Big mug? Little jar?
Oats in a little jar!
- 1/3 cup oats
- 1/3 cup vanilla soy milk
- 1/3 cup water
- 1 big dried fig
- 1 tbsp chia seeds
- 1/2 banana
- Pinch salt
- 2 tbsp coconut
- ~1 tsp spoonful Cacao Bliss (hidden in the depths!)
- ~1 tsp Barney Butter
- ~1 tsp remaining Chocolate Butter Toffee PB
I didn’t heat my milk today and got less froth, so I think that’s a key secret!
Caitlin did a French press video yesterday. She does her timing a bit different than I do, but it’s a great tutorial (and I love her FP’s shape!!)
By the way, Gossip Girl Season II: I HATE Jenny Humphrey. GOSH she’s annoying.
I’ve got a little over an hour to work until I need to head out for athletic conditioning with Victoria! I’m so glad I have a workout buddy now. Sure makes things more fun (esp. classes!)
Cait (Cait's Plate) says
I just got a little jar of almond butter and I can’t wait for it to be done so I can FINALLY do oats in a jar! I’ve been waiting forever!
And HAHA! I know. Jenny really goes through a rough stage. I HATED her all throughout season two. She gets more tolerable though…slightly. Haha.
Yay for FALL!!! I’m LOVING it! 🙂
Erica says
That oats look fabulous Kath! Love the mix of ingredients. Hope you have a wonderful day. Thank goodness for a three day weekend
Nicole (dishin') says
I love your oats in a jar. So cute!
Mara @ What's For Dinner? says
Hmm… the oats in a jar thing is genius, though that would involve me actually PURCHASING nut butter in order to make it.
Becci says
Can’t wait to use up a jar of PB for oats in a jar! Looks great!
Deva (Voracious Vorilee) says
I love oats in a jar – I have an almond butter jar that’s thisclose to being ready for another jarred oatmeal breakfast. I’m excited for it to get there!
Shannon (The Daily Balance) says
Love that little jar! aren’t miniature things so much cuter?! love it!
Courtney says
Little J is super annoying! And she just keeps getting worse! I’m excited for the new season to start though.
“I’m Chuck Bass”
Adventures in Tri-ing
Trish @IamSucceeding says
I love using my jars over and over again…so much better then the plastic alternative to carry things in.
Amari says
Oat in a jar is such a cute way to save on dishes and get that last bit of impossibly reachable peanut butter out of the jar! Can you beleive I just finally got around to trying Barney Butter!? I can’t believe I have waited this long, I’ve been missing out! Love Love LOVE Gossip Girl, glad to see you are enjoying it! Jenny Humphrey will grow on you, just wait, she’s actually quite adorable.
brandi says
that sounds like a great mix! I’ve got to use a little more pb so I can do oats in a jar soon.
have a great morning!
Grace says
Kath, could you please post the list of ingredients in your Naturally Nutty PB? I’m curious to see what’s in it before I buy it, and I couldn’t find any ingredient info on their website. Thanks for your help!
Jenna says
oats in a jar look soooo yummy!
i have yet to try it yet, but i really should soooon 🙂
MelissaNibbles says
Hahaha! I can’t stand Little J either. I’m not even sure if we’re supposed to like her ???
Love the little oats in a jar. Happy Friday!
Holly says
baby oat jar…lovin it.
jenny is annoying. she’s one of the reasons i stopped watching the show.
kay (eating machine) says
workout buddies are fantastic…
the teacher i worked with student teaching goes to my gym and wants me to take belly dancing with her-can you imagine, belly dancing with a 52 year old? I’m going to have to, it sounds like too much of an experience not to.
Shannon, The Healthy Beach Bum says
Jenny turns into a wild child for sure in that season. Those oats look lovely! Enjoy your day 🙂
Kristin (Kristins Nibbles) says
Aww, your oats are so cute this morning!
Daria (Summer of the CSAs) says
Cute breakfast. 🙂
Amanda says
I know you said a couple days ago that because of all of your traveling, the squiggly line effect has more mountains than valleys. How do you deal with this? Recently, I’ve been doing the same and my clothes are tighter. I weighed myself this morning and gained 5 pounds. I am freaking out. How do you dal with this?
Sarah @ The Foodie Diaries says
HAHA Kath, Little J gets more tolerable by the end of the season–but I can sense exactly which episodes you’re referring to. HATED her.
Heather @ Health, Happiness, and Hope says
Love the oats in a jar… as usual! 😉
I have to agree with you on Jenny. I liked her in the 1st season and even the beginning of the 2nd, but it seems like she’s gotten a little too weird. And I REALLY don’t like her newest haircut/color. However, the show is still fabulous!
Leianna says
Love oats in a jar, scaping the peanut butter is yummy!
I agree to annoying Jenny Humphrey, I’m a Serena fan all the way!
Stephanie says
I found your blog a few days ago, when searching for healthier recipes. (My fiance and I literally JUST started trying a healthier lifestyle.) I have to say, reading your blog and trying your awesome and interesting food ideas has me actually excited to get healthier. It’s so very rare to find GREAT food ideas alongside a healthy lifestyle. Thanks for all your help and your life saving blog!
Megan @ Megzz Wins At Life says
Great Pictures Kath!! I love GOSSIP GIRL!!! and I can’t way till the next season starts!! I will be blogging about it everyday Tuesday morning hehe
AshleyH says
great oats! yum
I think we all hated Jenny that season but she gets better in later seasons. She is pretty awful in that season though.
Sheri says
Mmmm….those oats look fabulous! I have a jar of Almond butter in the fridge awaiting the same fate!
Stephanie says
Jenny does get uber-annoying for a while, but stick it out, she’ll definitely get better and you’ll begin to like her again. Vanessa was the character that most annoyed me for some reason?! I heart Chuck & Blair though *sigh* something about them, don’t know what it is…..
Emily (A Nutritionist Eats) says
Those oats sound so scrumptious! Have a good Friday!
Lara says
LOVE. Naturally Nutty!!!
To the person above that asked I think all ingredients are on their website.
Jenny says
What happened to Jenny Humphry? she was so dang cute in the first season. At least her brother (and dad.. did I just say that?) are dreamboats 🙂
ally says
hahah yes, jenny is a little brat in the beginning of season two but don’t worry, you will eventually like her again 🙂 such a great show – cannot wait for the season to start soon!
Mandy A says
I LOVE oats in a jar 🙂 It’s my favorite way to eat oats now!!
I haven’t watched gossip girl yet… I’m so afraid to get into another show!!! I already watch so many! lol
Diane, Fit to the Finish says
As usual, I’m a little behind the curve, but I love the IDEA of oats in a jar. I will try it this weekend!!
Thanks for a lovely blog.
Kaye says
I LOVE the pictures with the spoon coming out at you…every time I see them, I smile 🙂 Looks yummy!
Meghann says
I hate what they did with Jenny. I used to like her, but then she got all crazy.
Heather says
I cannot wait to get to the end of my soynut butter jar to make my oats in!
I agree with your opinion of Jenny – she gets very annoying and self-centered!
Evan Thomas says
Aww nothing makes me sadder than an empty jar of Naturally Nutty, because that means it’s time to place another order.
I love cleaning out my jars and using them as little decorations for holding pens and spoons and stuff
Rebecca says
Yum-oats in a jar rock my socks off
Elsa says
Don’t worry, Jenny gets better; but yes Season 2 she was a brat!!
Impressed how nice and neat the oatmeal in a jar came together.
Happy Friday!
Jtine says
Kath, I don’t know if you’ve checked out NY Magazine’s Daily Intel blog on Gossip Girl, but they do a recap every morning after a new episode (starting really soon!!) Depending on what happened in the episode, sometimes I like the blog post better than the actual show! And some of the comments are truly legendary.
Archived under “Greatest Show of Our Time”
Julia says
I want oats in a jar too! But I’ve only got big, full jars…mmm. Have to be patient I guess:)
xxx Julia (Taste of Living)
Cynthia (It All Changes) says
Maybe I should actually use my french press for coffee. Right now it is a nice tea press. I use it to make large amounts of tea instead of a tea ball and one little cup.
HeatherBakes says
I need to find cute. small jars so I can enjoy the oats-in-a-jar trend!! My almond butter is from costco and in a GIANT jar = not ideal.
Have a great workout!
Kat (Kat's Daily Plate) says
I wish I had a friend who lived near me to workout with… such great motivation and so much more fun!
Abby says
I love, love, love Naturally Nutty PB and Almond butter. Have you tried a lot of the flavors yet? There are so many to choose from.
Gossip Girl Season 3… just over a week away!! Yipeeeee!
Brie (The Fit Bride) says
Love the spoon!
Chloe (Naturally Frugal) says
Ha ha ha, I know what you mean about “Little J” in Season 2. SO annoying, but she gets a bit better, don’t worry.
Love the oats in a jar!
eliza says
love the jar oats, i must try that once i am almost done with any of my many nut butters 🙂 that toffee peanut butter sounds amazing, i had the vanilla almond butter from naturally nutty and it was so good.
hope you have a great labor day xo
K says
Working out with other people is fun but, for whatever reason, I can’t run with a buddy! They like to talk and I’m too busy huffing and puffing 😉
Hooray for fall!!
janine says
What’s the trick of getting the hot oats into the jar? I tried it one morning and I spilled all over!
Krissy (Single Serving) says
I have to try some of these other nut butters. Especially anything that has chocolate in it!
Jenna says
I just got down to the scrappings of my Barney Butter 🙁
Tear, yes, but also doing a little dance because I FINALLY get to try oats in a jar. Yours look great!!!
Have fun with the workout buddy. I wish I had one, sometimes you just need that extra push.
Kath says
The ingredients are listed right on the website where I linked up in the post.
Have you noticed ;)? I’m just trying to eat healthy and keep my weekends moderate. After a summer of monster peak weekends, keeping them closer to the steady line will be all it takes to tip the scale the other way. It’s working thus far.
Thank you and welcome!!
Oh cool! Thanks!!
The vanilla flavors are to-die-for!!
Spatula, a little at a time.
mollymolly says
little Jenny Humphrey gets better towards the end of the season….xoxo gossip girl!!!!!!
Tay says
Oh and I know Jenny is so beyond annoying!!! My sister and I couldn’t stand it. haha.
Lizzy says
aw the oats in the little jar makes it seem like there is so much in there! holy cow! haha love it
Hangry Pants says
I watched all of season 1 last weekend. I can’t believe it!
Also, you must watch my dad’s french press video. I am absolutely positive he does things a little differently than you and Caitlin. 😀
Erin says
I have starting eating oatmeal for breakfast! So delicious, so filling! I can have it before work at 630 and be good until lunch break around noon. I look forward to making up my oatmeal creations in the morning. I haven’t convinced my boyfriend to start eating it again though. He was raised on oatmeal every morning for breakfast and for a friday morning treat, they got to sprinkle cheerios on top of it. hahaha!!