I’ve got to be in to work 30 minutes early this morning, so I’m in a bit of a rush. Again.
Eating while I type and MY GOSH today’s overnight oats are good!!
Last night:
- 1 container Oikos
- 1/3 cup oats
- 1/3 cup milk (I have found that slightly more yogurt than milk works really well for a thick consistency)
- 1 tbsp chia seeds (I don’t think I can have OO without chia these days! And my stock is almost gone – need to re-order STAT!)
- Pinch salt (def. optional but I still do it)
- Cinnamon
- Half a big banana
This AM: Crunchy Coconut Granola, TJs pumpkin butter, Costco PB
Shenandoah Joe and Pumpkin Spice Decaf blend
What the heck is THAT!?
Amanda says
That’s Barney’s head! HAHAH! :o) Have a good day!
Amanda says
I meant 🙂
Fit Lizzio says
antarctica? 🙂
Jessica @ How Sweet It Is says
Have a great day, too Kath!!! 🙂
Jocelyn@JocelynEatsFresh says
Look’s good! have a great day 😀
Cole says
As usual, your oats look amazing. Happy Thursday!
Karla says
Hope you have a stellar day!
Question about overnight oats: do they keep you as full as regular oats? Fuller because of all the protein in yogurt?
Kath says
Definitely. Maybe even fuller b/c of protein.
christie @ honoring health says
Boo for having to be at work super early; hope you have a great one anyway.
Oats look awesome!
Marisa (Loser for Life) says
Coconut granola sounds great! Have a stellar day, too!
amanda says
Have a great day after that nice bowl of oats.
Heather @ Health, Happiness, and Hope says
Looks fabulous Kath! Good luck today!
Erin (Travel, Eat, Repeat) says
It’s the blob! 😉 Your oats are taunting me — we’re still out of PB *and* bananas. Not sure what’s on the breakfast menu this morning.
Lauren @ eater not a runner says
Wow that looks like a great way to start the day 😉
Mary (Food Fit & Fun) says
i am eating overnight oats right now too! i made mine with 1/2 cup oats, 1/2 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk, 3 dates, 1/4 cup TJ’s Plain Greek Yogurt, Cinnamon, Banana, & Flax. My all-time favorite combo!
Haleigh says
i still have yet to try chia seeds, i really need to get on that
Sarah (Running to Slow Things Down) says
I see a cartoon frog face!!
Have a lovely day, Kath!!
Jess says
A penguin!
Babycakes says
it’s an upside down cupcake!! 🙂
Estela @ Weekly Bite says
Your breakfast makes me smile every morning 🙂
Have a great day!
Anna @ Newlywed, Newly Veg says
I agree– the chia seeds are what MAKE overnight oats (and actually, regular oats too) for me.
Have a great day!
Shannon (The Daily Balance) says
have a wonderful day! if the start is any indication, it should be GREAT! 😉
Lindsay says
It looks like the grinch’s face to me! Maybe I have winter on my mind cause I woke up this morning to snow and it’s coming down like crazy!
jane says
it’s slimer from ghostbusters!!!! tee hee.
Jessica @ The Process of Healing says
Pumpkin spice is the best!!!!
And I had an amazing combo of overnight oats this morning too! Thank you for introducing me to them.. i’m in love!!
Beth @ DiningAndDishing says
a puddle? 🙂
Sarah R says
It’s Australia! One of these days (probably when its warmer) I am going to try the overnight oats. I just can’t pull myself away from the warm ones when it’s on 10 degrees outside.
Jen says
HAHAHHAHA – it took me 3 minutes to figure out what OO meant. At first, I thought it had something to do with your intestines. Chia seeds are really good for digestion, right? 😉
jessicaamc says
it’s slimer from ghostbusters?? 😛
caronae says
I’ve discovered the overnight oats are tastiest with pupmkin yogurt! Try it sometime 🙂
JENNA says
gah/// those OO looks absolutely amazing today!!!!!!!
holly says
its a monster from monsters inc!!!!! 🙂
Heather (Heather's Dish) says
that’s totally barney’s head….or an earless mickey mouse?
enjoy your day! 🙂
Meg @ Be Fit Be Full says
It’s an obese packman. Totally.
I am drooling over your breakfast….as usual!!
Salah@myhealthiestlifestyle says
That breakfast looks so amazing! I’ll be trying those overnight oats soon!
Paige(Running Around Normal) says
I do like chia seeds in my overnight oats! Hate that chia pudding, though.
I need to try my hand at adding yogurt into the mix. I usually just do almond milk.
Danielle (Coffee Run) says
Overnight oats save me a lot of rushing in the morning!
Have a great day 🙂
Jenna says
I just saw tj pumpkin butter the other day at tjs and I thought of all you bloggers!
Have a good day at work!!
Mama J says
hi KERFers,
i’m having an oikos giveaway today and this post reminded me of another good use for it :). i know this is a greek yogurt loving crowd and just wanted to share the love!
Mara @ What's For Dinner? says
One of these days, I’ll make some overnight oats… do you warm them up or eat them cold? I think the shape in the coffee is an upside down skull, for sure 🙂
Julie @ Peanut Butter Fingers says
i’m not sure what the foam picture is today… but it looks tasty!
Anne Marie@New Weigh of Life says
I’ve never tried overnight oats, but the look good!
brandi says
that little pinch of salt is so important! I’ve never left it out since I did the first time. In hot oats or overnight, that little bit of salt just brings it all together.
Hope you have a great day!
Mae @ OhhMay says
Ifeel like I’m rushing every. day. I wish I knew how to break the cycle because it’s really irritating!!
Diana says
I can’ believe that you are still able to blog when you’re rushed…..Thank You!
Lauren says
I just craned my neck all sort of directions to figure out what that was in your coffee foam and i came up with…. nothing.
Heather says
Overnight oats are going to be on my breakfast menu next week – yours always look so good!
Your coffee looks like a giant amoeba.
Thanks for blogging even when you are rushed – I always enjoy reading it.
Kaite@ Two Lives, One Lifestyle says
If you turn the mug around, kind of looks like a cupcake! Squarish bottom edge with fluffy top edge? Or a muffin, but I’ll stick with cupcake 😉
Eliza M says
Your coffee looks like a ghost.. or…
Remember that movie? It was sooo bad.
Marla says
Kath,how can you do overnight oats(so cold from fridge!)in winter?I can understand in hot weather, brrrr.
But hmmm you aren’t up here in frosty Canada,maybe that’s how 😉
Errign says
An upside down cupcake?
skinnyrunner says
i like your sparkley stellar stars. hope you have a good day too!
Sami says
It’s the Grinch’s face!!
Sheila | Live Well 360° says
Kath! I’ve been reading the book I told you about, Bread and Butter (http://bit.ly/bread-butta), the one about Great Harvest and it is soooooooooooo good! You really learn a lot about the founders and their message about business and life in general. Anyway, its a great read and I wanted to tell you if you haven’t already picked it up, you should.
Have a great day!
Kath says
I didn’t know about that!!! Will research 🙂
Jil says
it’s a cupcake/muffin…upside down. haha can we see where my mind is this morning? haha
Allison K says
a prehistoric drawaing of a….mammoth? with no tusks. 🙂
Heather (The Single Dish) says
A man’s face with a top hat on?
Krista says
It looks like a little gremlin face! Good luck today!
Sophie @ yumventures says
Love pumpkin spice coffee! Can you get it year round?
Stef says
love your green bowl and coffee press, so pretty! have a great day at work 🙂
Megan says
OMG It’s def Barney–I second the person who said that!!
Have a great day!
Katie G says
pretty pictures!
Erin says
Purty green bowl!
About last night’s soup, it’s possible the squash was off b/c it’s kind going out of season.
Sara says
Those oats look delectable- hmmm, never thought of adding milk and yoghurt- I had that debate this morning whether I should have my kashi cinnamon oats with milk or Fage…and Fage won.
Cynthia (It All Changes) says
Turn it sideways and it looks like Maine. 🙂
LadyLara says
Kath where do you get your chia seeds from? Online? I went to Whole Foods and they didn’t have any!
Kate says
I got mine from Whole Foods, but they were labeled as Salba Seeds. They’re the same thing as Chia Seeds, it seems like after researching online. They were in the same sections as the packaged dry grains like couscous, quinoa, etc.
Kath says
I plan on ordering more from Open Sky. Or Navitas Naturals.
Jenn Eats Nutritiously Now says
It’s a bird? Have a great day!
Bev says
Have those same bowls and they just make oatmeal happier, don’t you think?
Julie says
teenage mutant ninja turtle
Freya @ foodfitnessandfreya.wordpress.com says
Oohh those oats do look delicious 🙂
You work soo hard, I think you should give yourself a day off from blogging!! Personally I like reading your posts, but damn you’re a busy woman!
Chelsea says
It IS Barney’s head!
Ash @ Good Taste. Healthy Me says
aw I hate rushed breakfasts! I like to savor the food. 🙂
Hannah says
I have GOT to find some pumpkin butter! It looks so so so glossy and wonderful here…
lynn (The Actors Diet) says
that’s a big old blob in your coffee. you’ve been slimed! (ghostbusters)
Kate says
Kath, if you wanted the same chia affect on regular oats, you could just soak it in the oats mixture for 30 minutes before cooking it on the stovetop. I tried that this morning – I mixed oats, water, milk, and a TBSP of chia seeds. But when I checked back in 30 minutes the chia seeds had practically soaked up all the water and milk! So I added some more milk and then cooked it like regular oats. I’m not sure if it was a success though because although my usual oats did seem more bulked up, it also tasted more watery – probably because of the extra liquid I added. Maybe it will work better if I just soak the TBSP of chia seeds 30 minutes (or overnight) and then just add them to the oat mixture before cooking. Anyway, just things to experiment with! =)
Kate says
But, it also was a success because I got that gel-like affect from the Chia seeds in my regular oats!
JessicaE says
Looks like a mammoth to me !
LadyLara says
Thank you Kate!
Carly says
Hey Kath-love your website. I’ve gotten into oatmeal because of your blog. Yours always look delicious.
I know different Costco’s carry different items but at mine they carry organic pumpkin seed granola. Have you seen that? I know you love pumpkin and it’s awesome granola!
Kath says
Thanks! Haven’t seen that granola, and we let our Costco membership lapse!
Laura E says
I actually have a bag of chai seeds that I opened but I have been neglecting. I won a smaller bag from a blog contest and I don’t mind using them but I just can’t get used to it. I don’t want them to go to waste though. Would you like me to send you my pakage?
Kath says
I’d love them!! I will surely use ’em. Please send me an email to Katheats at gmail if you don’t mind.
Katie says
It looks like a snowman’s head, wearing a tophat!
Amie says
A buffalo animal cracker! The kind with the pink icing 🙂