During the night last night temperatures dropped. I had strange dreams about my high school friends. And these oats were a’soakin’!
Into my near-empty Barney Butter jar went:
- 1/3 cup oats
- 1/3 cup milk
- 1/3 cup greek yogurt
- Half banana
- 1 tbsp chia seeds
- Pinch salt
- Sprinkle cinnamon
- Cville Cluster crumbles on top
As much as I love hot creamy oats, I really do proclaim overnight oats in a nut butter jar to be my favorite breakfast of all time. The sticky, salty texture is the BEST!
[A coincidence that Barney Butter just flew back on the shelves at OpenSky a few minutes ago]
I made a mug of Choffy this morning [a caffeine-free cacao brew like coffee]. Rich!
New towel from Target! Just love the texture, color and patterns on these!
Have a fab day!
Kristy @ KristyRuns says
It’s been way too long since I’ve had overnight oats in a jar! An almost-empty chocolate hazelnut butter jar is my favorite! 🙂
Claire @ Live and Love to Eat says
Sounds like the right time to order some Barney Butter! I’ve had a few strange dreams recently too – maybe the drastic change in temperatures?
Stephanie @ Ultra Ambitious says
I really want to try these overnight oat recipes, but just never think of it when my pb is running on empty!
Janelle says
I’m having over night buckwheat 🙂 mmmm
Emily says
I have fallen in love with overnight oats this past year and your morning posts always help me start out my days with a new yummy variation on the same old same old. I love fruit and nuts in my oats but ever since I tried incorporating nut butters I’m hooked!!! can’t wait to try some in the end of the jar!
Maria @ Sinfully Nutritious says
I really like overnight oats so much better than regular cooked oats. It was so cold here last night, we had hot oatmeal for dinner, they sure were warming.
Love the tablecloth!
Ashley @ My Food 'N' Fitness Diaries says
this reminds me… i really need to try some of that Barney Almond Butter! i’ve only ever heard great things. looks delicious!
katie @KatieDid says
I’ve been wondering where you purchased the choffy because it always sounds like something I’d love to drink after dinner. Just your grocery store?
KathEats says
It’s from the company (but you can buy it here: http://www.drinkchoffy.com/buy_choffy/choffy). I haven’t seen it in stores yet
Susan H. @ The Food Allergy Chronicles says
On this chilly morning, overnight oats sounds perfect! I have my usual ‘mash’ and then I’m off for a run…hope the sun comes out in time! Love the tea towel…I am in the hunt for some pretty tea towels myself…wish we had a Target…think they are coming to Canada.
Angela @ Eat Spin Run Repeat says
I love your new towel too! And what an elegant looking spoon you’ve got this morning!
Kathryn says
You mentioned in the OpenSky BB description that this is one of your top 10 nut butters- how does the rest of the list shake out? Just curious! Maybe it’s just from all of the end-of-year “Best Of” lists, but I love them!
KathEats says
OH man, I know I’ve done this list before.
Favorite ever: TJ’s sunflower butter
Near favorites: Barney butter, Naturally Nutty (anything), Nuttzo, Wild Squirrel, Nutty’s Butterscotch, homemade almond butter
Gina @ Running to the Kitchen says
Love that towel! I need some new ones, I’m sick of all of mine and they’re not nearly as fun as that one.
Cait @ beyond bananas says
8 degrees here last night! Left my contacts in the car and they were frozen in the case this am!
Lauren @ What Lauren Likes says
I am having overnight oats this morning too! Yum 🙂
Emily @ the doodlebug says
Ooh! Choffey is caffeine free?! I’m pregnant and have been looking for new hot drinks without caffeine! I might have to try this stuff!
Kavi @ Lab to Fab! says
Your new towel is so pretty! And the temperature dropped here in NYC too… 14 degrees!!
The Mrs @ Success Along the Weigh says
I’m in LOVE with your spoon!!! Do you remember where you got it or what brand it is?
KathEats says
I inherited it from my grandmother : )
Claire Strebeck says
Hey! It is a silver pattern called “Repousse” by Kirk Stieff. Its my wedding pattern, so I love seeing it around! 🙂
Krissy @ Shiawase Life says
For some reason I only like Overnight Oats in the Summer. Even if I heat them up!!
Lynn @ the actor's diet says
Was just in target yesterday admiring all their tablecloths
Emily says
Gotta lot printed dish towels and napkins that double as placemats.
Laura @ Sprint 2 the Table says
Overnight oats are awesome… but I just can’t do it in 24 degree weather. Is it summer yet?!
Ashley O. @ The Vegetable Life says
LOVE the towel!
Kinley @ Better Off Barefoot says
I had weird dreams last night too… involving my cousins, a really fancy espresso machine that put whipped cream and sprinkles on your drink and m&m cookies. Not sure what was with me last night 😉 Have a good day!
Lena @Fit on the Rocks says
I just recently started making overnight oats after reading about them forever on blogs. I don’t know how I went so long without them!
Ashley @ Coffee, Cake and Cardio says
Target has some of the best linens! Love!
Christine @ Oatmeal in my Bowl says
I think the crumbles make it! And that new towel… love the print. 😉
Erin says
I love this Choffy stuff! Granted, I’ve never had it, but it looks amazing. :-] Aaaand, buying. Like now, haha. I sometimes put cacao powder in with my coffee grounds in the morning to give it a cocoa-y flavor, but this is way more awesome. Thanks for the tip! :-]
Lauren @ Oatmeal after Spinning says
I’ve been eating overnight oats on most weekday mornings because it’s the easiest, most convenient thing to bring to work. But, I just do not get the hype of Barney Butter! I love almond butter, but am just not impressed with this brand. To me, the self-serve fresh ground almond butter at Whole Foods is the best. And strangely enough, I think that Blue Diamond is right up there too.
But my favorite o.o.i.a.j. definitely goes to the nearly-empty Sunflower butter jar!
Amanda says
I also had weird dreams about high school friends last night…and it was pretty cold in my apartment. Maybe the two are connected? 😉
Love the detail on your spoon! I inherited my grandmother’s silverware a couple of years ago and always feel so fancy when I use it.
Cait's Plate says
I agree with you – there is very little that can beat overnight oats in a [nearly] empty nut butter jar. I pretty much lived on it last week (luckily I’ve been plowing through nut butter jars to be able to do so!). I’m lovin’ the towel too! The colors, the pattern, it’s awesome 🙂
Katie @ Peace Love and Oats says
Ahhh oatmeal in a jar is the best!!!
Karen says
Weird dreams over here too!
Have a nice day, Kath!
Kristen @ Change of Pace says
My favorite breakfast EVER. Hope you have a great day Kath!
Estela @ Weekly Bite says
I love Target! They have some of the best stuff 🙂
Khushboo says
I can’t even remember the last time I ate overnight oats..which means I need to up my peanut butter game and eat away 😀
Molly@hungryhungryrunner.com says
I’m working on finishing a jar of nut butter so I can make some overnight oats soon, too! I usually love hot oats in the winter, but you really can’t beat a good jar of overnight oats!
Oh, and Barney Butter back at Open Sky?! Hooray!
Angel7 says
Just made french toast with caramelized bananas 🙂
Love the towel!
Bee Goes Bananas says
That looks delicious! I love your unique spoon by the way. Every time I spot a similar one at stores like Pier One or Winners, I always think to myself “Hey, that’s Kath’s spoon”!
Hope says
I love the pattern on that towel! It’s so pretty! 🙂 Those oats look mighty delicious too!
Averie @ Love Veggies and Yoga says
The oats in a jar look wonderful. I am assuming when you do this, you make it all first in one bowl, then transfer it all back into the jar. See, I make my oats in the microwave to save time and whatever I make it in, I eat it from…but there’d be no way a plastic container like that would survive. But I think you make on the stovetop, anyway.
It looks delish!
KathEats says
No noooooo—- overnight oats are never cooked!! All raw. So there’s no plastic fear.
Mary says
What a glorious breakfast! Those oats sound delicious. This is my first visit to your blog, so I took some time to browse through your earlier posts. I’m so glad I did that. You’ve created an interesting spot to visit and I really enjoyed the time I spent here. I’ll definitely be back. I hope you have a great day. Blessings…Mary
KathEats says
Welcome Mary!
Katie says
I have 2 almost empty pb jars…so excited. Also, I love the linens you used today…such good colors!
Alex says
I have been making overnight oats for years but never thought to put them into an old jar! I usually make my own Almond butter but just invested in some jars..will definitely be trying this! Also the Choffy sounds amazing!!! Can you only get it online?
Susan (Oliepants) says
I really need to jump on that Choffy. It’s perfect for someone avoiding coffee caffeine!
Hilliary @Happily Ever Healthy says
yum breakfast looks delicious as always!
~Christy @ wonderofallthings says
LOVE that towel! Who knew Target had such cute linens??!? 🙂
Jillian @ sprinkle massacre says
Woo! I got your Barney Butter deal today on Opensky. I’m stoked.
Alison says
How many 8oz cups do you get out of the 12oz Choffee bag? I want to order it but I couldn’t find that information on the website. Thanks!
KathEats says
I really don’t know either – and I use more than they recommend because I like big mugs. it calls for 2 tbsp per 6 ounce water, I usually use a quarter cup for 12 oz water. So the question is: how many quarter cups of choffey are in a 12 oz bag….and that I don’t know
Annette @ EnjoyYourHealthyLife says
I totally need to do overnight oats again soon–a jar is almost empty!
Jessica @ The Process of Healing says
Oats in a BB jar are the BEST!
Mom says
I had a dream with you in it. I was in college at NC State and couldn’t find the classroom. You pointed me in the right direction. I guess that means I should always take your direction!
Karen says
Funny…I wish my mom would come to the same conclusion and take my lead 😉
Mom says
I kind of had to write that. I did a blog post today about taking advice from your kids! But I do find Kath is right on lots of things (but of course, not everything!)
Erin says
I wish I had learned YEARS ago that Mom is always right!
Mom says
We should put that on a wall plaque and sell it for Mother’s Day!
Ellie@Fit for the Soul says
I love dreaming! Especially the weirder they are, the better. 🙂 I would have to agree that OOIAJ IS probably the most satisfying, delicious, and fun breakfast ever! It’s like, when I eat it I don’t want it to end and try to savor it as long as possible.
Fran@ Broken Cookies Don't Count says
Love my over night oats in a nut butter jar. Just the best!
Christina says
I tend to heat my OIAJ in the morning because they are a bit odd when they’re cold out of the fridge. Maybe I need to give them another try this season 😉
Stacy @ Say It With Sprinkles says
Unless the jar of nut butter was slightly more full than a few sweeps around the sides, I’d definitely have to add more on top! Just really love the nut/seed butters! =)
Sarah says
I need to make overnight oats more often! I’ve been relying on semi-instant oats lately, and they’re yummy and filling…but even that 5 minutes of boiling the water in my kettle and waiting for it to cool to an edible temperature is sometimes too much on a frantic morning!
Hannah @ eat, drink, and save money says
Thanks for the great price on Barney Butter at OpenSky. At our grocery store they go for almost $10 a jar and that is WAY to much for me! Can’t wait to get my order!
Kelly @ Vegolosophy says
I have never tried overnight oats and I think I need to soon!
Suz says
Hi, Kath!
I was wondering if you could provide a link for that towel…? I adore it and was hoping to find them online but am not having any luck. Let me know if you have a link!
KathEats says
It’s from Target – I don’t think they sell them online 🙁
Christine says
I’ve been making overnight oats for over a year now since I first read your blog about them! I absolutley LOVE when my PB jar is almost gone because I know I can make my overnight oats for breakfast the next morning. To be honest, that is the only time I make them now; when I have a jar of PB on empty! I love scraping the pb off the side with a scoop of the creamy, sweet oats! Thank you for the great idea, it truely is one of my favorite breakfast ideas!
Danielle says
Wow, your site is amazing!! I am loving Choffy, do you know if this is available in Australia?