Tanner worked us hard this morning!! It was SO exciting to go back to my yoga studio. I really do need a good vinyasa class once a week minimum.
Nothing stretches the chest like dancer.
Nothing stretches the IT band like revolved half moon.
Nothing stretches the hams like down dog.
Nothing rejuvenates me for running like pigeon!
I can tell if I’ve missed a week because I’m that much tighter!
Today’s class was a 90 minute Super Flow class. My gosh it was hot and hard and we were totally intoxicated from exhaustion, as Tanner said. I need Y2Yoga to come to Charlottesville!
Emily and I post-yoga looking like we were punched in the face!
Before I left I had a substantial snack, half a breakfast.
I couldn’t decide between banana or toast so I had a small bit of each. Topped with Nuttzo and Crofter’s.
Nuttzo!! <3
When I got home at 9:30 I was planning another small breakfast – likely yogurt and fruit.
But when your husband is beaming because he made you oatmeal and coffee, you eat the oatmeal and coffee!!
Matt’s Mix
- 1/3 cup oats
- 2/3 cup water (we are out of milk!! I was amazed at the difference in texture without milk. These oats were so gummy! If you haven’t tried oats + half milk/half water, please try it out!)
- Half banana
- Pinch salt
- Carrot Raisin Walnut muffin bottom (Added at beginning of cooking! I thought it would get all soggy and gross, but it incorporated into the oats and made them really fun! Carrots and raisins and walnuts dispersed throughout).
- Topping: About 1/6 of a giant muffin and some Justin’s Maple Almond Butter
First + Second breakfast were pretty calorie and carb-dense so I’ll lighten up on carbs for lunch!
LOVE this crazy Bora Bora mug!!!!
EarthFare fair trade + organic free coffee!!
Today I’m working on 3 freelance projects: a cooking demo video for Good Bite, a nutrition column for Breathe, some Open Sky updates, and two guest posts for the NC Sweet Potato blog! It’s going to be a busy day, but I do enjoy freelance work so it’s worth the effort 🙂
Might go buy some new running shoes! You guys convinced me. DUH – the health of my lower body is worth $100! I saw it very clearly 🙂 Not sure if I’ll have time today or if I’ll have to wait until after tomorrow’s 11 miler, but now I’m not sure I want to run 11 miles in my old shoes so I might just make the time.
Oh, and GO DUKE
Chelsea (Chelsea's Chew and Run Fun) says
I’m in the same boat, I desperately need new running shoes as my recent resurgence of shin splints has pointed out. Your hubby-prepped oatmeal looks divine and filling! I love that coffee mug!
Alright, your post has confirmed for me that it’s time to shut the laptop and finally get to my Yoga to the People podcast.
Enjoy the rest of your freelance filled day!
Andrea says
Sounds like the perfect start to your Saturday! I’m glad you’re planning on getting new running shoes- you deserve a good pair with all the running you do. Hope you enjoy your day even with the work!
Kellie says
I didn’t comment on the running shoes yesterday, but you need to get new ones ASAP. I ALWAYS get injured when my shoes get worn and I don’t replace them. My leg starts hurting and then I have a month long recovery. So worth the trip to the running store.
Allie (Live Laugh Eat) says
One day I’ll have a husband that gets excited about making me oatmeal and coffee 🙂
Ally says
Kath, just a heads up – if you end up getting new shoes you might not want to make your first run in your new shoes that long of a run. Sometimes they fit different, even if they are the same style but if you switch models especially (sometimes they change year to year and you can’t get the same shoe you had before). I’ve had bad experiences with blisters from new shoes I ended up returning even after just a 6-7 mile run. You might want to take a couple of shorter runs with the new shoes first just to make sure they are going to work out okay before you take them out for a long haul. Nothing like being 6 miles away from home with a huge blister starting and having to make it back somehow! Just keep it in mind! Good luck on the run, have fun!!
Kath says
Good argument…and the other side to the debate in my head!
Mama Pea says
You should wear your new shoes around the house today to break them in. You could even throw on a skirted suit & pantyhose, speedwalk around the house and pretend you are my mother-in-law.
Stacey@http://stacey-healthylife.blogspot.com/ says
What a nice husband. But I understand what you mean when you have a plan of what you are going to eat and than that changes. At least he was doing something nice. Glad you are getting new shoes, I’m also going to go look at running shoes today.
Cassie @ A Very Busy Mind says
Looks like I need to incorporate milk into my oats. I actually always (and only) use water. *gasp* 😉
Jenny says
Your husband is so great! I wish I could come home post-exercise and have a beaming guy placing good eats in front of me!
Ameena says
What a great husband…if my husband pulled together a cup of tea for me I would be eternally grateful, never mind a whole breakfast!
Freya @ Brit Chick Runs says
I reeally want to try out this yoga – yoga never seems to tire me, but I’ve never done one of THOSE classes, I must try!
Lucky you, having oatmeal all ready for you – that’s so sweet!!
*Andrea* says
adorable mug!
Yoga is so amazing and rejuvenating! i am taking a Meditation and Stress Reliever/Yoga course at my college starting this week and i am soooooooo excited. nervous, because i am a yoga-beginner but seeing you and other bloggers do it regularly and feel the effects makes me pumped up 🙂
LOVE oats with milk. the extra creaminess goes a long way
Mara @ What's for Dinner? says
I love having breakfast prepared for me… it makes the morning so much more relaxing!
Kati @ Living Well says
That mug just makes me smile :–)
lynn (The Actors Diet) says
that’s so funny – i always have my oats with just water but i wouldn’t describe them as gummy…
Runeatrepeat says
I don’t like running in old shoes, but you also shouldn’t run 11 miles for the first time in brand new shoes. They need to be broken in a bit if you’re blister-prone 🙂
Jessica @ How Sweet It Is says
That Bora Bora mug is so cute! I want one – maybe it would make me like coffee. 🙂
Food Makes Fun Fuel says
Hehe, that mug is mighty attractive
sarah (shep) says
no no no kath you’ve got it all wrong…. it’s GO PACK!!!! 🙂 actually, go duke is fine until they play for the acc finals!
Deva (Voracious Vorilee) says
I can always tell that it’s time for new shoes when my feet start to hurt – I can always justify the expense of new running shoes, though, it’s one of my favorite activities:-)
Anna @ Newlywed, Newly Veg says
Ooh, as other commenters have pointed out, I’d be really careful about doing your long run in new shoes! I’ve made that mistake before, and paid for it with blisters galore 🙁
Sounds like a fun, packed day!
Stef says
hope you like your new kicks if you decide to get them today 🙂
Angela (oh she glows) says
awww matt is a sweetie! Eric beams when he makes me things too. So cute!
May the words flow freely today!
Ashley says
I am actually going to go against the $100 shoe buying 🙂 After hours upon hours + days of reading, I’m convinced that SHOES are the problem in runners’ lives. They seem to be the root cause of our injuries and only prevent our feet from getting stronger. The shoe industry is kind of like the food industry in a way…manipulative + deceiving. http://tinyurl.com/cerpyu However, I’m not against the fact that you are training + have a race and need a new pair of shoes to get you through it 😉 Just some stuff to think about after the race though. I’m completely enthralled by this topic…like food!
Jessica @ The Process of Healing says
SO glad to hear you getting new shoes!!! Believe me, you do NOT want to get injured and have to take months off of exercise. It is much, much better to treat your feet to a little TLC in the form of new running shoes 🙂
I’ve had muffins ON oats but never IN them – sounds great!!!
Alison says
Yum! What a morning eh?
When I tried eliminating milk (trying to see if it helped GI issues), I found that just 1 egg white (or now I use 1/8cup cage free egg whites) gives it the creaminess that milk gives. So if you’re out of milk, try the egg white (at the begginning and mixed with a fork).
LOVE your oatmeal. My favorite food ever 🙂
Sarah (Running to Slow Things Down) says
I need yoga once a week *at minimum* too. I spent 45 minutes this morning going throw the poses, and now I feel like spaghetti. It’s such a nice feeling to work out the kinks!!
YUM to the bowl of oats! 😀
And as far as the sneakers go…puh-lease don’t run 11 miles in your old pair! I went through 2 weeks of long runs with my old pair, ignoring the slight knee pain, and ended up with a knee and a foot injury. TOTALLY not worth it!! New sneaks are a must. 😀
Lisa @ Early Morning Run says
I love your Tiki mug! So much fun!
I just broke down and bought some new running shoes a few weeks ago. I was still running in the ones I wore for the NYC Marathon in November! Boy. Have the new shoes made a huge difference! Definitely worth the money. They make life much better and help keep away injuries!
Katie says
For what it’s worth, you probably don’t want to run 11 miles in new shoes! It could be a disaster on your feet 🙂 And, as you said, new shoes are WELL worth the investment!
Danielle (Coffee Run) says
That’s so cute that Matt made you breakfast for when you got home! (I would have done the same thing)
Allie says
what a great husband you have! i agree with the others- even if you get the new running shoes today, def DON”T break them in on an 11 miler. i try to walk around for a day in my new shoes first, if possible (i usually get them on weekend, so this works), then take them out on shorter runs and then they’re good to go. love new shoes!!!
The Paris Food Blague says
you know, i never got much out of yoga. i would sit on that mat thinking things like “i would really like a cigarette” and basically let my mind wander, and then waved my bum around in the air for a bit when everyone else did.
i’m really bad.
Kath says
Ha. You need to do some hot vinyasa!
Hannah says
Actually, you look like you’re glowing in that post yoga shot! It’s wonderful!
Kath says
Well thanks 🙂
Kori Higgins says
I’m really glad you enjoyed your yoga session and are getting some new running shoes. I love how sweet you and Matt are to each other. It’s so refreshing and adorable. 🙂 Have a great weekend!
Sarah says
Um, I wouldn’t run 11 miles in a new pair of shoes that you’ve never worn before – that’s just asking for blisters!
Hillary [Nutrition Nut on the Run] says
When is your 1/2-marathon race?!?
Kath says
April 10th!
kate says
i love starting my day with yoga – if only i could get my butt out of bed to go!
Mia says
An interesting article for anyone who’s convinced a higher price tag means enhanced performance:
Heather (Heather's Dish) says
that yoga class sounds fun…i’m going to research the half revolved moon thing! i am in love with that mug too 🙂 hope the freelance stuff goes well and you enjoy your saturday!
Ashley says
p.s. you look FABulous in the photo..not like you got hit in the face! G.L.O.W.I.N.G. 🙂
Kath says
Thanks girl 🙂
Run Sarah says
I love yoga – I truly start to miss it if I haven’t done it in a few days. So sweet of Matt to make you such a yummy breakfast, delish!!
Karen says
(Boo accidentally left this comment on the wrong post!)
There is a fabulous yoga studio above Mas in Charlottesville that I go to every Sunday:
It’s one of the best parts of my week.
Simply Life says
Looks like a great start to the day!
Joanne says
Downward Facing Dog is my favorite. I love the stretch.
The “Bora Bora” aka Tiki mug is super. I like it. Ted and I went to Tahiti on our honeymoon and the first Island we stayed on was Bora Bora. It was pretty rustic but not as extreme as some of the others.
Lara says
Intoxication by Exhaustion is so fitting for the way yoga makes me feel. Such a different type of exhaustion than with running, biking, lifting weights, etc. Heather called it ‘yoga stoned” that fits too 🙂
Cyndi says
That is one mean lookin’ coffee !! Love it !!
Laura E says
Hello! Do you think the 1/2 milk 1/2 water combo would work okay for those who cook their oats in the microwave? I change the power level to 5(out of 10)and cook them for almost 5 minutes. Thanks!
Kath says