One of my FAVORITE You Tube videos in history!!
And Pumpkin Lumpkin and I played this afternoon too!
I’ve been running from one thing to the next all afternoon – see you for dinner!
One of my FAVORITE You Tube videos in history!!
And Pumpkin Lumpkin and I played this afternoon too!
I’ve been running from one thing to the next all afternoon – see you for dinner!
I'm a Registered Dietitian, healthy eater, and mom of two from Charlottesville, Virginia. Here you’ll find a healthy mix of real-life meals made from whole ingredients balanced with the pleasures of life, including buttercream frosting and good wine. Plus a sprinkle of nutrition, home life, beauty, parenting, and travel.
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Lynn @ the actor's diet says
Cats are so cool. I wish I wasn’t allergic!
samantha @ peach in the city says
pumpkin is similar in color to my peach- but she’s a puppy. wonder if they’d get along! too cute.
RunEatRepeat says
Bring Pumpkin to Blogher!
Susan H. @ The Food Allergy Chronicles says
Pumpkin is so adorable…you really have captured his playful side! Love the chairs!
j3nn says
Pumpkin is so adorable! Reminds me of my Gingerbread <3
Johanna B says
Love kitties.
Katie @ Peace Love and Oats says
I’m not even a cat person and I think that video is too adorable!
mary @ minutespermile says
BAHAA that was a funny video. Thanks for the afternoon smile.
Silvia @ skinny jeans food says
That Pumpkin is COMFORTABLE 😉
Averie @ Averie Cooks says
This post makes me wish I had a cat! 🙂
Kristina says
I had never seen that video–Hilarious! Thank you for that gem.
Grace @ Grace Dishes says
Super cute 🙂
Carrie @ Nutrition by Carrie says
Will Pumpkin fit in your carry on luggage? I want to rub that furry orange belly!
KathEats says
Hahaha. She probably would like that!
Andrea says
Hahah my coworker and I watch that video when we need a good laugh!
Katie says
I love kitty’s! That “Creeper” on the last pic made me laugh out loud. 🙂
Kim @ Spoonful of Sass says
That video made my night! So hysterical!
Angel7 says
That video is funny!
Sarah Anne says
I love when you post Pumpkin shots! I’m a cat fan myself, and Pumpkin reminds me of one of mine that passed. The personality of orange cats, I swear, is out of control!
Maria@Sinfully Nutritious says
So cute. I love kitties!
Fran@ Broken Cookies Don't Count says
Such a cutie!!
Katie says
I thought of Pumpkin yesterday. When I picked my kids up from art class yesterday my daughter had chosen to draw an orange cat named Pumpkin for the pet she wished she could have. Pumpkin has soft fur, is kind, sleeps with her and sometimes acts like Garfield. I’ll have to show her the video and pictures of your Pumpkin. The last cat we had before kids was a white cat with one blue and one green eye that was a stray. We currently don’t have any pets and I don’t miss the hair!
Lexi @ You, Me, & A World to See says
Hahaha Pumpkin is such a cutie pie. Bummer that Matt’s allergic 🙂