I think I get my love for the mail from my mom. She always used to wish for "good mail" when we were young.
I went to bed hoping for good mail last night and good mail came!
Just gotta find a frame and hang it over my computer
Worked online this morning for a while and gear up for more YOGA! I can definitely tell a change in both my yoga practice and my body when I do it more than once a week. Particularly my abs. I’ve never had great abs, but I can feel them getting strong and stronger in there. Class today was another great noontime flow – lots of sweat thanks to higher temperatures outside. It was one of those days when the class feels like dance.
Once I got back home from my bike ride, I was pretty hungry.
Slammed a few of these while we cooked
And then, enter colorful lunch
I had an open-faced veggie sandwich with a little jack cheese and avocado. It was AWESOME.
A tiny little hand-picked apple
And the strained yogurt with Pear Fig Jam and just a sprinkle of granola. Gotta have just a leeeetle crunch!
QUESTION: What VIDEOS or POST TOPICS would you like to see? I’ve been toying with a few ideas but they seem boring. Any requests?
ashley says
i just started using your budget spreadsheet. LOVE. would love to here more finance tips from you.
Heather Marie says
I am with Ashley… great idea!
Samantha @ Bikini Birthday says
Congrats on your certification!
Jessica @ How Sweet says
OH how exciting! Hang that bad boy up!
I’d love to see more about how you prioritize organize you life with blogging 3 times a day – don’t know where you find the time!
Marla says
She does it as her full time job 😉 ( I think!!)
Valerie @ City|Life|Eats says
Yum, this looks delicious.
I love your google videos and would love to see how you customized the new Priority Inbox feature to suit your needs.
Katya says
I second that. I made mine, but feel like I could do more with it.
Laura @ Blogging Over Thyme says
Oh She Glows (www.ohsheglows) just discussed this on her blog!
Freya (Brit Chick Runs) says
I love getting post!! It’s like, a highlight of a day 😀 Especially when Glamour magazine arrives…
I’d love to see a post on portion sizes and distortion, that kinda thing. I always find it fascinating how bloggers eat such different sized meals 🙂
Valerie @ City|Life|Eats says
And congrats on your certification 🙂
Brittany (A Healthy Slice of Life) says
WaHoo- congrats… bring on the frame!
I’m curious… you seem to enjoy a beer every now and then, but usually only 1 or so. Did you ever drink more? Like in college? I’d love to see a comparison of your life 5-8 years ago to now.
Just an idea 🙂
jenn says
I’d like to know how you know all of this stuff is going to taste good together!! Is it just that you’ve been eating this way for awhile, or did you learn all of it in your RD classes? Sometimes, when I see the mixtures you put together for your smoothies, or meals in a jar – I wonder where you come up with the ingredients/mixtures and especially the proportions. Are you reading them from somewhere – making them up on your own? And if so – how do you know?
Beth @ Beth's Journey to Thin says
Beautiful lunch and congrats on getting your certificate!!
Rachel (Two Healthy Plates) says
The yogurt with fig looks so good!
I love information about organization – how about kitchen/pantry organization? Or about breaking bad habits, it can be anything from kicking a soda habit to stopping nail chewing.
Gabriela @ Une Vie Saine says
Congrats on the certificate!! I know it’s been official for awhile now, but it’s always so exciting to get the actual piece of paper.
ORGANIZATION TIPS!! You house/kitchen/pantry/life always seem so organized!!!
Tasha - The Clean Eating Mama says
That is GREAT mail!!!
shannon (the daily balance) says
yay! it’s official! congrats 😉
anon says
Kath –
Love your website – have never commented before. Thanks for sharing so much of your lovely life with your readers. I’m interested in the food blogging community and the intersection between healthy living (which you showcase in abundance) and eating disorders. It seems that so many “healthy living” bloggers are recovering anorexics who are still unhealthily obsessed with food and choose to mask their issues with strict veganism or raw eating. I love how you and Matt live a full balanced life and make such healthy choices.
anne says
I typically read your posts at work (on my lunch break of course) so I’m not a fan of videos. I like it when you post ideas about time management and meal/menu planning. Also, you had some good charts last year about nutritional info and cost comparisons of soy, almond and cow’s milk.
Estela @ Weekly Bite says
Hooray for “Good Mail” 🙂
I would love to see how you organize, find time for blogging 3 x per day and keep up with life in general. Managing my time is the worst for me!
Daniel says
How to cut a kabocha / acorn squash into those neat little “fry” shapes for roasting. I always screw mine up somehow…
That being said, just a “fancy prep” video would be kind of neat, showing how to slice things like pears, apples, squashes, or anything that’s kind of difficult to present in a fashionable manner.
Or you could do a humorous, yet informative, little “cooking show” and demonstrate recipes or little tricks in the kitchen (I know organization was mentioned and that’d be kind of neat). Heck, you could even toss the bears in there, some Benny Hill theme song music, and go nuts with it!
JessicaE says
I remember a couple videos of you/you and Matt demonstrating a recipe in your kitchen; I enjoyed those videos very much.
I also am always interested in cutting down on the time it takes to get ready in the morning. You seem out the door so quickly.
Thanks 🙂
Farah says
Hi Kath,
Congrats on getting the certificate – and of course on becoming an RD!
I’d love a post on how to start your own blog. I’ve been wanting to sart my own and would love some ggood advice, e.g. what host you’d recommend, an bloging software/tools you would recommend (Mac vs PC), tips on posting photographs etc.
Thanks so much!
Felicity says
Congrats on your certification!! I would also love to see how you manage and organize your menu and grocery planning.
Joanna @ landanimal.wordpress.com says
Yay! Congrats!
Gracie @ Girl Meets Health says
As a single gal, I’d love to see some one-serving dinner recipes! Also – maybe some more in-depth posts about nutrition, since you’re an RD now and all 😉
Foodie (Fab and Delicious Food) says
Congrats on your certification! That is so awesome!
Meg says
Congrats Kath 😀
Christine says
I would love your thoughts on what to feed toddlers. My girls (3 and 16 months) already have a good diet but I would love new ideas!
Barbara says
Love your blog. I’m a relatively new reader so I’d wouldn’t want you to repeat yourself on my account. I’ve looked at a few past posts but not all. How about a shopping list? What are staples in the KERF kitchen?
Kelly says
Just to let you know, Kath made a list of KERF staples in a post not too long ago! I can’t find it now, but you may want to check it out!
Amanda-The Nutritionist Reviews says
Congrats on getting the sweet RD diploma! I can’t wait to get mine : )
Amanda-The Nutritionist Reviews says
P.S. I would love to see a day in the life of what Matt eats! Just curious if and how he eats differently from you.
Samantha says
Me too!
Tori says
Canadian says
I’m interested in more about running. If you were looking for video ideas, something on stretching would be good.
I’m also interested in specific nutrients , how you know when you’re getting enough, what foods are good sources, ideas for getting more, etc. Let us benefit from your nutritional expertise!
Maybe also posts on particular foods, why they’re good for you, how to incorporate them into your diet, recipe/meal ideas.
Maybe something on how to balance food choices, so that you have some treats (as I see you do: beer, wine, frozen yogurt, etc.) but the bulk of your diet is healthy and nutrient-rich.
Camille says
Yay! Having the paper in your hands makes it all so much cooler 🙂
Sarena (The Non-Dairy Queen) says
Congrats! It feels good to get that piece of paper in your hand! Lunch looks so good!
Nancy @ The Wife of a Dairyman says
That is GREAT mail! Congrats!
megs says
Any organization tips for the kitchen would be wonderful. Also, any recommendations on including more veggies and fruits with a meal. Your recipes are great – especially your oatmeal ones. Because of your oatmeal ideas, I enjoy banana, pumpkin oats.
Gracia says
Let’s see, I was thinking about emailing you with a couple questions, so this is really timely!
I’d love to see “oats 101” – A post where you explain the basics, like:
Stove top oats: use x to x ratio of oats/milk, cook for x minutes, add toppings
Microwave oats: …
Overnight oats: …
Also some ideas for people who are starting out with running and yoga? I joined a yoga class today (20$ for one class a week until summer, at my campus) but was wondering how could I do another session at home so I practice 2x/week? Any videos you recommend for beginners?
Kelly says
Check out Kath’s “Tribute to Oatmeal”!
lynn (The Actors Diet) says
i would love some more blogging tips. photography, networking, etc.!
Emily says
Yay, that is good mail! I got really excited when my certificate came in the mail, too. Seems kinda unreal after all that work, huh?!
Your veggie sandwich sounds awesome. Love the addition of avocado. 🙂
Holly @ couchpotatoathlete says
I love the apple with all of the leaves still on! How adorable!
I love posts about budgeting, organizing, grocery shopping, cleaning, etc. I’m kind of a homebody and I love learning how other people do those things!
Jordan says
Congrats! I’ve never commented but have been reading your blog for awhile, I really enjoy it! 🙂
I’m interested in how you decided to make such a huge career change and how your life has changed since you no longer work the typical 9 to 5 schedule.
Mama Pea says
More dance videos. Every time I hear Bad Romance I picture you dancing 😉
Lauren says
hahah I second more dance videos. Kath, have you read “Real Food” by Nina Planck? I’m in the middle of it and it is really good, just curious to know your thoughts.
Kath says
I have not read “Real Food” or even heard of it. Do you like it?
Lauren says
Yes, I definitely recommend “Real Food” She also has a sequel called “Real Food for Mothers and Babies” that I totally started reading even though I’m not even expecting. hah! I would so love to hear your thoughts. I checked it out from my library which is small, so I’m sure yours would have it. Oh, I also thought of possible ideas for your blog that I love so much 🙂 Maybe homemade nut butter recipes/tutorials and crunchy oatmeal toppings. All your fun toppings always look awesome but I would love a way to make some of those things homemade for less $. I’ve been wanting to try making a healthier homemade nutella in the food processor. Just an idea. Thanks for asking, Kath!
Liza @ Health Nutting says
That lunch looks so fresh and beautiful and delicious– I love that the leaves are on the apple. 🙂
Hillary [Nutrition Nut on the Run] says
I’m obsessed with checking the mail :o)
Your lunch plates are purdy!
Liz says
Photography tips for slr’s! Your photos are so beautiful. Tips on the didderby settings, terms, etc would be awesome!
Maria @ Oh Healthy Day says
Congrats on “good mail”. With all the email that floats around these days, sometimes it’ just so nice to receive something tangible. I think I’m going to start sending more cards 🙂
I love your posts on Charlottesvile and running. You new running page fascinated me because I’m a new runner and can use all the information I can get.
Liz says
Photography tips for slr’s! Your photos are so beautiful. Tips on the different settings, terms, etc would be awesome!
Colleen says
Hi Kath,
I have trouble w/ portion sizes, so if you could do a post on how you keep your portions in check then that would be a great help. Also, I don’t eat a lot of meat and am concerned that I’m not getting enough protein. What personal guidelines do you use to ensure that you’re getting enough protein in your diet?
Thanks and congrats on receiving your cert!
Heather (Heather's Dish) says
i would love it if you did a video on gardening, portion sizes, and how you decorate/organize your house!
Betty Ray says
Congrats on the cert!! Hang that little guy up ASAP.
I’d love to see “A Day in the Life” kinda thing, incorporating your work, workouts, etc. Although I enjoy checking your blog many times a day as is. and your lunch today looks so yummy!
Heather says
COngrats on your certificate~ ideas on what to write on~ wondering how you get such a great balance all the time to do follow a certain guideline or a rule of thumb~ do you also have a rule of thumb of your exercise~ like so many days of running, yoga and such?
Great blog!
Heather says
yay for good mail! I am obsessed with the mail too. Hubby knows not to get it b/c that’s my favorite job lol!
post topics-you could ahve already done this and I missed it, but a yoga post on diff kinds of yoga and what the differences are, mats, what to bring, clohes, etc. (maybe I missed this?) lol
Anna @ Newlywed, Newly Veg says
Yay for good mail!! And yay for good yoga!
RC77 says
CONGRATS on the great mail!
I agree with the other comments about meal planning- either how you combine what you have in the house into a great meal (it never turns out that way for me) or how to minimize prep time or how to cook one meal one day and use it again for something else… it never comes across as ‘leftovers’ in your pics! Anything about organizing and planning… I could use all the help you’d be willing to give!
Bri says
Would love to see posts on the different dieting fads out there. Maybe you could address a different diet of the month? Raw food, low carb, low fat, vegetarian, etc. It would be great to hear your thoughts on the pros and cons of these diets, why you do or don’t like them, and how you would modify them (if at all).
Angela (ohsheglows) says
More Nerd Kerf!
Katie O. says
Uh oh…you asked and now we are telling! Okay…I have been dreaming about something like this…
A grocery list of things needed for a week. Then different recipes and ideas for how to eat that food in a couple meals plus snacks. I have 2 problems…1) I make a big meal for the week and get sick of it after eating it twice. 2) I waste fruit and vegetables cause I can’t think of ways to use them in simple meals/snacks.
If I could go shopping and then effectively use everything I would be so proud of myself I might burst. I have been struggling for years! 🙂 You seem to be the queen of imagination & not wasting. Pretty please? 🙂
Kelly says
I agree!
Leah says
I’m curious how you feel about taking vitamins and supplements and if you yourself take any.
Sam says
Hey Kath,
Longtime reader and I’ve spoken with you a few times via email (heading out to BHI next week per our conversation back in May :-D). I have reviewed all of your resources on budgeting, meal planning, and using Google calendar and iPhone (now Droid) apps for time management but I would still love to peer inside your head and see how you think about time and how you plan out your days, weeks, long-term projects, budgets, and meals. I don’t know if that makes sense but you continue to stand out to me as one of the best time managers I “know” and I would love to really understand how one does that.
Thanks for your help and lots of congrats on your cert,
Joanna says
As someone new to healthy eating and a bit terrified in the kitchen (due to lack of skill and knowledge) any posts on cooking how to’s or easy changes to make in the beginning of a healthy eating journey would be much appreciated. (I’ve already cut out diet soda and cut way back on processed foods).
There are many veggies I’ve seen on your blog that I’m scared to prepapre. I also don’t do well with turning things into a second meal – I end up with lots of random left overs! So tips there would be great!
Congrats on your certification!!
Jenna says
I know that I read healthy living blogs in order to get some more ideas about how to eat healthier … by both adding more fruits, vegetables, and “real food” to my diet and also by managing my portions. I would love to see more tips from you geared towards people struggling with their weight … how can they stay motivated to eat less portions even when they are already eating healthy foods.
Megan says
Congratulations!! Love that kind of mail!
I would love to see a post on crock pot recipes (especially non-meat ones). I love how you put things together and every recipe I try of yours is delish! I have trouble finding non-meat crock pot recipes online. Thanks for asking us!
Lindsey @ Gingerbread Bagels says
Congrats on your certification! It must have felt incredible to get that in the mail. 🙂
Anne says
Time-(/self-)management! But I guess the video of the healthy living summit will cover that topic?
Courtney @ Bread & Bokeh says
Congrats!!!! I would love to see a video about your approach to interior decorating!!! I really love your style!
Mom says
And I was just gloomy because I came home from work to bad mail. Glad you got good mail! Congratulations a million times over! Love, Mom
Blythe Melanson says
I would love to see a post re: eating healthy while away from home. I spend 3 nights a week away from home for school and find it a daunting and overwhelming task figuring out what I am going to pack so that I have healthy options and also so that I do have to spend extra money. Congrats on the certification : )
kelsey@snackingsquirrel.com says
YES!! frame that up and hang it asap! so proud <3 Registered Dietician 🙂
mm and the lunch is a bit of a celebratory feast hehe. looks awesome!
kristy @ ksayerphotography says
Yay Kath! I love good mail 🙂 My last piece of good mail was an exam back from my school with a big 100% plastered on the front – It feels so good to be recognized for your hard work!
Nicole, RD says
Good mail, indeed! I loved getting that piece of mail, too 🙂 That bread looks fantastic…all the seeds on the crust…yum! Love GH — I grew up on the stuff in Illinois!
Taysa says
You seem so organized, be it finances or grocery trips, etc, so anything on organization would be great!
Kelly says
Congrats Kath!!!
Caitlin (EatFeats) says
I don’t have any requests, but just wanted to say that I, too, always hope for good mail. It feels so special compared to the usual forms of communication today!
Dynamics says
Congrats on being official now with the paperwork!!! How about educating us with facts/food we may not be familiar with. With the cold weather coming upon some of us, how about a post on soups.
Mary @ Bites and Bliss says
That’s not just good mail- it’s fantastic mail!! Now it’s official-official. Congrats 🙂
Jen says
Congratulations on your certification!
Cason says
Firstly, something about how you manage portion sizes would be great. I love eating real food, but I have always struggled with portion sizes. Whenever I get hungry, I inevitably become grumpy and get light headed, so I tend to eat too much because I worry I’ll get hungry later (and stopping to eat at work is an issue).
Also, if you could speak a little about how you balance nutrients (amount of protein versus amount of carbs, good fats, etc.), that would be great.
Congrats on your certification!
Mary Catherine says
Congrats, Kath!
I work at a desk for 9+ hours/day. I love oats for breakfast but always feel so guilty eating a big bowl of carbs. Do you recommend something lighter for breakfast for someone who is not as active during the day? I work out for an hour every day after work but sometimes feel like a bowl of carbs in the morning goes right to my hips when I’m sitting all day!
Kath says
Good question. Well the carbs aren’t just for your body – but for your mind too! I think if they fit into your energy needs for the day, there’s no reason at all not to have oatmeal for breakfast. A half cup of oats cooked with milk and banana and perhaps some peanut butter is hardly a carb fest. But if it’s 600 calories and you only need 1800 / day and are eating more at your meals, it’s the calories that will add up to your hips. Also, you do want to ensure your oats have some protein/fat to balance the carbs and ease the release of sugar into your blood, so ONLY oats made with water and banana would be pretty carb heavy but only because of the lack of other food groups. Does that help?
Lisa @bakebikeblog says
oooh very exciting indeed!!!
Eileen says
Echoing some others:
— organization and home care
— a joint video with Matt explaining how to cook for two people who may have different tastes, nutritional needs, etc., or how to motivate one partner to eat differently. I’m always so impressed with Matt’s willingness to eat a meal of beans and veggies … my husband can get a little pouty when I make “lighter” dinners.
Stacey (The Habit of Healthy) says
Can’t get better mail than that. Well, perhaps a cheque would be better! 😉
Congrats on your certification and becoming and RD. Your hard work paid off!
Krystina says
Congrats! Your sandwich + apple looks deeelicious. 🙂
Rachelle says
Congrats 😉 Nothing like having that degree done and the proof to boot 😉
I’d like to see a video of you making a smoothie & what goes in it and what you prefer the consistency to be.
Melissa says
Congrats on becoming an RD! 🙂 Lunch looks stunningly delicious. I would like to hear more about time management in regards to blogging. Do you have any tips to make blogging life quicker/easier. It seems like uploading the pics seems to take forever. Also, any videos on yoga would be nice. I have never done it, but am thinking about getting into it. I’m a bit afraid of knowing all of the stances though. Lastly, and advice on getting through injuries with exercise overuse/running–in particular my hip. Thanks!
christina cadden says
Congrats! That is so exciting!
polly says
Hi Kath!
WAHOO, way to go sweetie! RD, my friend Kath. 😀
I vote to dedicate an entire day to MATT’s food! That would be fun and you could have the day off to eat whatevah ya want, no photos, no bloggin’, just eatin. 😛 XOXO
Jillian @ Reshape Your Life says
I would love to see a post on starting to run and building up endurance. I’m sure there are tons out there, but I think your take on it would be interesting.
P.S. That sandwich look amazing!
Amelia says
Congrats! I’d love to see a few “dumbed=down” posts about what you learned in RD school. Maybe just point form on some basic health pointers, what we should be including in meals, what certain things do for our body, risks, etc.
Sarah R says
Woot! Woot! You’re officially official–congrats again 🙂
Karen says
A huge congrats on your huge accomplishment, Kath! Wishing you many more pieces of ‘good mail!’
Michelle @ Give Me the Almond Butter says
Yayy on the good mail. I’m thinking about what I want to see, I’ll let you know!
Maddie says
Congrats on getting your certificate! I would like to see more videos on breakfasts that are quick and easy to make. I never thought of putting fig jam on yogurt. I will have to try it!
Stacey@http://stacey-healthylife.blogspot.com/ says
You have apples growing in your yard, you are so lucky.
Sarah @ Sarah's Shaping Up says
Congrats! You’re official now! 🙂
Kristen @ Kristen, Sweetly says
I’m with Jessica – I’d like to see more explanation on how you deal with time management. I know how packed you make each minute, but you still find time to do all sorts of fun activities.
Simply Life says
congrats on the official notification! 🙂
Sarah (Running to Slow Things Down) says
WOOHOO! Congrats, Kath! It’s completely official. I can’t wait for that day to come for me someday. I can only imagine how excited you must feel. 😀
Wei-Wei says
I totally read “What I learned from my nom” hahahaha. Nom nom nom and learn something! Congrats on the RD. 🙂 Make a purtty frame!
J3nn (Jenn's Menu and Lifestyle Blog) says
Good mail, indeed! That’s a gorgeous piece of paper. Congrats, Kath!! 😀
May says
Video request – I’ve been mindfully eating with friends and would love a video of you enjoying a meal! You could even voice your thoughts of the meal throughout and note when you are starting to feel full.
Dad says
That’s been some path from Davidson, to Trip Mag, to Mower, back to undergrad, to blogger and finally to RD. Congrats on your perseverance and finding your way.
Lauren at KeepItSweet says
congrats on your certification!
Stephanie @ Single in the City says
My suggestion is purely selfish: Since you’re a bonafide RD (CONGRATS on the good mail), how about a crash course in traveling the health road for those of us who are planning on taking that trip? I read a lot of blogs and it seems like chia seeds are pretty popular. I’m finding that I’m on information-overload and it’s so overwhelming!
Allison O'Mara (Girl in her kitchen) says
Congrats!! 🙂
Jessica @ The Process of Healing says
I love love LOVE that blue bowl! And I think it would be cool do posts about how to make your blog successfull.. perhaps how yours became so sucessfull and widely read?
Chelsea @ One Healthy Munchkin says
Congrats on getting your certificate! It must feel so official now!
Hmm I’d love to see a post on fueling yourself on workout days. I’ve never been sure how much extra I need to eat to make up for the calories I’ve burned.
notyet100 says
Sally Mae says
Dear Kath,
I loved your financial stuff and could definitely use a refresher!!!! I started my home budget because of you! Also, anything on menu planning for the week in conjunction with a grocery shopping list! I’m sure you have a great system – you seem so organized!!
(Also, I don’t know if this is something you would write about, but is there competition amongst you and your blogging friends? I know a lot of women our age struggle with that and I just find it interesting that you have such a huge community of blogging friends that all write on a similar topic. Is it hard? What advice would you give to someone interested in starting a healthy living blog? What is the best/worst thing about blogging all of your meals? Also, I sometimes wonder, what’s next? I think that some of us who have always put health/wellness in the forefront forget to look past that. Once we reach our goals (and are living a healthy life with healthy eating) how do we move beyond always focusing on food/eating? I hope that question makes sense…. I’m not quite sure how to phrase it! On a blog like yours, how do you let people know that there is more to life than food?)
Hannah says
Congratulations!!!! And such a colourful lunch, too, to make your diploma proud 🙂
Lorin says
I would love to know how you get all these great recipe ideas like what you had for dinner and it seems like every meal you have is delicious!! Maybe you can write about how you afford to eat such a variety of foods!
Lisa P. says
I agree with Jessica @ Sweet Eats. How do you fit in the time to blog three times a day? I just started a blog and am practicing with blogging once a day while I work full time. It’s tough to fit in a post in under 30 minutes!
Also, your “trade secrets” for blogging-like I saw you use eye-fi which probably helps with the photo upload tremendously.
Thanks Kath and congrats on your exciting mail! I am a good mail geek too.
Chelsea says
Very exciting mail! Congrats! Too bad about the apple pies…they at least look delicious!
Heidi - apples under my bed says
Hey Kath!
Congrats – I’m yet to frame my Dietitian qualifications, oops!
Re the posts, I really enjoy what you put up & am struggling to think of new ideas. Perhaps you could do some more on menu planning for the week? In terms of how you come up with ideas for meals (books, seasonally, what is in the fridge, budget restraints, etc).
Heidi xo
Laura (spokesnoats) says
ilana says
Congratulations, bravissima, encore! Way to go, Kath.
Marissa says
Id like to know what foods someone with hypothyroidism should stay away from.
Meghan says
I’ve been trying to get away from the typical yoplait yogurts. But, I have a hard time knowing what to look for! I bought an all natural yogurt and it was gritty and I wasnt sure if it was bad or if it just wasnt for me! I also tried greek yogurt but I found that there would be like solid bits near the top of the container…
So what kind of yogurts can I try for the healthier living lifestyle, that have a similar texture to what I am used too?
Kath says
I’m guessing Dannon Plain was the gritty one!?
I’d recommend anything by Stonyfield. Try Oikos Greek or Trader Joe’s Greek – both are very smooth. Stonyfield’s Plain is good too – mixed with jam or pumpkin!
Fancy says
I would love to see a video tour of your new house (like you did with your other one) 🙂