The Next Food Blog Star
I don’t think I deserve to be the next food blog star.
But I think my food does!
This mosaic is made entirely out of KERF FOOD FOTOS!
The Next Food Blog Star
I don’t think I deserve to be the next food blog star.
But I think my food does!
This mosaic is made entirely out of KERF FOOD FOTOS!
I'm a Registered Dietitian, healthy eater, and mom of two from Charlottesville, Virginia. Here you’ll find a healthy mix of real-life meals made from whole ingredients balanced with the pleasures of life, including buttercream frosting and good wine. Plus a sprinkle of nutrition, home life, beauty, parenting, and travel.
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Wei-Wei says
WOW. No words.
Sarena (The Non-Dairy Queen) says
Tina says
You do have pretty amazing food creations. 😀
Lauren at KeepItSweet says
it does look good!
Katie @ Healthy Heddleston says
Wow so impressive Kath! Loved the photos! What program did you use to make the mosaic? So Sweet!
Kath says
Steph@stephsbitebybite says
How do you find all these cool things 🙂
Ellen @ Undercover Runner Eats says
Christine says
Howw did you make that?! AMAZING
Lindsey @ Gingerbread Bagels says
Wow that looks so amazing! I love it. 🙂
Beth @ Beth's Journey to Thin says
Wow incredible!
Shannon, Tropical Eats says
Heather (Heather's Dish) says
the end 🙂
Laura @ Blogging Over Thyme says
So pretty! Can you pretty please tell me how you did that? 🙂
Kristy@ says
Whoa! Awesome! 🙂
Mom says
Amazing. We need to get print copies and turn them into cool things like notecards and placements (for real.)
Kori says
Terrific idea!! It needs to be executed for sure. 🙂
Karen says
You Youngers are such a creative family! What a fun, terrific idea!
Emily G. says
She could even turn some into actual pictures and frame them and sell them on Etsy. Or just do copies and have the buyer frame them. I think they’re BEAUTIFUL and would look awesome in a kitchen.
Susan Mc says
YES Mom… totally agree… posters? I’d buy!
Sarah R says
too cool!
Gabriela @ Une Vie Saine says
Wow! So creative- I always love your gorgeous photos! Good luck!!
Freya (Brit Chick Runs) says
You have made some amaze stuff!
Gracia says
I’m hungry just by looking at it. Oh, and I’m very excited to try pumpkin oats for the first time for tomorrow’s breakfast!
Jess says
Gorgeous photographs. I’m still experimenting with my new camera but I hope to have some photos as good as yours. Beautiful!
Jessica @ How Sweet says
Wow – that had to take so much time! Go Kath!
Lin says
Woah! Lady, you’ve just made me a veryyyy hungry girl… and I’ve just ate! Beautiful mosaic and beautiful photos!
Jessica@tastyandtrim says
Your food is amazing! I definitely think you deserve an award for all the tasty bites you whip up 🙂
Melissa says
Love the collage; your photos and eats do look pretty spectacular.
Sarah @ The Smart Kitchen says
How long did that take you to make?!?!?! 😉
barefootgirl (our first CSA) says
Stacey (The Habit of Healthy) says
Such pretty photos. 🙂
Betherann says
Fabulous! Good luck!
Mary (What's Cookin' with Mary) says
So cool! Imagine taking that and making it a giant print to put in your house… Such pretty food pictures.
Brittany (A Healthy Slice of Life) says
I have no idea how you did that, but COOL.
chelsey @ clean eating chelsey says
Gina says
This post made me hungry 🙂
Seriously though, your food is beautiful. You always take incredible photos and come up with wonderful recipes!
Angela @ Eat Spin Run Repeat says
I think this is my favourite KERF post! Great job, Kath! 🙂
Brittany says
Wow, that’s gorgeous! Love all the color. Inspiring me to go make something fresh. Your photos are awesome Kath!
Camille says
Cool mosaic!
I looove all the photos!
Holly @ couchpotatoathlete says
Kath that is so neat!
My brother in law had one of those mosaic things made for my sister in law after they had their first baby. It is such a neat idea!
Paige(Running Around Normal) says
How awesome is that?!? Way cool. And DELICIOUS.Food. Overload.
Nicole says
That’s too cool! How did you do it?
Anna @ Newlywed, Newly Veg says
I was hoping you’d be entering this! You can definitely win!!
Michelle @ Give Me the Almond Butter says
Omigosh, that it absolutely insane! Great job!
Alexa @ The Girl In Chucks says
I seriously need to stop coming to this website before I’ve eaten…it makes me want to go and consume my entire kitchen immediately!
Katie @ peacebeme says
That looks really cool, the mosaic.
Random question – I am home all day because I am unemployed and because of a medical illness, although I work over 20 hours a week on a volunteer job from home. Do you ever go crazy being at the house so much? Additionally, do you think it is harder or easier to eat healthy when you are at home? I feel like my disordered eating is such a battle when I don’t have a real schedule and things to do outside the house.
Kath says
Working from home is definitely a bit cabin feverish at times – I’m still getting used to it. But I wouldn’t trade it for an office job for the world.
Alyssa says
If you don’t win…I’m not sure what the food blog world has come to 🙂
Katie (Sweet Tater) says
you are awesome.
Hillary [Nutrition Nut on the Run] says
Your food definitely has STAR quality!
Danica says
Beautiful, Kath! I LOVE the new layout of your site too – Probably a little late in the game of noticing since I am so behind, but, I think it’s awesome!
Rebekah @ Rebeltarian says
Sof says
Hi Kath, I have never posted before but I have been reading your blog for a few weeks now and I really enjoy it! I explored some of the other blogs participating in the ‘food blog star’ challenge and I did not find one that I liked more than yours. The layout was either confusing or the food looked a little yucky…congrats on a successful and pretty/clean looking blog, hope you win!
Kath says
Thanks Sof 🙂
Laura says
WOW…………beautiful xx
Claire ( says
Beautiful Mosaic, how long did that take you! Amazing, loving the foodie photos, I would love them on our kitchen wall. Winner, winner, winner!
Caitlyn (A Spoonful of Life) says
That’s Awesome!
Heidi says
Very cool! You’re food always looks gorgeous.
Chelsea @ Strawberry Sweat says
Neat! I wish you were able to click on the mosaic to make it bigger to see all the little pictures though!
Simply Life says
isn’t it fun to see all the good food you’ve been eating?! 🙂
Lea @ Healthy Coconut says
What a colorful collection Kat. You just look at it and you can tell you eat a balance diet without, no words needed.
The collage is magazine worthy.
Halley (Blunder Construction) says
So many photos! I wonder how to make those mosaics composed of a million individual photos, maybe there is software somewhere that could help. I bet you have photos choices to to wallpaper a room.
hemp jogger says
if that were a poster, i’d snag it asap! would make such a cool statement piece. your photos are always so gorgy…the best : )
stacey-healthylife says
Love the photo’s.
Sana says
I feel like you should get those pictures printed and framed 🙂
Cara Craves... says
Looks like a winner to me 🙂
Hannah says
Holy moly, how long did that take you?! Gorgeous, but!
Erika @ Food, Fitness, & Fun says
Your pictures look amazing! I love the KERF mosaic – you take so many pictures I believe that the mosaic is 100% KERF. 🙂 Good luck!
Brittany says
I love the mosaic. Such a great idea for your entry!
whitney says
You are a star and your photos are beautiful. You inspire me. I would love to eat and cook like you
Jillian@ Reshape Your Life says
that is just TOO cool!
notyet100 says
looks so cool,..
Alaina @ The Jogging Concierge says
That’s amazing Kath! says
Came to check out the competition. You look strong! Good Luck! GREG
Flotch says
The mosaic is awesome. All the best!
Crystal's Cozy Kitchen says
I love the way you wrote your post – it is so interesting the different takes people have on this challenge! Good luck – I voted for you!