Tuesday errands… some fun
And some not-so-fun [Comcast = line]. I’d like to pause and give a shout out to anyone who works in customer service. It has got to be the most challenging industry – dealing with unhappy customers all day long. I try to be as pleasant as possible, and also really, really appreciate it when any customer service transaction goes well [as today’s did!]
Best thing about grocery shopping before lunch – new ingredients for a big salad!!
Remember that goat feta I used to buy? I don’t know why I ever stopped – it’s pasteurized. Maybe I stopped because I stopped eating salads for a while : ) But I found it today and it’s back!
On top of an amazing salad with spinach, olive oil, salt, leftover chicken, avocado, and garden tomatoes
Cinnamon chip on the side to end with something sweet!
Photography indoors because our porch is being paint-corrected. Sadly lots of wood stains started showing through the white and the whole porch looked really dirty, but fortunately our contractor is fixing it as part of the warranty.
I squeezed in a walk this morning before it got blazing hot, and have yoga tonight! Can’t wait.
Caroline @ After Dinner Dance says
That salad looks delicious! Feta makes everything better 🙂
Erica { EricaDHouse.com } says
I wish I had such a lovely porch to eat my meals at!
Katie @ Peace Love & Oats says
I do the same with customer service representatives. As annoyed as I get, it’s not going to help if you’re rude!
Brie @ Coxswain Dilemma says
I love freshly bought salad ingredients, especially lettuce… my fridge destroys the leaves in ilterally 4 days. So sad.
Simply Life says
oh that cheese does look great!
Morgan @ moments of mmm says
Do you buy the goat feta from Whole Foods? It sounds devine and I have to make a stop there after work. Sounds like I may have to try it!
KathEats says
Yes, it’s incredible!
Averie @ Averie Cooks says
Sorry you spent the morning in line and dealing with issues – always a treat. Not.
I spent 45 mins in line waiting to mail 1 item yesterday. The post office here, even in the middle of july, is always like pre-xmas levels of busy!
KathEats says
Do you know about the click and ship USPS? If you have a food scale at home, it’s sooooooo nice! Just print out label and put by door!
Averie @ Averie Cooks says
I do use that every once in awhile – this was one of those ‘long story’ situations where i did just need to go there and was putting it off but finally, just had to spend an hour cooling my jets in line and deal with it 🙂
KathEats says
Angel7 says
Those are some big hunks of goat feta in your salad 🙂
Erin @ erinberries says
Is that Judge Judy on in the Comcast office? Haha!
kristen @ verbs and vignettes says
so nice when customer service rocks. I was really considering switching to Comcast and getting cable in the apartment, but I don’t feel like having to add one more service to my list if things to do and arrangements to be made. also i’m ok with the extra $80 in my pocket every month. :p
I think I’ll plan a walk with my mama after work while I do laundry. really do need to get back to yoga soon, too!
Rachel says
I was just at the whole foods by me!
Jordan @ Bake Write Sleep says
Customer service sucks – I’ve worked in it for 6 years now… but I do love when I get sweet customers =] So keep up the good work. I swear it makes a difference.
Katelyn @ Chef Katelyn says
Customer service is BRUTAL. It’s easy to see it from only one side, but then you work in service and you get it 🙂 They must have seriously strong backbones to do that all day. p.s. Love Whole Foods. We’re about to get a Trader Joe’s!
Katie @ Talk Less, Say More says
I really need to buy more goat cheeses. I guess I always forget that’s an option for me since I’m lactose intolerant but I’ve definitely found a few that I like, so I don’t know why I don’t think about it more often.
Susan H. @ The Food Allergy Chronicles says
I love feta and I love goat’s cheese…what an awesome combination feta goat’s cheese must be!
Dr. Mark says
Your salads look amazing. If people made food like this they would eat better more often.
And as far as customer service people, I always apologize before I get upset and let them know I know it’s not their fault. Then I let em have it.
Thanks for another great post.
Hillary B says
Ah! I was in that comcast line just a couple hours ago! we must have just missed each other. 🙂
KathEats says
No way!! That would have been so exciting!
Kimberly says
Enjoy your yoga class tonight! I just came back from a yoga class (at Y2!) and feel so good 🙂
KathEats says
Kristen @ Change of Pace says
Feta is definitely one of my favorite cheeses. I’m kind of hit or miss with salads. I love them one day and can’t stand to eat them the next. Yours looks delicious though!
Krissy @ Shiawase Life says
I miss working in guest relations. It was challenging work, but very rewarding.
Annette @FitnessPerks says
I had feta atop a salad last night–SOO good! Nice decision to buy it again 😉
j3nn says
Goat feta sounds good! I usually get sheep’s milk feta when I buy it. I’ll have to look for goat; it’s popular in my house!
Courtney says
Thanks so much for that shout out! College student here who survived working at Macy’s for 1 year– have to say, when customers are sweet, it makes both the customer and cashier’s day so much brighter!!
Cassie says
Amen sister! I just finished 7 years in customer service. I think it’s a good for everyone to have experience in customer service because it makes you a more understanding and compassionate customer.
Thanks for the shout-out Kath! It’s always nice to hear that there are understanding and appreciative customers out there!
Kim@hungryhealthygirl.com says
I agree, customer service would not be fun. I’ve got to find some goat feta….your salad is making me hungry. 😉
Paula says
Since I spent 22 years as a professional house painter( I raised my babies to staying home alone age and then joined my husbands company) I have to say that the wood stains can be an on-going problem if the right primer isn’t used. We have had that problem with treated lumber. It needs an oil based primer but so many people are afraid of that or too lazy to use it. It requires paint thinner to clean up which has to be disposed of properly. Don’t mean to say that your contractor didn’t use the right primer because sometimes it just happens. We have had to use pigmented shellac to stop some stains. Hope you get it cleaned up and it stays that way.
KathEats says
I hope they are doing it right now because I hate for them to keep fixing it! I think he mentioned some kind of weird primer-like thing as a base coat before a fresh coat of white goes on
Paula says
You are lucky it showed up while they were still willing to fix it. We have had to fix other painters work. It sounds like they are doing it right this time.
Julia H. @ Going Gulia says
Was that just a Whole Foods delivery truck? I’m sitting here fantasizing that it was a food truck that drives around with a WF hot food bar in it 🙂
KathEats says
It’s our local food truck!
Sarah @ Fresh Living says
Beautiful flowers on the table! Hope your yoga class went well. I just taught a class and wish it could have been in a park rather than a gym. Was your class indoors?
KathEats says
MegS @ Beauty of Meg says
Haha! I am a customer service representative… It can be challenging at times. There are somethings that you have to explain to people.. (policies).. that you know they are NOT going to like. It’s like constantly breaking bad news to somebody everyday and see how different people react in the situation. Some take it well.. but majority do not. :-/
I’ve got to get back into eating more salads too! I haven’t been really craving any in a long time! That is a habit that needs to come back! 🙂
I have the problem that I do not know exactly what “dressing” to put on a salad.
Is eating the salad with goat cheese a really good substitute for a dressing?
I haven’t tried that before.
Jessica @ New Girl, New City says
Ohhh cinnamon chip… it’s been too long!
Emily @ Life on Food says
at least there was a tv in line for entertainment. i am not a fan of comcast. too many issues with them for too many years.
Alexandra says
I just started a blog and recently wrote a post about my customer service oriented job! As someone just learning the customer service industry (and how difficult it is), I really appreciate clients who try to keep things pleasant. It makes our jobs so much more enjoyable! Thanks!
Fran@ Broken Cookies Don't Count says
Great that the repairs are under warranty!
Aileen says
I think it’s a Korean melon. At least, we Koreans eat a lot of them! We call them, “chahm meh”.
Christine says
Thank you for the shout out! I’ve been doing customer service for years and I’m finally getting out! woohoo! Looking forward to less stress! And a shout out to you, only 5 more weeks! eek!