Today begins two days of our Jean Inman RD exam review course. I’m excited to play the role of sponge!!
Today is a rest day to recover from yesterday’s run, but I did do a 20 minute YogaDownload of stretching upon waking. My muscles needed it, and it sets the stage for a healthy day. There really is nothing like a few early morning down dogs to get the joints moving.
Knowing I had to be on campus by 7:45, I made overnight oats for a no-cook breakfast. Just had to prepare the coffee and my other half helped with that 🙂
Waaaaaaaaaa I want my daylight back 🙁
I warmed these up for 40 seconds in the microwave. Liked it!
The Mix
- 1/3 cup raw oats
- 1 container Siggi’s plain yogurt (mmmmm!)
- 1/2 cup 2% milk
- 1/2 tbsp chia seeds
- 1/2 cup pumpkin
- Sprinkle cinnamon
- Pinch salt
Cali bowls make the best overnight oat containers because you can see all the mixing residue on the sides of the bowl thanks to that cool lip 🙂
Nothing but milk fat film today 🙂
Feed Bag Me!
I’ve got an Open Sky promo for you 🙂 Check out this cute tote made from recycled feed bags!
It’s only $15 and was made by STOPStart Enterprises, which provides jobs for trafficked and abused women in Cambodia. If you purchase it today, Open Sky is throwing in a FREE wine tote to go with it!
There are only 20 available (10 pink, 10 blue) so snag while you can 🙂
And here’s a video I made on Saturday to showcase the tote in person!
Hoping I can squeeze in a quick iPhone post at lunch – but time will definitely be crunched! Lunch is provided though, so it’s a surprise.
Headed South instead of North today!
Jessica @ How Sweet It Is says
I have never warmed up my overnight oats, but I think I may like them better that way.
Karla says
Agreed! Day light savings sucks!!
Sooo dark out this morning!!
Have fun beings a sponge!!
Heather @ Health, Happiness, and Hope says
Gotta love starting the day out with some yoga!
Therese says
I think I see a penguin head profile in your coffee!
Shannon (The Daily Balance) says
the commenter above is totally right — definitely the profile of mr. penguin!
I’ve also never heard of hot overnight oats — did it taste like regular oatmeal, just a little more creamy? curious!
have a great day 😉
Jenny says
Have a good day playing sponge!
Anna @ Newlywed, Newly Veg says
Those totes are cute!! Who doesn’t love a tote? 😉
Have a fun day being a sponge 🙂
Heather (Heather's Dish) says
crazy…a review?! that means it’s almost over! hope you have a fabulous day and a fabulous lunch 🙂
Marlow says
I’m SO excited that you’re carrying those totes from Kingdom Ventures! Not only do they help formerly trafficked women in Cambodia, BUT they’re FAIR TRADE!! They create a sustainable job for those women and their familes that treats them with respect! (Can you tell I work for a fair trade non-profit?!) Yay!
The Paris Food Blague says
looks delicious. and bon courage for the upcoming exam
a bientot
the paris food blague
Freya @ Brit Chick Runs says
I want your oats! Cripes, that sounded like one of the best mixes in a long tim 😀
Have a great day!
Christie @ Honoring Health says
Love the totes. There are yoga mat bags at my studio made of something similar. At least the texture looks the same.
Have a great day!
Maggie @ Fit.Fun.Food says
I love your coffee mug! I covet everything from Anthropologie! Have a great day!
Kelly @ Local Foodie Fight says
I have a bag like that, it’s made from an old Chinese rice bag i think….
and I LOVE that mug by the way, i was going to get it at anthro the other day, but I got another instead…may have to go back after next weeks paycheck and splurge away 🙂
Sarah (Running to Slow Things Down) says
I kind of wish I would have warmed my overnight oats just a bit this morning. That would do wonders for taking that extra chill off. 😀
Have fun today!
Stacey says
🙁 I miss the daylight too! I walked out of my house this morning and was like “Whatttt?! Where’s my sun?!”
Have fun today!
That tote is sooo cute 😀
Stacey@ says
I think I’ll try the overnight oats. I like the combo of oats and yogurt for a good carb and protein mix.
Rachel says
I definitely miss the morning daylight. It was so, so hard to walk to the gym in the dark again 🙁 On the upside, it will be light out later in the evening 🙂
Hope your review sesh goes well. You are so close to being finished!
Mara @ What's For Dinner? says
I’m not ok with this whole “driving to work in the dark” thing, but i’ll be REALLY happy when it’s still light out at 5:30 p.m.!!!
Andrea says
Great tote- it’s really cute and I love a big bag!
Have a great day!!
Cole says
Yeah, extra darkness in the morning is not fun. Good luck with the review session!
Danielle (Coffee Run) says
That’s a cute bag! I love that it’s recycled 😀
Katie says
Love your spoon and the tote bag.
jaclyn@todays lady says
Have fun today!! I love that bowl, and the spoon is so cute too!!
Lindsey says
I’m really interested in getting into Yoga and was wondering what DVD or book/program would you recommend for a NEWBIE?…. 🙂
Good luck on your busy day. WE WANT OUR SUN BACK TOO! 🙁
Kath says
Yogadownload’s 20 minute classes! They are free and instant to your computer.
Estela @ Weekly Bite says
I did that review course… it’s great! It really helps with the exam!
Jenn Eats Nutritiously Now says
I’ll admit I love DST!
The bag is a neat idea.
rustique says
I love the idea of slightly warming cold oats. Have a fun day!
Heather @ Side of Sneakers says
You will be totally prepared for the RD exam of the Inman review- I used a reallllllly old copy of the self-study binder to study for my exam, and it was so helpful!
Mom says
When I met Kath in Greensboro last Sunday, she was carrying the tote. I thought it was so cool, I ordered one for myself and one for a friend. I like the colors. I get tired of beige.
Monica (Musings of The Granola Girl) says
Nothing like oats and yoga to start the day! 😉
Paige(Running Around Normal) says
Aw, I love that it doesn’t get dark until later, but I agree, I did miss my morning daylight when I woke up. Don’t worry – it’ll be back sooon 😀
Have a great day!
Stephanie says
i’ve been to nervous to try the overnight oats because the idea of eating them cold kind of grosses me out. BUT I’m definitely going to try nuking them a bit to warm them up!
Enjoy the course and have an awesome day!
Cyndi says
Just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy your blog … I cleaned up my bookmarked nuttrion and cooking sites and realized how many were interesting, but did not necessarily add value to my life. I’ve learned many things from yours – it’s informative, clear, and fun! You clearly put a lot of thought into it and it shows.
I am definitely adding sardines to my grocery list! The nutrition facts were pretty amazing, especially the vitamin D. May be a tricky addition for my husband and kids … it sounds great to me!
Kath says
Thank you!
Jessica @ The Process of Healing says
That bag is adorable!!! And what a cool deal! If I was not broke currently, I would definitely partake 🙂
I have never warmed up overnight oats either… sounds good though!
Have a fabulous day!
skinnyrunner says
Good luck, sponge. that bag is cute!
rachel North Carolina says
Kath–great job on the run yesterday!!!!!!!!!! I love the feeling of finishing such a long run.
Where is your half marathon? You should try for the Asheville half in September–it’s beautiful (hard as hell though b/c the hills).
Kath says
April 10
JENNA says
your overnight oats look superb!
I LOVE the totes. Too Cute!
Sarena (The Non-Dairy Queen) says
Nom, nom, nom…those oats look deicious…I thought I spied pumpkin! Have a great day!
Allison K says
I want my daylight back too!!!!
Showty says
I love seeing all your meals! I really need to get a French press!
Lauren @ eater not a runner says
Good luck with the exam review!!
Michele | aka Raw Juice Girl says
I LOVE the pink bag!
And the video is awesome – you’re great on camera! 😀
Have a fantabulous day, Kath!!
Beth @ DiningAndDishing says
The other day I made o-nite oats and stirred in a container of pear sauce in the morning for my fruit component. It was the best batch I’ve ever made! Sooo, if you haven’t tried it I highly recommend it :).
Carolyn @ lovinlosing says
I’ll take dark mornings for light evenings!
Lizz (Leading the Good Life) says
Have you tried all of the Crofter’s flavors yet? I want to pick one up to try, but I’d love a reccomendation!
Lizz (Leading the Good Life) says
Kath says
Definitely the North America!!!!
Susan says
I have to chime in… I got the North American at WF based on your recommendation Kath… it is to die for… we all love it, hubs and kids… price isn’t bad either! Go for it!
lynn (The Actors Diet) says
those cali bowls make everything look beautiful! are they microwave safe?
Kath says
tiffany says
love the bag and would love to order..but still havent recieved my nutbutter from your last promo… any helpful hints??
Mike says
Hi Tiffany,
It’s Mike from OpenSky. Many apologies for the Natural Nutty delay. They ran out of sunflowers and we’re working closely with them to get every order shipped out. I’d love to help address your specific concerns and get this resolved for you so please email me at Thanks for your patience!
Kath says
Thanks for the update Mike!
Cynthia (It All Changes) says
I love bags like that. I have a few from other places The Salvation Army does similar things.
Hannah says
Oooh la la, you’re a model now too! Maybe Tyra Banks will do an America’s Next Top Fitness Model? 😛
Tara says
OMG your video is way too cute. love it!
kenny says
Hottie with the body!! i just ate a full calzone for four. with a side of onion rings. and i may have polished off a squeeze bottle of mayo…comment back!