I thought I was done with them! Nope, I’ve got a wool one on today to keep warm. But looks like tomorrow and Saturday are going to be very nice – sunny and 72*.
Workout was great this morning, although getting up was harder because I was cold! I made it to the gym in good timing and hopped on the stepmill. It was HARD today!
I remembered once again to save you all some stats (can’t keep this up much longer – too many numbers to memorize!!)Time: 32:00
Level: 12
Max HR: 178
Avg HR: 167
Kcal burned: 291
Avg Mets: 11.4 (<—don’t ask me what those are because I don’t know, but someone asked me to record them once. I think they are some kind of energy unit burned)
Ironically, despite the sweater use, today was the first bowl of overnight oats of the summer! I made it last night and was kind of regretting it because I knew I’d be cold, but it turned out to be A.wesome!!!
The Mix:
Last night:
- 1/3 cup oats
- 1/3 cup vanilla soy milk
- 2/3 cup TJ’s European yogurt
This morning:
- 1 tbsp flax
- 1 tbsp wheat germ
- 1/3 cup diced mango
- Half banana (leftover from yesterday)
- 1” x 2” Great Harvest Power Bar —–>
- Dollop Barney Butter in the middle (because yogurt requires more spoonpower)
I had forgotten how wonderfully deliciously DOUGHY overnight oats are!!!! I loved eating this bowl.
French Press Spring Blend. I love the French press now. It is more hand’s on, but still much less work than a pot (which was harder to clean and still took some time to drip).
Last night I finished two more case studies – rock on!!! I can count the remaining assignments I have to do on one hand!!! (Not including final exams and 2 more hard tests…
See y’all for lunch!
tina says
Gorgeous photos today!
P.S. I forgot about our talk too! Perhaps this weekend?
Maureen says
Yay, almost done! What are you doing for the summer, Kath?
Jane B. says
Do you use a HR monitor? If so, which kind? Do you recommend it? I want one, but I’ve always wondered if that chest band is uncomfortable during a workout.
Also – is the stepmill the giant staircase machine?
Kristin @ Iowa Girl Eats says
oooo doughy?? That sounds REALLY good! I had my first try of Barney Butter ever today….life changing!!
Shannon (The Daily Balance) says
I still haven’t tried overnight oats! Hearing you describing them as DOUGHY makes me want to right away, though!
everything looks delish! 😉
Meghan at Making Love In The Kitchen says
Glad we’re not the only ones freezing. Though the snow we had in April… no one here is smiling at that. I am so ready to switch to my summer breakfasts.
Nicole says
Good luck with the rest of your work! Woohoo! Stay warm.
VeggieGirl says
It’s 33°F here, with about 7 inches of snow. Welcome spring?? Haha 😉
Enjoy your Wednesday!!
Meg says
I see another yummy GH treat! Is there anything they make that doesn’t look good. Are they doing the bread bunnies for Easter this year? I love those things!
Beadie @ What I Ate Yesterday says
I am thinking I might try making overnight oatbran to eat on mornings that I feel warm. If I work out before work, I get really warm and don’t want to eat a bowl of warm oatbran.
Lisa says
“Spoonpower.” I love it!
Courtney (The Hungry Yogini) says
Yah, what’s with the cold spike!?!? I thought I lived in Florida!
The oats look yum. Gotta love cold muesli =)
Red Head, Yellow Dog says
doughy?? I do love dough! I may just have to give overnight oats a shot once this cold spell is over! brrr…
good job on the productivity! nothing more rewarding then checking things off your todoist 🙂
Michelle Hisae says
I love my “M” cup from Anthropologie. 🙂 And french presses are amazing! I love the thickness of the coffee – it gives it more depth! And it”s so easy and portable!
coco says
overnight oatmeal seems to be a perfection combo for summer time! 😀
life coach jen says
I feel you on the cold temps this morning, but atleast the snow we had yesterday has melted! I still had my regular old hot oats, but your “doughy” oats sound pretty darn good!
brandi says
we love french press, too. we’re about to buy a BIGGER one so we don’t have to make 2 cups separately.
megan says
So the overnight oats are cold? I’m still looking for a way to enjoy oatmeal more – maybe I’ll try this! Thanks for the idea 🙂
K says
I’m not a big oatmeal eater but overnight oats are SO GOOD!
rhodeygirl says
yum yum yummmmmmmmmmmmmm.
i was just wondering when you’d be eating your first summertime oats special. same thing with smoothies! i won’t be making any smoothies until august since my blender died and the new one is in philly, so i plan on living vicariously through yours.
EllisIslandCasinoLasVegas says
Sooooo good!!!, thanks for the idea.
Susan says
I’m not even a huge oatmeal fan, and those summer oats look tasty! If only they would make summer hurry up and get here!
Sharon says
Awesome!! Glad to hear you’re almost done!
jen says
are the oats raw when you mix them in with liquids to sit overnight? dough sounds good and makes me want cookie dough. om nom nom.
hmm…maybe i can imagine up a healthy overnight cookie dough dough oats. chocolate chip and/or raisin?!?! 🙂
cindy says
Hi Kath- o.k. we have a GH in our Town, but I have never been there. That power bar maybe just the thing to get me there. Disect it for me, what is in it? calorie count, flavor. It looks dense and grainy, something I may like. Thanks for the info.
zestycook says
Oh dear…. this photos are making me starving… KATH stop it 🙂
Betsy says
Oatmeal today looks particularly enticing!
And yeah, ugh, I have on a sweater and the heater in my office. Spring, please?
Angie says
Beautiful breakfast today, as usual! I’ll have to give the overnight oats a try- never made them before.
JENNA says
I have never tried overnight oats but these do look and sound pretty good. I need to give them a try. Good luck getting all your work done b-4 your family gets there!
Kara says
I hate getting out of bed when it’s cold!
Weekly Bite says
I love overnight oats! I have to work that back into the breakfast rotation 🙂
Heather McD (Heather Eats Almond Butter) says
Yogurt takes more spoon power. Ha, love it! Glad you enjoyed the first overnight oats of the season. Have a good day Kath – hope you get to lose that sweater soon. 🙂
Sara says
hey kath,
overnight oats — you soak them, but do you cook/heat it in the morning? or are the oats “cooked” just from the rehydration/sitting in liquid? i’ve never tried this before, hope you might have some further instructions! thanks!
Sara says
p.s.:since you started giving us your exercise stats, is there a certain # of calories you aim to burn per day?
FreeGamesPogo says
yummmm looks awesome!!!
Run Sarah says
You are so productive! I need to take hints from you and get hwk done before easter weekend.
sue says
i’ve had a french press sitting in its box for years…i think you’ve finally convinced me that i need to use it!
Bec says
I know, I want the warm weather back!
Anne says
I also had a muesli-ish breakfast this morning…
made with the Nature’s Path Peanut Butter granola I just received in the mail!! thanks again!
Sarah (lovINmytummy) says
I’d love some overnight oats for breakfast this morning, but I guess its too late for that, huh?
Heather says
Spring must be here if we’re breaking out the overnight oats!! YAY!!! Looks so good!
Question about last night’s burger – how much worchestire sauce do you use? Thanks again for the recipe!
Christin S says
I think I am with some of the other commenters above that I would definitely love to have further direction on these deliciously doughy overnight oats! I usually do pre-pakcaged oats from TJ’s becuase I don’t have time in the morning, but this may be the solution to my time management problem! I would love to hear more about these oats if you have time. Thanks for all you share with us Kath!! 🙂
Kailey (SnackFace) says
Yesss overnight oats! I forgot what the proportions are, so thanks for spelling that out! DOUGHY is the perfect descriptor to get me to make these again 🙂
Rachel says
Your breakfast looks particularly inviting this morning. Hope it really does warm up for ya! Optimistic thoughts!
Marissa says
Love the mug!
Hallie says
I have not found my mojo with overnight oats. I’ve tried it a few times, and the oats came out…I dunno, gritty? I was just not a fan of the texture and I’m wondering if I just didn’t prepare them correctly, or if overnight oats is truely not for me 🙂
Laura says
We’ve had the same weather here in VA. I had to get my coat out again yesterday. 🙁
I love coffee from a french press!
Shannon says
METS are the level of O2 you need to complete a task I believe. For people who have had heart surgery, they are on a limited MET level determined by their physician so they don’t over exert themselves and cause more damage. 11 METs is pretty high!
Scoop says
Go you! I noticed you raised your average heart rate from the 150s a few days ago to 167! I occasionally take not of these stats and seem to hover around 155 on average. Anything higher would be off the charts for me.
Jess says
The few times I’ve made overnight oats, I’ve just soaked the oats and water overnight and added yogurt the next day. Does it make a difference?
Kath says
RE. Overnight Oats,
Oats are raw (I would have said “cooked oatmeal” otherwise). All you do is put them in a bowl with milk of your choice and yogurt of your choice and let them sit. Proportions dont’ really matter, but I always do equal parts of oats to liquid. Add ANYTHING else you like! There’s no magic – the oats just absorb lots of the liquid and it’s more like a thicker yogurt dough.
Maureen ,
I am going to be working with an R.D. in private practice! Sooo excited. And more recipe development and another freelance blogging project. And traveling in May! Can’t wait for this semester to be O.V.E.R.!
Jane B,
Yes, moving stairs.
Check the FAQ for HRM.
cindy ,
Check your GH to make sure they make them, as they do vary location to loc. It’s kind of crumbly like one of the Honest Foods Country Squares. Peanut buttery. I have no idea on the nutritionals, but it’s DENSE. But all wholesome! I use it sparingly.
Sara ,
I aim for an hour of activity (or more) a day. At the gym, that’s usually 45 minutes of cardio and 5-15 of weights ~ 400-450 kcal. Sometimes I just run for 40 minutes ~320, sometimes I just walk for an hour ~250, sometimes just yoga ~50-100 – so it varies. But most days I burn between 350 and 500.
Heather ,
2 glugs? 1 tsp??
Shannon ,
Thanks for the info!
Scoop ,
My really varies (5-10 beats) per day. Today (as I said) was a “hard” day on the stepmill so it was higher. I’ll try to post an “easy” day’s stats too sometime.
Jess ,
No idea if it makes a difference, but the recipe is so versatile that I don’t think the procedure matters much.
Shelby says
I love overnight oats! They are the perfect summer breakfast =) Fresh fruit is a must for me.
EatingRD says
Those oats look glorious! Here is a cool site showing all different MET values for various activities – http://prevention.sph.sc.edu/tools/compendium.htm
But, it’s basically a way to calculate one’s energy cost of exercise based on their oxygen consumption and intensity. 1 MET is = to roughly 1 kcal/kg/hour or 3.5 ml O2/kg/min Total kcals burned (estimate) = duration in min x ((METs x 3.5 x wt in kg)/200)
I also wanted to ask you if you had your house professionally painted? Or you guys did a great job 🙂 I absolutely LOVE your colors, and I noticed in the background that the transition lines look so straight! We’re getting ready to close on a townhouse soon and plan to paint the entire place, but I’m worried about the lines since we have textured walls here in Vegas and we don’t have much painting experience haha. Thanks!
Kath says
Thanks for the info 🙂
We painted our dining room (green) and living room (orange) ourselves, but the other rooms were painted (beige) when we moved it. It’s not as perfect as it seems up close!
The Duo Dishes says
That’s a beautiful mug! Very special looking.
Susan says
I find french pressed coffee is much easier too!! All I have to do is plug in my kettle, pour the water, then wait four minutes to steep. All this dripping into pots, and cleaning out complicated machines is too hard!! 😛
Meaghen says
Oh those oats look so good today!!!
Yay for almost being done the semester!!
Darrell says
Hi Kath, I love your site! I found it about a week ago and have been going back all the way to the beginning. It’s very motivating and inspiring and really helps me to learn about eating healthy, whole foods and adding variety at the same time (I notice you don’t tend to eat the same thing over and over again–well, except oatmeal but I totally understand that part!). Anyways, just wanted to thank you for such a great resource and I’ll be continuing to follow you and hopefully some of it will ware off on me LOL
Darrell says
PS Kind of a silly question but where can I find your FAQ? I don’t see a link for it anywhere…
Thanks again!
Lauren says
Okay this may seem like a dumb question, but I have never made overnight oats and was wondering if you still heat them in the morning? Do you use the microwave or the stove and is the difference truly noticeable?
I am very intrigued to try these.
Thanks Kath!
Kath says
Darrell ,
Thank you and welcome!
FAQ is at the top of the page on the right of the navigattion menu.
Nope – I just eat it cold like yogurt!
Darrell says
Thanks Kath, it must be my browser (Safari on a mac) because I only see up until favourites and then there’s a teeny little green box but no words or links. Maybe the formatting squished it. Darn us Mac users 🙂
Darrell says
Okay, sorry to be such a pain! But I figured it out. On my Safari browser, the FAQ is invisible but if I put the mouse under the “Home” tab, it shows up. Go figure LOL. Thanks!
Kath says
D –
That’s weird, but thanks for letting me know. It might be your computer resolution too?
Darrell says
I finally figured it out Kath, it was all my fault LOL I had the text enlarged so I could read it better and that’s what threw off the formatting (I used the little multitouch feature on the mac trackpad).I can’t believe I’m only 28 and magnifying everything already LOL. Anyways, mystery solved!
Oh, and I also made your oat pancakes this morning (although I have to admit I used a whole egg this time) and it was deee-licious.
Thanks again!