What an afternoon full of elegance, cake and love!
My best friend going back to age 2, Kirst, and her mom, Vibeke, hosted the most beautiful shower today. Kirst did such a gorgeous job with the decorations – which she made herself!
Including this gorgeous ribbon mobile that I am going to hang over the baby’s crib!
We headed over at 12:30 and were welcomed with a beautiful spread of foods
We played a few fun games after lunch
The first was a game of children’s literary characters and books. We had to guess in teams – some of them were really hard to guess (like Strega Nona and the Magic Pasta Pot!)
The second game was a baby photo guessing game! Guests were asked to bring a baby photo and we had to guess who was who
Guess who!
And who!
So glad Sarah was able to come and I was able to meet baby Annabel for the first time! Hard to believe I was at her shower just a few months ago!
Baby Y-M received so many wonderful and thoughtful gifts. Many of the shower attendees were from my mom’s church and it was lovely to see them all in this exciting time.
From darling outfits
To toys that bounce and light up
To handmade gifts, books, and practical items (ahem, breast pads : ) )
And a handmade quilt featuring MARSHMALLOW PEEPS in honor of my mom’s adoration of the famous confection!
When all of the gifts were unwrapped, we feasted on two homemade cakes that Kirst made!
One was chocolate with strawberry filling and the other was vanilla with chocolate filling
I enjoyed a small slice of each – plus some ice cream – and was full of heaven!
As party favors, Kirst made pacifiers from Oreos and Ritz crackers dipped in chocolate! So cute.
Mom and I have been ooing and ahhing over everything as we’ve unpacked and sorted back at home.
Thank you so much Kirst and Vibeke for such a memorable event. And to everyone who attended for your love and gifts. And to Larbs for taking most of the photos!
Marci says
that nursery rhyme game is super cute!
Kelly @ Foodie Fiasco says
What a beautiful celebration! I am so happy for you, Kath. 😉
Cait's Plate says
Such a gorgeous shower!!
Chelsea @ Chelsea's Lovelys says
I love your dress! Looks like you girls had a lot of fun. The food looks wonderful 🙂
Rachel says
awww everything is so cute!
Macrae says
WOW! Kirst and Vibeke should have their own business, that is such an impressive shower! Also, I had completely forgotten the Magic Pasta Pot, I will definitely give that to my nephew next 🙂
Erin @ The Grass Skirt says
What an adorable shower! It likes Kirst has a calling. She could plan showers professionally. 🙂
Dynamics says
That quilt is amazing. I have to go find some of that material. Joke in my family is giving my kids peeps every year (they hate them). One last peep in the form of a pillow would be fun. I also loved the mobile. You are so lucky to have such talented friends/family. Have fun playing!
Michelle (Peachy Palate) says
Looks like you had an amazing day! Super excited to you 🙂 Those cakes look incredible…actually all the food does!
Katie @ Talk Less, Say More says
Looks like a great afternoon! And that cake looks AMAZING!!
j3nn says
What an incredible shower! The food looks great, and all of the wonderful gifts! Wow! So much love. 🙂
Katelyn says
Mai says
me TOO.
Meagan says
I love the ribbon chandlier! How cool! And that looks like such a nice shower. And the food spread, OMG
Micky says
I’m curious as to the significance of the elephants 🙂
KathEats says
Just a fun theme! And maybe a nod to Kirsten’s time in Niger
Sabrina says
I want to make those exact cakes (down to the shape) for Raffi’s party – except with a raspberry filling. Any chance you can put me in touch with Kirst? I’d love her tips.
Jennifer says
You got so many really cute and unique things. 🙂 That was so nice of your friend to do that for you. It looks like she put a lot of work into it and did a great job.
The food looks amazing in those pictures. I wanted to reach out and grab a deviled egg. 🙂
Sarena (The Non-Dairy Queen) says
Oh Kath, what an amazing celebration of your little one! Everything sounds perfect!
Lisa says
What a memorable day!
Liz says
It looks like a fabulous shower! I especially love the quilt because my mom’s a quilter – I’ve got some great ones around my house. Your dress is really pretty, too! So cute that baby A was there 🙂
Gina @HealthLoveandChocolate says
The shower looks gorgeous! As do the food and gifts!
carol says
What a nice celebration and baby’s quilt is GORGEOUS – I love it! Woo Woo – pretty soon!
sarah (the SHU box) says
had so much fun!!! can’t wait for our babies to be playmates someday 🙂 !!
Melissa says
What an adorable shower! Love all the photos … and that QUILT!!!! (And I don’t even like Peeps, but that is just amazing!) Thanks for sharing the photos with all of us so we could “attend” too!
Katie @ Peace Love & Oats says
That looked like a gorgeous party!! All the food and the elephant theme! I hope you had a wonderful time with your family!
Marla-Deen Brooks says
I’m so glad you have all of these wonderful photos of this day! Just beautiful! You will love looking back on them!
emme says
KAth you’re GLOWING in those pictures, so, SO pretty! i have to ask though, why the elephant theme? it’s super cute but i feel like i’m missing something. congratulations on baby y-m 🙂
KathEats says
Just a cute theme! And maybe a nod to Kirsten’s time in Niger
Jasmine @ learning to feed yourself says
Pineapple casserole sounds interesting! Was it a sweet or savory dish? And I want to eat all of that cake….
Nicole @ Yuppie Yogini says
Pineapple casserole includes the oddest combination of ingredients but is SO amazing—it’s sweet and almost dessert like!
Lani says
Looks like fun! A lovely way to celebrate you and the bebe! So happy for you.:)
Julie H. of Spinach and Sprinkles says
I’m so glad that your whole shower went so well- you can tell that your friend loves you (and baby) VERY much from all the effort and time she must have put in. She did a wonderful job- having a great friend like that is a blessing!
Looks like you got some great gifts and a whole lot of…….LOVE! 🙂
Kim@hungryhealthygirl.com says
We played the baby picture guessing game at my sister’s baby shower and it was such fun! Love the yellow and gray. All of the food looked delicious….baby showers are the best!
Khushboo says
Wow what a fabulous shower- Has your friend thrown any in the past?? Impressive!!!!
Leila @ Spinach and Skittles says
What a lovely shower! I’m not a fan of the run of the mill baby shower (or bridal shower) games, but these are fun! I think I’m going to send the ideas to my sister-in-law, who is planning mine 🙂 That ribbon mobile is perfect for your nursery, are you going to be able to use those cute bunting flags too? I know you already have some in the nursery, but those ones might look really cute in baby central downstairs.
Mel says
Looks like a lovely baby shower! I too, like the elephants!
Brittnie (A Joy Renewed) says
stock up on those breast pads!! you will need them ! 🙂 looks like a lovely shower. what a blessing!
Sarah (The Simple Dietitian) says
What a beautiful baby shower! The theme is so fun and the food is just perfect. I’m taking notes in case I ever am asked to put on a shower. 😉
Katie says
You are glowing and you look so beautiful Kath! What a beautiful shower! Looks like you got so many great things for the baby! SO happy and excited for you, Matt, and your whole family! <3
Angel7 says
You look beautiful, Kath! You are glowing!
What a wonderful party! You got great gifts!
Grace @ Grace Dishes says
Everything looks so wonderfully put together from the decor to the entertainment to the food. Congratulations again and I LOVE that you shared this. I love attending special events celebrating joyous occasions.
Amanda @flecksofgreen says
I wasn’t sure what I liked more, the food or the decorations–it was such a close call. Then I saw the pimento cheese rolls and the food takes the cake (pun intended 🙂 ) I hope you enjoyed your shower!
Jeri says
Borrowing the idea of labeling food so guest know what they are eating. But what I live most are the cakes. Nothing wring with store bought and decorated, but these you know were made with love.
Jennifer says
What a beautiful shower!! The food all looked amazing. You received some really wonderful gifts.
Julia H. @ Going Gulia says
Ooooh my gosh, I adore that onesie with the men’s tie on it. I can’t wait to see Baby Kerf rocking that! And what an awesome spread of food…looks like a great shower 🙂
Sara says
Kath – you look beyond gorgeous. What a lovely day!
Rhapsody says
All the gifts are lovely, but the quilt is super-adorable!
Sneakers2Sandals says
Too cute!! The diaper wreath is like the cutest thing of my life (besides my puppy)!
What program do you use for your photo collages? Do you use Lightroom for that?
KathEats says
Yes, this one I did
Ellen @ Wannabe Health Nut says
What a nice shower! You look purty. 🙂
Jenna says
Love your dress – so adorable on you! Where did you get it from? I’m looking for a cute maternity dress to wear to my own shower 🙂
KathEats says
motherhood. I’ve had good luck with their stuff
Krista says
That quilt is gorgeous!
Hope @ With A Side Of Hope says
What a beautiful shower! I love your dress! 🙂
Ashley @ Hudson on the Potomac says
Pimento cheese rolls! What a great idea instead of serving it just as a dip. Looks like a wonderful shower!!
MommyPage says
I hope you had a great time at your baby shower!! Those baby gifts look perfect for a newborn and the food looks delicious! You are going to make a wonderful mom and I’m certain your baby will be very well-fed.
Sarah @ See Sarah Eat says
So awesome that your friend made all of that stuff for your shower! And I love the children’s literary quiz too, I wonder how many of those I would remember? And the baby picture game was pretty cute too. Great game ideas 🙂
Simply Life says
wow! what a beautiful shower! that quilt is just gorgeous!