Chuggin’ along! Feeling great about my semester assignments too.
I took a second break at 11:30 to get in some exercise. The past two days were hard, so I made today a light day and got a few errands done in the process: mopped the kitchen floor, mowed the grass and walked to the ATM to make a deposit.
By 1:30 it was time for lunch!
Pizza, pizza!
Not really – just Bacon Baked Beans, which remind me of pizza sauce, with some cheese on a Dakota bun.
They were totally awesome and very filling.
+ chocolate
Afternoon plans: +
Gotta , the
just arrived!!!
Cait (Cait's Plate) says
Haha – I love the icon-ated “plans” list.
You’re so creative with food – I love it. I wish I could think up things you do!! You really ought to be a healthy food chef! Open a restaurant. Between your creative ideas and Matt’s bread you guys would be in business!
kay (eating machine) says
huh, never would have thought to put beans on a bun… but we put hummus, which is ground up beans, on bread, so it makes sense…
Shannon (The Daily Balance) says
hahaha love those emoticons! too cute 🙂
Can’t go wrong with strawberries and chocolate 😉
Pam (Highway to Health) says
The little icons are so cute!
Strawberries and chocolate are a great combo!
Daria (Summer of the CSAs) says
I can’t even describe how good that lunch looks to me right now.
MelissaNibbles says
Your lunch reminds me of the beans on toast I used to eat during my semester abroad in London. YUM!
Cynthia (It All Changes) says
I love that you thought to use the beans as a semi pizza. I did that once with left over ratatouille (I think I butchered that spelling). It tasted great and I got to use leftovers.
I love your little icons. So cute!
Elsa says
Love the use of leftovers!! So creative!
Mara @ What's For Dinner? says
Looks like a lovely lunch! I wish I could cook myself lunch every day instead of eating leftovers!
Chocolate-Covered Katie says
Strawberries + chocolate = love in a bowl.
The only thing that would be better…
No wait; if it involves chocolate, there isn’t anything better
Shion (Shi's Eating) says
I LOVE melted cheese! It makes everything so much yummier 🙂
And I love that your lunch was perfectly coordinated with the plate!
brandi says
great idea with the beans!
enjoy your afternoon 🙂
HealthySDLiving says
Definitely look like mini pizzas…very cute!
i wish I lived close enough to an ATM or the grocery store to walk there every once in a while. I could, but it would take a verrry long time!
Ali says
Beans on pizza, sounds good and different!I am loving your little icons! So cute!!!!!!
Megzz @ Megzz Wins At Life says
Pizza’s looked good Kath!! I walk to the grocery store and ATM and the Dairy Queen haha.. which could be a bad thing 🙂
Sarah R says
Love your little emoticons. I followed right along! 🙂
Lizzy says
love the little characters! tehehe. so cute!
Lunch looks amazing, and i could totally use me a pick me up!!!! How do you get a kick in the booty when your draggin?
Julia says
Busy afternoon, good luck!
xxx Julia (Taste of Living)
Angharad (eating for england) says
Mmmm love the look of those buns…they look amazing! Nice to get your exercise in that way – uber productive of you!
Heather @ Health, Happiness, and Hope says
That lunch sounds amazing. I love how you make a healthy meal out of what you were craving and as well as treating yourself a bit. Looks amazing as usual!
Brie (The Fit Bride) says
I’ll miss fresh strawberries once the summer’s over…sigh.
Trish says
I love the little icons…they are cute.
What are dakota buns? I have never heard of them and where might one buy them?
Beth @ CrossBorderCravings says
Aww, baked beans on toast toatally reminds me of my childhood! That’s something my mum used to make us all the time. Such a comforting meal :O)
Jennifer (Running With Cake) says
Wow, Kath, you sure have a way with making baked beans look like gourmet food! That dish looks like it would keep you full for hours because of all the protein!
gabs says
That “pizza” looks fantastic. The melted cheese = heaven.
sonia says
Yummm that looks so good. Love the icons.
Jenn Eats Nutritiously Now says
That “pizza” looks so good. I would have never thought of making that, but it seems to have worked well for you. I love trying new food combos.
Marisa (Trim The Fat) says
Very creative and delicious!!
Mmm…strawberries and chocolate are the best.
I love how in tune with your body you are and can routinely know how to eat when you’re hungry and stop when you’re full. It’s very inspiring! Is there any food that is a trigger for you – one that would cause you to not pay attention to your body b/c you just can’t resist?
Maria says
Very interesting meal. I love being creative in the kitchen 🙂
Susan says
Ohmygosh, a baked bean melt!! You are truly a genius Kath *hand claps*
Deva (Voracious Vorilee) says
Oh beans on toast – yummy 🙂 I love your little icons, they remind me of those Highlight Magazine little stories that would use pictures instead of words. I loved those when I was little!
Joelle (The Pancake Girl) says
yum yum, strawberries and chocolate!
Steph says
baked bean pizza? sounds legitimate in my book! the animations you’re using throughout your posts are so cute 🙂
Amy C. says
Kath, I know you’re busy and that this isn’t food-related but could you do a quick tutorial/tips post about using google calendar. I start graduate school in nursing next week and I can already see that I’m going to need to use google calendar and the tasks section to make it through in an organized way! The problem is I don’t know the best way to utilize it. If you could help that would be amazing. Thanks!
angieinatlanta says
Seriously, is there anything melted cheese can’t do? Looks really yummy!
Julia says
Those strawberries looked soo good!
Kath says
They are made at Great Harvest Bread Co where Matt works.
Alcohol is a total trigger for me.
Amy C,
I’ll put it on my list for this weekend.
Diane, Fit to the Finish says
It looks amazing! My kids would love those, and of course I would too!
Sara says
Those little icons are so cute and brighten up the blog so nicely. And I could go for some chocolate-y strawberries right about now….
Jenna says
great idea for lunch!
Jenn (www. ) says
Those bean pizzas look delish! I bet they tasted sooo yummy and chewy.
Madelin @ What is for breakfast? says
Oh wow baked beans are great and yours look amazing! Bean pizza, love it!
Amy C. says
Thanks Kath! 🙂 I am very excited to learn from the organization master!!