Time is closing in on me!!
I had a noon phone call followed by an errand uptown and just finished lunch!! The granola breakfast actually held me over beautifully – I didn’t start getting hungry until around 1pm – 4 hours later. And it was only light hunger, so I could have gone another hour (and really did before I had my “real” lunch).
Kelsey stopped by around 1 and before I knew it my chance to have lunch was gone, so I chose a snack to have on my drive up and back. (This errand was a beauty thing that I probably shouldn’t say to be unladylike
– nothing major).
So my snack was a big apple and some nuts: cranberry pecans and salty peanuts. They held me over perfectly until I could have a 3pm lunch.
When I got home I was getting hungry again so I made a sandwich: Navy Bean Dip (too much raw garlic ), Goat Cheese + Spinach with some pimentos on a Dakota bun.
Half a cup of Stonyfield yogurt with 1 heaping tbsp PB2 and some AgavePlus granola. I am lovin’ PB2 in yogurt!
And a carrot
Which needed a dip into the Barney Butter jar!
I gotta get back to studying or Biochem is going to me in the face tomorrow!!
Shannon (The Daily Balance) says
Lovin that sandwich! great flavor combos! Good luck studying!!! 😉
Carrie H says
Heh heh … love the fist. : )
Lisa says
Ladylike, schmadylike – being pretty is dirty work!
PB2 in yogurt sounds quite tasty. Now I just have to see if I can find it …
Kristen says
It’s so funny the difference camera angles can make. For example–the bowl with a half-cup of yogurt looks like the size of one of my huge breakfast cereal bowls! Haha =)
Jenn@slim-shoppin says
Good luck on your studies!
Your lunch looked great. I’ve never tried carrot/pb combo! That sounds pretty good!
Jennifer says
I love the fist emoticon!!! Adorable!
brandi says
good luck with your studying! So close to the end!!!
Sharon says
Good luck!
megan says
do you mix pb2 with water first or just stir it right in the yogurt?
Danielle says
Good luck with studying, your so close to being done!
Your food looks fantastic!
Runeatrepeat says
It’s tough work to be a girl, hope the errand was an enjoyable one and not a waxing type one.
Kailey (SnackFace) says
My day is escaping me, too! I’m vowing never to sleep in again!
Hmm that girly task sounds like it may have been painful. I’m just sayin’, I don’t like having to wax my upper lip. Therefore it goes wild sometimes. I hope that’s not what you were doing. haha
I love the lunch in parts! My fave thing to do…just eat here and there all day.
Good luck with the studying, Kath!
Brooke says
When you put the PB2 in the yogurt do you put it in once it has been prepared with water? Or do you just add the powder?
Run Sarah says
What an awesome sandwich combo! Carrots always taste better with PB or AB!
Heather says
Good luck studying! Looks like you fueled yourself up with some delicious eats to keep you going 😉 ! I’ve gotta try my PB2 in yogurt. I haven’t had a chance yet, but I can’t wait to play around with it.
Bec says
good luck with the studying!
Kelly L. says
I lauged at your “lady” errand. Bikini waxes & yearly gyno appointments came to mind. 🙂
Ooooh, I hate it when there’s too much garlic in things!
Good luck on BioChem tomorrow 🙂
Kara says
You’ve really been amping up the emoticons! It really adds some oomph to the post 🙂
Michelle says
That sandwich looks amazing .. you make healthy eating look REALLY good!
Michelle Hisae says
Haha, cute emoticons. 🙂
Beadie @ What I Ate Yesterday says
Ah. The things we go through to stay beautiful 🙂
Good luck with your studying!
Mara @ What's For Dinner? says
Good luck studying! You know its all worth it!
K says
Haha, I laughed at the fist picture at the end! Good luck, Kath!! You’ll kill your exam!
sue says
haha love all the new emoticons, especially that fist. good luck with the studying!
weight and meditate says
Good luck with biochem!
Sarah says
I never thought about adding pb2 to my yogurt. I may have to try that, I have some just sitting in my pantry than needs to be used.
ari says
hahahahahahaha i love your little emoticons
Stephanie says
What is a Dakota Bun and where do I find them? I haven’t seen them in my regular grocery store.
Good luck on your Biochem exam. I remember when I had to take that class…I don’t envy you! 🙂
Kath says
Ha! You guys were right with your guesses 😉
megan + Brooke ,
Yup – just stir it right into the yogurt.
Michelle ,
Thanks!! That’s the whole goal of this blog!!
Stephanie ,
They are made by Great Harvest Bread Co. where Matt works.
Organic Girl aka Ashley H says
I had the same problem when I made white bean dip it was so acidic and strong from the raw garlic whoo!