The roach is gone. You guys should have seen how brave I was. I got the killer spay and got REALLY close – like 3 feet! – and sprayed and sprayed. But he just kept twitching and running in circles. I hate to see anything suffer, but he should know better than to come inside my house. When he was finally dead (about 30 minutes later) was was too scared to suck him up in the vacuum because he would still technically be in the house. So I used the broom to maneuver him into the dust pan and then pushed the pan with the broom out the door. Whew! One down, ??? to go. We had a major roach problem last summer that started in June and I was hoping we might have found the right outdoor spray this year, but that’s 3 that we’ve found indoors in almost 2 months.
Tongue, Cheeks + Fingers
I had an appointment uptown at 3pm so while I wasn’t terribly hungry at 2pm, I knew I had to eat then or wait until 4 or 4:30. I didn’t want to risk being starving, so I decided to eat.
I heated a MorningStar Original Griller (which I decided I hate and will never buy again – thank goodness this was the last in the box) and had it on a potato bun with ketchup , mustard , and pickles . Doesn’t it look like he’s sticking his tongue out!?
I also had a cheeky nectarine (which turned out to be half rotten)
And some fingerling carrots from the CSA
Plus seltzer –
Trapped By Books
After my appointment I stopped by the good-but-small farmer’s market for a few things for dinner.
I got a handful of local things – broccoli, peppers, a peach , a pint of tiny plums , and the best blackberries ever! I ate about 1/3 of the pint berry by berry for a snack , so I have no photo.
And after that, I went to the library to look for some good books (1,000 Splendid Suns was great but sad!). I had the list of about 25 books and authors you guys recommended last week and NONE of them were checked in! How annoying. But I did come away with a Jennifer Weiner and one that just kind of looked interesting. But the library sucked my afternoon away from me – I was there for over an hour!
Something Fishy
I’m on my own for dinner tonight so I decided to try one of my recipes for development. Mystery Sauce Salmon . The fish turned out excellent, but I need to work on the sauce. Wish I could share it with you! I finally nailed cooking salmon – in a very hot skillet with a 1/2 tsp of canola oil for only 2 minutes or less per side.
I also made some Balsamic Baked Broccoli , which is just broccoli doused in Wiliams-Sonoma balsamic vinegar and baked for 10 minutes at 375*. I love broccoli this way – it’s still crunchy but very tender too.
Lastly, I cooked a serving of orzo , which I covered with the mystery sauce as well.
Reading date by candlelight –
We’re experiencing a horrible thunderstorm right now so I better get away from the computer. It’s hailing money out there!
(PS. My throat is not better – and I can tell my nose is starting to stuff. Argh!)
VeggieGirl says
That roach had it coming ;0)
Balsamic baked broccoli?? Sound scrumptious!!
Ahh, hope your throat heals soon!!
Foodie (Fab and Delicious Food) says
I hope you feel better soon!
Steph says
Goodnight Nobody was pretty good. A little bit mystery and chick/lit all in one.
I’m currently reading “The Lovely Bones” but I’m having a hard time getting in to it. Has anyone read it and enjoyed it?
Becky in MD says
I had a hard time getting into it too, and eventually just stopped trying. Sorry I’m no help!
Is the mystery sauce made w/ olives?? It looks kinda like an olive tapenade…..
AB36 says
lovely bones is really good 🙂
kath – how do you bake the broccoli? do you put it in a glass dish? or do you put it on tin foil??
Justy2003 says
Oh no, I hope you’re not getting sick! You were sick just a couple weeks ago…it can’t be your turn again! Rest up!
Those fingerling carrots are so cute! They’re like baby carrots but NATURALLY that small! 🙂
Laine says
Ok, most of the time we have complete opposite taste in food but if that sauce is anything like an olive tapenade, I will be buying your cookbook!
Kath says
Steph ,
I read Lovely Bones a long time ago and liked it. I think it is on the depressing side though.
Becky in MD,
I can’t give away hints!!
I just used a regular metal cake pan.
Justy2003 ,
Maybe I’m not washing my hands enough or something! It’s all this traveling.
Kelsey says
Mmmmm, sometimes salmon tastes so so good. The mystery sauce looks interesting, hopefully you will be able to divulge all your secret recipes soon!!
The Idle Loaf says
I agree the mystery sauce looks like it has olives — good luck with the recipe tinkering!
KatieF says
Goodnight Nobody was enjoyable…Jennifer Weiner has written better but it wasn’t bad. Good for a nice easy summer read. 🙂
Katie says
congrats on winning that battle! i feel your pain…my husband and i just moved to charlotte a few weeks ago from the midwest and we have been introduced to THE ROACH. i met the roach on my deck when i was letting my dog out a few nights ago-yuck! as far as i know, he and his friends haven’t made it inside yet! anyway, i’ve never left a comment before, but just had to this time 🙂 also, i really enjoy your blog…you do such a great job!
Chris says
Kath: I was thinking that you were brave to get near enough to take its photo, much less spray and dispose of it. Here in South Florida, we are currently dealing with tree frogs and lizards in addition to all of the “normal” stuff. They blend into the color of the wall and try to get in….so, so gross. I just fast walk in and out of the house and worry the whole time that they are going to jump on me.
Question…when you started to build up your running distance, did you follow a particular program, or just tried to go further and further each time?
Megan says
Lovely Bones was good…once you get past the really sad beginning…it’s one of those books that you’re not sure you like until you get done reading it and you realize it was great…if that makes sense. Lucky is another one by her (can’t remember her name!) that is pretty good.
MKM says
Chris – I have to do the exact same thing – fast-walk into and out of the house to prevent lizards (which I am SO afraid of) from coming in the house!! One way to possibly cut down on the problem is by trimming or reducing foliage/bushes around the door. It worked for the lizards, so it might work for tree frogs, too.
B_Hlthy says
Chris- I have started building up my running routine as well and thought I’d advise ..
I am now running 8 miles every other day at 7:00 & 7:30 minutes per mile
I started running as much as I could then doing 40 minutes on the elliptical ( which I grew to love after breaking an ankle)
I started at running a mile, then a mile and half, then 1.75, then 2 etc. and after my “reward” was the elliptical…
I worked up to 3 miles and 20-30 minutes on the elliptical per workout session… Then 4 miles and 15 minutes… Then I started just running the 4 every other day and trying to decrease my pace time. I have slowly increased my distance since reaching a 7 minute pace…
I kept the motto “If I can do 1 I can do 2.. If I can do 2 I can do 3… If I can do 3 I could totally do 4…4, why not 5…etc”
Hope this helps! happy running
Bridget says
Kath, I love Adriana Trigiani books! If you like this one, try the Big Stone Gap series (3 books). The characters she creates are so engaging.
Em says
Kath, your din din looks fab! You have me craving salmon. I think I’ll request my Mommy make me some when she visits next week! I always miss her special salmon- just reminds me of home!!!
More and more excited about your cookbook too! I still can’t get over how awesome that is!! You must be just tickled!! : )
And I can totally relate on bug problems… luckily we don’t have roaches…but it seems that summer weather just brings in critters no matter how hard you try!
And I hope you feel better! I had the exact same thing all last week… luckily it only lasts a week or two. My sore throat is gone, but I’m still a little clogged!
Have a great evening, and Happy Wednesday!
tiedtogetherwithasmile says
I bought those morning star burgers and I don’t like them either, I finally threw them out because I knew I would never make myself eat them.
I love Jennifer Weiner, I hope you like the book!!
goalie30 says
it’s been awhile since i posted but i thought i’d give everyone the heads up that i’m starting a blog; not a food or nutrition blog, something different than that, i’m just getting it together but it will be at let me know feedback!
Fit4Life says
hey kath! if you get a chance, i gave you an award at me blog!
hk says
so brave, i don’t know if i could get that close 🙂 dinner looks so fresh, simply, and delightful!! yum! have a great night~
Andrea says
Have you tried poaching salmon? Just put a fillet in a baking dish and use 1/2 cup water and 1/2 cup broth or wine, then season it with whatever you want, cover it in foil with a little tent, and bake it at 350 for 30 minutes and you’re done. The liquid ensure it’s never dry.
Also, Goodnight Nobody is J. Weiner’s worse book in my opinion, so if you think of it as “okay” don’t let it stop you from reading her other ones.
Boo roaches 🙁
Jill - GlossyVeneer says
I had never even seen a live roach until I moved to Vegas… and now I am way too relaxed about them. I can walk over and pick one up with a tissue and flush it. That’s a little creepy to realize that because they’re still absolutely disgusting!
Kinder says
I loved, loved, loved The Lovely Bones. I thought it was a beautiful book!
Dinner looks yummy!
Veronica says
Hi there. Love reading your blog. It’s inspiring how you seem to take such care to make your eating environment welcoming (candles, etc).
In regards to the roaches… I live in Florida and had a huge problem in my old apartment building. They came and put bait in all the dark crevices of the house/kitchen and after first finding more that were dead and dying, the problem went away.
The bait comes in what looks like a caulking gun and you can buy it at Lowes or Homedepot. It was highly effective in my situation. Good luck!
Jenn says
Just stumbled across your blog and love it! Those blackberries look absolutely amazing..
C says
Glad you got the killer roach!
You salmon looks interesting, do you cook it all the way through? Some places serve it medium is why I asked. I cook it through, medium skeeves out the dear husband.
Sidi says
Don’t get sick! You do it too seriously…
maran says
I feel your pain! On my way out the door this morning I wanted to grab a glass of water and I opened my kitchen cabinet and there was one of those juicy guys running around in there. That is roach number 4 for me now. I was on the late side so I have left him in there until after work. Hopefully Joe makes it home before I do! Or he just gives up and dies on his own. Haven’t seen you in a coon’s age. Let’s get together soon!
Suzanne says
YUM, that fish looks so good. I love fish, but I hate cooking it because it always comes out rubbery. So I usually order fish when I go out to eat.
I buy frozen fish from Trader Joe’s, because I don’t have a place that sells good fresh fish around me.
Occasionally I will buy fresh fish from the supermarket, but I freeze it and use it later.
Do you buy your fish frozen or fresh? If it’s frozen, how do you get it to taste good?
By the way, did you find bread that you liked? (You asked us all for opinions a while ago. Just curious what kind you went with!).
Heather says
GROSSSSS… but I feel your pain. Roaches are pretty much the nastiest bugs ever. *Shudder*
The salmon looks great! Is it kind of crispy on the outside? That’s what I always aim for and it never happens.
Hope you enjoy the book! I love Jennifer Weiner… Little Earthquakes was my fave.
DaisyMay says
I know that a group of you are in Boston cause you are going to meet Kath. Lucky! I am going there this weekend.
Any good dinner places to go?
Ashley says
I had the Lovely Bones for about two years before I actually sucked it up and got through it. The first few chapters were tough but it was really a fabulous book. Perhpas fabulous isn’t a great word because it’s pretty depressing haha. But it’s definitely worht getting through the first few chapters.
jessica says
Hey there, thought I’d pop out of the woodwork and introduce myself. I’m a weight loss blogger that has been around for a few years, and a reader turned me onto your blog. I’m inspired by your commitment to eating REAL food — it’s something I try to hold myself to, but find that when I get stressed and busy, I slip and start reaching for the 100 Calorie Packs… and then feel crappy, so I slip even further. Anyway, just wanted to say hello and keep up the great blog, I love reading about your food and you’ve inspired me to take pictures of what I’m eating!
CourtneyS says
Kath, I enjoyed Goodnight Nobody a lot! JW is a great author and has a fun sense of humor that comes across in all her books. Little Earthquakes was good, too. I really enjoyed The Lovely Bones, which I think I read when it first came out and read it all in one night during a snowstorm. I LOVE libraries in the summer…they’re so quiet and cool when it’s hot outside.
Your dinner looks great and hopefully all those superfoods will kick your cold to the curb.
Nicole says
I’m totally ignorant when it comes to cooking salmon, but that’s what I’m having for dinner tonight. I was just wondering if your ‘perfected salmon cooking method’ works for frozen salmon? Or would it need to thaw first? told you I have no idea what I’m doing…I think it’d be safer for me just to throw it in the blender and make a smoothie =/
Sarah says
DaisyMay—I’m in love with Maggiano’s Little Italy if you’re into italian foods! 🙂
kristin point says
Steph- I lovedd the lovely bones. I was bawling on and off during the whole thing though, very sad, but beautiful.
SweetsandSweats says
Ugh!! Insects in the house. We have been dealing with an ant problem for the past few months. It is definitely a losing battle, no matter what we buy!!!
I love a night without the husband sometimes so I can relax, eat what I want and enjoy a great book!
Allison K. says
Roaches= gross. We don’t have them where i live..too dry! although once growing up there was a scorpion in our living room..the dog was trying to play with it!
I just finished one of Jennifer Weiners new books ” Certain Girls” it’s a sequel to “Good in Bed.” Both are awesome!
runjess says
Don’t give up on Morningstar completely–I just bought their Spicy Black Bean burger and it’s really good.
I’m almost done with The Robber Bride by Margaret Atwood. Love it.
Ange C. says
Glad to have you back! Reading about your SF blogher conference was great fun.
As for those books…I have to agree that Goodnight Nobody was really slow and not Jenn Weiner’s best. I had to MAKE myself finish it! Good in Bed was more fun and entertaining for sure. And Lovely Bones was amazing…kinda dark but a great read.
Kath says
Whoa – lots of good comments to respond to!
Katie ,
Welcome to Charlotte! Let me know if you’re up for lunch someday or a double date!
Chris ,
I just go a little further each time and built up gradually. I’ve always been able to run 3-4 miles in a row, but I’ve worked up to 5 and 6.
Welcome back!!
goalie30 ,
Welcome back too!!!! I look forward to reading your blog 🙂
Fit4Life ,
Thanks Lexi, I am honored.
Jill – GlossyVeneer,
You are super human brave!
Veronica ,
We have some of that bait stuff – peanut butter-like mmmmmm!!! No wonder the roaches like it 🙂 Hopefully that’s what’s killing them/slowing them down so I can spray them.
Jenn ,
Welcome to KERF!
No, I didn’t cook it all the way through. I like mine medium rare and tender. Nothing’s worse than overcooked meat! (except, maybe roaches!)
Maybe we share a roach family??!
Suzanne ,
I haven’t had as much luck with frozen salmon, but other kinds of frozen fish, yes (tilapia, cod). I think I’m going to just start keeping the bread out of the fridge. I loved Rudi’s Sweet Honey Wheat but I think the fridge ruined it and made it dry.
Heather ,
Yes, it was crispy!! VERY hot pan, a half tsp of canola oil and don’t touch it for a while once you lay it in.
jessica ,
Welcome to KERF!!
Nicole ,
You definitely need to thaw it complete first, which is best done in the fridge overnight. It does take some planning but I think veggie burgers are the only foods that I can think of that can go from frozen to cooked without thawing first.
runjess ,
Are the black bean ones onion-y?? That’s my hesitation.
Katie says
I love Jennifer Weiner’s books. I have read all of them. Right now i am reading Change of Heart, which you just read.
Lauren says
Dousing broccoli with balsamic vinegar is my favorite way to eat it! I really like to pan-grill the broccoli and balsamic, then top it with a little grated reggiano or romano cheese. Delicious!
Thank you for the tip about cooking salmon. I have never tried cooking it with canola oil, but it sounds like doing so would make the salmon very tender.
Lauren says
Also, if you’re looking for another book to read sometime soon, I recommend “The Unaccustomed Earth” by Jhumpa Lahiri. It’s a short story collection, and I think you’d like it! She’s a really great writer.
Andrea says
I love salmon anyway I can get it but most especially grilled. Mmm!
Are these those big wood roaches you are getting (look like normal roaches but are like 3-4inches long)? Man I hate those things. They are attracted to dampness and light. They love damp wood and dirt, so if you have that around your house it might be drawing them in.
For veggie burgers, I really like Amy’s brand. They are meatier and have a better taste than Morningstar, IMO. I always season mine up though with some worchestershire sauce and garlic powder as it’s cooking.
Tracy says
Congrats on your prospect of writing a cookbook!! I’m so excited for you and can’t wait to see the end product. That said, it’s KILLING me that you won’t be sharing all your recipes!! I look forward to reading them and have made several! Good luck!
Claire says
Here are some Boston ideas:
My favorite places for brunch
are The Paramount (Beacon Hill-best sweet potato fries) and Aquitaine, which is a little more upscale but really reasonable for brunch! Stella in the south end is really fun for dinner and drinks. Early in college I hostessed at Sorellina right by Copley Square and it is very upscale but fabulous tuscan food; they also own Mistral which is an older upscale french restaurant. Hamersley’s Bistro in the south end is fabulous and fresh. Harvest and Oleana are two restaurants in Cambridge which feature a lot of local ingredients. FuGaKyu in Brookline and Douzo are the two best sushi places I’ve been to. And last but not least, two great lunch places are Sonsie and Parish cafe, both in Backbay and have space to eat outside. I hope this helps
-from a foodie in Boston