Athletic conditioning was tough – but in a fun way! I like exercising outside, so I was a little bummed that we spent about half the time in the dark gym with medicine balls, but I LOVED the sprinting and running outside. Class was so much more fun with Victoria too! We met before hand and walked a mile before class started. I actually used to do this same instructor’s class when I went to this Y and even recognized two women from my old class 3 years ago! They’ve been going ever since!
We had to do a ton of stuff (literally, a TON) with an 8-lb medicine ball – wall bounces, throw-passes while running down a field, running with the ball. I love sprinting down fields!!!! They are so comfy and I feel like I can fall and not get hurt
My upper body is worn out in a way it hasn’t been in a while.Not sure if you guys know, but I played soccer all through high school and club in college and had to give it up for the birth defect in my foot when I stopped running sophomore year and then through the 2 years prior and 1 year after surgery. I really miss soccer! I would love to find a pick-up group here in Charlotte, but I also haven’t played in 6 years and don’t have cleats
or shin guards, so I want something really casual to start out. I also want to TAP DANCE again but I gave away my tap shoes too!
After a satisfying workout, it made sense to eat my leftover millet + bean salad from last night
I enjoyed dipping it with Popchips so much yesterday that I had my last bag, BBQ, as dippers. The flavor combo was a bit mis-matched, but it still worked.
Dessert. I love stuffing strawberries into my mouth!
I am not getting my blog comments in my email for some reason (investigating) but I apologize if I miss responding to some. Feel free to repeat important questions for the next few days if I miss them!
I’ve squeezed new running shoes into the budget this month, so I think Matt and I are going to get them this afternoon! I have work to do, but it can wait.
Tonight’s dinner is low key and tomorrow night we’re going out with friends!
Have a great Friday!
kay (eating machine) says
the only adult dance class near me that EVER works with my schedule is tap, and i don’t have tap shoes! dancing is such fun exercise.
Ashley says
Man oh man those strawberries look delish. I’m having a helluva time finding decent one anywhere these days.
Even the one’s at the farmers market and little and kinda crappy.
Kristin @ Iowa Girl Eats says
Oooo that sounds RIGHT up my ally! I only do tough, conditioning types of exercise when I’m in a class setting, or I have a buddy with me – but I love to do it! If you ever felt like writing up some drills from your class, or what you used to do in soccer – that’d be pretty cool!
Enjoy your shoe shopping 😉
Courtney says
LOVE the sounds of that class!!! I forgot about medicine ball tosses against the throwing it over head at the wall. What a great stress reliever. Going to have my clients do that next week!
Jealous on the new shoes! I would buy a new pair every month if I could! :>
Adventures in Tri-ing
brandi says
glad you had a good workout! getting new shoes are always fun – i hope you two find good ones!
Deva (Voracious Vorilee) says
That workout sounds like a blast! I’m trying to decide what my workout tonight will include, whether it will be just running or strength work as well 🙂 I love working with medicine balls – they’re so much fun.
Susan says
YAY for new running shoes! I’m a huge advocate of keeping on top of your running kicks ever since I got an injury this past spring that was directly related to not replacing my shoes on time. Have fun shopping for them 🙂
Liz says
That workout sounds great!!
Just signed up for a tap class with my girlfriends….can’t wait!! 🙂
Joanne says
You’re too funny. You want to play soccer again, get back into Tap, but now you’ve started consulting as a “virtual” dietician (kind of), you’re back at school…hmmm… Kath? Do you like to stay busy or what?! I think it’s great. Life only gets busier.
New sneaks. always motivate me to run farther and faster. Come to think of it, so does any new running gear. Cool!
Liz says
Yay for new running shoes! They make all the difference in the world!
Sarah R says
New shoes are the best! There’s just something about pulling them out of the box for the first time that really motivates me!
Katharina says
What an awesome looking bean salad! Those pop chips sound like the perfect accompaniment 🙂
Hey I just noticed I have the same waterbottle except mine is purple hehe
Amelia says
Yay for Saturday night!
Cynthia (It All Changes) says
Oooo running shoes…thanks for the reminder. I need to adjust my budget to get some soon.
Have you ever thought about playing intermurals at a local college? I know my college allowed community members to play intermurals for a fee. It was fun because my pastor played innertube water polo with us.
Kristen says
Ooh, soccer is the best! Such a fun way to get exercise! We’ve been playing some indoor soccer at a local gym.
They have this awesome grassy turf stuff. It’s bouncy!
Faith says
What a pretty lunch! I wish I was in Charlotte, I’d help you start a soccer group! Happy Friday Kath!
Deb (Smoothie Girl Eats Too) says
I love your new little pictogram/icons- they are so fun!
(the strawberry ones are soo cute!)
Heather says
I love new running shoes – they always feel so cushiony the first few times you wear them.
I also used to tap dance – I did it when I was younger and then picked it up again in college. I still have my shoes – but the heel on one of them is broken. Every few months I think about finding a dance studio to start up again but it always gets pushed to the back burner.
Daria (Summer of the CSAs) says
I love the bowl your salad is in – so pretty!
I just bought my favorite kind of running shoes for $25 (!!!!) at the City Sports outlet in Boston. So happy – these usually cost $90+. Yay!
Christie @ Quit Your Diet says
Your workout sounds so fun! I am glad you enjoyed it so much!
Anna says
Hey Kath, this is kind of random, but I was just wondering if you were in a sorority in college? I know you’ve mentioned (and gone to activities involving) Matt’s fraternity, but I was just kind of curious about whether or not you “went greek” too. Totally random, I know…thanks!
RJ says
Dance, dance, dance. Get back to tap! I am currently not dancing but signing up tomorrow for a beginners Flamenco class at the wonderful Dancebase in Edinburgh, Scotland. Love your blog Kath.
Jeni says
Hi Kath,
I’m just wondering what your foot problem is/was? My little boy was born with a club foot and that is why I’m curious! I’m loving your blog! You are inspirational and cute! Happy Friday,
amanda says
I wish I liked chickpeas because that salad looks so good! Have fun picking out new shoes!
Ashley says
I understand your love for soccer – although I was a field hockey player all through high school! I had foot surgery too (bunions) which caused me to stop in college… but I want to get back into it. Hopefully that’ll happen in the future, for the both of us!
Happy Friday! 🙂
Brie (The Fit Bride) says
I LOVE the athletic conditioning class at my gym! So fun.
Leianna says
The workout sounds great and I agree with you on more outside than inside on beautiful day!
Have a great Friday night and shoe shopping!
Heather @ Health, Happiness, and Hope says
Sounds like a brutal, but awesome, workout this morning! Love that lunch too… great way to refuel after all that hard work. Have a fabulous evening!
Julia says
I love getting new running shoes! Have fun picking out a new pair!
Jenna says
those bbq pop chips look super good!
i love how your lunch is in three lil bowls!
Lizzy says
Aw yay for new running shoes!!!!! i love getting new ones! 🙂
Melissa says
Looooove that you want to take tap dancing lessons. That’s something I’ve always wanted to do too! When I was younger, I begged my mom to take dance lessons but I was always too busy with gymnastics practices. Even if I am 65 years old, I will learn to tap dance someday. (I have plenty of time…I’m only 25) :o)
Kath says
Yes, I’ve thought about playing at Winthrop. But it usually requires more of a commitment. I just want free play!
You’re right. One thing at a time!
I had a fused sub-talar joint that was supposedly a birth defect and didn’t become symptomatic until late high school after I sprained my ankle. I had it un-fused in surgery my senior year of college and it’s been OK ever since. The joint is OK but my tendons are still iffy from the surgery.
I probably would have been in one if we’d had them at Davidson! We had eating houses, which were pretty lame. Nothing compared to the close-knit feel of Matt’s frat. It’s a double standard, but the women never vote to have sororities, so I guess it’ll never happen!
Jenn (www. ) says
Those chips look yummy!
theskinnyplate says
Have a great Labor Day weekend.
Faye says
Sometimes mismatched flavors hit the spot after a long workout- all I can remember is the cinnamon raisin bagel with cheddar cheese after a half-day hike! Yummy!
Definitely didn’t work out on a normal day though… it was so disappointing!