last year is I no longer have my dad to cut up tons of mango for me! he always cuts the most perfect pieces!
LT says
MANGO!! sooo gooooood
Ange C. says
Kath- thx for answering which Smart Balance you use!
Your baked oatmeal looks like a giant oatmeal cookie! I’ve GOT to bake that soon.
JennS says
KellyT I LOVEEEEE your blog!
Michaela says
exercise question..I read somewhere that if you do high intensity cardio, such as running, you may want to avoid doing squats and/or lunges to prevent adding bulk. Have you found this to be true? I love to run but I am a little cautious about doing squats and lunges too often. I’ve played soccer all of my life so I already have muscular legs. Thanks!
DL says
What do you think of Skippy’s Natural peanut butter (roasted peanuts, sugar, palm oil, salt)?
Cara says
You make mango look so good. Too bad every time I try it I dont like it. i want to like it so bad though.
Kelly T says
JannS- haha, thanks. You love Kath’s, too, right?!
Ashley H says
That baked oatmeal looks A.MAZ.ING. I cam definitly going to make that next week during my spring break!! I cannot wait!
Nanette says
Hi Kath, been reading for a couple of months now and I love it! Was wondering why you just post cals, fiber, and protein for each meal and not carbs or fat? Do you try and keep these macros balanced? I have been reading a quite a bit lately about a 40/30/30 ratio, some sayin the 40 should be protien, others recommending it be carbs. Also was curious to see what you thought about eating your weight in grams of protein when you workout regularly to help maintain/build muscle.
Thanks, can’t wait to get your point of view on these things!
mel says
DL- I loove skippys nat. pb!! I eat it everyday and you don’t have to ever stir it!! yum!
everyone- I love to workout (usually 4-5 times a week with 20-30 mins of cardio and weights) but sometimes i wake up and just dont want to I dont (like this am!) Do you all ever feel like this or am I just a slacker? haha Also, how does everyone keep from mindless eating if you are home a lot on a certain day or night? thanks!
Kiala says
I love Kelly T’s blog toooooooo!!!
Who is this “Kath”?
rachel k says
biltmore is beautiful! i haven’t been to the house…yet..but last week i toured their vineyards (my father in law is going to sell his grapes to them). the land is gorgeous. asheville, the town where the biltmore is located, is a really unique place. very hippie and mountainy at the same time–with lots of great restaurants, contra dances, artists, places to hike, camp, etc…
i recommend that you visit the biltmore! and tell me how it is;) i have a lot of friends who have been and have loved it–hopefully i will get my chance before too long!
Tracy says
Mel- you’re definitely not a slacker…but those days when I don’t feel like working out, I just picture how I would feel if I skipped…tired, guilty, less energetic…that usually changes my mind! And if you did skip your a.m. workout, there’s always the afternoon or evening ahead of you.
And mindless eating…I wouldn’t mind some tips either! But for me, if I’m a combo of hungry and bored, I usually snack on something that takes awhile to eat, like a 100-calorie bag of popcorn.
Tracy says
Kath- I already submitted one comment, but don’t think it went through so sorry if this is duplicate!
I love your banana baked oatmeal! Have you ever considered subbing pumpkin for the mashed banana? I think I might try it. I think I’ll still add the sliced bananas, but also add pumpkin pie spice, too. What other adjustments do think I should make?
Liz says
mmm mango. you should try trader joe’s or whole food’s frozen mango chunks. soo cheap, soo easy, soo delicious. the pineapple chunks too!
Nate says
Whatever you read is hogwash. Running is so intense (both in the caloric “burn” and in breaking down muscle) that runners don’t tend to bulk up just by adding a little resistance training. In fact, I’ve found that if I skip my weight training (I try to do 2x/wk on easy recovery run days) I lose muscle, and this hurts my running: I have less kick and am more prone to random injuries due to the way that running overdevelops some muscles (hamstrings) and not others.
I guess I have two pieces of advice:
(1) Do your squats and lunges. Something with side-to-side motion is good too for strengthening all that supportive tissue that keeps your joints in place etc. Don’t do so much that you’re maxing out or anything and definitely not so much that you compromise your next running workout, but enough so that you notice you lifted the next day.
(2) Strong legs are hot. Don’t be afraid of a little muscle. Be happy with what you got!
Oh and, uh, this reply is getting to be freakin’ long, so I’l cut it off soon, but let me say this (as a rare boy reader of this site) because it’s important for women: weight training really helps keep bones strong.
Betsy says
baked oatmeal again??? every time you eat it, it makes me drool at my desk. 😉
GreenTea says
I was wondering…does a veggie burger count as veggie or burger??
haha I mean meat/beans of course…and forgive me if I’m slow, but I for some reason can’t figure this out…
Nate – I love that there’s a boy commenting here! Please post more often, it’s refreshing to hear a male’s perspective on these things other than my father or boyfriends 🙂
BethT says
Rhodey –
Biltmore Estate is awesome, but more importantly, Asheville – the town it’s in – is REALLY awesome. You can do Biltmore Estate in a day, but make a weekend out of Asheville. It is a charming mountain town that is really quite metropolitan, with great restaurants (Early Girl Eatery and Tupelo Honey Cafe are two standouts) and a nice arts scene. GO.
Nate says
Thanks GreenTea (and a belated thanks for the tea recommendation yesterday. I picked up some Yogi ginger stuff last night… it’s good and strong!)
My housemate found one way to solve your veggie burger / meat riddle: I came home last night and found him–I kid you not–wrapping Gardenburgers in ham and frying them up!
Amanda says
I LOVE mango, but I can’t eat it without reciting the SNL skit “Talk to Mango” by Chris Katan.
Looks yummy.
I made Grilled PB & Banana Split sandwichs for breakfast.
BethT says
Green Tea – a nutritionist/RD I visited told me that it really depends on the ingredients. Many, like Boca burgers, are predominantly soy and therefore count as a protein serving. Others, like Gardenburgers, are heavy on grains and may count more like a starch. A lot of commercial “veggie” burgers don’t contain many veggies at all – it’s more about protein andor grains – so read the labels.
tvk says
I posted once before about Skippy Natural, and that the reason it doesn’t require stirring is because of the palm oil. Palm oil is an additional (saturated) fat, the harvesting of which does a great deal of ecological damage. I try to avoid all tropical oils (coconut, palm kernel oil) for this reason. I say, how much can a little stirring hurt for delicious peanut or almond butter?
Tara says
There’s a new shipment of shopping bags at (that’s the website that Kath’s lunch bag is from). Wow the new bags look CUTE!
Katie R says
Wow, it’s really nice to have a boy on here! Thanks for the advice on weight training, Nate, because I definitely have wondered about the effects of lifting on running as well! Hope you stick with the site!!
Oh and about the “veggie burgers”– that definitely sounds like something my brother would do!! Classic!
NCCarter says
Beth T,
Tupelo Honey is THE BEST. I had the yummiest asparagus and goat cheese omelette when I ate there in October. And those biscuits…..
DaisyMAY says
Today is Cristin on Eat like Me one year of blogging. does anyone know if Kath came first or Cristin did? Either way I love both blogs!
Kelly L. says
DaisyMAY- Christin came first. Kath has only been blogging since August.
rhodeygirl says
Actually.. Kath has been blogging for much longer… she started at CK.. right, Kath?
Thanks for the Asheville recs! I guess we are going to plan a fun early summer/late spring weekend out of it!
Caitlin says
Just had to weigh in on Asheville. GREAT town. I went for the first time a couple years ago for the Warren Haynes Xmas Jam (Google it if you love music) and just loved Asheville. I wasn’t familiar with the area and was expecting a backwoods mountain town, but I was wrong. Very artsy and cool. My only qualm is that they lay the hippie vibe on a little thick, which can be a little pretentious.
Actually, I’ve heard that Boone, NC (not too far from Asheville) is sorta like a rival town and that it might even be a little cooler in that it doesn’t have that pretentious-hippie vibe…
Caitlin says
Oh, and no, Cristin came first. Kath started her blog only after being a reader of Cristin’s.
Elizabeth S. says
Alright, I bought 6 boxes each of the Bigelow Eggnogg’n and Celestial Seasonings Nutcracker Sweet teas. I’m not a fan of either.
I will happily ship for free if anyone will buy them from me – 5 boxes are left of each.
Amandamoo says
If you can wait to visit Asheville till July… There is an annual festival there called Belle Chere (I always spell it wrong, so sorry in advance). It’s a free admission street fair with music, art, food, and tons of fun! Asheville is great in general but this is an amazing experience if you can make it!
Amandamoo says
Elizabeth S.-Where are you? I love to Nutcracker but have not tried the Eggnogg. E-mail me
BethT says
Boone is not a rival town. I went to college there. It is just more of a college town, and has just as much of a hippie vibe – sorry!
Julie says
I agree with the other comments about Biltmore. I’ve been a few times and it’s beautiful. I’ve never been in the spring but it’s supposed to be beautiful with the flowers blooming! Asheville is really cool too. As someone else said, I’ve heard a lot of good things about Boone too. There are a lot of nice spots to visits in the mountains here. We also have a few wineries that would be nice to visit if you’re interested in that.
Rae says
Elizabeth S.: Same question, where are you? I LOVE Eggnoggin’! My email is: Thanks!
Kelly L. says
Does anyone know of a veggie burger that has a lot of veggies? I am looking for ways to get more vegetables in my diet. Any suggestions?
Caitlin says
Appalachian State? I know someone who went there. Ah well, if it’s the same deal, I guess I’ll just stick with Asheville – unless Warren moves his show to Boone! 🙂
Allie says
Rhodeygirl – Funny you ask, I was born and raised about a half hour from the Biltmore. The wines are pretty good, so I’d check out the tasting room.
In general, it’s a gorgeous area (I’m biased, of course) and there are tons of great restaurants and shopping in Asheville (which is essentially the same place). I would recommend checking out the restaurants in Biltmore Village, and places around the Grove Arcade/downtown Asheville if you want loads of choices close together! Asheville also gets some great music – check the Orange Peel or Warren Wilson.
And there’s so much to do out of doors – Pisgah Forest in Brevard, NC is great for day hikes and there are falls nearby, as well. The area is full of cute, small mountain towns with picturesque main streets. Not the most exciting place, but definitely nice to visit.
NCCarter says
Kelly L – are you looking to have veggies in a veggie burger because you don’t like them in plain form? I love veggie burgers, but I never really think of them as veggies (just read the labels…lots of flavorings and other stuff in there). I do love the Spicy Black Bean burgers from Morningstar Farms…that’s my favorite.
Honestly, if you’re looking to add more veggies, I would just keep raw ones cut up for snacks at your house. Even my 2 year old eats them like that with hummus. (Then again, she’s also really into Falafel, so I think she’s got adult taste buds). Also, if you haven’t tried making Kath’s pumpkin yogurt, it’s a great way to get some veggies in your day, too.
Hope this helps. Not sure if it’s really what you were looking for.
rhodeygirl says
Allie: oooh thanks!
Caitlin: whoops sorry! I thought DaisyMAY was asking about blogging in general 🙂
BethT says
Kelly L – the problem is something has to bind the veg burgers together, and usually that is soy protein or grains. I think Sunshine Burgers may have a higher portion of veggies in the mix, but like NCCarter says, I wouldn’t look to veggie burgers as a veggie source – more of a protein source.
Kelly L. says
NCCarter and Beth T- I was afraid of that. The reason I was looking for a veggie burger with more veggies is because I am not a fan of raw veggies. I’ll eat most veggies cooked but the raw thing I can’t do. I love boca, morningstar, Amy’s etc. burgers but I know they have a combo of soy, beans, grains, and veggies. They are still a great protein source but I was just being hopeful of something with more veggies. Oh well! I tried. Thanks ladies!
Stacey M. says
Kelly L.,
I faced the same problem yesterday actually because I was craving a veggie burger and am trying to limit my intake of soy (I feel it’s too high). Dr. Praeger’s makes GREAT veggie burgers that are, literally, entirely veggie-composed. I’m surprised no one mentioned this. There are numerous products, but here’s a link to the one I think you’re looking for:
BethT says
Hmm…another way to sneak in veggies is to use things like marinara sauce, salsa and tomato soup which are usually just pureed tomatoes. If you like these things, you can add them in to your diet and get a lot of healthy veggie servings!
NCCarter says
I agree with Beth T about the marinara sauce. I made one last week that has carrots, celery, onion, and lots of tomato.
I had forgotten about the Dr. Praeger’s line of veggie products. They’re good!
I also love roasted or grilled veggies. I have an indoor grill and we’ve been trying things out on that. They keep well a day or 2 as snacks, too, so if raw isn’t your thing, you may want to try that.
Betsy says
dr. praeger’s california veggie burgers are AMAZING. and packed with veggies.
also, trader joe’s indian veggie burgers (used to be called nirvana burgers, i think they’re called masala vb’s) are really really delish.
Kelly L. says
Thanks girls, I appreciate it. I will say that when it comes to sneaking in the veggies I have NO problems doing it with salsa. I literally put it on practicaly everything. Eggs, sandwiches, dips, crackers, potatoes, etc. I can eat it by the spoonful, which is odd considering I don’t like raw veggies or raw tomatoes. Who knows!
I forget that marinara is a great veggie source, especially a homeade one with added veggies. Thanks for all the suggestions.
Patricia says
rhodey girl,
I LOVE Biltmore Estate. It really made an impression on me…
I went to the White House and Versailles after visiting Biltmore… and I have to say, they didn’t impress me the way Biltmore did! I guess it’s because it was my first experience with a estate. I went over Christmas holiday, and the house is decorated beautifully!
I hope you have a good time!
Tsbrown says
rhodey girl,
Asheville is great and Biltmore is beautiful. Downtown Asheville has lots of good restaurants and cafes- very fun! You should go, you would love it!
katieb says
Hmm – anyone else realize how hooked they were on Kath’s blog today? I thought I was a casual reader until I caught myself refreshing the page for the 1004th time hoping her lunch post was up 🙂 Thanks for creating such a refreshing, engaging blog Kath and for all the readers who have built up a great community!
NC says
rhodeygirl: Ashville is seriously the most beautiful part of NC.
that site has what to do and where to eat guides and “outdoor adventure” coupons 🙂
Allie: OMG so then you’re familiar with the highway that winds around and around and around a mountainside? I had to drive down it in the pouring rain one time and it was one of my scariest driving experiences ever!
KellyL: I used to hate all veggies except for baby carrots and iceberg lettuce but I started going to a farmer’s market and trying stuff and I LOVE most of them now.
Have you tried mashed cauliflower? (I like mashed quinoa and cauliflower way better than mashed potatoes)
I second NCCarter’s suggestion to try grilling veg… grilled summer squash or eggplant or portobellos are so good in wraps or sandwiches w/ fresh mozzarella, tomatoes, and a lil balsamic. Lasagna is also an excellent vehicle for serving veg… Kath’s MIL’s vegetable lasagna was really good.
NC (need to change my name) says
Just wondering… who all is from North Carolina? where?
Anne says
lol, katieb, i was doing the exact same thing! apparently i’m addicted!! and it’s a great distraction at work 😉
Tara says
katieb – me too! How funny!
Poor Kath, we keep her chained to this blog….we notice if she’s just a few hours “late” on the post! No worries Kath, hope you are having a great time!
BethT says
i am formerly of NC – lived in Hickory and Chapel Hill for 13 years along with college in Boone!
but I moved to San Francisco in July…
Lucy says
omg! I’ve been refreshing so many times this afternoon to see what Kath had for lunch today! Looks like I’m not the only one. 🙂
BethT – welcome to California! How do you like the bay area?
Tina says
Beth T,
How did you like the Chapel Hill area? My fiance and I are thinking about moving there this summer/fall.
caitlin (in FL) says
OMG where is the lunch post?! 😛
BC says
Glad to know I’m not the only one refreshing the page :]
BethT says
The Bay Area is awesome!! I love it here! A little pricey, but the weather cannot be beat and the scenery is gorgeous. I love it!
Tina, re: Chapel Hill: I also love it there! I read your blog and will post a more detailed comment there…
Amanda says
I think my posts are going in your spam folder?
Amanda says
Ok, nevermind. Problem must be fixed.
I love Mango’s as well, but I can never have them without reciting the SNL “Talk to Mango Skit”. It drives my husband crazy. 🙂
ali says
I live in Raleigh 🙂
Kath says
Emma ,
Thanks for the tip on pre-workout snacks. I think if I worked out any time other than early morning I’d want more fuel, but something about first thing makes me just want a piece of toast!
Kathryn ,
So glad to hear the great feedback – keep up the good work!
Katie R,
I do take a multi – check the FAQs 😉
Susan ,
Usually 1/3 to half a serving. I don’t measure exactly, but I try not to have too much since I’m usually on my way to lunch.
Nadia ,
So glad you enjoyed the oatmeal! It is delicious 🙂
Sloan ,
We used them on Sunday night, and I just put another in dinner! But I do want to cook with it more, so thanks for the recipe.
rhodeygirl ,
I second (third? Seventh?) a visit to Biltmore!! Asheville is SUCH a cool town – tons of really great restaurants and it’s very walkable. We have a B&B that we really liked there if you want a recommendation. My favorite restaurant is this vegetarian place called The Laughing Seed – with a second of Tupelo Honey Cafe. But back to Biltmore, there’s SO much to see and do on the grounds. Restaurants, wine tasting, walking in the gardens. I highly recommend a visit – it’s so romantic too! They have concerts in the summertime and the Christmas season is just spectacular.
Michaela ,
I think bulky legs is mostly genetic – I have them and find that the leaner I am all over the more I love my muscular thighs! I would think squats and lunges would only make them more defined, not bigger.
DL ,
I would prefer something with just peanuts and maybe salt, but that kind is still way better than the trans-fats brands.
Nanette ,
I mostly just keep track of the calories, and started posting the fiber and protein because I think it’s interesting to see what role they play in satiety. I suppose fat would be a good addition to throw in the mix, but I’m not too concerned with carbs. Americans get more than enough protein, so I’m not worried about getting “enough” of that. And I’ve always eaten at least 50% carbs – I just eat what I want, try to balance food groups, and keep an eye on portions and calories.
Tracy ,
I have big plans for variations on the baked oatmeal – you bet pumpkin is one of ’em! I do think I’d keep the bananas in there – it’s just not the same without them!
Nate ,
You’re a hilarious and wonderful part of the blog!
katieb ,
Thanks – I think I’m going to hit 1,000,000 pageviews tomorrow night!
Jennachica says
Has anyone tried using egg whites instead of a whole egg in the baked oatmeal? I want to make it tomorrow am but only have whites in my fridge! Thanks!
Kath says
Jennachica ,
Egg whites would work just fine – add the equiv. to 1 egg (I think 1/4 a cup?)
Julie says
NC – I’m from NC – Greensboro. I’ve lived around this area my whole life. I just started dating someone from Cary so I’m getting familiar with that area. My best friend lives in Concord (near Charlotte) – I love to go visit her!