Video Post #2!!
I ended up getting the juice all over my shirt!
Video Post #2!!
I ended up getting the juice all over my shirt!
I'm a Registered Dietitian, healthy eater, and mom of two from Charlottesville, Virginia. Here you’ll find a healthy mix of real-life meals made from whole ingredients balanced with the pleasures of life, including buttercream frosting and good wine. Plus a sprinkle of nutrition, home life, beauty, parenting, and travel.
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SawSaw says
Dear Kath,
According to Nigella Lawson you can just cut a pomegranate in half and thwack one side with a wooden spoon and the seeds fall right out. You should try that!
P.S. I think you should have your own cooking show! Your personality would be great for a food network program!
Ala says
THANK YOU!!! I love pomegrantes and I have never known how to eat them…now I can buy them when I go to the grocery store, hehe. I LOVE your videos.
Justy2003 says
Thanks for posting the video! I'll be sure to pick up a pomegranate on my next trip to the grocery! 🙂
Molly says
Thank you for being so thorough in your blogging – how-to videos, links for recipes, details. I really appreciate it. You are a great inspiration!
CKMeg says
I’m glad you didn’t cut yourself! 🙂
Meg says
Ha! If some one gave me a pomegranate I would have had no idea what to do with it. THANKS for the vid! Now I know!
Meg says
One more thing…on your Dec 8th post, I saw you made “blueberry coffee”….what is this?! blueberry syrup? I’m so confused! Sounds interesting!
Ala says
Oops, actually had a question for you–Do you think your husband would ever do a food blog? I think it tends to be a ‘female thing’ on the net, don’t you?
Do you know of any food-related blogs by men? Just curious =)
Patricia says
Thanks for posting the video… I’m a lefty too and sometimes it’s harder to learn how to do certain things!
the husband says
I would love to do a food blog, but mine would be entirely about how to make food, with a healthy background to the whole thing. Unfortunately it would have to be more video-based, and I would need a cameraman who has the time to film!
Kath says
Thank you, thank you to you all!!
I wish Nigella would do a video so I could fully understand that method. I'm not sure I get it!
The Blueberry Cobbler coffee is just a flavored kind I found at the grocery store by New England Coffee. You can see it in this post It's REALLY good, especially mixed with french vanilla!
I don't know if the husband would do a blog of all of his meals, but he's definitely interested in doing something cooking. I'm not sure why it's mostly women doing the whole "here's what I ate thing." Maybe men just aren't organized enough!
I do half of the things in the world with my right hand – because it's easier (like cutting with scissors) but I still use knives with my left 🙁
Thanks for all of your wonderful words – I find you inspiring to put all the effort into the blog!
kathleen says
i found your blog through the eat like me blog and it is now one of my go to websites. the diversity of food you eat, the care you take in preparing, and your overall healthy living mindset is an inspiration. thank you for all your blogging hard work!
Ala says
I think a men’s take on a food blog would be very interesting! Hey- it might inspire my boyfriend to cook more =) haha.
My first thought was that most men probably just don’t care enough about calories, nutrition, and weight issues to put the effort into this type of blog (of course that is my very stereotypical thought! hehe).
MQ says
Regarding Nigella’s method of taking out the pomegranate seeds, that’s the way I was taught to do it by my grandmother. You slice off the top and bottom like you did in the video, and then quarter the pomegranate. Then, you move over to the sink (this gets a bit messy =)…), hold the quarter portion in your palm, cut side down, and take something like a meat mallet and hit the fruit on the skin side a few times. The seeds just kind of fall down in your hand and the bowl =) You might get some of the corky stuff in the bowl, which you can pick out later…
It takes less than 2 minutes to do it this way. Plus, it also preserves the juices in the bowl, which I love to spoon out while eating the seeds.
Hope this helps. Thanks for the fun video, by the way!!