I spent the morning over at the bakery doing a photo shoot for some images we can use in ads and things. Despite the rainy day, the bakery’s awesome natural light was perfect for the shoot.
The best part was eating the props for lunch!! Too bad I left that board of sweets there for the customers..
We just debuted our homemade pimento cheese sandwich – which features spiced pecans and a spicy plum chutney. SO GOOD! I brought the sandwich home (since the shoot was held mid-morning) and heated it in the oven.
Served with a pile of grapes and a mug of tea!
It was weird just eating my lunch instead of having to photograph it a second time! I figured I could just use these photos I had just taken – so convenient!
Due to the shoot, yoga has not occurred yet. Please encourage me. Going to check my closets for some hiding willpower…
Angela @ Eat Spin Run Repeat says
Gorgeous shots Kath! If you ever decide to change careers, food styling would be a good one for you!
Sarah@The Flying ONION says
I always like to think that I’ll never regret going to yoga. It’s getting there that’s the hard part, but once I’m there, it’s totally worth it. You’ll feel fabulous afterwards. 😀
Lovely pics!!
Katherina says
Answer: no, I do not like bread and rarely eat it. Doesnt stop me from coming here for some reason, though! Icy plum chutney sounds really interesting.
KathEats says
Reb (Life Doesn't Have to Suck) says
KathEats says
Hope @ With A Side Of Hope says
Beautiful photoshoot! The pictures really turned out lovely! 🙂 That sandwich sounds so different and delicious! I wish I lived near your store!
KathEats says
Well thanks 🙂 But I think that IS part of my career!
KathEats says
[Ooops wrong comment!]
Stef @ Living HI says
Throw your mat down and get to it! You’ll feel so much better after.
genevieve says
Note to self; never, ever visit your blog while hungry. Love these shots! My goodness, does that sandwich look good.
Becky @ Skinnyfat Girls says
Look at all that bread!!! Oh, the possibilities…
Cait @ Beyond Bananas says
You can always use a nice loaf of bread as your yoga brick thing. I don’t know what they are called by some of the really into-yoga people have them to help with poses.
That way you can also eat it as you yoga. I think that sound fabulous.
Katie @ Peace Love and Oats says
ahhh that sandwich looks so good! and heated in the oven? I should do that… if I have the patience. And just do the yoga! I have the hardest time forcing myself to do workout videos at home. Just change and set up and hopefully momentum will get you going. and remember, in 1 hour, you’ll feel so proud of yourself!
Anita says
You’ve got this! Gooooo yoga! You’ll be glad you did. 🙂
Heather @ Get Healthy with Heather says
What a great shoot! And that sandwich sounds delish 🙂
Megan says
It’s guaranteed you WILL feel better after an hour of yoga…you owe it to yourself and your aching muscles.
Sarena (The Non-Dairy Queen) says
Wow, that looks like a tasty photo shoot! Best part was the payment in the end!
Karen says
Oh, you know the mental tricks all so well, Kath: Getting to the mat (class, track, etc.) is the difficult part. Tell yourself you can quit after 10 minutes if you get bored. Visualize how good/stretched/decompressed you’ll feel afterwards.
If you aren’t in the mood for a solo (kick-butt) session with Dave Farmer, maybe a yoga class at your gym will align with your afternoon schedule?
Go, Kath!
Johanna B says
Before I saw your tweet yesterday about the pimiento cheese I’d forgotten how much I liked my mother’s homemade stuff when I was a kid. Of course, there was mayo and white bread back then. I’d love to be able to taste yours with the spiced nuts and all. Someday…
Christine @ Oatmeal in my Bowl says
Stealing the props, now? *sigh* 😉
Have fun doing yoga! So relaxing, even when you’re holding the downward dog for a while and your start to shake…
Angel7 says
Your photos look awesome–the lighting was perfect!!! Great job!
Estela @ Weekly Bite says
Love the photos!! And now I want a pimento cheese sandwich for lunch 🙂
Annette @ EnjoyYourHealthyLife says
OKay those photos look FABulous!! You did a nice job. ANd that sandwich looks tasty!
Enjoy your YOGA today!! 😉 I’ll be looking tonight to hear about it…. hehe 🙂
kathleen @ the daily crumb says
you will NEVER regret a yoga class!! it’s 60 minutes of your day for YOU. go for it 🙂
your bread pictures are beautiful as always!
Lindsay @ bikingbeforebed says
Those photos are truely gorgeous. A bread lovers dream! And I love the sound of that new sandwich.
Jen says
Sure wish I lived closer to Virginia right about now! That sandwich sounds INCREDIBLE!
Halley (Blunder Construction) says
What do we have to do to get that plum chutney recipe?! I die for chutney on sammies. What are you going to use in the recipe in winter months when plums are gone?
KathEats says
It’s a local chutney made by the Virginia Chutney Co.!
Kiran @ KiranTarun.com says
Gorgeous photos! You could do food styling as a gig as well 😉
Now, go onto the mat and begin with a sun salutation. NAMASTE!
Kori says
All of your photos look fantastic & man oh man that sandwich looks devine! Motivation to do yoga is being sent your way!!! 🙂
Jill says
I’m on my way from Texas to Cville to get some of those goodies. Incredible shots!
Fran says
Do the Yoga…Do the Yoga…Do the Yoga!!!
Khushboo says
Man how can anyone not like bread, especially after this post! Kath, no questions, no protesting: it is time to get your pretzel on I.e. do some yoga!
Liz @ Something To Chew On says
I LOVE BREAD. And pimento cheese, Kath?! That sounds amazing!!
TeenyLittleSuperChef says
How sad that some people out there are afraid of bread. I wanted to lick my screen just looking at your beautiful pictures of these delicious loaves. What is your favorite flavor that you offer at Great Harvest? I would become the crazy bread monster if I ever owned my own bakery. We wouldn’t make any profits as I would end up eating all our inventory. I hope to someday come out and visit your’s 🙂
Thanks again for the pretty pics
KathEats says
Cville Crunch!!
Antonia says
I want some of that bread…everything looks so good. And the photography is great as well!
deva @ deva by definition says
I like bread, mostly toasted slathered with lots of butter and honey.
Hillary says
Yes, I like bread. Want to send some to MD? ; )
Molly@hungryhungryrunner.com says
Gorgeous photos! And that sandwich sounds amazing!!! I’ve never seen a combo like that. Very creative! And I’m sure it’s just as delicious as it looks. 🙂
JC says
While not from Cville, 2 loaves of total yum GH pumpkin chocolate chip bread appeared in our office this morning, still warm… delish
Jamie says
Amazing photos! Just beautiful!
Gina @ Running to the Kitchen says
Gorgeous shots! Go to yoga! I’ll go for the walk I’ve been putting off for 4 hours now if you go to yoga. deal?
Stacy @ Stacy Eats says
Beautiful photos, Kath!
Zoe @ loseweightandgainhealth says
The photography is great and the bread looks wonderful. I wish I could come and visit your bakery but it’s a long way from England!
How do you get so many photos together like your bread shots? Did you do it in Lightroom or Elements? Very impressive.
KathEats says
Picasa does it quick and easy!
Zoe @ loseweightandgainhealth says
Thank you. You are very kind and generous at sharing your knowledge. Really appreciate it.
Sweet and Savvy says
If I hated bread before looking at this post, I think I would now 🙂
Bread is not my favorite. I never grew up eating bread with every meal, but I am a HUGE fan of homemade, warm, really GOOD bread. Bread at authentic Italian places? Yes, please!
lynn @ the actor's diet says
is the pope catholic?
Lauren @ What Lauren Likes says
You certainly know how to get people craving carbs! Lovely shots 😀
Jo says
Sorry, I don’t get your final comment about looking for willpower hiding in the closet…? I mean, I get the reference to willing yourself to do yoga, but why look in the closet?
Jillian says
She was just bein’ silly 😉
KathEats says
Yeah, just giving it some personality
Jo says
Ah, I was reading it much too literally!
J3nn (Jenn's Menu and Lifestyle Blog) says
OMG, yes! I love bread.
The photos look great. I also love natural light. It is what makes pictures come out infinitely better than low-lighting or artificial light.
Angie says
I think for advertising your sweets, you should use close-up photos of the displays in the bakery. Ive seen them on your blog page and they look so nice and tempting! Good luck with holiday prep! It was always my favorite time of the year to be working at GH. Its never too early to start displaying holiday giting ideas!!!!!!! 🙂 🙂 I love this time of year, can you tell?
Angie says
for example…hello Savanna Bar!! Might have to go buy one after work now … https://www.katheats.com/you-may-now-kiss-the-bread
KathEats says
Cait's Plate says
I’m doing yoga when I get home!! YOU CAN DO IT!!! 🙂
LOVE those photos – it’s like all my favorite things in one big block of pictures!
Katelyn says
Confession: there is a Great Harvest Bread Company in the next town over, and I’ve still never stopped in! I’m definitely going to do that this weekend! Did you go to yoga? I’m doing spinning after work, and as my spin instructor always says, the hardest part is getting there! 😉 It’s definitely harder to workout on a rainy day though!
Dani Delicatessen says
i had the same problem today-yoga didn’t happen, i kinda used the excuse that i got out of class too late but i guess i could have made it just barely. oh well, the day isnt over!
Diana @ frontyardfoodie says
Who doesn’t like bread?! Although, if I’m honest, it doesn’t make me feel super great. haha
Jen says
You need a break from photographing your food!! I think it’s weird to feel weird about not having to take photos 🙂
You’ve got plenty of good shots to choose from either way.
Averie @ Love Veggies and Yoga says
So you shot pictures of a few loaves of bread today, eh?
I bet the lighting was perfect. I can imagine it streaming in and making things just glow!
Jenna Z says
Oh my gosh, that sandwich sounds AMAZING! Our GH has the most BORING sandwich choices, it’s lame.
VeggieGirl says
I adore bread, tooo much!
Susan (Oliepants) says
I love bread and lately I’ve developed a fondness for homemade pimento cheese. I still have no idea what’s in it. 🙂
Anna @ On Anna's Plate says
Wow– seriously beautiful shots!! Hope you get that yoga in!
Sally says
I have never had pimento cheese before (maybe it’s a southern thing?) but that whole sandwich sounds out-of-this-world!
Sara @my less serious life says
oh my word. bread heaven!
Lisa (bakebikeblog) says
what gorgeous bread photos!!!
Anna says
Cheese, pecans and plum chutney?? oh YUM
You can do your yoga in an effort to impress me, as I find it super difficult to practice yoga of any quality in a out-of-class setting. As a result you will also have inspired me to try harder to do it myself!
KathEats says
I DID YOGA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 75 minutes of it!
Karen says
Good going, Kath!
Mahealani @ Beauty, Brains, and Balance says
So beautiful! Love love love the lighting. That Dakota loaf has never looked better!
Ellie@fitforthesoul says
the photos are gorgeous kath!! And just remember how good and relaxing it feels after having stretched your whole body! You will feel long, poised, and blissful 🙂
Marie@feedingfive says
I love bread. I just made a few loaves this week and there is NOTHING better than fresh bread. I also love how the smell permeates my whole house.
Andrea @ The Skinny Chronicles says
Way to motivate and get the yoga done after all. Now please send some motivation my way! As always, your sandwiches look divine. Impressively delicious.
Jen@foodfamilyfitness says
Wow. I am loving that sandwich!!!! I wasn’t hungry until I read this post, and now I’m starving!!!
em says
fantastic photos, kath.
now i’m hungry for bread, though… 😉
Courtney @ The Petite AthlEAT says
I just showed my husband this post – and he tried to make love to my Macbook screen. Needless to say, we LOVE some bread ’round hurr!
KathEats says
Hilliary @ Happily Ever Healthy says
I love bread! I am drooling over all those wonderful pictures!
sarah@spinach and spice says
Lovely photography! Who doesn’t love a good hunk of bread? 😉
Chelsea @ One Healthy Munchkin says
All those delicious shots are making me crave homemade bread! If only my student schedule allowed me the time to make it… or even better, if only I still lived at home so that I could get my mom to make it! 😛
Lea @ Healthy Coconut says
Ever since I started reading your blog, right when Matt started working for Great Harvest….I started to like bread more and more. I
seana says
Great photos. Now I want bread 🙂
Emily @ Comfortable Home Life says
Who DOESN’T love bread? Crusty, flaky, buttery, warm. MMM! Thanks for reminding me, I need to do some yoga too. Except I think all my willpower is in your closet! Send it back down to SC, willya!?!
Janelle says
KATH I noticed you are making a recipe from ohsheglows (via twitter) and I must shre this recipe I got from her ! http://ohsheglows.com/2011/10/03/butternut-squash-mac-n-cheeze/ we had it at thanks giving dinner(I’m Canadian YAY) this year and it wAs a major hit ! I’m gluten free and a vegetarian so finally something amazing I could fest on !
KathEats says
Yum!! I saw that one too 🙂
Liz says
Oh no! This post makes me soooo hungry! 🙂 Lovely photos!
Christena says
I want a Savannah bar SO BAD! I have actually looked all over the internet for fruit bar recipes and have tried three different recipes trying to find something that tastes as good as the Savannah bar looks. The ones I made were great, but I’m still looking. To bad there isn’t a GH near me.
Also, the GH bread looks sooooo soft! I bake bread at home (just learned this year) and I can never get my bread that soft-looking. My crusty bread is really good, though.
Honestly, I will never really “get” the whole healthy living blog concept of photographing & documenting everything one eats, but gosh you are good at making food look appetizing.
Kara says
I had your pimento cheese sandwich from Great Harvest today for lunch. It was SOOO good!
KathEats says
Oh yay!
JenATX says
do you like bread? i think the better question is, do you LOVE BREAD?? haha, and the answer is yes, i do 🙂 in fact, its my favorite aisle in the grocery store because i get a nice whif of baked goodness when i walk down the aisle.
Kelsey says
Way to go on the yoga!! I am obsessed with the DF podcasts! 4x a week!!
Julia H. @ The Petite Spiel says
Why, yes, yes I do like bread. Send some my way! Haha
Elisabeth says
The collage of GH pictures is beautiful! The new sandwich sounds delicious, even though I’m not always a fan of pimento cheese – I’m betting GH Cville’s is pretty tasty 🙂
Bonbon says
You’re so talented in photography, and probably in many other areas as well. Aren’t you an all star or what?!
Kaci says
I am drooling!! I wish I could come back to GH!! Darn being 5.5 hrs away! =(
~Christy @ wonderofallthings says
a day late…but yoga thoughts are still with you 🙂
Shaun @ snackasaurusrex says
Yummy looking sandwich!
Anne P says
Mmmm… now I’m craving bread. 🙂 Pretty pictures!
Liz J says
Yum! Your bread photos always make me drool!
crissy says
hi kath! i wish i could taste all your baked products. looks so delicious and of course healthy!