Whole lotta photography going on over here!!!
Breathe Magazine via photographer Tom Daly are here shooting the KERF Cottage for their cover to go along with a piece I wrote on home organization. I was very flattered that they wanted not only my house, but me on the cover too!!
We’ve done a bunch of settings, but I think I like the kitchen the best (along with Amanda’s Anthro apron!)
Before the shoot began, I went to Body Pump this morning. My upper body wanted to go! I told Chris when I got there that I’d be going super easy on the legs, and I ended up just doing squats and lunges without weight. It was actually a great stretch – and my legs felt better after than before! My arms, however, were tarrred!
Back at home, I put together a quick lunch before Breathe arrived
I put some leftover smoked salmon on a High Five hot dog bun along with some Dr. Pete’s Praline Mustard Glaze and parmesan cheese – all toasty together!
And a simple salad with some of my candied maple pecans from last night
I had to keep my fingers from leaking a big surprise last night – check out Anne’s post for the REAL Rock of the Ages!!
Brittany says
That is so awesome that you are going to be on the cover!!! Congrats on that!
Molly@hungryhungryrunner.com says
Congrats on the Breathe cover! How exciting. Your kitchen and living room are both amazing so I’m sure whatever shot they choose will look great. P.S. – I love Anthro aprons! 🙂
Ashley @ Coffee Cake and Cardio says
How exciting for Anne!! I got engaged last week too!! It’s the season.
I also love the photos in the kitchen, too cute!
KathEats says
Sara says
Does this mean that you’re going to do your Home Neat Home posts again soon? 🙂
KathEats says
Soon, soon!
Krissy @ Shiawase Life says
I really love that double meaning of your blog post now 🙂
Lynn @ the actor's diet says
Woo hoo! Cover girl!
Annette @ EnjoyYourHealthyLife says
WAHOO! Congrats on the cover of Breathe! very cool. And SO fun about Anne–I didn’t suspect anything, so you succeeded in not spilling the beans 🙂
Love me some BodyPUMP soreness too!!
Christie says
Wow, that’s very cool that you are going to be on the cover!! I love your posts on home organisation, so will be sure to read your article when it comes out!
Morgan @ moments of mmm says
Congrats Kath! How exciting to be on the COVER!? Your kitchen looks so clean and streamlined–gorgeous! Congrats to your friend Anne too! So romantic.. 🙂
Anne P says
!!! 🙂 Thanks for unexpectedly being a part of our special day!! xoxo
And awesome about the cover photos – can’t wait to see the full story!
Tricia says
I tried to read about it but it seems that your site is down…
Tricia says
Stef @ Living HI says
I concur, the kitchen photos look the best, that apron is super cute on you! Congrats on the Breathe cover!
Katie @ Peace Love and Oats says
I like the counter one with the apron too! Very cute, and congrats!
Sandi says
Has to be just a matter of time before you’re approached to host your own cooking show..such a natural at what you do. Congratulations!
Laura says
congrats on the magazine! is that widely available? I hadn’t heard of it before but will definitely check it out!
also, the link to Anne’s proposal story isn’t working for me.. I’m a huge romantic so was looking forward to reading her wonderful news 🙂
KathEats says
I think it’s mostly mid-Atlantic states.
Her blog crashed from too much traffic!
Emily says
If you are going to promote a magazine–and if you are on the cover, you should–it is wise to know a little about the magazine. You could simply find the info on their website.
KathEats says
I do know about it – that’s why I responded…
Emily says
“I think” infers hesitation and guessing.
Lindsey Grossman at Lindsey Living says
Breathe is available in print in the Southeast and Mid-Atlantic: DC, VA, NC, SC, GA. But you can also see the print stories plus more on their website. Kath, wish I could’ve been there for the shoot. Looks like it went really well! Can’t wait to see the final proofs!
Lauren @ What Lauren Likes says
Love the apron! How exciting 🙂
Angel7 says
That is way cool, Kath!!! Love the pumpkin glow kitchen pictures of you 🙂
You should totally get into home organization on the side — you are so creative, and you can make things work that I would have never thought of 🙂
Christine @ Oatmeal in my Bowl says
haha. Congrats, to Anne! My niece had a similar proposal made on a difficult hike. She laughs about how her man made her work for the engagement. All the more memorable, I think. Especially with breath taking views.
Very cool on the cover and photo shoot. Cute photos. I am still amazed how quickly you put the house together after the move.
Sweet and Savvy says
How exciting! Congrats on being a cover girl !:) You have made yourself quite the success, lady!
Katie @ cooklaughmove says
congrats on the cover! Between that and Anne’s site crashing (too much traffic sent her way?), you are one popular, well-loved blogger!
Aine @ Something to Chew Over says
Those photos are going to be amazing! That’s so cool 🙂
Ashley@FoodNFitnessDiaries says
What an exciting post!! You and your home are featured in Breathe and Anne got engaged!! How exciting! Congrats on your feature in Breathe. You look so cute in your photos!
Brittany @ Itty Bits of Balance says
So much excitement in one post! I’ve been a reader of yours for a while (before I even had a blog of my own) so all of these major stepping stones in your life mean a lot to me too!
I mean that in the least creepiest way possible 😀
KathEats says
katie @KatieDid says
You look great in those few photos you shared, I’m sure your gonna look fabulous on that cover! Awesome opportunity for sure!
Claire @ Live and Love to Eat says
Congrats to you on the cover and Anne on the engagement, yay!
Angela @ Eat Spin Run Repeat says
Congrats on the cover Kath, and to Anne too! I love your apron!
Christa says
Gorgeous pictures!! Do you think you will do a full house tour like you did with the last place? Everything you’ve showed so far looks amazingly beautiful so I’d love to see the rest when it’s all set up.
KathEats says
Yup!! Just have to find a free sunny day 🙂
Johanna B says
Can’t wait to read the Breathe article. Such a cute apron.
Marie@feedingfive says
How exciting to be on the cover of a magazine. Your star is rising fast it seems.
kathleen @ the daily crumb says
love that apron! super cute 🙂
just read anne’s post. so happy for those two! i just love love.
Gina @ Running to the Kitchen says
Anne’s blog keeps crashing so I can’t read the story, this is the first pic I’ve seen of the ring! Congrats on the magazine cover!
Hillary says
Congrats to you—and to Anne! How exciting!
Averie @ Love Veggies and Yoga says
Congrats on the feature, Kath! Your house AND you. Very cool!
I loved the shirt & necklace combo when you wore with Anne the other night b/c I remember commenting how much I love that necklace and the turquoise pop of color. One of my fave stones. I know you’re gonna look great on that cover. Woot!
Sana says
I can’t believe you did not spill anything last night about Anne! You are good at keeping secrets!!
Hope says
Congrats on the cover! That is so exciting!! I love that apron. So cute! 🙂
wendy sue says
oh how exciting! I love picking up the local pubs and seeing people I know! One of my fellow Junior Leaguers is in the C magazine a ton!
Laurie says
Congrats Kath, you look so pretty! and congrats to Anne also!
Lisa (bakebikeblog) says
ooooh that magazine article / cover sounds awesome! Congrats!
Sara R. says
How exciting! Both that you’re going to be on the cover of Breathe, and also that you got to be a part of a friend’s engagement! We hiked along Skyline Drive yesterday too, but we didn’t have the time (or in my case the stamina!) to do Old Rag…we just went down to Dark Hollow Falls and back on our way home. Sounds like you had a fantastic day!
Julia H. @ The Petite Spiel says
You look great in those photos, Kath! And the house looks awesome as well–of course. Congrats on the cover!
Also, that’s SOOO exciting that your friends got engaged! Did you know he was planning on proposing then beforehand, or was it a surprise for you, too??
KathEats says
We had no idea!
Sarena (The Non-Dairy Queen) says
Congratulations to you on the magazine and congratulations to Anne for the rock! Such great things for the two of you!
Simply Life says
wow! how exciting! congrats! you’ll have to let us know when it’s available!
Lauren says
Yay for Anne!!! I had a feeling it was coming! 🙂
Molly @ RDexposed says
Way to make it look like RDs have it all together. Poster girl RD material!
Sandy says
Can you tell us the address of Anne’s blog. Since it keeps crashing I would like to check back later. Congratulations on the cover!
KathEats says
Cait @ Beyond Bananas says
I can totally understand why you’d be picked to talk about organization!
Chelsea @ One Healthy Munchkin says
Wow congrats on the article and cover shoot! You’re on your way to becoming the next Martha Stewart… that is, a healthier more eco-conscious version of her. 😉
Rosa - Fitness, Food, Fulfilled says
That’s awesome about the cover! How flattering!
That salad looks totally amazing. I love pecans and with a maple glaze? Yummy!
KathEats says
Well thanks!
Lea @ Healthy Coconut says
Congrats on the magazine cover shoot Kath. Your Home Neat Home posts have been really helpful for me with organizing our newlywed home.
Also, I haven’t seen Breathe in the magazine aisle. Is it only for online? I’ll check their website shortly to look for that info too.
KathEats says
It’s a Mid-Atlantic publicatoin
Lea @ Healthy Coconut says
oh I see, thanks.
No wonder why I don’t see it here in the West Coast.
~Christy @ wonderofallthings says
So fun about the Breathe cover! Very exciting! Congrats 🙂
Dee at Deelicious Sweets says
How cool is that! Congrats 🙂 Your lunch looks super yummy too!
jenni says
You look so, so pretty in the kitchen pics!! Do you use a straightening iron or any product in your hair? I cannot wait to see a video tour of the new house!! Please keep the “Home Neat Home” series going! Thank you for sharing your life with us through this blog!
KathEats says
Thanks Jenni! I just have really straight hair!
Mom says
Wow! The cover. My usual command, “Get copies!” (Although I know it can’t be out yet!)
Alaina says
Congratulations on the Breathe cover!!! That is so cool. 🙂 I love your Home Neat Home series.
Becky O'Brien says
Very Exciting News Kath! Congratulations!!
Katie @ Talk Less, Say More says
As soon as I saw that first photo I thought you were going to say you were taking pictures for Real Simple. So exciting and they look great! 🙂
Kiran @ KiranTarun.com says
Congratulations my dear friend! So well deserved 🙂
Khushboo says
I was about to comment that I never would have thought to pair smoked salmon with parmesan but then that last pic stole the show- super exciting for Anne- woo!
Michaela says
gosh, how cool is that???
ur doing so well!
(also what a great surprise on the rocks ;))
Charise says
A magazine cover – how cool! Congrats, Kath!
Kate G. says
Hey! This is sort of a random question, but where did you get that necklace? It’s lovely 🙂
KathEats says
Thanks – my grandmother gave it to me inside a box so I’m not sure where she got it
Kate G. says
Right on! Turquoise/red are a beautiful combo, to be sure.
Lindsay says
Love that you are being featured in Breathe! That is awesome, and I’ve gained a lot of great ideas from your Home Neat Home section, like putting pot lids in a bin in the kitchen~brilliant! By the way, love those cute green ikea dvd boxes:) our office is FULL of them because I hate having dvd boxes out in the open and strewn about!