After writing an article and digesting, I hit the road for the gym on bike, per usual. On the way there I heard a loud
POPWorking out after lunch is so different for me – I think having more fiber at lunch just makes my stomach sit heavier. Oatmeal, cereal, yogurt and smoothies don’t bother it when I go at 11-12 but even my lighter lunch felt kinda hard on my tract. But it was a good workout none-the-less with 30 minutes of Stepmill with Natural Health and then some pull-ups and dips.
Just as I got off the Stepmill, the power glitched and a whole row of cardio machines just stopped. I heard a BOOM
and just knew that I’d have to wait out a severe thunderstorm before biking back home. But when I peeked out a window, the sun was shining! Turns out the glitch was a fluke and the
was someone dropping their 50 lbs weights on the floor
I came home craving a beverage other than water and made a soy milk + Amazing Meal blend.
This was the chocolate one. This stuff doesn’t taste bad (so long as you mix it with a form of milk and not water!) but the smell is something like dog food. Seriously. Still refreshing though.
But the drink alone didn’t fix my hunger – I needed to chew – so I split this Luna Cookie with Matt (so as not to spoil my dinner appetite) while we watched last night’s Conan.
Dinner came ‘round early tonight because he’s baking sweets in the AM, which means up and out at 2:45AM. When I was in New Orleans I was craving a Croque Monsieur and never got around to finding one. When my family traveled to Paris when I was in high school my sister and I ate them all week because it was the only thing on the menu we recognized as “safe” (we were vegetable haters at the time). So when I picked up this ham at the grocery store, I decided it was a good time to make one! (I don’t buy deli meats that often, but when I do, I get Applegate Farms or Hormel to avoid the nitrites and for their general superiority in quality.)
And luckily we had this delicious freshly baked Seeded Sourdough to work with:
And then I searched for a recipe and found this one: Croque Monsieur Video.
They turned out awesome!!
Each sandwich had 1 slice ham, 1 slice cheese, mustard, and was dipped in a batter of 1 whole egg and 1/4 cup milk –
We seared them in a pan with cooking spray and this lovely dollop:
Don’t be afraid of using butter sometimes folks!! A little goes a long way.
SOOO good!! I loved the eggyness of the batter
On the side we blanched some green beans in simmering water for 2 minutes and then tossed them with a bit more butter, salt and pepper.
FYI, I’ve been photographing outside, but it’s waaaay too buggy out there to eat – they mosquitoes climb on me while I’m taking my photos! So we’ve been eating at the kitchen table.
Matt says it’s intolerably hot either way 😉
After our early dinner we went for a walk – about 40 minutes through the neighborhood. Loved it!!Came home to this:
88* in here!?! It honestly doesn’t feel that bad.
Then Matt went to bed at 8 and I’m down here watching Vanity Fair on Netflix online with this cheesecake Karen brought over on Monday (don’t ask how I didn’t eat any yet – I think I just forgot it was in there). Mmmmm berries!
Tomorrow marks the first Saturday in AGES that I haven’t had a to-do list, school work or traveling to do. I’m SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!! When I worked full-time before the days of KERF began, I used to love Saturday mornings because I had the whole day to just relax. I used to go out shopping and to lunch by myself. I’m not sure what I’ll do tomorrow (Matt’s at work till noon and then brewing beer all afternoon) but I want to plan the perfect Saturday morning. I think I’ll visit the farmer’s market after breakfast. Maybe read by the pool?! We shall see what my mood calls for!
Erin Davis says
Hi Kath!
I’ve been reading your blog for a LONG time (and passing the web address along to my friends and family). Congrats on all of your accomplishments! I love reading about your adventures and your creative recipes!
We’ve both come a long way since the days of Cameron Park and Orange High School, but I wanted to let you know that you’ve got another fan from Hillsborough in your corner!
Best of luck to you as you continue to live out your dreams!
Erin Davis
Adi ( says
Is that the same as a Monte Cristo sandwich? Looks great.
I know what you mean about Saturday mornings – as a working girl, I cherish those mornings like no other!! 🙂 Hope yours is a good one!
Dawn says
Enjoy your relaxing Saturday! 🙂 That sammy looked delish!
Jesse says
I love the fact that you eat butter sometimes! Butter makes everything better! The only thing that would have made your meal more French would have been a glass of Beaujolais Nouveau! Thanks for your blog girl! 🙂
Lynn (The Actors Diet) says
oooh la la – what a dinner! look at you with your cute lightening icons!!! enjoy your weekend!
rachel nc says
is that a new table? i really like it.
Beth @ CrossBorderCravings says
What an awesome looking sandwich!! That’s comfort food at it’s finest :O)
Danielle C. says
Yum, your sandwiches look amazing.
Jenn Eats Nutritiously Now says
That sandwich looks delicious. I may have to convince my dad to make me one.
Meghan@traveleatlove says
This weekend is my first being home in weeks too! I have to work a little, but I am just pysched to not go anywhere.
Waking up at 2:45 am. . . that’s just crazy! Totally worth it for the baked goods, I am sure, but I would die!
Emily says
Kath, that Croque Monsieur is making my mouth water!
Enjoy your Saturday morning!! 🙂
Jessica says
wow what a good idea, to put a slice of pie or cake on a bed of berries…. i’ll have to do that!
Hil says
Thank you for using butter! A little really does go along way, and it takes grilled sandwiches to a whole new level. The green beans look like a great accompaniment to your sandwich…I wouldn’t have thought to make that type of pairing, but now that I think about it, it sounds delicious.
Molly says
Hi Kath!
I just found your site last week (I’ve been a LONG time reader of EatLikeMe’s food blog) and I just wanted to say how much I’m enjoying your site! My husband and I are pretty lame cooks, so we tend to either reheat batches of homemade chili/lentils/etc from the freezer or eat plain chicken. You and your husband do a great job of making very simple meals with a LOT of variety. It looks like a lot of your dinners only take 10-20 minutes.
Also, I really like how you seem to spread your calories throughout the day, rather than eat the traditional small breakfast, small lunch, big dinner. Do you follow any kind of rule of thumb for how big each of your meals and snacks are?
Great Job!! – Molly 🙂
Mom says
Hi Erin! You were a darling little girl and now a darling grown up one! (Kath sent me the link to your blog.)
Oh She Glows says
Is it weird that I pictured Matt saying ‘intolerably’ in a thick southern accent?? lol
Oh and I LOVED the chocolate meal powder with just water!
Enjoy your wide open Saturday!
Heather @ Health, Happiness, and Hope says
Wow, talk about a lot of noises!!! I would having been jumping and yelping all afternoon! 😉
Lovely dinner Kath! Stay cool in that crazy heat!
klm says
please deliver the cheesecake + berries to my bed please.
Lele says
Oh my gosh, that looks like a Paris Croque Monsieur! I literally thought I would have to fly to Paris to taste something like that again, but there it is in an American kitchen!
You have just opened up a world of possibilities for me!
MarathonVal says
I like that you sometimes eat butter! I totally eat the other “bad” stuff whenever I feel like it – like chocolate, cheese, etc – but I never eat butter unless I’m baking with it. Maybe I should try it once and a while – I’m inspired! French women don’t get fat right? 😉
Joelle (Chasing Pavements) says
That sandwich looks delish, and yay for no to-do list! I love lazy Saturdays!
Melissa @ For the Love of Health says
Have a great day off tomorrow!!
Your dinner looks amazing!! Oh man! Melted cheese gets me every time!!
Don’t melt! 🙂
Priyanka says
mm the sandwich, the cheesecake + berries look so so good!!!!!
Have a great Saturday!
Tay says
OH baby oh baby CHEESECAKE!!!! I’m drooling.
Iris says
Whenever I read your posts, I get so jealous of your backyard! I live in NYC, so no beautiful grassy place for me to sit and eat…but I guess I don’t have to deal with the mosquitoes as much either. Either way, your pics are always beautiful and those sandwiches look scrumptious!
Mrs. Myers @ Eat Move Write says
Smells like dog food, but it’s refreshing… That’s hilarious lol.
Wow, 88 is HOT! Don’t you guys have AC?!!! I’d be dying. I should say I WILL be dying when we get our summer heat wave because we actually don’t have AC!
Bec says
mmm that sammy looks amazing!
Jenn ( says
Oh that sandwich looks so good! I <3 Applegate Farms deli meats. They are so much lower in sodium than others. Pricey though!
Sarah (LovIN My Tummy) says
Matt throws some mean gang signs, just like Livy.
Enjoy your “day off” tomorrow!!!
courtney says
My mouth is literally watering! What kind of cheese did you use?? I think those sammies are on the menu for this weekend (sans ham for me, but definitely with a little buttah! :))
Jemima says
Ooh when I saw the thermostat at first I thought it was a scale. ‘Bit worrying!’
Christie @ Find My Weigh says
Yum! That sandwich looks great!
Enjoy your free day!
Susan says
I’ve never heard of a french toasted ham sandwich. That sounds crazy delicious. I will have to try that!
I don’t like working out after lunch either. Before lunch is the best, I’ve already eaten breakfast and am fully awake. Plus, I get to come home and make a satisfying meal after a tough workout 🙂
Enjoy your Saturday off!!
Barbara(Blood, Sweat and Heels) says
FYI…I spotted Target selling boxes of cliff Bar Mini’s. It’s a mix of 3 flavors..just thought you might be interested!
Sarah (Running to Slow Things Down) says
Ditto on eating butter!! A little bit really does go a long way in adding just a touch of flavor, and it can’t be replaced with anything else sometimes. 😀
And look at those fresh raspberries! Yum, yum, yum…so summery!
Lauren says
Applegate Farms makes marvelous deli meat, and those croque monsieur sandwiches look AMAZING! I could live on those and nutella crepes for a few days and be a happy woman.
Krissy (Single Serving) says
That sandwich looks delicious. It’s good to know about Applegate and Hormel. I haven’t had deli meats in forever but will get either of them now if I have a craving. Thanks!
Kath says
So good to hear from you!!!!!!!!!!! How long has it been? 8 years!? Hope all is well with you 🙂 I checked out your blog and you look the same as you did in kindergarten (in a good way 🙂 )
rachel nc,
No, it’s from Pier 1 about 4 years ago.
Molly ,
Thanks for your comment!
Oh She Glows,
HA! That’s just how he said it 🙂
Mrs. Myers,
We do have AC, but our goal is to hold out to July 1st (or beyond) to save money, electricity, resources, etc. I like the sounds of the outdoors.
courtney ,
I used a chipotle I got from Costco.
Thanks for the tip, but I”m on a bar hiring freeze until I ate all the ones in my house!
Sally says
Hi Kath,
Your Croque Monsieur looks D E L I C I O U S! I’m not a huge ham fan but am tempted to give this a try, maybe it’s the melted cheese that’s enticing me.
Have a fab weekend 🙂
bobbi says
ok you so have inspired our lunch for today 🙂 Kath your Hubby is toooo funny!
Jess says
I was in Paris this summer and my friends ate croque monsieurs all the time. I felt like I could just make them myself instead, which is what you did!