I am absolutely IN LOVE with this WEATHER!
You know how when you’re well you forget how awful it is to be sick? And vice versa? Well in the middle of the winter I long for summer, but I don’t remember it being THIS nice.
Back 2 back parties tonight! First I attended a get-together soiree for Breathe Magazine.
It was a meet n greet held at Mono Loco so Breathe could say hi to the community. They did an awesome job with the spring décor, and couldn’t have picked a more perfect evening!
Mono Loco chips + salsa were munched by me, and I sipped a water when I really wanted a Spice-a-Rita.
I also donated a big box of Great Harvest cookies for the event. I had to leave before dessert, but they were well received : )
Partly #2 was book club!
I just finished [TODAY!] The Magicians Assistant by Ann Patchett. I enjoyed reading the book, but as a plot person, was a bit disappointed, especially with the ending. But the characters were very interesting and it was a good book to discuss! I’m up next for choosing a book and chose Ahab’s Wife: or, The Star Gazer, which I read 5 years ago and loved. It’s a beautiful, poetic, exciting story.
There were 6 of there and a spread of snacks for dinner. A couscous salad, lots of cookies, and lots of cheese, plus hummus and dippers. And wine! I sipped sparkling water that Seamane has on tap spiked with lemon + lime that was wonderful!!
I got there reallllly hungry and left realllly full!
I had two plates this size (note that’s broccoli twice in one day!)
And this plate of sweets is what put me over the top! However now an hour later, the fullness is subsiding and I feel hungry. Confusing! I might have a small cereal snack before bed to try to ward off the middle-of-the-night hunger and see if that helps with the insomnia.
The highlight of my night was snuggling with little E! She’s just a month old and so sweet!
Seamane caught me with her dozing off later on. Call me naïve, but I have no fears about being a mother. Not to say that I won’t encounter plenty of challenges, but I’m just so. excited. to get started.
Back at home, thirsty as a camel and winding down for bed!
Vivi @ My.Beautiful.Air says
you look beautiful with a baby! so excited for you to have your own!
Gretchen says
Agreed ????
Gretchen says
Tried smiley 😉
Kel@The Kel Show says
Brittnie (A Joy Renewed) says
I agree – While I do expect parenting to be HARD WORK and challenging, I don’t really have any fears about motherhood or specifically raising an infant. I can’t wait!!
Sarena (The Non-Dairy Queen) says
Oh Kath, you will be an incredible mother! I had no fears either. I just knew it was me and while there are hard times, there are so many more magical times.
Becca says
Such a candid and precious photograph of you and the baby sleeping. You’ll have to recreate that shot once your own baby arrives.
Megan @ Megan's Munchies says
What a fun filled night!! Little E is precious and you look so natural with her! You are going to be a fabulous mom!
j3nn says
The weather has been beautiful! Definitely unusually warm for this time of year, but looking at historical weather records, it’s just history repeating. 🙂
Motherhood looks good on you!!!
Sana says
You are going to get to be a mom super soon 🙂
Caroline @ After Dinner Dance says
What an adorable baby! You already look like a mother 🙂
Jessica @ The Process of Healing says
You look so natural with a baby! You’re going to be a great mother!
Ashley @ My Food 'N' Fitness Diaries says
you look like a natural with the cute little baby! you will be a wonderful mother. looks like a wonderful evening! i’m loving this weather too! 🙂
Katie @ Talk Less, Say More says
Awww that picture is so adorable! I’m sure you’re going to be an amazing mother! 🙂
Marie@feedingfive says
I think having ‘no fears’ is great, I didn’t have any either (granted I grew up with 8 siblings) but the joy surpasses being tired and being needed 24 hours a day for sure.
Ashley @ Coffee Cake and Cardio says
OMG Kath! You look so amazing with the baby in your arms. So beautiful!! You must be so excited to have your own in your arms.
Gloria Schiralli says
You are positively glowing in that pic of you holding the baby!! you look beautiful! i am sooo excited for you and matt!! 🙂
Annette @ EnjoyYourHealthyLife says
Awwww SO happy for you–that you GET to get started when you want to 🙂
Mom says
Darling baby!
The Mrs @ Success Along the Weigh says
Girl you look like a natural holding that baby! Think how awesome that’s gonna be when it’s your own lil nugget!
Dad & GrandPeePaw says
Janie is jealous.
Lindsay @ Fuel My Family says
this weather is amazing in NC! Both times I was pregnant, my first trimesters were in the winter. I think the spring weather helped pull me out of my sickness both times. Life is so much better when the weather is nice!
And how amazing is holding a sleeping baby? It just makes the world perfect 🙂
KathEats says
I agree!! I’m really glad I was sickest in the wintertime
Alicia says
Hi Kath. I’m moving to C’ville in August. Is the book club you attended tonight open to the public? Thanks!
KathEats says
I don’t think I’d say it’s open to the public, but a blog reader is a friend of mind, so let’s meet up and yes, you can join!
Alicia says
Sounds great, I’ll be in touch after the move!
Maria says
so very sweet.
JessicaE says
I’m surprised how unafraid I am of labor/birth/being a mom as well. Its not because I don’t understand how difficult and life changing it will be… its just because I am already in love with my son and you do what ya gotta do 🙂
Liz @ Tip Top Shape says
That last picture is beautiful 😀
Laura @ Backstage Balance says
You look very comfortable holding that sweet baby 🙂 you’re going to be a great mom!
Question: how does Seamane pronounce her name? Is it ‘See-mayne’ or ‘shah-mayne’? I’m curious!
KathEats says
It’s the latter – “sha-mane.” Pretty name!
Averie @ Averie Cooks says
Kath that last pic of you is just awesome and you’re going to be a natural. I can see you about to start nursing, washing cloth diaper laundry, and getting your sling all ready…seriously, so.excited.FOR.you!!!
Nescett @ bananaoats says
Oh I’m so bummed you didn’t like The Magician’s Assistant. I thought her writing in that book was so incredible. I’d read some of the sentences over and over they were so beautiful! Speaking of beautiful, that is one pretty baby!
KathEats says
I did think the writing was beautiful! Just didn’t care for the lack of plot
Blessing | Working Mom Journal says
Awwwww, you look so natural. One lucky baby is gonna have you for a Mom 🙂
Amanda Darby says
Ahhh, you’re so lucky. It snowed today in Seattle.
Dom says
From your pictures it seems that you come from a family of great mothers. 🙂 The smaller they are the easier, I think (well until like 2 when the tantrums start- then as they learn to vocalize they subside.) My daughter Gabrielle is in the tween stage and as incredible as it is to see her mature-I really have to be so patient. They are at a stage where they can only see how everything affects their being and are unable to see how their behaviors and actions affect others. I have caught myself repeating things my mother used to say to me. I could go on and on. I really do need to just write you an email 🙂 Good news is I am almost done with my MA so I will have tons more time for chatting. Much love to you. You are such a beautiful woman. I am sending tons of positive energy your way.
Khushboo says
Holding a baby is a good look on you, Kath :)!
Patricia says
Have you tried adding some fat to your evening snacks–a few nuts, a piece of avocado, some berries and a little real cream, for instance. It evens out my blood sugar throught the night. A drop in blood sugar always wakes me up.
KathEats says
Yes, good tip. That might be why I did ok last night – cookies before bed!
Amelia says
There is definitely no need to fear motherhood. If you trust your instincts and deal with things as they come up, it is much more enjoyable than if you worry ahead of time – so you’re in for a treat 🙂
Tip for middle-of-the-night hunger: keep a mini juice box by your bed. I would wake up from hunger and this would provide just what I needed to be able to fall asleep again quickly without ever getting out of bed. I never drink juice normally, but this was easy and convenient.
What a darling baby!
KathEats says
Juice is what I had the past 2 nights (Odawalla) and it really worked well. I didn’t want to have to chew things in the middle of the night!
Nikki says
Kath, the baby looks great on you! <3
Laura @ She Eats Well says
That is a very sweet baby! I love the decor for the meet-up you went too…all those cute hanging ceiling lights, so Summery!
Björg says
awwww, such a cute baby!
Looks good 🙂
Haleigh says
You’re going to be a wonderful mother, Kath! I’m sure you’re so excited. Just look at you and that little baby, so sweet 🙂
Simply Life says
I love my book club and a chance to all get together, talk about books, life and eat good food! 🙂
Angel7 says
What a yummy spread of food!
You look so sweet in the picture of you holding the baby 🙂
Lauren says
Hey kath, If your book club hasn’t read The Tea Rose, its a fascinating story! Highly recommended. Will try one of your recommendations after Im finished the Hunger games trilogy (half way through the second book) Miss the first 😉
Fran@ Broken Cookies Don't Count says
I love couscous especially in salads! The baby is so Cute!
Lauren @ What Lauren Likes says
That last picture of you is adorable 🙂
Allison K says
You aren’t scared about being a parent? I am. Not about giving care to a newborn/toddler/child, but about raising another human to be a functioning , thriving member of our world. Talk about the biggest challenge ever.
Cait's Plate says
Oh my gosh she’s SO adorable! I just love them at that age when they just melt in your arms!
Lauren @ Oatmeal after Spinning says
You look like a natural!
And not being afraid at all to be a mom? Wow! It scares the crap out of me (even though I know it will be the most rewarding thing ever)!
Kelly says
Going on vacation next month and thinking about what books to bring. I think I’ll bring Ahab’s wife! You’ve talked about it before and I thought about renting from the library but never did…. now I will! Thanks.
~Christy @ wonderofallthings says
If you’re a natural, you’re a natural! 🙂 What else can you say to that?? You certainly look it. 🙂
janet says
A baby was at book club? That seems so crazy to me! If dad is working and you can’t find a sitter – you don’t come that night (or we re-schedule if another accommodates everyone).
But to each their own – glad it was a fun time for everyone =)
KathEats says
The baby was more than welcome – everyone wanted to see her for the first time
janet says
That’s great baby was all around welcome. Parents who assume everyone wants to spend time with their baby: huge pet peeve! But what a great opportunity for you to be holding a little one. Will be holding your own before you know it.
Erin says
Month-old babies are so portable. I wish I had done more things with mine when he was tiny. If I had it to do over again, I would have had more pedicures, more meals out and seen more movies while he was so tiny that he slept all the time. Best advice I can give any new mom is to take that baby everywhere! It won’t be long before they are so mobile and so vocal that outings are often too difficult to deal with. 🙂
Kaci says
Congrats on broccoli twice in one day! I also love how you say you’re excited rather than nervous to be a mom! I’m soooo sick of hearing moms say “You just wait” & “Better get all the sleep you can now because it’ll never happen again”. Why do people have to be so negative about something so positive? Anywho, have a splendid RD/Pi Day!! 🙂
Lisa says
I so agree! Motherhood has been going on for millenia. It’s perfectly natural. These are the same Debbie-downers who warn about teenage years. Really? Hmmm, because my 14 year old son is the joy of my life, has never given me a bit of trouble from the moment he was born, and is the only student in his honors math course that is passing right now. Gee, I sure don’t have any complaints!
Kaci says
Wow how amazing! Congrats to him! I think of it this way: significant others/friends/siblings bring an immense amount of joy but take work and sometimes have their down moments, so why would people think having children would be any different?
Stephanie @ Legally Blinde says
Those flower decorations and multi-colored paper lanterns are so pretty and festive! I love them!
Joss says
The picture with you and baby…so sweet 🙂 A natural!