I actually wanted to have the very same breakfast as yesterday. Something warm and dry. But I found myself making pumpkin yogurt and just a few bites in regretted my choice!! I’m so weird these days.
The mix was un-overnight oats of sorts. The same kind of thing but NOT sitting overnight in the fridge. While this style still technically works, it lacks the dough flavor of overnight oats, so if you have the time, you should take it!
The Mix
- ~1/2 cup plain yogurt
- ~1/3 cup pumpkin
- ~1/4 cup milk
- 1/4 cup raw oats
- 1 tbsp chia seeds
- 1/2 banana
- Cinnamon
- Granola sprinkle
- Pear Fig Jam blob
- Liquidy drizzle of Coconut Peanut Butter……say wha!?!
I received this sample from Tropical Traditions. It’s coconut butter with a peanut scent. I was hoping it would be more like peanut butter with coconut, or at least 50/50, but it’s definitely more coconut with peanut butter. Still delish though because anything coconut butter is awesome.
Just bites into this I wished I’d saved my stomach for a scone at the farmer’s market. Next week perhaps!
Cool coffee
The Grocery Plan.
Every week I write down foods I’m craving and LOOSELY put them into a meal plan. As you’ll see, we’ll probably flip flop most of the recipes to different days or use different ingredients or just cancel a meal altogether. But at least this plan is available if we wish. Also a list of groceries for ingredients, plus staples of yogurt, sardines, a few canned things, etc. Oh, I forgot bananas and milk! Writing that down now! I usually plan a vegetable and a protein source for each night and fill the gaps with starches (toast, grain) and seasonings / garnishes like cheese.
So as you’ll see, my meal planning is anything but formal. Just a loose plan to get some foods in the fridge and cravings down on paper.
Lunch today = Charlottesville’s Vegetarian Festival!!
chelsey @ clean eating chelsey says
Is your dinner for Thursday really beer? 🙂
Kath says
Yup! We’re going to a brewery with a restaurant, but beer was more fun to write
chelsey @ clean eating chelsey says
Gotcha – I thought that might be it, but “beer” was pretty funny to read as your dinner! 🙂
Christine says
LOL – I thought the same thing.
Nicole @ yuppie yogini says
I think the fact that you only wrote beer is your true self saying–“i’m sure i’ll eat something for dinner, but all I really want is beer”! 😉
Stacey says
Ha 😀 I love that mug! It’s so cute! And have fun at the vegetarian festival, that sort of thing sounds right up my alley 😉 Happy Saturday!
Evan Thomas says
I have that same peanut butter and love it! I just wish it was made with coconut butter and not coconut oil so it’d be a little creamier and sweeter.
Hannah says
Ah well, luckily you live in Charlottesville so that market is always going to be there and, hopefully, a scone with your metaphorical name on it too! 😀
Freya (Brit Chick Runs) says
I want that coconut peanut thing – it sounds amazing! I have so much love for both flavours 😀
Melissa @ HerGreenLife says
Sounds like a fun lunch plan for today! I’m also headed to the farmers’ market, then a Dancing in the Streets festival later today, with a chance of some football watching in the middle. I love fall weekends 🙂
JenATX says
i actually really love making grocery lists 🙂 kind of strange, huh? About every other week I pick a “treat” to make just to keep things interesting; this week it was coconut banana cookies for my kickball team. yummm
Jil @ Peace, Love & Munchies says
I love grocery lists!! haha
kelsey@snackingsquirrel.com says
coconut peanut butter, i didnt even know this existed!!!
my grocery lists look eerily similar! oooo the to-do list of a foodie… haha <3
jassy says
i love your list pad…so nice! 🙂
LauraB @ foodsnobstl says
I have the same note pad that I make my grocery list on!
Stacey (The Habit of Healthy) says
Have fun at the Veg festival! 🙂
Sarena (The Non-Dairy Queen) says
Your breakfast looks tasty though. The festival should be fun! Enjoy it and I can’t wait to hear about it!
Camille says
I hate getting a few bites in to a meal and regretting it. When that happens to me, it always gets me really down!
Kacie (Nonexistent Colors) says
I plan my groceries the same!! Always start with veggies and protein and then grains! 🙂
A Teenage Gourmet (Sami) says
I’m just like you with the weekend debate about breakfast. I always try to make something that I wouldn’t usually have time to make on a weekday. Today it was your classic banana oatmeal. 🙂
Jamie @ Food in Real Life says
I love making grocery lists (and all kinds of lists). I think I might actually look and see if I can find a grocery list book- like a notebook but designed so that it helps me make efficient grocery lists. I also like to look at my old lists but I tend to throw them away or lose them. A book might help. Wow I am such a nerd.
Have a fun day at the festival!
holly @ couchpotatoathlete says
I would love to have beer as a meal 🙂
I get that way too — I’ll make breakfast and as soon as I take a bite I wish I had made something else!
Bee Goes Bananas says
Mmm!! Where on earth do you find coconut peanut butter? I might have to add that to my pantry full of peanut butter to fuel my obsession! 😉
Melissa says
Hi Kath,
This is my first post. I have been reading your blog for a while now and I really enjoy it. I have cooked many of your recipes 🙂 You are very inspiring. I’ve always been interested in food and health. I just recently considered starting a blog. I love to share with others my passion for fitness and food and I’m considering giving blogging a try. I would love to email you a few questions that I have about getting started. If you could give me your email address – I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks!
Kath says
Hey Melissa,
I unfortunately don’t have time to write personal responses to emails about starting a blog, but luckily, Meghann has a great starting out Blogging 101 series on her blog here: http://mealsandmiles.com/my-favorite-posts/
good luck!
Melissa says
Thank you Kath!!
megan @ whatmegansmaking says
Just wanted to comment and say that I love your relationship with your mother-in-law. Not everyone is that lucky, and you seem like a great daughter-in-law as well. 🙂
Natalia - a side of simple says
Sorry about the lack of enthusiasm breakfast. You’ll get your groove back, maybe the festival today is just what you need. Have a great day, Kath!
Lauren at KeepItSweet says
vegetarian festivel sounds like so much fun!
Heather says
we use an old fashioned pen and paper as well to write our list down. I just keep it on the fridge and we add during the week as we think of something.
lynn (The Actors Diet) says
my hubby thinks that coconut pb is like thai curry. i like how it drizzles really easily!
Christina @ ilovefetacheese says
I love that companies are coming up with more blends of butters….Coconut with ANYTHING would be amazing!
Mama Pea says
I do my list the same way. I’d say only about 20% of the time do I actually stick to my plan, but that means there’s always at least two to three meals to carry over to the next week!
Have fun at your veg fest!
Marina says
i don’t really plan much in advance, because i never know what i’ll be craving, but sometimes if i think of something special i want to make, i write that ingredients down, along with the usual stuff i need to buy, milk, yogurt,fruits…
i have to start making lists of all what i want to make, because every time i just forget i want to make some muffins, or granola etc.
love the breakfast and the mug
Meagan says
I have some of that coconut peanut butter in my pantry at home – we haven’t broken into it yet! I try not to have too many nut butters open at once.
Jessica @ How Sweet It Is says
I like Thursday’s dinner. 🙂
Tina says
I hate when that happens. It’s the worst to realize what you’re eating isn’t what you REALLY wanted.
Amy K. @ onehealthypeanut says
Vegetarian festival sounds like so much fun! There is some much going on in your town! I love that you are able to ride your bike places, I used to live in Hilton Head and I NEVER drove my car. Riding my bike to get coffee and groceries was the most amazing way to spend a Saturday morning!!
Jessica @ The Process of Healing says
That’s the same way I do my grocery shopping.. no set plan, just cravings.
Jean@RoastedRootsandPumpkinSpice says
I’ve been seeing coconut butter all over the place in the bloggerland! I’m not the biggest fan of coconut in desserts, but maybe I’ll like it in dessert form. It just looks so delicious in your breakfast!
Cathy B. @ Bright Bakes says
sorry about the breakfast being unsatisfying! It doesn’t happen often, but when it does it sure isn’t any fun! Wish I could hand you a slice of my whole-grain “rustic carrot coffee cake” I made for us this morning”!
Cathy B. @ Brightbakes
Mary @ Bites and Bliss says
The coconut peanut butter sounds awesome. 🙂 Have fun at the vegetarian festival!
Sarah K. @ The Pajama Chef says
meal planning is a life saver!
Chelsea @ One Healthy Munchkin says
I actually prefer un-overnight oats (without milk) to overnight oats! Different strokes, I guess. 😉
I love your method of grocery shopping! I wish I could learn to preplan like that.
Angela @ Eat Spin Run Repeat says
I’ve had the same experience with un-overnight oats (one night I forgot to make them so I tried to compensate in the morning by throwing all the goods together and letting it sit for a few minutes… yeah right)… nothing like the doughy texture!
barefootgirl (our first CSA) says
I love your Thursday dinner 😉
Emilyeatsclean says
Sometimes beer for dinner is necessary! 😀 I like your grocery list pad. And breakfast looks delish [as usual]!
Chelsea @ Strawberry Sweat says
I like the way you plan your lists! I need to start doing more meal planning, but I often get lazy with planning meals just for me.
Have fun at the Vegetarian Festival!
Sarah (Running to Slow Things Down) says
I love your bowl of oats! But I can totally relate to making one thing and wanting something completely different. Usually that’s when I plan it into my next meal. 😉
Love your grocery list! 😀
christina cadden says
Love the two sided pad. Where did you get it?
Kath says
Jan says
Does your husband get to contribute his food cravings to the weekly grocery list too?! 😉
stacey-healthylife says
I like your meal planning.
Dana says
I totally do that too! I eat something and then immediately regret because it prohibits me from eating something else later. Ugh, life is rough. Why can’t we just be perpetually hungry and not have to wait between meals?
Heidi - apples under my bed says
Love seeing your meal planning! Mmmm a scone at the farmers market – Im keen to see that when you have it next 🙂
Heidi xo
Melissa Miller says
Your grocery list is awesome….soees that mean you don’t do the “impulse buy” thing?
I do, even when i bring a list!
Anyways…Love how Thursday’s entry is …BEER.
Kath says
There is ALWAYS an impulse buy!
mariaeatsbeets says
Hello! Why have I waited so long to try this bowl? I found some organic canned pumpkin this weekend at Trader Joes. I best go back and get some more.