Are you ready to much down on this colorful lunchbox? I am!
First up to bat: a spinach salad (tossed in the usual olive oil + honey combo) with red pepper, carrot, broc, goat cheese and a small scoop of Curry Honey Coconut Humus.
And a PF+C+T wrap! Nuttzo PF plus Crofter’s Europe + raw tempeh rolled into my second-to-last Food For Life tortilla
And a square of dark chocolate – just after blossoming from its cocoon!
Afternoon snax – holla!
Tonight we’re going to a Davidson Alumni reception so hopefully these will tide me well until the 6pm hour.
[Does anyone notice that my lunch posts publish at exactly 12:26 everyday!?]
Later gators!
Freya @ Brit Chick Runs says
I do!! Tha’s only cos I am sitting at my laptop ALL DAY working…your breakfast posts come up at 12.30 pm over here, almost to the minute 😛 I love it! It gives me something to look forward to mid-revision 🙂
Have a good afternoon!
Camille says
Mmm, that wrap looks so good!
Have fun at your alumni reception!
Allie (Live Laugh Eat) says
I need to give tempeh another go. The first time I tried it the awkward flavor was a little hard for me to stomach. Of course I ate it all but figured I needed to marinate it longer or something. You are a brave soul eating it raw! Maybe I need to try a different brand.
Have a great time tonight at Davey 🙂
Beth @ Beth's Journey to Thin says
I never thought to do raw tempeh with PB & J but I actually have some at home….. maybe ill try it!!
Food Makes Fun Fuel says
Haha, I never noticed the timing, but what a nifty thing to do 😉
Jessica @ How Sweet says
They timing in my reader always says exactly 12:30! I think its cool. 🙂
Chloe (Naturally Frugal) says
Oooh, I haven’t tried the chocolate coconut lara bar yet, that looks really good!
You’re too cute setting your lunch post for 12:26 🙂
Stacey@ says
The wrap looks delicious and I love Larabars. You should try the lemon and key lime, it’s so good.
Coco @ Opera Girl Cooks says
@ Allie — I have a great tempeh recipe that uses a very intense marinade — might be just the thing for you!
Diana says
Ah, I hadn’t noticed that, no.
I bought tempeh a couple of weeks ago but I’m still trying to figure out how to make it. I have to find the perfect recipe 🙂
j says
Sorry, I’m 2 posts behind. Broccoli and apples together? That”s on my must try list now. I’m newish to your blog so I haven’t seen that combo before. And I did change my name because I was anxious to begin married life as a brand new Mrs. New life, new name-made sense to me.
Heather @ Health, Happiness, and Hope says
That wrap looks SO good! I usually use tempeh as I would tofu (salads or veggie sandwiches), but I’ve never tried it with PB and J. Sounds so good!
Sarena (The Non-Dairy Queen) says
I wish I could still have tempeh! I love Crofters and that sounds like such a tasty combination! Have a great afternoon!
Anna @ Newlywed, Newly Veg says
Ooooh, that wrap looks tasty! Have a great time at the reception– I love stuff like that!
Michele says
Holla! Haha that made me laugh.
Run Sarah says
Tempeh with PB&J sounds like an amazing combo. Have fun at the reception!
katie@ Fab.Fit.Full. says
I know you are a Glee fan so you must be excited for the new episode tonight! One of my friends is auditioning to be on it, you can vote for him here if you want to check it out:
Do you know anyone who is auditioning??
megan says
hmm…still not sure how i feel about tempeh. but your lunch looks great. love the dessert 🙂
Tina says
Kath, your pictures are always SO beautiful. The natural light just makes them so great to look at.
I haven’t had tempeh in forever, and I still need to try it with pb and j!
Jenny says
I’m so curious to taste tempeh and pb together!
Jessica @ The Process of Healing says
What an absolute PERFECT lunch!
Heather (Heather's Dish) says
YUM! crofter’s is so incredible…i could eat it by the spoonful for lunch 😉
Jenn (www. ) says
That tempeh wrap looks so good, except I don’t like cold, raw tempeh. 🙁 I love it cooked and flavored, though! Maybe I need to try it again. 🙂
runnerforever says
Is that a new flavor lara bar? It looks great!
Kath says
Nope! but it’s a good one!
Cynthia (It All Changes) says
That butterfly stone in your yard is great. WHere did you get it? My mom loves butterflies and it would be perfect for her yard.
Kath says
Thanks. It was my grandmother’s.
Jil @ Peace, Love & Munchies says
Mmm, chocolate. 🙂 That Larabar flavor sounds delicious.
Therese says
Ohhh! I love the wrap! I haven’t had tempeh in ages!!! Think I’ll have to add that to the shopping list next! Yum!
Erin (Travel, Eat, Repeat) says
I love eating brightly colored lunches–they make me happy and brighten up my afternoon.
lynn (The Actors Diet) says
is that a new larabar flavor?!?!
Kath says
Nope – but it’s good!
Kellie says
I still have a block of Tempeh in my fridge. I am just not sure how to eat it.
Simply Life says
great looking wrap!
Melissa @ For the Love of Health says
a woman of structure 🙂
lunch looks amazing!! yum!
kate says
I just had the most amazing vegan Rueben with tempeh. So good!
Amber K says
How did you get the tortilla to roll without completely breaking apart? I love the taste of those, but they do not allow me to put anything in them and actually eat them.
Kath says
I just rolled it normally!
Michelle @ Give Me the Almond Butter says
Haha I’ve definitely never realized that your posts are published at 12:26 every day. I’m usually one to spot patterns like that too!
Claire says
Love the fact that your posts are on the minute 26 everyday…your favorite! I still haven’t jumped on the raw tempeh bandwagon, maybe I will change that soon. I have some Crofter’s North America in the fridge that needs to be put to good use. Do you prefer the Europe flavor?
Kath says
North America is my fav!
Deanna - The Unnatural Mother says
Lisa @bakebikeblog says
ooooh Choc coconut Lara Bar???? I wish we had them in Australia!!!
Lisa of Lisa at Home says
That wrap looks amazing! I never thought of putting tempeh with pb&j– I’ll have to try that!
maureen says
Hi Kath,
Delicious looking lunch 🙂
Where do you find your Food for Life Tortillas? i can only seem to find the large ones where I am.
Kath says
Earthfare here in Charlotte
Jocelyn @ Peace.Love.Nutrition says
Now thats’ a little strange it’s the same time all the time!
Veggielady4life says
Your lunches are always so green!
I love that!
I have never thought to put hummus on my salads. Does it break up pretty well? Kinda like the goat cheese?
Kath says
I keep it a chunk and just break off pieces.
Salah@myhealthiestlifestyle says
that PF+C+T wrap looks awesome!!!
Lisa says
question for you- what does tempeh taste like? i always pass it at whole foods or trader joes, but never bought it- partly because i dont know what to do with it!!
is it like tofu? does it soak up whatever flavor you put in?
Kath says
Like fermented bread?
Emmalinda says
I should try tempeh sometime–you may have inspired me.
As a teacher at a invertebrate zoo and butterfly center called the Butterfly Pavilion, it is my duty to inform you that butterflies come out of a chrysalid, not a cocoon. Moths make a cocoon. This is not a well-known fact, and I’m not trying to correct you, I just wanted to pass along this interesting information! 🙂
Kath says
Oops!!! 🙂
Wei-Wei says
Yum yum yum! That salad looks DELICIOUS! 😀
I’ve never had tempeh before! I asked Caitlin about it but she didn’t really describe the taste… Some people don’t like the taste of it raw… So you don’t mind it? What does raw tempeh taste like?
Hope the rest of your day is great! 😀
Kath says
It’s hard to describe. Kind of like cheese meets bread? But not cheesy.
Rachael says
A couple of posts later, but if you’re in Asheville (and haven’t already) check out the Wedge Brewery in the River Arts District – good beer and cool metal sculptures to boot. And the Rankin Vault – old-fashioned cocktails (20’s style) in a renovated bank vault. And Firestorm Cafe and Books, across from the post office. It’s a worker-owned, vegan and local cafe with a ton of great books and crafts for sale. Amazing, amazing brownies and cupcakes, and their herbal “Hi-C” iced tea is great. I could go on and on….I love this town!
Kath says
Oh thanks so much for the recs!!!!!!
Hannah says
That tempeh wrap of yours must have the most satisfying chew… I’ve been looking in Aus and we have no tortilla wrap things like that. SIGH!
Kelly says
When I get married in August, I’m not really changing my name so much as I am adding a name. I will go by my first name and my married name, but my actual name will be all four names (first, middle, current last, husband’s last). I’ve heard it is a pain to have all four on legal documents, but I can’t bear to part with any of them. And I really love my husband’s last name, which is waaaay easier to pronounce than mine. I’m officially adding him to my life, so I am officially adding his name to mine.