It’s not every weeknight that you get to attend a special alumni and friends gathering and bring back the college years. I love everything about Davidson, and attribute much of who I am today to the experience I had there. It was nice to hear updates from the president on the state of the college and greet other people who share our love for the school.
Did you know Matt and I actually met during Davidson Freshman Orientation? We were working on a community service project at a local farm (clearing brush) and I noticed his DUKE shorts. We struck a conversation and became good friends. I have to say, I did think of him as “husband material” right away, but we both became romantically interested in others on our freshman halls pretty quickly and we became really good friends instead. It wasn’t until second semester freshman year [over Christmas break, a snowstorm and the book Fellowship of the Ring] that we finally realized what a perfect match we were and the rest is history….nearly 10 years later!
It all started on a cold rainy night…
The event was held at the old Charlotte Country Club, a hidden gem up in Plaza-Midwood buried in the midst of an up and coming hip area of the city.
Do you spy Karen!? She met Matt’s dad at Davidson in the 70s and while she herself attended Queens College, she is somewhat of an honorary alumni, especially since her son also attended 🙂
Matt and I say hi!
Beverage wise, I was going to pass on alcohol, but the wines looked too good to pass up!
I got a small glass of red (asked the server for a half glass). LOVED how big these red glasses were!
Nibbles also came from the crunch dish at the bar
Matt got the white and we ended up trading halfway through
I ate my Larabar as I left work (I actually ate my apple with lunch because I was still hungry!). It tided me over well to make it to the event, which we called dinner. They had a few selections to eat and it ended up being enough to fill me up (plan B was to have a salad when I got home).
The main dish was good ole Southern BBQ. I’ve actually been trying to choose mostly organic or ethically raised meats in my food choices these past few months verses the foodservice meats that I know likely came from the meat factories that are coming to the public eye more and more these days. But tonight I made an exception and enjoyed some BBQ. You can’t always be super strict with your diet or you’ll never enjoy yourself.
You gotta ROLL with the punches
They also had some nice raw veggies! I stocked up. The peanut satay sauce for the chicken was awesome on the veggies!
Chicken satay
Fried oysters were also being passed. I LOVE oysters!!
So does he
Matt and I shared this plate (plus a few more bites)
We ran into quite a few old friends
- Two of my freshman hallmates!
- Matt’s friend Gray, who writes a grilling blog called Grill Knuckles!! Go check it out to see his singed knuckles : )
- And perhaps most exciting, my home-away-from-home family from the Presbyterian church from freshman year, the DuBose’s!! I hadn’t seen them in YEARS and they were so kind to me during my years in college, inviting me to dinner and such. We lost tough and I was so glad to see them again.
At 7 we were shuffled into the main hall for a speech from Davidson‘s president, Tom Ross.
Karen and I were disappointed there was no DESSERT after the speech!! 🙁
And after a few more conversations, we hit the road [jack].
I haven’t slept well in two nights so I’m hoping tonight’s the night that I get a solid 8 hours. Ya know the kind where you just wake up and it’s morning? Excited for some OATS tomorrow already too!
Camille says
Looks like you had a great time… but no desserts!?
What were they thinking?!
Jessica @ The Process of Healing says
That is SO sweet how you and Matt met!!! I think the best relationships always come from being friends first.
Courtney @ Sweet Tooth, Sweet Life says
That looks like a really nice event that Davidson put on! But no desserts?!? That’s a crime! 🙂
Lauren @ A Fit Foodie says
Looks like a great event but I agree… no dessert?! I can’t believe it!!! Who does that?
Sarena (The Non-Dairy Queen) says
I thought I was the only one that gets excited about my oats the night before! Too funny. Glad you had a nice evening. Seriously though, desserts are a must! I hope you get some good sleep tonight!
Food Makes Fun Fuel says
What a beautiful night! I hope college turns out as well for me as it did for you
Shannon (The Daily Balance) says
love that photo of all the umbrellas!
unbelievable on the lack of desserts! what gives?!
Sarah says
I enjoyed the little blurb about how you and Matt got together. Such a sweet story!
Beth @ Beth's Journey to Thin says
Looks like a fun event! Fried oysters are one of my all time favs!
Ashley J says
No Glee?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Kath says
Estela @ Weekly Bite says
I love going to college functions! Brings back some great memories!
Jane B. says
My mom went to Queens! She graduated in like 1974. I bet she and Karen knew each other!
Kath says
Oh man – email me her name please!!
Samantha says
Have you ever tried teff? I have just tried the chocolate teff “pudding” recipe that’s on the back of the
Bobs red mill bag of teff. I think it’s a new guiltless dessert…even breakfast. Mmmm
Kath says
I did in the Easter tart Diana made – it was great!
Gray says
Great post Kath! Thanks for the shout-out. Enjoyed seeing you guys tonight.
Kristin says
I love those Davidson alumni events. It is great to hear what is going on and meet new people. It is amazing how 4 years of your life can make such an impact. Glad you had a good night.
Samantha says
P.S. I’m SO with you on the meat. I don’t want to support the factory farming!
Anna @ Newlywed, Newly Veg says
What a fun night!! But BOO to no dessert!! 🙂
Heather (Heather's Dish) says
what a fun night! fingers crossed that your sleep is life-changingly good tonight 🙂
Heather @ Side of Sneakers says
What a fun night! Hope you get some sleep tonight!! 🙂
Eileen says
That looks like a great night! I’m pretty far away from my college, but if it were in driving distance, I’d love to go to something like that every so often. The food looks good, too! says
What a fun post Kath. I enjoyed your journey down memory lane as well as seeing how the evening played out.
Megan @ The Oatmeal Diaries says
I LOVE hearing how people meet!
Also, just because this wasn’t clarified in your post…
Davidson > Duke
Kath says
Lele says
Fried oysters are my favorite things in the world!
Nag’s Head pier in the Outer Banks serves the best fried oysters ever. You sit and look out at the ocean and then after your meal you can go out on the fishing pier and hang out with the fishermen, which is mad fun. Plus also there are hush puppies mmmmmmmmmmmmmm oh wow serious craving now!
Kath says
We used to vacation at Nags Head every summer!!!!!!!!!
Cynthia (It All Changes) says
College memories are so fun. I learned so much about myself and made great friends in college. Glad you got to relive some of that tonight.
Wei-Wei says
Sounds like a great night – great eats, too! It’s really awesome to meet people from a long time ago, isn’t it? 🙂
Have a great night! 😀
lynn (The Actors Diet) says
i love going to alumni events with my husband, who i also met in college 🙂
Erin (Travel, Eat, Repeat) says
I really enjoy alumni events, especially seeing professors I haven’t seen in a while.
Stacey@ says
Looks like a good time. I agree with you about meat. I only buy meat products without hormones, antibiotics, or that are overly processed.
Tara @ Food for Fuel says
No desserts?! Blasphemy.
Looks like a great time though!
Jenn says
I feel the same way about my college, Westmont, and love to go visit.
Hope you got your full 8 hours. I LOVE those sort of nights and I wake up feeling like what happened. Love them!
Lisa @bakebikeblog says
What a sweet meeting story 🙂 So cute!!!
Hannah says
OMG! What kind of an event doesn’t serve dessert? That’s pure craziness. I hope you treated yourself to at least a few squares of dark chocolate when you got home!
P.S. Oysters are the shizzle.
Freya @ Brit Chick Runs says
Awh you guys have been together such a long time!! That’s so sweet 🙂
Looks like a fun event!
lauren says
I made your sweet potato kale soup tonight and it was A M A Z I N G. And I am not even a soup fan in the slightest. Im going to put a post up about it tomorrow! I want to give you a pingback, but I havent figured out how to do it? I just started my blog! 🙂
Kath says
OH yum! I haven’t made that in ages!
Jenn (www. ) says
That’s a lot of fresh veggies, very cool. Not so cool about no dessert though!! 🙂
Rachel (Suburban Yogini) says
Everyone seems to be sleeping badly right now, including me. Hopefully it will change after tongiht’s full moon (honestly I think the moons totally affect our moods and sleep patterns).
Your post made me kind of sad as I was so unhappy at university. I got my degree and then moved somewhere else to do my Masters which I loved so it all worked out in the end!
Kath says
I wear a sleep mask so I don’t think the light should have bothered me – but perhaps it’s something in the weight of the air too 🙂
Raewyn says
Everything looked yummy, especially the brisket and rolls, but how sad about dessert! Boo hoo. 🙁
Oh well, at least you have OATS to look forward to in the morning!
Jessie says
I’m glad you had a wonderful time! I’ve always enjoyed visiting my alma mater, although no reunion for another year. Nothing like a Southern BBQ to celebrate!
Jessica @ How Sweet It Is says
No desserts?! Crazy!
Chelsea (Chelsea's Chew and Run Fun) says
Looks like you enjoyed a nostalgic evening. Very cute story about how Matt and you came to be. 🙂
Those oysters look amazing!
lisa says
I agree with you that it’s important to let limitations go at events. While I usually eat quite healthfully, I’ll eat some dessert if I’m at someone’s home or at an event. Or I’ll eat fish if it’s served, when I’m mostly a vegetarian. It’s better to let those things go.
Jil @ Peace, Love & Munchies says
Aww, love you and Matt’s story. The food looks delicious. Glad you had a good time!!
Heather McD (Heather Eats Almond Butter) says
I haven’t been sleeping well either Kath. Hope you got some good shut-eye last night.
Peanut sauce makes everything better. 🙂
Looks like a fun evening. You make me want to go visit Auburn – I haven’t been back in years!
Candice says
I love your beliefs in meat and I also respect your decision to let it go sometimes. I’m the same way. Sometimes special events just require a little wiggle room. That’s how life works. Looks like you had a great time!
jenna says
sounds like a great night!
Joanne says
Great Davidson night. It looks like a fun function. So nice to remember college years.
Leslie says
Sounds like a great evening! I also met my husband freshman year, started dating second semester, dated all the way through college, and married after we graduated. This summer we will celebrate our 22 year anniversary! Wow, time flied when you are having fun!
sarah (the SHU box) says
yay small colleges!
josh and i met at duke med school orientation (actually really prospective students weekend)
M. Carter @ the Movies says
“You can’t always be super strict with your diet or you’ll never enjoy yourself.”
AMEN, sister. AMEN.
anediblewoman says
I am a current Davidson student and I just discovered this blog. I enjoy reading this post.