Boy oh boy – I thought yesterday’s list was long!! Matt does a FABULOUS job running this bakery, but there are many things that really need the KERF motivation to get done. When I arrive after cycle on Wednesday mornings, it’s go go go to fit it all into this one slammed day. But the good news is that most of the tasks are short and sweet – there are just a lot of them!!
Such as:
- Hire floor cleaner
- Update website
- Check on tea
- Check on Nat. Nutty
- Constant Contact
- Signs
- Sept. menu
- Employee paperwork
- Bills
……… you get the idea!
And our air conditioning is …not working! It’s steamy in here!
Have you seen a fudgier brownie?
Or a more delicious tofu sandwich! I left off the pesto today and added cheddar instead
Loved the swap!
Wrinkles = peaches are ready to eat
I think this was the best one of the summer!
Bite of our new Rainbow Cookie for dessert (M&Ms!)
Trying to keep my cool. It’s really hard when it’s 85* in here and this laptop is HOT!
dana says
wishing your store was next to my office and I could get lunch everyday!!! mmmm, everything looks so good!
Ann says
I am not a tofu person, but that tofu looks YUMMY! What kind of tofu is that?
Baking N Books says
I was wondering the same?
All the tofu products available to me have soy proteins in them and a few other ingredients. I think it’s the Nori brand…can’t remember.
KathEats says
Twin Oaks Tofu – a local tofu co-op
Baking N Books says
Thanks. I never heard of that kind…guess cause I’m not local 😉
Jaime K. says
You live in Canada right? I have found a Sol Cuisine and Liberte brand of Tofu. There are a few others around. Just try them out until you find one tasty enough.
J3nn (Jenn's Menu and Lifestyle Blog) says
My local Whole Foods-type of store carries Twin Oaks. I have a block of it in my freezer but haven’t try the flavored types yet. Does it need heating?
KathEats says
Yes, I would bake or saute it
Angie @ Musings of a Violet Monkey says
I can’t imagine what it feels like in there. My Great Harvest *always* feels like an oven, even with the AC. I don’t know how the employees handle it. It’s all I can do to get in and get out! 😉
The Healthy Hipster says
Its the perfect peach season here in Ontario also! I swear it takes all the will power I have not to eat them at every meal 🙂
girl in the pink says
umm I would like a rainbow cookie!!
Aine @ Something to Chew Over says
Such good eats! I don’t know how you don’t stuff your face all day at the bakery! 🙂
Kristin @ eat healthy. be happy. live well says
Me either!!! I would totally dive headfirst into the bread all day every day! And those cookies and brownies look amazing!
Unfortunately, me and wheat don’t get along, so it wouldn’t be too hard!
Khushboo says
As delicious as those tofu sarnies look, my eyes are on that cookie- YUM!
Shaya (Eye Girl Eats) says
Yipes! Broken a/c would lead to one cranky me.
Lunch looks good, can I have a bite?? 😉
Sherry says
I love cheddar cheese. I know goat is a better one for me, but I have no willpower (unfortunately). A couple of questions for you: I am addicted lately (I’m a mindless eater) to wild rice and brown rice cakes (well, I’m addicted to alot of things really, like chocolate and cookies, but I won’t open that door into myself). I know their not the best choices, and I buy “good” whole grains too, but I’m sick of tying “should” to food. I just like the crunch and can put anything on them: cheese/cottage cheese, yogurt!, jam, nut butter, avocado, butter, jam, hummus, anything really. I buy the “salted” kind. Salted isn’t so bad to buy is it? Its not loaded with it (not a bucket of salted fried chicken afterall).
Baking N Books says
I’m not Kath – but I don’t know why you would be worried about rice cakes and rice!
Sherry says
Thanks. I think carbs and sea salt get such a bad rap and enter the food guilt. Maybe a lesson for me to stop reading a lot of blogs and magazines. Gives me food guilt and food “crazies”.
Baking N Books says
Oh. I know you. Please email me directly versus conversing someone’s blog!
KathEats says
Yeah, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with these?
deva (voracious vorilee) says
the tofu sandwich and peach look amazingly delicious – yum! Have you ever used artichoke dip as a sandwich spread? A thin shmear with loads of veggies is surprisingly awesome.
Jennifer says
Long to-do lists freak me right out!! It’s a good thing that you’re so organized! 🙂
Angel7 says
Yummy, fudge-y brownies!!!
Cait's Plate says
GAH! That peach looks PERFECTLY ripe.
Hope the air conditioner gets fixed soon! Luckily the days have been cooler lately so hopefully it won’t be too miserable.
Also? DYING over those cookies! I saw the picture on GH Cville’s Facebook today and have not been able to get it out of my mind since!
lynn @ the actor's diet says
i am actually the crazy person who likes a hard, underripe peach (and plum and pear)
Honey says
Ohmygosh! That brownie looks SOOOO divine!! Wish your bakery was nearby, I’d be there everyday!
courtney (pancakes and postcards) says
You had me at “hot melty cheese.” Now I want a sandwich! It’s good that my Great Harvest is across the SF bay.
Cait @ Cait hates Cake says
That is my dream sandwich.
Ellie@fitforthesoul says
Hang in there Kath!! You can do it, and all your hard work will pay off. Think of autumn breezes 🙂
Trainer Kjirsten @ Balanced Healthy Life says
Stay cool! I loved the title of this post! Melty cheese always wins my heart! Nice swap on the pesto for cheddar, it looks divine!!!
Ashley O. @ The Vegetable Life says
The moment I saw “Hot Melty Cheese” as a blog title in my google reader I knew I would LOVE this post. Anything about cheese fills my heart! 🙂
Sarah @ Sarah's Modern Bites says
You must be sweltering in there Kath!!!! Do you have fans in your office???
Perfectly fudgy brownie. PERFECT peach. Seriously 😀
Your organization is super inspiring Kath! haha you guys are ROCK STARS.
Do you find posting your to-do lists on KERF helps too?
KathEats says
No fans!!!
Brittany @ Itty Bits of Balance says
Brilliant tofu sandwich! 🙂
kaila @ healthy helper! says
Mmm that sandwich looks delicious!!! Love cheese and tofu!
Barbara says
That pan of brownies + a fork = a perfectly lovely afternoon.
Hilary says
Love the title of this post…had me right away! And everything (as usual) looks SO tasty!
Lindsay @ Lindsay's List says
Your list just made me a little anxious! Hoping you get it all done!
Liz @ Tip Top Shape says
Ah, don’t you love when your laptop works as its own little heater? lol
Gina @ Running to the Kitchen says
I just had a delicious peach too 🙂
Katie @ Peace Love and Oats says
I want that sandwich, like right now. and M&Ms are a favorite of mine!!! sooo good!
Laura (On the Threshold of Greatness) says
Bummer about the AC! 🙁 At least VA is finally cooling down.
That fudgy brownie looks yummmy!!!!
Holly @ The Runny Egg says
I kind of wish you had drawn eyes on the peach — it would have looked so cute with the big bite mark!
Jil @ Big City, Lil' Kitchen says
Seriously – my laptop heats up a room like crazy. I swear it’s gonna bite the dust soon. Love the rainbow coookie – I’m an M&M addict. 🙂
Kate (What Kate is Cooking) says
Hot melty cheese is my favorite! Sorry your AC is broken. My family rarely turns it on, but it’s been necessary the past few days.
Averie @ Love Veggies and Yoga says
Have you seen a fudgier brownie? = rarely. I love my brownies super fudgy!
And I love rainbow cookies!
And wrinkly peaches just means they are SUPER sweet and ripe and READY to eat, asap. Love em like that!
Angela @ Eat Spin Run Repeat says
Rainbow M&M/Smarties cookies were my favourite when I was little!! Sounds like a delicious lunch. As usual, all the bread looks divine!
Natalie @ Will Jog For Food says
I thought the Tofu was ALL cheese for a second there! That would be heaven for me, I can never get enough cheese 🙂
Pam says
Ha! That peach looks so funny – the bitten out part looks like a wide-open mouth on a face – love it!
Alexa @ Simple Eats says
That pan of brownies and that cookie look AMAZING. I think not having A/C would be work eating bites of those 🙂
Hilliary @ Happily Ever Healthy says
Those brownies look amazing! Love an extra fudgie brownie!
Krissy @ Shiawase Life says
Those brownies look divine! Wish they were already Relay-deliverable 😉
Heather says
aaahh the brownies look amazing!
so sorry you have so much to do, you are working like a champ!
Lauren @ What Lauren Likes says
The peaches are definetly amazing this summer! So good 🙂
Annette @ EnjoyYourHealthyLife says
I LOVE peaches. I have had several amazing ones this Summer and I am a fan!
I think tofu on sandwiches are a great idea 🙂
Sarah@The Flying ONION says
Your sandwich looks INCREDIBLE!!!!!!
Heather says
I love your blog! I get updates sent straight to my email and read it everyday! I have never commented before! Just wanted to say Hi! And that your Tofu sandwich looks amazing I wish I could have a bite of it through the computer! I hope you can get your AC fixed! Baking bread with no AC is no fun! I am looking forward to trying so many of your oatmeal recipes, this fall! I wanted to ask where do you purchase your chia seeds? are some brands better than others? Thank you Kath!
KathEats says
Jillian says
Chia seeds are pretty much chia seeds- some brands only sell the lighter ones, but there is no benefit to that- they just sift out the darker ones.
katie @KatieDid says
Nope never seen a fudgier brownie to answer that question. And that sandwich looks superb too. Good thing not overloading it with too many flavors or else they don’t pop through! Hate when you love flavors in sandwiches.
AG says
You bake the tofu first right? How long does it store after you bake it?
KathEats says
It is baked and I think we store for 3-4 days
LY O-Town says
Hey there, that sandwich looks delish! It doesn’t look like you grilled the tofu or anything – is it just plain, and cold?
KathEats says
It is baked but it’s cold on the sandwich
LY O-Town says
I was inspired by the pic and ended up making pretty much the same thing for dinner tonight and it was great!
sarah@spinach and spice says
I’ve been working my way through pretzel m & m’s as of late, I need to try your new dessert! Oh yum 😀
Rosa - Fitness, Food, Fulfilled says
I love that peaches are in season right now. That one looks particularly delicious! And those brownies? That’s exactly how I love them!
Jennifer says
You must be melting in there. I’d have to eat those brownies so they wouldn’t go bad. 🙂
I love peaches like that. I had one the other day that was so full of juice, I actually had to eat it over a bowl.
Stay cool and I hope you get your air back soon.
Cait @ Beyond Bananas says
I would love some of those fudgie brownies in my belly. like now.
Julie H. of Spinach and Sprinkles says
Oh no! Hope it cools off! SOON!!! …..That brownie is calling my name, I can hear it in the distance!
Ashley @ Coffee Cake and Cardio says
You are one busy bee… but you live such a healthy life so you’re able to handle it well it seems. You make your fitness and health a priority and that’s seen in your daily schedule. It’s a really motivator for me!! You’re a great example.
Mary @ Bites and Bliss says
wow, talk about productivity!! I’d have to be superwoman to even accomplish half that in a day!
Kristin @ STUFT Mama says
That is A LOT to do. Holy moly. Your lunches always make me hungry (even if I’ve just eaten). Why is that? 🙂
Charissa says
With all that busy-ness sounds like you need a chocolate break!
Hillary says
Is that trick with the peaches true? If so, you just changed my life forever ; )
Molly @ RDexposed says
So is the bakery one big proofing box? says
I cannot wait to one day visit your bakery and order that tofu sandwich with pesto. It looks amazing, and I am extremely jealous of all those who are close enough to visit your bakery on a regular basis!
Namaste Gurl says
Good luck with getting everything done today– you can do it! 🙂 At least its not statistics or plant bio work. The joys of nutrition undergrad work!
Nikki @ The Legalista says
Oh my goodness, I totally would be dying if I worked in a bakery with no air conditioning!! Ahh that’s just toasty!
…pun intended 🙂
That brownie just looks ridiculous. Ridiculous. I would probably kill someone to have that in my mouth right now. Just sayin’ 🙂
Amy* says
Sounds like another busy day! Hopefully it was busy but not stressful!*
Hannah says
I totally made a sandwich yesterday with tofu and pate. Now I’m imagining tofu + pate + cheese. Omnivore’s delight 😉
KathEats says
Haha – indeed!
Kat @ Big Apple Little Kitchen says
you had me at “hot melty cheese!”
Lara @ TresLaLa says
Holy brownie, Batman. Now I really want a brownie. :-/
Hope says
Wow! Those brownies look amazing!!! It probably wasn’t a good idea to look at your blog while sitting here hungry. My mouth is watering!!
Emily says
RAINBOW cookie?!? Ugh, our GH needs those… I am a SUCKER for M&M cookies. Well, really M&M anything 🙂
Tanya @ Vegan Faith says
What type of tofu or what cooking method do you use on your tofu sandwiches? I love the look and they seem tasty, but I am afraid to try it because of texture…
KathEats says
Twin Oaks tofu, baked