Time is passing by. But I still feel like my life is in a nutshell – a la Austin Powers!! Too much going on at once!
Here’s today’s featured lunchbox
A big ole salad
- Baby spinach
- Green pepper
- Cuc
- Red pepper
- Avocado (about 1/2 of one!)
- Sea salt
- Honey
Another one of those hungry ants!
"Burries" as my Grandmother Kiehne calls them 🙂 She always has the best berries at her house!
Delicious Greekness. With some Hemp Plus granoler
So fresh and so green.
Unfortunately today is my Wednesday because I’m working Saturday. But hopefully it’s my last one I’ll have to work. 6.5 weeks to go and I’m off to the BEACH!
Freya @ Brit Chick Runs says
Oh no, why do you have to work Sat again? Is that cos you were bakery-hunting this week? Oh well, everyone loves Humpday twice in a row I suppose….
Ps – I got a ticket to the HLS – I can’t wait to meet everyone!!
Jessica @ How Sweet says
Saturday working is rough. I sometimes have to do it too.
Heather (Heather's Dish) says
grandmothers are so cute 🙂 that little comment about the burries really made me smile!
Coco @ Opera Girl Cooks says
Hmm, I’ve never used honey and salt on my salad like that! Intriguing combo.
Becky @ flybynyght says
nothing says summer quite like a fresh salad…. and the beach of course!
Ameena says
Sorry you have to work Saturday again…but I’m glad you have the beach to look forward to!!
Jenny says
Another perfectly rounded lunch:) What beach are you going to? Sounds fun!
Brittany @ A Healthy Slice of Life says
What beach will you be visiting soon? Let the countdown begin! 🙂
Lindsay @ Summit Sandwiches says
That salad looks so fresh and green! I love the colors in your lunch. 🙂
Jil @ Peace, Love & Munchies says
I love avocado in salad. Yum!
Stacie @ Imperfectly Healthy says
I don’t know if you meant to do this — but your “So fresh and so green” automatically put the song “So fresh and so clean” in my head! Ha!
Kath says
Very intentional 🙂
Veggielady4life says
Weekend work blows…. but at least you have the beach to look forward, too!!
Sara @ myfancytuna.blogspot.com says
Boo for Saturday workdays, but your lunch looks so delicious! Very fresh, very clean! I don’t know if it would be better to do this over email, but I was wondering how hard all of the chemistry classes were for your RD requirements – I know you went into the program from the beginning, which is what I would have to do if I decided to go back and get my RD after I finish up my Consumer Journalism degree…but I’m terrible at science and math, so I was just wondering how rigorous it was for you.
Kath says
I agree with Sarah below – they were hard, but you will survive. Many programs will let you take some of the science at community college, which will likely be a bit easier. The chemistry was killer, but here I am 2.5 years later and I barely remember doing it! Time will fly.
Sarah (Running to Slow Things Down) says
Ugh…hate working Saturdays! Hopefully this will be your last for a while though. 😀
Your lunch looks amazing! 😀
Sarah@myfancytuna.blogspot.com—–I wasn’t a science/math kind of person either, so I can definitely relate to what you mean. 😉 Speaking from experience though, if going for an RD is something you’re passionate about, you’ll be 100% fine. It was tough for me and I spent a lot of hours studying chemistry, but I got through it. 😀
Sara @ myfancytuna.blogspot.com says
Thanks for the tip! I think it’s just one of those things where you just have to take the plunge! You’re right, if I’m passionate, then it’ll all be worth it! I just can’t stop thinking about being an RD, and the more I read Kath’s blog, the more amazing it sounds!
Heather @ Health, Happiness, and Hope says
I love the honey dressing Kath! Great idea!
Jennifer @ Maple n Cornbread says
I hate having to work weekends!!!
Beautiful lunch and I love the dressing!
Beth @ Beth's Journey to Thin says
Avocado is my fav. I have one at home and can’t wait to dive in!
Sarena (The Non-Dairy Queen) says
Looks like a nice refreshing lunch! I am loving fresh berries right now!
Kellie says
I love that it is berry season. So good lately.
Jessica says
Where did you get that adorable orange spoon?
Kath says
Crate + Barrel
Meg says
This post reminds me that I need to pick up some avocado today at the store! 😀 Enjoy your evening Kath!!
Michelle @ Give Me the Almond Butter says
You’re working another Saturday? I’m sorry Kath!
Claire says
That avocado looks amazing. I feel ya, I work 6 days a lot too and it is not fun!
Can’t wait to meet you at the Healthy Living Summit!
Amber K says
I LOVE the beautiful green salad. It looks so yummy!
runnerforever says
Hang in there girl, the beach time will be here before you know it. I just tried my first Chobani, great indeed!
Franziska (justalittlechocolate) says
I love berries and am so excited the are in season now – mmm I am eating wonderful red and ripe strawberries as we speak – plus greek yogurt is so good – I have as a snack almost every day – love with a bit of maple syrup and blueberries and sometimes some sort of whole grain cerel
I always have to work saturdays as well – busy lives we all lead 🙂
Anne @ Food Loving Polar Bear says
I love your green salads!
Camille says
I never though to put honey on salad! Genius!
Laura says
How are things in the selling the house category? Any bites from the open house? We have two houses sell in our area recently. Good luck.
Kath says
Not good 🙁 Very little traffic 🙁
Alexis says
Hi Kath –
I love looking at your blog for inspiration on healthy eating! I tried your basic oatmeal technique today and it produced the best oatmeal I’ve had yet!
I also have a stash of your baked oatmeal snack bars in my freezer and they’re delicious and perfect for a mid-morning snack or before a workout!
Heather (www.runningwithsass.com) says
those berries look great! yay for the beach!
Sarah (OC2Seattle) says
I’m not a fan of working on the weekends, but it’s a necessary evil sometimes. Hope this is the last of yours 🙂
lynn (The Actors Diet) says
a gorgeous green salad!
Joanne says
I think I prefer to add berries to my shakes. I like either the crunch of an apple or the squirt of a juicy orange or grapefruit on the side.
Chobani-plain: That’s a favorite.
We get to the beach next week. Can’t wait…S.C. here we come. YAY!
Annie@stronghealthyfit says
That looks like the perfect lunch in my book! Keep on truckin’.
Tish says
Gorgeous. I love the KERF-view of food.
Stacy Grows Healthy says
The burries look great!
Dawn (HealthySDLiving) says
Aww weekend work is never fun but at least it’s hump day for you!
Deanna - The Unnatural Mother says
Interesting salad, must try!
Erin says
Fresh berries! I just picked up two big tubs of strawberries and blackberries at Trader Joe’s and can’t wait to break into them.
Stacey@http://stacey-healthylife.blogspot.com/ says
Great lunch and lots of good veggies. Hang in there it’s almost over.
Sara says
hey kath,
random question — but you don’t seem to be eating any carbs (bread, etc.) with lunch lately — does yogurt + salad really give you good energy? (it doesn’t always work for me, but i hate having carbs because then i hit an afternoon slump, so trying to find a good balance.)
Kath says
Not so!! I had a bit ole sandwich yesterday and have another one tomorrow.
Simply Life says
You should take a least a day off posting and just relax! I mean, we all get a day off work to recharge! 🙂
Kath says
It’s not the blogging – it’s everything else!
Jenn (Jenn's Menu and Lifestyle Blog) says
Mmmm, sweet + salty salad. That sounds awesome! 🙂
Lisa @bakebikeblog says
What a GREEN salad! How do you find the honey tastes in the salad?
Jessica @ The Process of Healing says
Mmmm that salad sounds SO good!
kate says
That salad looks greeny + good! The ant, not so much!
Katherine says
what a wonderfully dark green you salad is!
I hate ants; I hope that comment about them eating the wood is a joke..
Kath says
Re. BEACH: Going to Carolina Beach with my family over 4th of July!!
Diana @ frontyardfoodie says
Oh darn! Sorry you have to work two more work days.
I love how green and glorious your salad is!
petrice says
Hi that salad looks really yummy, is the dressing just honey and rock salt and honey? thx
Kath says
Sarah (Enjoying One Meal at a Time) says
Mmmm, burries! Love them. I really want to find a place nearby to go berry picking. I’m counting down to a beach trip too. Can’t wait 🙂
Hannah says
We can definitely tell you’ve been super busy lately! You’re going to deserve a back trip a thousand times over by the time you get there!
Crystal says
I was just wondering where you purchased the orange spoon from? I love them…
Kath says
From Crate + Barrel
Crystal says
Oh, thank you so much! I am going to check out the website right now 🙂