It was one of those mornings that only happens a few times a year.
Coconut OIAJ. Unlike nut butters, I only go through 2-3 jars of this stuff a year, so it’s extra specially delicious! [Luckily I have another jar that I bought to get the coupon deal I had ready to open tomorrow!]
Today’s mix was out of this world too.
A blizzard of:
- Oats, milk, water, chia seeds, raisins, banana, vanilla, salt oatmeal
- Steamed butternut squash (I really need some canned versions – fresh is too difficult to manage and was a bit chunky)
- Pear Fig Jam
- Maple Granola Plank sent by Earnest Foods
- A tsp of Nutty’s Peanut Butter Cup
Plus, cool coffee
With a touch of crisp fall morning. Here here!
Left me stuffed and satisfied.
Now, onto the day
Freya (Brit Chick Runs) says
Ohyes, that oats does sound incredible! I must must get hold of some coconut butter..I’ll have to flyto the US again!
Have a lovely day 🙂
Penny Lane says
You can make it. There is a recipe on oh she glows and several other health bloggers
Beth @ Beth's Journey to Thin says
I have never tried Coconut Butter before but have seen it everywhere. It looks DELICIOUS! Crisp morning here in DC, too. Love it!
Jessica @ How Sweet says
Kath, do you heat the jar first so the coconut butter melts a little? Or let the hot oats melt it? I
Kath says
I let the hot oats melt it, but by the time you get to the end of a jar, it’s pretty hard (because the oils usually float to the top and get eaten first)
Brittany (A Healthy Slice of Life) says
Cheers to Coconut OIAJ! I guess one day I’ll actually have to try OIAJ… 🙂
Have a wonderful day!
Leianna says
I still need to try coconut butter, but I think I have some in the mail coming my way!
Cool coffee sounds delicious on these perfect “Fall’ mornings.
Liz says
Kath, what would you suggest for breakfast for someone who doesn’t like oatmeal, yogurt or even most nut butters for that matter. I know, i’m weird! I’ve tried to eat all of them and just gave up. I can’t force myself to eat something I don’t care for.
Kath says
I have no suggestions.
Christine says
Haha! Funny person to ask that question….
Have you tried oats in other forms, like the oatmeal pancake maybe?
MISSY says
Liz – I feel your pain. I’ve only just recently found a form of oats that I can like. I cannot do the rolled oats, I think it is a texture thing (they always seem too gummy.) Overnight Steel Cut Oats, however, works for me. I like mine with TJ’s AB with flax and peach jam, but I’ve also done it with dried fruit and cinnamon. Maybe give it a try that way? 🙂
Molly says
I like cottage cheese with fruit in the morning. Its a nice change from the hot oats during the summer. I mix about a tsp of chia seeds into my cottage cheese and slice some strawberries over the top. Fresh peaches or segmented oranges are great too.
Tracy says
You don’t have to eat breakfast food for breakfast! Just eat something healthy that you do like (sandwich, pasta, rice, leftovers, etc.).
ilana says
Try healthy frozen waffles or toast with lowfat ricotta and jam and fruit, or eggs.
barefootgirl says
I just finally found coconut butter last week… I’m SO hooked!! I’ll have to try some squash with my oatmeal..
Anna @ Newlywed, Newly Veg says
Mmmmm…coconut butter is such a luscious way to start the day! Yum!
Marina says
I bet that was an awesome breakfast.
I make my own coconut butter, or sth like that, I hope it’s like the “real” stuff :))
Heather says
interesting, I have never tried that before!looks yummy!
lisasfoods says
Have you tried frozen squash? It’s already cubed, and I bet it would soften if you cooked it up a bit, or left some to sit out for a little while.
Kath says
I dont want to have to cook or mash it at all at 7 in the morning. Nor do I want to have to do this the night before or in bulk. I just need to purchase some cans!
Pat Kilmain says
You can find the frozen also in a block of already cooked. Just thaw and add to your oats. If you took it out the night before and let it thaw on the counter – in a bowl of course – it would be ready to eat in the morning.
Rachel (Two Healthy Plates) says
The weather is great here – I hate that I have to be stuck inside all day working =(
That OIAJ does look extra delicious!
Estela @ Weekly Bite says
I’m loving the touch of fall in Virginia this morning! Have a great day Kath!!
Valerie @ City|Life|Eats says
I love Artisana Coconut BUtter. I just noticed my jar is starting to get very low so it might be time for OIAJ to finish it off 🙂 I also love Artisana Cacao Bliss, but I always seem to have not trouble finishing it off with a spoon and tiny spatula 🙂
Courtney says
How do you manage to only go through 2-3 jars of coconut butter a year? I go through maybe a jar a month! Gotta try making my own, since it’s quite pricey… says the girl who just spent $40 ordering nut butters from Naturally Nutty. Whoops.
Lindsey @ Gingerbread Bagels says
Wow that’s quite the breakfast, you’re so creative. 🙂 I wish I liked coconut because I’d be all over that breakfast!
Kathryn @ Foodies Not Fatties says
I second that! I brought some to work to try with our staff of dietitians and my fellow blogger and we just can’t bring ourselves to like it. I think I expected the hint of sweetness that you get from a nut butter but our Artisana Coconut Butter tasted very bitter (even on top of zucchini cupcakes!). We did try a few versions of the coconut water. Our favorite was the Vita Coco w/ mango. Guess I will just have to stick with that to get my coconut fix 🙁
Kathy Davies says
Hi Kath,
I am so glad to have you in C-ville!!! I have been reading your site since last spring…and LOVE it! Heading out to Bikram now, but would love to get together in town/c-ville, and hear all about any tips you have on my quest to lose 16 pounds…to be at my fighting weight again, pre-baby!!!
Have a wonderful day…
Kathy Davies in C-ville
Kath says
Hey kathy! Would love to get together for a walk sometime. Send me an email 🙂
Christine says
A very special jar indeed! I love the coconut butter/sweet potato combo–so I am sure that it’s pretty awesome with squash too!
Annie@stronghealthyfit says
That’s a LOT of ingredients for a breakfast, haha! I bet it was delicious. I just got a kick out of your response to that girl who asked for breakfast suggestions.
Liz says
When I read it I laughed. After I posted I thought oh, she probably wasn’t the best person to ask considering that’s what she eats everyday!!
Tina says
I’m suddenly craving some coffee. I don’t know why OIA(coconut butter)J did that to me.
Wei-Wei says
Mmm. Do you add salt to your oatmeal? I tried doing that once when I made my very FIRST OIAJ (mmmmm. It was Skippy, sadly… D:) but it just tasted a little weird. And my oats only filled up half the jar?! Any OIAJ tips? 😛
Kath says
I always add a pinch of salt. Makes ALL the difference
Bee Goes Bananas says
I have yet to make OIAJ successfully, but I am still hopeful! I may just prefer warm steel cut oats prepared morning-of. I’m still determined to make the perfect OIAJ though!
Liza @ Health Nutting says
Those oats sound epic– yum. I should really try coconut butter, everybody raves!
Susan Mc says
OK, weird idea I know, but what about trying the toddler baby food in jars mixed into your oatmeal? I sneak butternut squash into mac & cheese, pumpkin into pancakes this way when I don’t have frozen puree on hand.
BTW, I’m finally going to give in and order coconut butter TODAY! 🙂
Kath says
Maybe they have pumpkin baby food!?!
MISSY says
Gerber has squash and sweet potatoes, but alas, they don’t have pumpkin.
Beech-Nut also has squash and SP, but they also have Sweet Potatoes with Apple! 🙂
ilana says
Kath, if you go that route, next time you are at Earth Fare, check the baby food aisle– I forget the name of the baby food, it’s like “Earth” something– but they make a yummy sweet potato one. My one year old nephew fed me some this weekend. 🙂
Jasmine @ Eat Move Write says
Am about to have my morning oats, but would love to have some of your jam there.
Sarena (The Non-Dairy Queen) says
Dang that looks good! Happy Tuesday to you too!
Holly @ couchpotatoathlete says
I’m not a coconut fan but this somehow looks good. It has been so windy and chilly in MN that I needed hot oats and hot coffee this morning 🙂
Enjoy your day!
Camille says
What an epic breakfast blend!
I must try this coconut butter!
Michelle @ Give Me the Almond Butter says
I don’t go through coconut butter as quickly either. Its hard to find topping that pair well with it.
Mary @ Bites and Bliss says
Looks delicious! I have yet to try actual coconut nut butter but I sometimes add coconut flavoring whenever I make PBU. Even that’s pretty awesome so I can only imagine how the real stuff must taste. 🙂
Meg says
Kath, you never cease to amaze me with your oats 🙂
Neen @ Broad Bean to Runner Bean says
whhhooooa! that looks amazing!
Angela @ Eat Spin Run Repeat says
That looks lovely! I think you’re right about the canned butternut squash – it’s a lot of work to chop up a full-sized one! Not sure if they even sell it here but I’m definitely going to have a look. Have a great day! 🙂
anne says
Portion size? Looks huge.
Erin says
I am insanely jealous of all this *Fall * talk, lately! It still feels like summer here on the West Coast with no end in sight..
Jillian @ Reshape Your Life says
I think I need to try coconut butter… That looks delish!
Maria @ Kale and Cupcakes says
I think I might just have to buy some of that Coconut Butter, STAT. Need some variety in my oats right now!
Jessica @ The Process of Healing says
That makes me want to buy a jar of Coconut Butter JUST to have OIAJ in it!
Lauren at KeepItSweet says
i get overly excited for OIAJ every time i near the bottom of a nut butter jar
Tracy says
How did you get coconut butter with a coupon? Isn’t that for restaurants?
Kath says
No, it was when I had a promo with OpenSky if you bought something you got a coupon. So I got the coconut butter so I could get the coupon!
Courtney @ Bread & Bokeh says
I need to try coconut butter! Although I fear I will eat the whole jar just to have OIAJ!!! 🙂
Chelsea @ One Healthy Munchkin says
So far I’m not going through my jar of coconut butter very quickly either! It’s not as versatile as other nut butters.
Laura @ Blogging Over Thyme says
I must must must bite the bullet and buy this coconut butter on of these days! Or make my own, Ashley at Edible Perspective has made it and it looks almost identical 🙂
Jennifer says
Hi Kath, I’m not sure where to turn. I ordered some PB from your open sky shop 2 weeks ago and it still hasn’t shipped. I’ve contacted Open Sky several times by phone and email with no response. Can you help? They’ve already charged my credit card!
Kath says
I am on it!
Jennifer says
Thanks so much Kath, order shipped today! You rock!
Sarah says
Have you tried canned pumpkin from Whole Foods? When I priced them out their price point was best and it tasted the same to me. I believe Trader Joe’s specificially has canned butter nut squash though and the others don’t have theirs labeled as such.
Kath says
I haven’t yet…I think they only had organic? But I will look!
Diana @ frontyardfoodie says
we had a couple fallish days last week and they were glorious! Now we’re back to summer for a bit though!
lynn (The Actors Diet) says
um, yum! i wish i had one of those waiting for me too!
Sana says
That is a tall glass of coffee 😛 says
it looks so pretty in the jar! i mean, a little messy, but messy pretty if that makes sense. Jar full of wonderful and a belly full of smiles…great way to start the day 🙂
Lori says
I tried the coconut butter and I love it. It just makes the oatmeal. I have been looking for pumkin in a can for over a month now. Can’t find it. I was told that they now only have it in the fall for the holidays. Crazy. Can’t wait to try it in my oatmeal.
Stacey@ says
That would be tasty. That’s a lot to stuff in that jar.
Maren says
I always love your blog because I find out about all sorts of foods I never knew existed! Coconut Butter, I will be buying that ASAP!
Hannah says
Just think of us poor Australians who don’t have access to ANY canned squash or even canned pumpkin! I always envy the ease of your fall oatmeals…
haley says
Mmm… I have yet to try OIAJ but this recipe may just have done it for me =D. I’m addicted to steel cut oats but I do have some quick oats around so maybe I’ll try some this week. There’s so much coconut here and I have a friend who makes coconut butter all the time… thanks for the recipe!
notyet100 says
coconut butter sounds yum