This post is sponsored by Chobani
Guess who turns four years old today!?!?!?!? And yesterday I walked him into his preK classroom. Sniff, sniff. It’s been a big week! Mazen is not a little tot anymore, and he literally gets bigger every day!
We had a really busy summer. Mazen traveled to Bald Head Island, San Diego, Hillsborough, South Carolina, the Outer Banks, and attended three different camps. This last final week of summer I didn’t schedule a thing. Matt and I just wanted to spend as much time doing fun activities as we could before school started. And boy did we pack them in!
Chobani sent us a care package full of yogurts to fuel us up for this final week of summer.
We eat a LOT of yogurt in our house – from the cup, squeezed out, in smoothies, to cool off oatmeal, or as popsicles. Chobani products are made with only natural, non-GMO ingredients, and have no artificial preservatives, sweeteners, or flavors. The Kids products are made with real fruit and have less than 10 grams of sugar per serving (6 grams in the tubes and 10 grams in the pouches). Mazen and I both loved them!
Here were some of our adventures!
Oatmeal for breakfast cooled down with a splash of drinkable yogurt!
One day for lunch we had guacamole made with some plain Greek Chobani. Last crunch of summer!
We paid a visit to Bounce Play-n-Create on a particularly warm afternoon.
And then we got a much-needed back-to-school haircut!!
After that, soccer shopping! He is SO pumped for his new cleats and shinguards!
We got sweaty with some soccer practice…(although some of us took a lot of rests by sitting on the ball!)
And then refueled and cooled off with popsicles.
Matt took him to the park, and swimming at Sylvia’s house. I sent a box of yogurts with them!
We went to the park several times during the week.
We packed a picnic to enjoy with friends while we were there.
Grown-up smoothie snacks : )
Later that day we made a fort and had popsicles for a snack. I’ve been freezing the yogurt tubes as popsicles for ages, and I love that he still thinks they are a treat (probably because they do taste like ice cream!) Let me pause to say that Mazen was THRILLED with the superheroes on the packaging. I’ve never seen him think a food was more cool than when he was naming all the guys on the tubes and picking out his favorite. Batman for the win!
Breakfast before preschool orientation was a key lime parfait:
Mixed with peaches and Cville Cluster Granola.
After breakfast, we biked to school to meet his teachers! This is his third year at our local school, and I feel like he’s a senior in high school because he knows all the ropes : )
Let’s do this!!
Thanks to Chobani for keeping us fueled with yummy yogurt and sponsoring this post!
Erin @ Her Heartland Soul says
Happy Birthday Mazen!! says
Happy birthday Mazen! I love Chobani!
Kori says
Happy birthday, Mazen!
Marina says
My toddler also loves yogurt, but I don’t like giving her flavored/sweetened yogurts. I wish Chobani (or Stonyfield, or any other yogurt company) would make pouches or “kids” PLAIN yogurt!
Laura says
Agreed! I don’t buy any of the baby yogurt because it all has sugar! We just do plain full fat yogurt and mix in fruit at home.
Larbs says
Happy birthday Maze!!! I sure hope he didn’t get a new soccer ball at the soccer store….
KathEats says
He didn’t!!
polly says
happy birthday to a precious boy! He is SUCH a cutie. Have fun with Pre K and momma all those snacks make me hungry! XOXO
Kelli @ Hungry Hobby says
He is ADORABLE! What a fun age, that smile melts your heart! Good luck in school bud!
Leatitia says
4 was my absolute favorite age! 5 is also.. but 4 was the start of.. OMG my kid is amazing, I love him, I want to spend every minute with him! 1-2-3 are fun.. but 4 is an absolute blast. Happy birthday Mazen!
Aya says
Happy Birthday Mazen! Gosh he is such a mini you. Growing so fast!
Alexa says
My son who is a bit younger than Mazen thinks those new Chobani smoothies are the best thing ever. This is from a kid who says he hates yogurt. It feels like such a win when he chugs one down!
Kelsey says
Not only does Chobani make great yogurt, they are also a great company!
Alan says
I’ve been following you apparently for a long time because I remember your pregnancy and his birth! Wow, what a handsome boy he is. And a winning smile if I ever saw one.
Comment about the yogurt: echoing above, does it concern you as (a) a mom and (b) a nutritionist about the added sugar in these yogurts? There has been a lot of press about added sugars, childhood diabetes, and consumption overall. Do you have nutritional info about these Chobani packages? I have shied away from flavored yogurts for a few years now, adding my own fruit to plain Greek or regular yogurt (low fat if I can get it) to try to control sugar and so on. Comments? Thanks. Happy BD to you AND Mazen (you are the one who did the hard work here)
KathEats says
I was actually happy with the amounts in the kids products. Only 6 grams in the tubes – that’s reasonable to me especially since yogurt has naturally occuring sugars. I wouldn’t want to give him anything with 30grams per serving as some sweetened yogurts do. Also, there are added benefits with yogurt so I’d rather him have a sweetened yogurt than something that’s just all sugar with no protein, probiotics, etc.
Roxanne says
Happy birthday, Mazen! OMG He’s so gorgeous! I can really see he’s getting bigger and older everyday. One day you really need to prepare seeing him off to high school or college. And that’s just a heartbreaking scene that we need to deal as a mom 🙁 but for now, enjoy every moments you spend with dear Mazen 🙂
Julie says
Happy birthday! What a beautiful cute smile! He looks likes he loves his Chobani 🙂
Liz says
He is so adorable!
Emily says
Love Mazen’s shirt in the last photo. Where is it from?
KathEats says
The blue and green plaid is Gap Kids : )