I’m having a Spectacular Saturday – just like this crew!
<3 Moulin Rouge!!
Matt and I bummed around. I got my hardwood floors really clean!
Would you believe my Google apps are EMPTY!!?! All caught up!
Around 11:30 Matt and I set out for the gym – all suited up!!
We biked to the gym (~18 minutes)
Spent ~15 minutes lifting weights
And then swam!
Our pool (I think our pool is 25m but I’m not 100% sure):
My new suit + goggles were awesome. I felt like I grew scales! I was faster too.
Today’s swim workout went SO MUCH BETTER than earlier this week. Here’s what we did:
1) Warm-up
6 laps freestyle
2) Core set – repeated 3 times
6 laps freestyle fast
*rest just enough to catch breath*
25 free // 25 breaststroke x 3 (6 laps)
*rest just enough to catch breath*
25 kickboard // 50 backstroke // 25 kickboard (4 laps)
3) Sprint Ladder Finale
4 laps sprint // 3 laps sprint // 2 laps sprint // 1 lap sprint
Total swim time: 32 minutes
And guess what – today I got tired AND out of breath! Just needed to add in some faster laps. It was fun! Having new equipment definitely helped the enthusiasm too.
I took a quick shower there and then we biked home(~18 minutes) and were MORE than hungry for lunch!
Look who is BACK!!
I’m guessing this is not the same guy who played on our grill last year. Perhaps it’s his son. Matt and I think that last year’s father passed on to his son that he should spend some time on the grill hanging out with us. A message through the generations!
Matt loves sardines even more than I do and always wants to make them on the weekends. Today we split a tin of herring!
From Trader Joe’s and smoked. It smelled like smoked salmon!! We both LOVED it!!
Don’t be scared!!
Mashed with some mayo, mustard, carrot, chopped spinach, lemon juice salt + pepper, and toasted sunflower seeds!!!
Served with a plethora of crackers – Livin’ Spoonful, Dr. Kracker cherry semolina and a half a sheet of Seedlander. Quote from Matt as we finished up lunch: "I definitely feel that Dr. Krackers are the best crackers I’ve ever had."
Plus pear + clem
And the last of my coco water from this AM
Going to READ A BOOK!!
homecookedem says
I just tried sardines for the first time a couple nights ago! They weren’t too bad… not ready to say they’re good yet, but I will give them another chance! I’ll have to try TJ’s brand out.
Freya @ Brit Chick Runs says
OH MY DAYS, don’t even get me started on the sheer JOY that is Moulin Rouge – I LOVE THAT FILM!! Hehe, seeing that video made me so happy 😀
Good call on lunch – I love fishie fish 🙂
Have a good afternoon!
Anna @ Newlywed, Newly Veg says
Hey Kath– I know you’ve used a lot of different cleaning combos for your hardwood floors– can I ask what you’re using now? I’ve been using commerical (re: full of chemicals) cleaner, but it leaves them a little dull, and I’d love to get them to really gleam. Thanks in advance!
Kath says
I’ve had the HARDEST time finding something that works!!
Here’s a post I did a while ago on cleaners:
But today I used the Shaklee green cleaner from this post and actually really liked it. It worked quite well!
zestycook says
Anna – the best thing i have ever used on hardwood floors is AVON Bubble bath! Diluted with water it works wonders. I even contacted commercial cleaning businesses and that is what they use.
Anna @ Newlywed, Newly Veg says
Thank you both for the suggestions!!! Zesty– bubble bath?!? Crazy!! But just crazy enough to work… 🙂
Kath says
Oh wow – I might just have to hunt some down!!
Kim says
Thanks so much! I was going to ask the same thing!!
Erin (Travel, Eat, Repeat) says
What a great lunch! I like having a lot of different foods to taste and a little bit of everything. 😀
Jil @ Peace, Love & Munchies says
Those smoked herring filets sound awesome. Yay for a great swim, too! Oh, and Moulin Rouge…is pretty much aaamazing.
Camille says
Moulin Rouge=Amazing movie!
My favorite part is when they are singing on the rooftop 🙂
That is one tasty looking salad!
Michelle @ Give Me the Almond Butter says
I still don’t have the guts to try sardines! You’re a very brave woman Kath 😉
Heather (Heather's Dish) says
what a great swim workout! i’m jealous 🙂 i really need to see if i can find Dr. Krackers somewhere nearby, they sound amazing!
Lauren @ A Fit Foodie says
What a great swim! How’s your body feeling? Think you’ll be running again soon or just swimming to heal?
Looks like you’ve had a perfect day so far and it’s not over yet!
Kath says
My leg is much improved but it’s still there – like a pulled muscle feeling? So I’m not ready to run yet. But I’m enjoying being kind of forced into swimming. I did it on a whim and think I”ll probably add it to the weekly rotation for a while 🙂
Tami@nutmegnotebook.com says
Glad swimming worked out well today. Lunch looks food except for the little fishes!
Sarena (The Non-Dairy Queen) says
Good for you! Sounds like a great workout! Love the lizard…we have one that comes out on the rocks on our patio and does push ups. We think he is trying to get the ladies! It cracks us up every time! Funny how something like that can be so entertaining!!! Lunch looks great. Enjoy your book!
Kath says
Ours does pushups too!!
Ann @ Appalachian Appetites says
You seem so happy! It makes me feel happy 🙂
The pool workout and lunch are a real inspiration…Need to get my act together!
Have a great night!
Jessie says
I remember during my freshman year in college, I came back from Thanksgiving vacation to find my roommate had taped a HUGE poster of Ewan McGregor in his Moulin Rouge character above my bed because she thought I said Moulin Rouge was my favorite movie. (Just so you know, my ACTUAL favorite movie is Mulan. At least her sentiment was good 🙂 ).
Have a nice day!
Lauren says
So, so glad to see you having a relaxing day! You work so hard all the time! You deserve it! Glad you had a good swim! 🙂
Keri says
My roommate and I JUST WATCHED Moulin Rouge earlier today!! Bwahahaha.
The presentation of your food stuffs looks absolutely fabulous, as per usual and ahhhhhh, those Dr. Kracker crackers continue to taunt me! =D
Stacey@http://stacey-healthylife.blogspot.com/ says
I want the plate of crackers, yummy and delicious. You can’t go wrong with a mix of crackers.
Jessica @ The Process of Healing says
Your salad sounds GOOD!!! I need to get over my fear and just go for it!
steph-exercise physiologist and artist! says
I am sooo impressed and I imagine that feels both really good but also a little uneasy like… hmmm am I forgetting something???
haha! that might just be me.
so awesome you are getting into swimming. Maybe this is the silver-lining on your injured leg cloud
Kath says
I go to bed every night with a clean inbox!!! Delegation to Tasks and Calendar helps tremendously!
Meg says
Your posts always brighten my day Kath 😀
Nadia says
Hi Kath! I have a question for you about running and eating – I tried to search it on your blog, but if you can direct me to a post that’s less work for you! 🙂 I’m training for a half marathon and I’m finding my tummy the hardest part! For example, today I woke up hungry so had oatbran and then ran about 1.5 hours later. I find my stomach gets upset during long runs and I’m afraid to run too far from home if you know what I mean… As far as energy during the run – I eat a dried pear in a couple chunks. I guess it’s all in experimentation what works for you? Also, I felt nauseated after the run, but I made a smoothie anyways and that seemed to calm it down. i’d appreciate any advice! 🙂 Feel free to email me!
Kath says
Sounds like you need to experiment with different strategies. 1.5 hours is probably not enough time to digest (I usually need 3 hours after a bowl of oats). Also, pear during a race is mostly fructose and dried fruit has a high osmolarity and can contribute to GI distress during the run. Have you tried a sports drink? They are 6-8% osmolar and are better for the gut. I’d also attribute the nauseousness to lack of fuel during the run, as the few runs I did without proper hydration and carbohydrate I felt weaker and sicker during recovery. Sports drinks are your best option! And maybe something with less fiber before you go.
Heather @ Health, Happiness, and Hope says
Doesn’t feel awesome to be all caught up!? Glad today was so productive for you, and swimming sounds like so much fun! 🙂
SallyH @ acountablelife.wordpress.com says
I bought a can of sardines in lemon and olive oil at World Market today. Excited and kinda nervous…
SallyH @ acountablelife.wordpress.com says
Oh, and I looked for those cherry Dr. Krackers which are on sale at our market, but no cherry semolina. Darn it!
AnnQ says
LOVE coconut water! Yummmmm!
Cynthia (It All Changes) says
Having all my appointments and things caught up always makes me giddy 🙂
lynn (The Actors Diet) says
mmmm herring! i’ve actually never tried “fancy” sardines like that – i bet i’d love it!
j says
Wow, being able to bike to your pool……sounds like a perfect Saturday morning. My hubby loves sardines, I find them too strong and “fishy” though. Enjoy the rest of your weekend 🙂
Jenn (www. j3nn.net ) says
LOL, I thought that pear was a raw potato at first glance. 😀
Great looking salad, I love seafood, so good for you!
Staci says
Thanks for the food ideas! Sometimes I get into a rut….great to find different takes on common foods! No thanks to sardines though. Your photos are great too –
Emily Simpson says
I just tried that ONE Coconut Water for the first time! It was pretty good. Definitely tastes like juice and is very sweet
Kacie@Nonexistent Colors says
Kudos for taking on swimming!! It kind of intimidates me, but I know once I start working at it, it will get easier! 😉
Megan @ The Oatmeal Diaries says
I am always tempted to try coconut water but never do… I think your review has given me the push I needed to try it!
Shawna @ Balancing Me says
Goodness are you organized! If i file an email into a folder, I always forget about it. My inbox is a mess with lots of labels!
How slimy are the sardines?
Kath says
I don’t think they’re very slimy? These were in olive oil, so that did make them slipperier?
Meaghan says
Hey Kath, I am looking into buying a camel pack for my half-marathon and noticed that you had one. Which kind so your recommend?
Kath says
Mine is the Charm but I think it’s an older model. Just look for one for women + running and you’ll find a good one!
Lisa says
I’m glad your swim is much better! Enjoy it!
Hannah says
I just discovered that herrings are as super yummy as sardines too. A bit “meatier” in texture, which I like. Yay omega 3s!
Simply Life says
Nice job catching up on emails! I love that feeling!