Matt and I went on a photography walk this morning. The sky is the most perfect blue you could imagine!
We rested on a nice piece of driftwood
And Matt did boy things like break logs
Our walked ended back at the Marsh Harbor so we could pick up the rest of the reading crew for the boot camp
Or rather, the bootcamp that wasn’t!
Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum had more fun playing rubberband than working out
Nobody had energy to put in a hard workout today. Larbs and I jogged a very slow 2 mile warm up and then we all did a joke of a circuit. Each person had to think of an exercize to do.
Larbs = plank
Matt = lunge (someone tell him not to let his knee go beyond his toes!)
Matt A. = burpies
Andrew = pushups
Me = rubberband biceps and shoulders
After showers, lunch was a salad topped with clementine, hummus, bleu cheese, carrot, spinach, vinegar, wheat thins and toast with butter and strawberry jam!
Mmmmm, sandwitch!
Jessica @ How Sweet It Is says
It’s so not normal for me to see sun, sand and water in December. I’m loving the pictures!
Beth @ Beth's Journey to Thin says
Wow what amazing pictures you got on the beach! I love the idea of a photography walk! And it must have been so fun to have a few people to work out with, even if it wasn’t too intense of a workout – at least it was outside!!
Angela @ Eat Spin Run Repeat says
Kath those photos of you and Matt are great!! I think you should print them and frame some in your house! Sounds like a really fun walk.
Estela @ Weekly Bite says
Beautiful pics Kath! I love the one taken from behind of you and Matt 🙂
Katy @ A Healthy Shot says
Great pictures!! It’s awesome that you all motivate each other to workout on vacation…. working out together makes it much more enjoyable!
Michele @ Healthy Cultivations says
Oh, I so love the very upclose shot of the end of the driftwood! Lovely photos!
Christin@purplebirdblog says
Photography walk FTW! I love this set!
Amalfi Girl (EatRunHaveFun.blogspot) says
I love that “and, action!” picture. So funny!
Jackie says
I love little birdie foot prints! I always notice them in the snow near the apple orchards when I go for walks.
Dorry says
I’m with Larbs – I love plank! Looks like y’all are having fun. 🙂
Emily @ One Sweet Vegan says
Looks like a fun day. I loved the photography walk photos.
Leanna Love (Raptor Toe) says
Aneesha says
tell tweedle dum i miss him dearly! looks like you all are having a great time!
RaZbeRRi says
OM f’ing Gosh! (Gurgle Gurgle SNORT!)…. Tweedle dum looks so hot in a plank! Like a big hard piece of wood (Floop!) BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB~ Whoa whoa wowza! Glerp! My niffs are shooting lasers!
Kath says
Watch your mouth, Raz!
Leanna Love (Raptor Toe) says
I looked at the word “witch” three times. I didn’t look right. But it’s fine.
Sarena (The Non-Dairy Queen) says
The pictures are great! Looks like the workout was fun…that is the most important part!
Jasmine @ Eat Move Write says
I love that Matt did “boy things.” So true. lol
Erin@ Shortcut to Bliss says
I love the beach in the winter. It gives me hope for spring =)
chelsey @ clean eating chelsey says
why oh why would I never think to go on a photography walk?
Vanessa says
Ok I am loving those driftwood close up pictures!!! And your circuit looks so fun!! Looks like you guys had a good time!
Meri @ Meri Goes Round says
Haha- whenever my family and I get together we do “family workouts” which usually entail more goofing off than real exercise. I love it!
Your pictures really make me want to be at the beach. Gorgeous!
Meagan says
I love your comment of “And Matt did boy like things like breaking logs” — so funny!
Jess @ atasteofconfidence says
I love the first picture of you two:)
Natalie O says
What a FUN day!!
Great pics too…I got my new DSLR to play with…hope the pics look like yours 🙂
Justeen @ Blissful Baking says
breathtaking pictures – the sky is SO blue!
Camille says
I looove photography walks! It looks absolutely beautiful (but cold) there!
Beth @ DiningAndDishing says
Never thought to put clementine on a salad before! Guess it’s like a fresher version of a mandarin slice :). I’m seriously loving clementines right now so I’ll have to give that combo a try soon.
Stacy @ Every Little Thing says
Beautiful photos! My favorite kind of toast is strawberry preserves with butter 🙂
Jil @ Big, City, Lil Kitchen says
The pictures of you and Matt are adorable!
Kate (What Kate is Cooking) says
I wish I had read this before I had lunch! That salad looks so good.
Allie says
Aww, I love the pictures of you and Matt 🙂 Adorable! He is such a boy haha breaking logs… my bf would do the exact same thing. Guys can be quite predictable. Lunch looked GREAT and hope you had fun with your boot camp!
erica says
your photos are amazing!
haha, tweedle dee and tweedle dum. so hilarious.
Averie (LoveVeggiesAndYoga) says
The pics ARE brilliant! The Sky is SO BLUE….I love it! San Diego’s sky looks like that today too and it’s dang chilly here!
I love the circuit workout..that each person picked something. I have a love/hate relationship with burpees…haha!
stacey-healthylife says
I love your bootcamp, cute.
lynn (The Actors Diet) says
i miss wheat thins! wheat thins in salads sounds gooood. beautiful pix!
Caitlyn (A Spoonful of Life) says
The boot camps you do with your family look like fun! I might be able to get my brother to participate, but sisters are a different story. Maybe I could coax them with food?!?
Kasey says
Great pics Kath!!!
Sarah (Running to Slow Things Down) says
I love these pictures! Mostly because I’m jealous of the beach and sun. 😀
The circuit looks like *fun*!! 😀
Annie@stronghealthyfit says
Cute bootcamp 🙂
Lauren says
What a great bootcamp idea. And that salad and bread lunch looks so inviting.
Jenny at Rice n' Jeans says
I love your photo collage and how you pieced it together. Very artistic.
And it’s so great that your family would do a bootcamp day with you ! No one in my family would even talk of going on a run with me.
Lee @ College Foodie Finds says
Kath, this is an adorable post! I love the first pic of you and Matt!
Heidi - apples under my bed says
hahaha lol at “And Matt did boy things like break logs” 🙂 looks like a yummy lunch! & what a beautiful blue sky!
Heidi xo
Paige @Running Around Normal says
Ha!! Sand witch – that’s clever!! 🙂
Cara Craves... says
You guys look like you are having a blast!
I love your workout attempt..something is better
than nothing 🙂
Melissa says
The blue skies and log photos are absolutely gorgeous!
Hannah says
Gosh, hanging out at the beach is what I should be doing down here in the Australian summer! You’re putting me to shame 😛
hemp jogger says
those pics are STUNNING! great wall art for you guys or others.
Lauren @ says
Looks like you guys are having so much fun! Boot camp is a great idea!
Allie says
Those circuit pics are classic! Looks like you had fun :-p
Krista (kristastes) says
LOVE the pic of all of you doing your “actions” 🙂 You should submit it for a nike ad, I think the kath family workout circuit needs to be shared with the world!
Alaina says
Those pics are beautiful. You and Matt are so cute 🙂
Anne P says
Great pictures! LOVE that blue sky. How do you get your photos all nice and together like that?! Windows Live Writer makes mine kind of wonky sometimes when I try to put them side by side…
Kath says
Picasa and/or Photoshop 🙂
Katherine says
Your pictures are amazing! I am jealous of the beautiful blue sky and the beach.
Chelsea @ One Healthy Munchkin says
The beach looks so isolated and peaceful in the winter! It also looks super chilly though. Brr!