How I roll:
I gotta get myself one of those.
Afternoon Excitement
-Foam rolling
-Playing with Karen, who came over to do taxes
-2 episodes of House Hunters
–Open Sky work on new products to store
Laura from On the Threshold of Greatness sells a cool green cleaner called Shaklee. [I hear it was featured on Oprah!?] Loving all tings eco and green, I gladly accepted a sample to test out. I’ve been using Mrs. Meyers cleaner for a while now and it gets the job done, but I feel that there are times when I could use something more powerful.
The pack came with a bottle of the super concentrated cleaner and 3 different bottles for different concentrations of the cleaner for different cleaning projects. One for windows, one for all-purpose and one for de-greasing.
One bottle of the Basic H2 Organic Cleaning concentrate makes 48 gallons of cleaning liquid!!
Claims to fame:
- Nontoxic
- No harmful fumes
- Hypoallergenic
- Natural
- Doubly concentrated
- Biodegradable Surfactants
Love that the bottles include the recipe proportions. I mixed some up right away!
Seeing as our house is on the market, I’ve been doing a LOT of cleaning. I’m happy to say this cleaner got the powder bath mirror cleaner than it’s been in weeks. I noticed this when I went to the bathroom and looked up and almost did a double take at myself because I was so crisp and clear in the mirror! HA!
Also de-greased the stove after dinner and it worked well there too. I did have to use a paper towel because I think my microfiber cloth was just pushing the grease around, but once I switched, worked like a charm.
I think the biggest CON of this cleaner is one of its PROs: there’s no beautiful herbal smell! Guess that’s good for my lungs 😉
Want to win some? Email to enter!
I got hungry for a snack ’round 4PM and dolled up this yogurt parfait
Emily made some of Ashley‘s Quinoa Granola and brought me a taste! I layered it with Oikos and devoured. The quinoa was not crunchy, but it was really chewy in a really good way. Loved it with the yogurt, and especially all the nuts I found embedded in the mix!
The only drawback: my tongue did not fit in this glass to lick the rest out!
What do you get when you cross a potato with a bored husband?
GNOCCHI! [Sweet potato version recipe here]
We bought a bag of priced-to-sell russet potatoes this week and Matt was itching to make something this afternoon and I suggested gnocchi. Yummmmmmm! Pillowy, doughy treats! He made at batch for the freezer as well!
We decided to coat the gnocchi after searing in some Bertolli sauce provided by the Foodbuzz Tastemaker Program.
And decided the Four Cheese Rosa sauce would probably go well with the potatoy pillows.
Wish they had left out the modified corn starch, and this stuff was very calorie dense. But we didn’t use much to balance that out.
When I know I’m having a calorie dense entree, I pair it with nutrient dense sides – like sauteed shrooms and garlicky mustard greens!
All portioned out
To put it as politely as possible, neither of us liked the sauce at all 🙁 But the gnocchi underneath were fabulous!
And the sauteed greens with cremini mushrooms and garlic hit the spot
After dinner I totally found myself thinking about all the desserts I could eat just to cleanse my palate when I was not hungry in the slightest!! I don’t’ often chew gum because the artificial sweeteners in it have given me GI troubles in the past, but I’m chewing a piece now for the garlic breath (two nights in a row!!) and it took my cravings right away. Almost ALL of my cravings for sweets are in my mouth as opposed to my stomach, head or heart!
Going to back up my bags for the workweek 😥
I had such a great weekend!
Kori says
It certainly looks like you enjoyed yourself this weekend. You more than deserved it. 🙂 My sister and I went on our 45 minute walk around our neighborhood, and it started pouring towards the end. We had a BLAST!! I love all the little things in life that can make us smile and definitely any form of getting up and moving around is a plus with me. We really do enjoy walking and aren’t much for running, but I do often think of you and all that you’ve accomplished towards your marathon. Keep up the hard work! Have a great night.
Daniel says
Your dinner looks pretty darn amazing!
Also, I’ve read about it here and there and I thought I would give it a try and it seems to work, so maybe you could give this a try next time:
Garlic breath + fennel seed = freshness. I took a few seeds at a time and crushed them between my teeth and moved them around in my mouth and after a bit it seemed to get rid of the garlic after taste. ^_^
Cyndi says
Yogurt parfait = elegant!
Everyone should know how to make good gnocci – yes it takes a little time, but it’s so worth it. Don’t you feel accomplished when you make something from scratch?
TR says
What time do you generally have dinner? I find that if I have smaller portion sizes during dinner, I’m usually hungry again in about 4-5 hours and since I’m up for many more hours after dinner.
What would you do in this case?
Kath says
We eat between 6 and 7:30, depending on the day. I’m usually in bed by 9 and often don’t need a snack. But if I’m hungry, I have one. I just make sure it’s real food.
Hillary [Nutrition Nut on the Run] says
A chew a lot of gum – usually a couple pieces each day. It doesn’t upset my stomach, but do you think there are other health risks?
Kath says
No, if you can tolerate it, then I think it’s fine.
Food Makes Fun Fuel says
After my half marathon today, I’m convinced I need a foam roller
Jenny says
I need to get myself a husband (bored, preferably!) and some taters- love, love, love when a man cooks for ya!
Jessica @ How Sweet It Is says
I made some of Ashley’s quinoa granola this weekend, too. SO GOOD!!
Sarena (The Non-Dairy Queen) says
Yogurt parfait…YUM! I often have the same tongue issue. That reminds me of last night when my son licked the hummus off the plate. It made me feel so good to see that after watching Jamie’s Revolution! As for the Bertolli sauce, that one had mixed reviews here too. I did not have it but the others said it was a little too heavy. I am sure the side of greens and the homemade gnochi made up for it though!
Heather @ Health, Happiness, and Hope says
I have SO many issues with gum… GI issues, heart palpitations… but Trident white is the only kind I chew if the craving hits hard enough. 🙂
LOVE that parfait, and what a perfect weekend dinner!
Anna @ Newlywed, Newly Veg says
Wow– homemade gnocchi is very impressive!! Sorry that neither of you liked the sauce 🙁
Have a great week!
clay says
I make love to the foam roller every night! Glad you had a fun weekend!
Ryan says
I am absolutely mortified and disgusted with myself that I didnt have a foam roller when I played ball in college. I did the ice baths (and still do), but there always seemed to be something missing that would have sped up my recovery during 2-a-Days. The second I got done, and started NFL training, I discovered the “greatness”. Man, I wish someone had educated me. So, all you exercise enthusiasts out there “FOAM ROLL EVERYDAY!”…. Either pre-workout and post-workout, or as a pre-stretch on offdays. Crucial
Jil says
MMM as always – I have a soft spot for gnocci. It’s too bad that sauce wasn’t that great – I know Bertolli does a pretty good alfredo. Though…super caloric…but nice for a treat.
Allie (Live Laugh Eat) says
Just bought a big bag of quinoa–I’ve been eating it all weekend. My favorite is as a breakfast cereal. You would love that 🙂
I foam rolled today but avoided the spots that needed it most–IT band and shins. WAHHHH it makes me tear up thinking about the pain.
I think of you every time I lick my yogurt bowl….aka every day.
Betsy says
My mom uses the shaklee products and they are so great!!
Lauren @ eater not a runner says
I need to get a foam roller, do you really see a difference in your running?
Kath says
Not directly, but it sure feels good!
Cate says
Dinner looks delicious! Sorry about the sauce… We just finished with the wonderful sliced and roasted sweet potatoes that I first saw on your blog. My husband and I both agreed that was the best way to prepare them. Looking forward to the leftovers to top my salad greens tomorrow at lunch.
You’ve got to get yourself a foam roller; I have the one that you borrowed today from Emily, and I think it was about $20 at a sporting goods store. Definitely a good investment. When I use it, it feels like a massage therapist is working on my quads and IT bands.
Lee says
I might have to check that cleaner out. I hate the smell of Mrs. Meyers. We have the Gardenia one at work and I cannot stand it.
Ann @ Appalachian Appetites says
I roll-out before every workout! It really works my IT bands 😉 Definitely recommend the foam roller for everyone out there!
Stacey@ says
I have been wanting to make some quinoa cereal or granola for a while but haven’t found a recipe to follow. Thanks for the link, now I can make some this week.
Kath says
Those of you who “roll” daily, what all do you do and how long do you spend on each muscle!?
Cate says
I use my roller primarily on my legs. I began using it on the advice of a PT for my tight IT bands. I quickly learned that it feels great on my quads as well. I also have used it on my triceps, but it is more difficult to target a smaller muscle, I find.
I roll immediately after a cardio or strength workout (and later if I still feel tight), and I roll slowly in the direction of the muscle fiber until I find a knot or tight spot; at that point, I pause to let the roller try to force the tightness out. The length of the “pause” varies based on how much time I have at the gym before work and how much pressure the muscle can take at one time.
By the way, I use a tennis ball for my glutes/piriformis because it targets specific locations more effectively than the roller. So if you have issues there, I recommend the tennis ball, though I believe a more specific “ball” product is manufactured for this purpose.
Hope this info helps! I’ll be looking back to see what advice others have to offer.
Julie @SavvyEats says
This is the way my Pilates instructor taught me to foam roll:
Start at the side and top of your leg, and slowly roll down to just above your knee. If you feel any tight spots along the way, stop there and slowly roll back and forth to make it “release” a bit. Roll back up. Repeat on the front and back of your leg.
Sit with your “sits bones” just in front of the foam roller with knees bend and feet flat on the floor, so the back of your hip (iliac crest, I think?) is resting on the foam roller. Cross the right knee over the left, lean to the left, and rock back and forth to massage that side of your lower back. Switch and repeat on the other side.
If your back is tight, lay with your spine along the length of the foam roller, with your “sits bones” directly on the end of the foam roller, legs bent and feet on the floor. Keep your spine in neutral position and wrap your shoulders around the foam roller. You can extend your arms out to the side and overhead for more stretch. When you get off the foam roller, lay flat on the floor…if you’ve done it right, it will feel like you are “sinking” into the floor.
I have been doing some serious foam rolling lately to recover from ITB so I can get back to biking and running after 8 weeks off for the injury. I’m almost there; yesterday was the first time in EIGHT weeks that I could bike without pain, and I largely credit rolling for that!
And…sorry for leaving a novel on your wall. Hope the method helps!
Kath says
Thanks Julie!
Heather says
Your dinner looks great – homemade gnocchi sounds amazing.
Too bad that sauce wasn’t the greatest…at least you enjoyed the gnocchi! Sometimes I brush my teeth when I want something sweet – helps!
Jessica @ The Process of Healing says
Those gnocchi sound amazing! I LOVE gnocchi but I never have success when cooking them myself. Too bad about the sauce 🙁
I need to get a foam roller when I start running again!
Deva (Voracious Vorilee) says
I need to get a foam roller – I need it after lifting AND running!
Your dinner looks yummy 🙂 I love pairing saucy dishes with veggies!
Ashley says
I need a roller, stat! Glad you liked the quinoa cereal. It is kind of chewy/crunchy in a good way! Fun change from oat granola 🙂 That is sooo crappy about the sauce and having already poured it on mouth watering homemade gnocci…bummer!! The mushrooms look like perfection…Now if only you + emily + me all lived in the same neighborhood…that would be trouble! 😉
Kath says
We would have LOTS of fun!
Kaci Higgins says
I have a question about the chewing gum. I know artificial sweeteners are bad, but I haven’t been able to find an all-natural chewing gum that I like. Would you say it would be ok to have 1 piece of the sugar-free gum (the 1 with artificial sugar) every once & a while?
Kath says
Yes, I think so. I wouldn’t recommend chewing more than a piece or two a day though. Packs a day would worry me..
Kaci says
Thank you for the advice! I definitely would only chew one piece per day and no more. It’s healthier and more cost effective. 🙂
lisa says
Love the look of the quinoa granola; I’d never heard of such a thing! And I still have to try Oikos, since I love Greek yogurt and Stonyfield Farms – I just never seem to be able to find it.
Sydney says
I run distance collegiately and we use foam rollers ALL the time. 2 of my roommates even bought their own and it is great to have them around! I should probably invest in one sometime soon. I love using it on my IT bands…about 30 seconds to 1 minute each. I’m also somewhat prone to shin splints, so if I can handle the pain I’ll foam roll the front of my shins (both at the same time) for 30 seconds – 1 minute. Sometimes I’ll use it to roll my calves, butt, or lower back too if they’re feeling tight, but I think I like it most for IT band 🙂 Another thing that works really well is using a baseball (or tennis ball) on the front of your shins, etc. Hope that helps! 🙂
Erin (Travel, Eat, Repeat) says
I’m slowly switching to all-green cleaning products but want to use up my current supplies first, chemicals and all. Using vinegar instead of store-bought cleaner is not only better for the environment, it’s also a lot cheaper!
Nicole, RD says
The gnocchi and veggies look wonderful! I love buttom mushroms!
Michele | aka Raw Juice Girl says
Yummy eats! I used to never eat mushrooms – but they’ve grown on me. LOL
Kendra says
Your yogurt parfait and dinner looked yummy. I can’t wait to try them both! 🙂
I love reading your blog and have tried so many new (to me) foods and recipes. Thank you.
I was wondering: do you notice that the days you workout, you are more hungry? I’ve always loved working out – being active and running, but recently my workouts have been more intense and my runs have got harder and longer. With that being said, I feel like I am always STARVING! I was wondering if you had any tips and/or ideas that would help with the constant snacking. I just feel like I never get full.
Kath says
I do think my appetite is spiked some after long runs, and I adjust by making sure my meals are big enough rather than adding in lots of extra snacks (which never seem to fill me up). But I also usually need my 4PM snack for sure on days that I work out.
eatdrinkandbemerrynyc says
Those mushrooms look delicious! I definitely need a foam roller, too bad i live in 700 sq feet and have NO ROOM for ANYTHING!!!
Cynthia (It All Changes) says
I don’t like bottled cream or cheese sauces. They never taste right to me. But after seeing several posts about gnocchi I am going to try making some in the near future.
Heather @ Side of Sneakers says
Oo that quinoa granola sounds great- I love chewier granola!
Jenn (www. ) says
Oooh, quinoa granola sounds awesome! It looks so good in the parfait, like candy! 🙂
Heather ( says
the cleaning products sound awesome!
lynn (The Actors Diet) says
yeah i have that jar of sauce too…it don’t look so good!
Kelly says
That dinner sure looks great! I have never tried gnocchi but it sounds like it would be right up my alley! I can’t say I have ever really liked a bought creamy/cheesy sauce like that. They always taste so artificial to me!
Marina says
I love gnocchi, and I’m sure that I would love your dinner 😀
Foam rolling looks like fun 🙂
Anne @ Food Loving Polar Bear says
I love Bertolli!
Jill says
I always have a bottle of peppermint spirits around (Herb Pharm is my favorite) for digestive issues/cleansing the palate. I don’t eat garlic, but it’s nice to have, anyway. I’m assuming you know about Peelu gum and all the others..
Freya @ Brit Chick Runs says
Oh the joys of living with a baker – just being able to whip up some gnocchi at the drop of a hat! You got it good girl :p
Hannah says
Oooh, birds of a feather! I had gnocchi yesterday (but mine was delicious pomodoro gnocchi here in Florence :P), and just got incredibly excited to find Fage in a local, where I also bought honey-toasted Farro – I see my own version of your parfait for breakfast 🙂
Sarah (Running to Slow Things Down) says
Don’t you just love the foam roller?? I picked one up at target for $25 this past week, and it was such a worthy investment. 😀
Gnocchi looks awesome! I’ve never made it homemade, but I’ll bet it’s ten times more amazing than the boxed varieties. 😀
Chelsea (Chelsea's Chew and Run Fun) says
Quinoa granola? Even the title has a nice ring to it! I’m very eager to know what that tastes like.
Your dinner looks GORGEOUS. As much as I love gnocchi (specially sweet potato), I think I’m most smitten with those mustard greens and mushrooms. Looks so satisfying and healthy!
Glad to hear you had a wonderful weekend! Hope your week is just as fab!
Amy says
My sweet tooth kicks in after every meal, it’s ridiculous. The minty gum thing doesn’t work for me though– does Trident make a fudge brownie sundae flavor? They should.
Kristin (Cook, Bake and Nibble) says
Those gnocchi look amazing! Can Matt do a tutorial?!?!
Kath says
There is one – I linked to the recipe in the post.
Jessie says
That quinoa cereal parfait looks amazing!
Heather (Heather's Dish) says
i love parfaits…yours looks incredible! so glad you found a green cleaner you like! we use vinegar and water right now and it works but definitely requires some elbow grease!
jillian says
Ahhhh, the foam roller…an essential tool for any runner. At the store we call them the “pillar of pain”… a name we tell them about after they purchase it…haha, just kidding. My IT bands love/hate that thing! What body part/s are you rolling?
cara says
I need to try that gum thing out. Makes complete sense. Thanks for reminding me to keep in tune with my body, or rather the relate between my mouth and stomach. 😉
Amanda @ Cakes and Ale says
I really love gnocchi, but not in much sauce. My favorite way to top it is to toss it in a skillet with a little melted butter, garlic, and other herbs… then top with fresh parm!
Alissa says
Parfait and gnocchi, what a delicious day!
Foy Update - Cook. Garden. Write. Repeat. says
The only “green” cleaners I can find around here are Seventh Generation Products. I’m not sure how they rank in greenness, but they sure do an excellent job of cleaning.
Hannah says
I’m dying for this quinoa recipe but the link to Ashley’s blog is broken or something??? I viewed the recipe the other day, and now I can’t view it again.
Kath says
Ashley needs a new host 🙁 Her blog is down for me a lot too
Penny says
Years ago I think Shaklee was considered similar to a pyramid-type scheme? It may have changed now, but I’d check into it!