Who knew something as simple as a hunka bread could make a salad tastes so darn good?
Matt brought home some Popeye last night, which I tore into pieces and toasted – a new twist on the classic cube of a crouton!
Served over olive-oiled arugula with carrot, pepper and celery plus pecans and cheese and garbanzos.
Plum(b) on the side
And sparkling water spiked with coconut water…heavenly mixture that really confused my tongue it was a pina colada for a sec…
Obsessed with Pandora Film Scores – let it be your afternoon soundtrack!
Sana says
Those plums look amazeeee!
Ashley @ My Food 'N' Fitness Diaries says
You always seem to make your salads look so fantastic, no matter what the toppings are! I’m sure the bread added a lot – quality bread can add so much to any meal.
Krissy @ Shiawase Life says
I listen to it ALL DAY at work! 🙂
Molly@hungryhungryrunner.com says
Your salads are always so beautiful! They put mine to shame! 😉
That Popeye bread looks awesome – love that is has spinach in it! I just found out that we have a Great Harvest in Chicago and am headed there this afternoon. Maybe some homemade croutons are just what I need to jazz up my salads. 🙂
Ingrid says
Molly, you found a Great Harvest in Chicago??? I thought they were all in the suburbs, please, let me know the location, would love to check it out!
Angel7 says
Great way to use bread before it goes bad!
Plums are yummy!
Your drink looks refreshing!
lauren @ spiced plate says
I love the color of plums…they match the leaves outside right now. I haven’t tried that Pandora station…going to check that out!
Mai says
You always have the must delicious looking salads. . . I keep telling myself that I need to create one of them sometime!
Casey @ Pocket Full of Sunshine says
You make the best-looking salads!
Cait's Plate says
I feel like I could have guessed shredded Great Harvest bread would make a salad delicious! But it might SPECIFICALLY apply to Great Harvest bread… 😉
Looks delicious!
Sarah @ The Strength of Faith says
Love those white bowls! Where are they from?
KathEats says
They are Pampered Chef – were a wedding shower gift
Sarah @ The Strength of Faith says
Thanks! I wonder if PC still makes something similar …
Anna @ On Anna's Plate says
Bread makes EVERYTHING so much better 🙂
Anna @ On Anna's Plate says
Oh! And– I was listening to Pandora’s HALLOWEEN film scores station this morning as I graded papers!! It’s great for this time of year!
Christine @ Oatmeal in my Bowl says
Ooo. Listening to Pandora Sting station right now. Think I will need to move over to the Halloween Film Scores. Thanks for the tip. 😉
Christine @ Oatmeal in my Bowl says
Reminds me how I keep meaning to make a Panzanella Salad. Think I may do that for din din tonight. 😉
Annette @ EnjoyYourHealthyLife says
What a great idea—toasted cubed bread!! SOunds delish atop a salad 🙂
Carolyn says
Yeah, they’re called croutons. Revolutionary.
Kimberly says
Ahh, but these were not in the classic cube shape.
crystal says
Genius!!!!!! I never would have thought of irregular shaped croutons!!!!!
Jillian says
They’re more unique than snark, at least.
Anne says
Actually, croutons and snark probably originated around the same time.
“Thrifty cooks have been finding creative ways for using up stale bread since the beginning of time.”
Christina says
Yummm popeye bread!!!!
Sweet and Savvy says
Oh man! I need to try that coconut water + sparkling water combo! 🙂
Katherina says
Coconut water doesn’t taste like coconut – you’ve been warned. It will taste like water with a hint of weird- coming from someone who loves coconut water.
Health Bee says
Beautiful photos! Love the second photo with the close up.
Lauren @ What Lauren Likes says
Great salad! Good bread definetly makes the best croutons 🙂
Sarena (The Non-Dairy Queen) says
Big chunks of bread totally make a salad over the top amazing! I’ve also started chunking up socca when I don’t have bread around. It is so good!
Christie says
I never think about making croutons for a salad – it’s such a good idea though!
We can’t listen to pandora in New Zealand 🙁 not fair!
~Christy @ wonderofallthings says
Love that bread! I’ve made croutons in the oven before but not the impromptu toasted type…new ideas for the salad arsenal! Thanks 🙂
Maria @ Sinfully Nutritious says
Remind me, how did we live before Pandora? Could I workout without Pandora? Remember mixed cassette tapes? I can across a tape not too long ago in my attic. My eight year old said, “What the heck is that?” I explained. She replied, “why didn’t you listen to your iPod?” So cute. How technology has changed us in the simple ways.
Averie @ Love Veggies and Yoga says
I’ll take a pina colada for a sec.
Or for longer than a sec. 🙂
Jenn says
I opened up “Film Scores Radio” in Pandora and got Forest Gump…… LOVE THIS IDEA!!!! Nice addition to my Pandora =))))
Amanda says
That salad looks so, so good right now. I just overdosed on chocolate and am in desperate need of a vegetable. haha
Katie @ Peace Love and Oats says
my friend introduced me to film scores last year – she said it was great study music! Haha I kept getting distracted by the harry potter ones…
Gillian G. @ When Bread Is Broken says
I’m a HUGE fan of tearing up bread to put in soups – makes them a little thicker, adds a little more texture, and I’m generally always in favor of adding carbs to things. That popeye bread takes croutons to the next level!
Jen says
Miss Kath, I’m wondering about your protein intake – mine is far higher than yours, and I can’t seem to get around the idea that I need 10-15g+ per meal to feel “satisfied.” Some of yours I think are less than 10 (from my eyeballing, I can’t really tell)…do you think it’s not as big a deal as it used to be made out? Just curious what you thought.
KathEats says
This mean was on the lower side. Some math:
Chickpeas – 6g
Popeye – 5g
Pecans – 1-2g
Cheese – 4g
Veggies – 1g?
=17 grams
I actually did ponder an egg for some more high quality proteins, but I went for the beans instead, which still had the same amount.
Also note that I got hungry this afternoon and had a cup of yogurt! I think if I’d had that at lunch I wouldn’t have been hungry.
Remember that the RDA for someone my size is only about 45 grams per day (0.8 g/kg) so 15 per meal is spot on.
Jen says
Awesome, thanks! I didn’t see your sneaky beans. 🙂 Just wanted to make sure I’m focusing on the right things.
kathleen @ the daily crumb says
believe you me, kath… a hunka bread makes anything better!
Hope says
Such a good idea to put hunks of bread in a salad. So yummy! 🙂 I’ve never had a plum before! I should try one 🙂
Jessica says
Plums are delicious and are similar to apricots, nectarines, and peaches. So if you like any of those, then you’ll probably like plums as well. If I get a craving for any of these fruits, it’s nice to know that I can go with whichever is the cheapest!
Kiran @ KiranTarun.com says
Obviously – since that bread is from the bakery. Must. Have. Some. Soon!
Becky @ Skinnyfat Girls says
L-O-V-E film scores! Bread in salad? Interesting idea, must try it!
Kristin says
Yum!! I want to try your salad! I love that you drank coconut water with it. That is so healthy, flavorful, and great for you. Thank you for this salad recipe.
Johanna B says
Wasn’t sure what to have for lunch at work tomorrow. Salad it is. Won’t be as complex as yours due to our salad bar being short a few goodies but it’ll be greens and veggies and seeds. All good stuff.
Rebekah @ Medicine, Munchies and Movement says
What a great idea! I’ll have to stick some bread in my salad next time.
katie @KatieDid says
I would try that pandora but ‘iron and wine’ pandora has been the soundtrack to my day and I can’t get enough. It’s perfect for studying or getting work done without being too distracting.
lynn @ the actor's diet says
y’know what else is stellar in salads? BREAD CRUMBS!!!
Lindsay @ biking before bed says
I discovered a cool new Pandora station today you may like. It’s under Halloween music. Yes that’s a category now! it’s called spooky symphonies. I have been listening all day.
Mahealani @ Beauty, Brains, and Balance says
Yum! Bread + salad = awesomeness. I love Pandora’s film scores, we listen to it at work and give out prizes for correct identifications!
Sarah@The Flying ONION says
I love bread in salad, but somehow I always end up nibbling it all at first instead of taking bites *with* the salad here and there. Either way, bread really does make a salad super yummy. 😀
KathEats says
Definitely ate more than you see 🙂
Molly @ RDexposed says
Dear Kath, an emo website blasted me for writing “inane” comments on your blog. I will limit myself now to emo-approved comments.
So, um, that plum looks good. :I
Deepest apologizes, Molly.
KathEats says
WTH…your comments are anything but inane. Keep ’em comin – they always make me laugh.
Say what you want to say
Molly @ RDexposed says
Of course! That comment had a sarcastic tone in my head as I wrote it-there needs to be a sarcasm font.
lb says
Who does Deepist apologize to, I wonder?
Courtney @ The Petite AthlEAT says
I listen to it ALL DAY!!
J3nn (Jenn's Menu and Lifestyle Blog) says
I think bread makes everything look good. 😀
Stephanie @cookinfanatic says
Have you ever had the La Croix sparkling coconut water before?! Oh it is amazing! (they sell it at Target)
KathEats says
Not yet!!
Julia H. @ The Petite Spiel says
Mmmmm croutons.
Confession: next to the salad bar in one of our dining halls, there’s a big bowl of croutons. And almost every time I grab any food from that place, I scoop up a couple of croutons right into my hand to munch on. They’re just too good!
Sara says
hey kath,
i hope this isn’t too personal, but i see you eat a lot of beans and fiber — and sometimes i wonder — how does that woman eat so much of that stuff without having such bad belly aches all the time — do you take any OTC (like beano or something?) — i’d like to include more legumes, kale, squashes, etc. — the kind of stuff you eat regularly — but i find my stomach is too sensitive — any suggestions?
KathEats says
🙂 I don’t take anything. And I do occasionally notice too much….gas! But usually by then it’s too late. I just love beans and things too much. It has made me stop eating the skin of squash. I don’t notice any problems with veggies – mostly too many legumes or squashy things.
Jillian says
I take enzymes fairly often. I don’t need them for dairy, but I do for some vegetables and I would for beans, if I ate them. You can find some formulas that include various enzymes to help digest all components of a rounded meal (fats, carbs, protein, fiber, dairy). I took beano a long time ago when I was vegan and ate a lot of beans, but it didn’t help me, personally.
Amanda says
That is AWESOME! You’re so creative!!! Such an inspiration 🙂
Alexa says
Kath you are sooo inventive!! How do you come up with this stuff?!
I’m going to start putting KERFTONS on all my salads! 😀
Kimberly says
lol @ KERFTONS…you could sell them at Great Harvest. Great way to use up leftover bread!!
Khushboo says
Bread makes everything better, period! 🙂
Lindsay says
I love looking at all the bread you feature, and because Korea is limited to very sweet-who-knows-whats-really-in-there breads I am DETERMINED to make my own:) Can’t wait to tell ya about my first loaf!
Chelsea @ One Healthy Munchkin says
I did this once with a hunk of pumpernickel bread – it was fantastic!
seana says
Your toasted bread looks good. I always make my own croutons when I have leftover bread. I toast them with spices and a little olive oil. I like that I can control the sodium and oil. There is nothing worse than getting a salad with greasy croutons! Yuck.
Lauren @ Oatmeal after Spinning says
Sparkling water + coconut water = brilliant!
I love to the Knudsen brand sparkling coconut water, but it’s a little pricey to become an addiction. Your idea is much more cost effective. 🙂
Victoria says
You might be interested in this salad, then, just in case you ever have any bread hanging round 😉
It is a summer staple in our house (without the onion).