It’s almost been a week – better recap last weekend before it’s too late!
We had a great time relaxing – nothing too busy planned.
Saturday we went to a birthday party for Mazen’s friend Sophia!
It was fairy themed – M says hello to a fairy doll!
Sophia was the cutest happy baby – she totally knew it was her special day!
We sang songs and ate delicious carrot cake
Saturday night we dined on leftovers from the freezer – mac and cheese, BBQ and salads
Plus tasted some great stout!
Sunday was the best! We “slept in” and ate oatmeal in bed. Matt usually sleeps in on Sundays and I make a big family breakfast for us when he wakes up, but after a particularly rough few nights on my end, I played with Mazen in bed while Matt made us hot bowls of oats and coffee.
After digesting, we went for a 5-mile family walk/run, which was awesome.
And went to hang out with our friends who were brewing beer
And then Sunday night we went to Karen’s house for a lovely dinner!
This was my best attempt at photography with a baby in my lap : ) Bacon-wrapped beef tenderloin, risotto, cheddar garlic and salads
Little Choogie Pie wore a sweater that a blog reader Cathy hand-made for him – so stylish! Thanks so much Cathy – we love it!
Karen’s other guests brought a rice pudding cheesecake with fresh fruit – delish.
Here’s to hoping this weekend is just as fun!
Carly @ Snack Therapy says
I love that Maze has some little buddies already. Too cute! And “Little Choogie Pie” might be the most adorable term of endearment I’ve ever heard!
Mom says
So glad Sophia had a nice birthday.
I remember you unwrapping that beatiful sweater the week Maze was born, and now it fits him! So fun.
Hillary | Nutrition Nut on the Run says
I just love that pic of happy Mazen in the sink. Hope this weekend is just as restful 🙂
Jennifer says
Mazen is adorable!!!! I just love his smile! That first picture of him in the sink is so cute.
Wait until his first birthday comes along. 🙂
Maria Tadic says
I love that picture of Mazen in the sink! It’s so cute! His little cheeks are so adorable!
Elizabeth says
Sounds like a great weekend! I love that first picture of Mazen in the sink! He is adorable!
kim@hungryhealthygirl says
What a great weekend! Hope this one is just as wonderful and that sweater is too cute!
Susan H. @ The Food Allergy Chronicles says
I love those kinds of weekends! 🙂 As I have just started knitting…I can totally appreciate the time that the blogger took to knit that gorgeous sweater for Mazen! I am still on my never ending first project…a scarf. I was on a 4 hr knitting marathon last night to be ready for my last knitting class on Sat…a hat. ( I missed the second class as I was away and am playing catch up) Tonight will see me on another knitting marathon to be at the point where the class is. Loving it! 🙂
lucy Lincoln says
gosh rice pudding cheesecake? yummmm! any recipe?! – nice update, maze his cute happy self as ever 🙂
Jola says
Can you tell me what rice pudding cheesecake is? I know cheesecake, okay, I love cheesecake, but what rice pudding? I’ve never had it… Maybe it’s just a thing you don’t it here in Germany. 😉
KathEats says
It was like a rice pudding formed into a pie – I’m not sure where she got the recipe says
That sounds SO. GOOD.
Claire @ Live and Love to Eat says
I’ve never heard of rice pudding cheesecake – checking out recipes now!
Anele @ Success Along the Weigh says
What a cute gummy grin! Love it! Hmm, BBQ sounds pretty good! Hopefully it still sounds good tomorrow because I know a good BBQ place a few towns away we haven’t been to in ages. YUM! Have a great weekend!
Allyson says
I know you have to hear this constantly, but Mazen is SO CUTE!!!
KathEats says
It never gets old 🙂 Thanks!
Tara says
Oh man, that sweater is too cute! Does Cathy own an Etsy shop, or does she just do it for fun?
KathEats says
I’m not sure – maybe she’ll see this comment!
cath@1970kikiproject says
thanks, tara! i just knit for fun – i love making baby sweaters and blankets, and i either give them as gifts or people buy them!
Andrea Budding, OCT (@AndreaBudding) says
I just KNEW that was one of your creations, Cathy! Looks beautiful!
Ashley @ Coffee Cake and Cardio says
Fun weekend!! I hope you enjoy the weekend ahead.
Nina @ Too Hottie For That Body says
What a great weekend! Now I’ve got a craving for some cheese and crackers.
Tonya says
re: pic #1? That type of cuteness should be outlawed! 🙂
Rachel says
I see I’m not the only one who is dying to know more about rice pudding cheesecake!!!!
Alex @ Raw Recovery says
I love that first picture of the boys. So cute!
brett says
Dawwww! Simon has that teal and gray sleeper from Gap too!!
Stacey says
What a cute little boy you have on your hands 🙂
Are your counters poured concrete? I would really love to do this in our house, but wasn’t sure of the longevity if you drop plates/cups etc on it.
KathEats says
They are. They came with the house. I like them a lot, but there have been a few dings
Carla says
I gotta say I was on the fence before about who Mazen looks like “more,” and while I still see hints of Matt in him, in these pictures in particular he REALLY looks like you, Kath! Such adorable little cheeks he’s got…
Kori says
Mazen is just so adorable! Looks like y’all had a great weekend!
Sarena (The Non-Dairy Queen) says
Sounds like a fun weekend! Hopefully you guys are getting a little more sleep this week. I’m sure that happy baby of yours was not to blame. 😉
Aya says
Mazen has such a great smile! Oh I miss that baby stage. Im pretty sure Mazen is responsible for giving many moms baby fever! 🙂
Alisha @ Alisha's Appetite says
How sweet that a reader made mazen a sweater! Looks like a great weekend together!
Melissa says
Oh my goodness, the sink picture just killed me with cuteness. I would completely make that a baby book picture if I were you!
K says
Kath. I have been reading KERF for over four years now. I think this with just about every post you do, and there’s really nothing to be achieved, by me, in finally saying it. Well, except for hopefully putting a smile in your heart and upon your lovely face, but you have attained a beautiful dream of a life. You and Matt, very obviously through your dedication and consistent hard work, seem to be living a modern fairytale. I know we do not see every moment, and that you also are forced to bear with some quite harsh and unwarranted negativity at times. However, it is really difficult not to envy you! 🙂 Truly, I hope that you and your family enjoy life as much as you seem to! It would be hard to falsify I should think! I know it’s always nice to hear good things about yourself and we really all should compliment each other more in everyday life, but I feel so embarrassed! That’s just the way society conditions us now, I guess. Fear of the abnormality of being nice! 🙂 Sooo, now that I got that out and probably seem like a complete weirdo, I’m just going to stop my rambling there. I hope you have yet another beautiful day! 🙂
KathEats says
Thanks so much K : )
Ellie@Fit for the Soul says
That is crazy! I’ve only been gone for a fewww weeks and Maze has already grown so much! It looks like you guys are doing great~and Sophia’s expression from seeing her bday cake is priceless. xD
Polly says
That photo of M in the sink…. I cannot even stand it! Cutest ever!!!! 🙂
Love you guys!
Katherine says
wow – looking like quite the wk/end!
Betsy says
That’s it. You win the world’s cutest baby award HANDS DOWN! He is somethin’ else!
Shel@PeachyPalate says
Awh he’s so cute in the sink! And that is one mighty fine looking carrot cake..also love the sweater from Cathy!!! Such a little man in it!
jamie says
I love the new format of your blog- it seems to be working really well for you too! Can you ask Cathy what yarn she used for that beautiful sweater?? Thanks!
cath@1970kikiproject says
hi jamie!
the yarn is called KOIGU and it is canadian…it’s hand-dyed, and i like using the variegated shades. the yarn is great for baby items as it washes really well and there are lots of bright colours available!
jamie says
Thank you so much! Beautiful sweater!!
Kaila @healthyhelperblog! says
I love having delicious leftovers in the freezer for quick, convenient dinner!
BTW, something might be wrong with your twitter b/c your posts aren’t showing up anymore! Just so you know! 🙂
KathEats says
Oh no, thanks for the head’s up. I didn’t realize. I have no idea how to fix it, but I bet it’s related to a WordPress update..
KathEats says
Hmmm..I see the posts tweeting out in my feed?
Angela @ Happy Fit Mama says
Babe in a sink is a must for any parent. So cute and they love it!
Rach says
You may have seen this video from Portlandia already, but I thought of you guys and the “Happiest Baby on the Block” book. Very funny.
Mazen is adorable!
KathEats says
HAHAHA!! I love Portlandia and need to catch up!!
Karen says
I keep waiting for a post that doesn’t contain drinking wine or beer! J/K I love those posts! Have you tried Sea Dog blueberry yet? You put fresh blueberries at the bottom of your glass before pouring it in. It. Is. The. Best. And totally up your alley (you know, fresh blueberries count for eating healthy) 😉
KathEats says
I haven’t!! I’m not all that into fruit beers, but I suppose I could give it a try for you : )
Lisa @bitesforbabies says
Great pic of Mazen in the sink 😉 We couldn’t even try…our sink is way too small! Lol!
Liz says
The pic of Mazen in the sink… OMG! Sooooooo cute!
I wanted to ask you about the salad (“Saturday night we dined on leftovers from the freezer – mac and cheese, BBQ and salads”). Looks like baby spinachs. What do you put on them?.
KathEats says
Just a simple dressing of olive oil, dijon mustard, lemon juice and salt.
Liz says
Will try it! Thanks!!
Avery @ Southern Belle Living Well says
How fun! I love the name Mazen. It’s unique in such a beautiful way, and makes me think of an airy spring 🙂 Have a good weekend!
cath@1970kikiproject says
kath, seeing mazen in the sweater just warms my heart! so glad he can wear it already. thanks for sharing the photos!
Caitlin says
The first photo is my favorite, Kath. You should print that one and put it in the bathroom!
Anna @ On Anna's Plate says
Baby birthday parties are so fun. 🙂 Have a great weekend!
lynn @ the actor's diet says
that little head poking outa the sink – priceless!
GrandPeePaw says
Mazen looks exactly like his mother did in the bathtub at that age.
Emily @ Main-Eats says
Looks like a great weekend! That rice pudding cheesecake is intriguing!!!
Katie @ Talk Less, Say More says
Maze is growing up so fast! 🙂
Olivia says
I can’t believe how different Mazen looks in every single post — so much older-looking every time! What a cutie!! 🙂
Sarah (The Simple Dietitian) says
I love that you ate breakfast in bed on Sunday!!! Sometimes our bodies need the rest and it must have felt so luxurious. We should all do that a little more often. 😀
And that first picture of Mazen taking a bath is just the absolute sweetest. He has the most precious smile. 😀
Alyssa says
I love nice slow weekends like that 🙂
Alison says
Mazen is so adorable in every single picture! He looks quite dandy in that sweater 🙂 Hope you had an awesome week! (And thanks again for replying to my emails! Visiting Great Harvest was so cool! [and yummy])
Sarah @ The Smart Kitchen says
I kind of want one of those sweaters in my size. Is that weird? 🙂
Also, hold the phone on rice pudding cheesecake. I don’t even know what to say about that.