I’ve got a ton to do today so I chose to workout first so I could shower and work on my to-do list. I biked to the gym, did 35 minutes on the ET , some upper body lifting (biceps, shoulders, triceps, push-ups) and biked home. I’m taking tomorrow off because of my travels, but I’m sure I’ll get some walking in with my sister.
After showering, etc. I ate breakfast around 9:45 and decided on Sunny Side Oats 8)
Today’s version had 1/3 cup oats made with soy milk and water and 1/4 cup speltberries , plus a slice of swiss cheese , an egg , and fresh basil from the garden.
Swiss melted underneath. I thought it was going to be the best thing ever, but I actually couldn’t really taste it. I think I just need to stick to sliced cheese by itself for the rest of my life. I am ALWAYS disappointed when I pair it with other things and the flavor is hidden.
Polked yolk –
I had a peach a little bit later. I was still slightly hungry and missed out on fruit. She was very bruised from the 4-mile ride home in the bike basket yesterday and oozing nectar all over the fruit platter!
KERF Contest: Brothers-All-Natural Sandwich Contest
Brothers-All-Natural has offered to award 5 contest winners a package of their freeze-dried fruit and potato crisps! In honor of the husband’s favorite food, this week’s contest is your most creat ive sandwich . Like the oatmeal contest, please submit a photo of your sandwich. "Most creative" can be an amazing recipe, combo of flavors, or a wacky sandwich scenario. Email entries to me at KathEats@gmail.com. The contest ends on Sunday and we’ll announce winners on Monday (assuming my Boston flights aren’t horribly delayed!)
Seuss says
That is my favorite way to eat eggs at restaurants but have never made at home myself. How did you cook your egg? Thanks!
Kath says
Seuss ,
Just put it in a skillet over medium heat, sprayed cooking spray, cracked egg in and cooked until the edges were all white but the yolk is still runny.
Allison K. says
ooh! a sandwich contest…I looooove it!
melissa says
Yum that looks great! Kath, I read your blog all the time but this is my first comment. It may sound like a dumb question but do you chew gum at all? I saw that you were trying to cut out artificial sweeteners. I too do not eat the sweeteners..except for gum. It is my only problem, I have a bad addiction (1 to 2 packs a day). It also causes digestion issues but I don’t know how to stop! Other than that I eat very healthy and love all of your recipe ideas.
tfh says
Darn. This is the breakfast I should have had today! Egg + oats seems like it must be the most filling combination.
Congratulations to your parents!
ModelBehavior says
Yay, another contest!
I love brothers all natural, I just posted about there products on my blog as well!
Jenn says
Happy Anniversary, Kath’s parents!
Wow, I love the idea of melting cheese on top of the savory oats, but too bad you couldn’t taste it 🙁 Maybe there is a way to get around that, like you do with your PB spoon? Hm…I’ll start brainstorming 😉
C says
Your breakfast looks great!
Happy Anniversary to your parents!
Christy Greene says
Hey girl! Just wanted to drop you a note and say hi!! Hope all is going well and that you’re ready for school again.
Yay for sunny weather in Charlotte. We FINALLY had some in Monterey! It’s foggy over here.
Much love!
Julz says
what if you used beef broth… Then used grated gruyere on top of egg? Isn’t beef broth n swiss a golden pair? French Onion Soup (MINUS THE ONION!!!!) 😉
Anne P says
melissa i used to chew a ton of gum too (not as much as you, but maybe 6 or so pieces a day?), and my stomach was always hurting and feeling bloated and gross. at some point about 6 months ago i read online that chewing too much gum can cause stomach problems… so i decided to go cold turkey. i know it’s hard but i feel SO much better now… my stomach doesn’t ever hurt anymore, it’s really crazy how quickly it stopped after i ditched the gum. my recommendation would be to brush your teeth after every meal to get rid of the craving for something minty to cleanse your palate. that was my main problem was that i wanted something to get rid of the taste of the meal afterwards. so i found brushing my teeth really helped me to stop with all the gum! i still miss it sometimes but totally worth it to not feel like crap anymore 🙂
fitnessista says
happy anniversary, kath’s parents!!!
your breakfast looks amazing- i can definitely taste the laughing cow cheese when i melt it into my oats, haven’t tried sliced cheese though.
stooooked about the new contest 🙂
Serena says
Is the cheese you’re using low-fat cheese? I think I recently figured out that low fat cheese doesn’t have much taste when it’s melted. I sometimes add a bit of salt to bring out the taste, but generally I just don’t bother with low fat cheese (other than laughing cow and part-skim mozzerella) because it just tastes odd/flavorless to me, and I just try to eat less of the real thing and really enjoy it. But at least you got some extra calcium in your meal, so it’s not entirely for nothing!
VeggieGirl says
Good luck with your busy day!!
Wishing your parents a very happy anniversary, and a LIFETIME together!! 🙂
Abby says
where should we e-mail our photos to??
mom says
Thanks Kath and everyone for the anniversary wishes. We’re headed to Tosca Ristorante Italiano in one of the restored tobacco warehouses in Durham, NC tonight for dinner.
Pam says
I make sandwiches every night for my fiance’s lunch the next day so this contest sounds right up my alley!
Can people from Canada enter??
haya says
same deal for international participants as before? don’t think i can participate anyway since i’m going away this weekend and won’t have access to sandwich material, but i thought i’d ask just in case!
KC says
I had the same problem with chewing about a pack of gum a day and having digestive problems. I have IBS too and the gum made it 10X worse! I figured out that if I chew 1/3rd or 1/2 of a piece of gum at a time that stretches it out. I also figured out that through the course of a day I can tolerate 2-3 pieces but they have to be very spread out and I tend to chew the majority at night. Try cutting down to a tolerable amount by cutting down the size you chew at a time and go from there. I also found that I can tolerate wrigley’s gum better than trident (or anything with xylitol-I think this sugar alcohol is less absorbed than sorbitol). If you can go cold turkey then that’s good too, I just know that wasn’t for me, I love gum too much!
jimmi says
omg. a new contest. done. this time I’m taking the gold medal… watch out katheats bloggers… it’s on!
i’m excited.
JD says
I heart gum.
caitlin (see bride run) says
happy anni, parents!
HangryPants says
Too bad about the cheese because it sounds delicious.
Jenn says
hangrypants, i tried posting on your blog but it wouldnt let me, kath im sorry if im interrupting your territory here, but hangrypants i LOVE your blog, but… i am a little distracted by the “he says/she says”
Kath says
melissa ,
I used to chew about 3-5 pieces of gum a day when I worked full time. I was having some bowel issues and read in one of Dr. Weil’s books a woman who had bad IBS and after many years of testing they found out it was the gum she chewed. So I gave up gum cold turkey and my bowels were fixed!! Now I chew maybe a piece a week? I eat Altoids for fresh breath 🙂
Christy Greene,
HI!! I mailed your books on Monday to your mom. Good luck with your classes!
Julz ,
VERY creative, but I don’t think I could eat beef broth for breakfast!!
Serena ,
It wasn’t low-fat, but I do alternate low-fat with different kinds. It melted perfectly, but the egg was overpowering and swiss isn’t the strongest of cheeses.
Abby ,
Pam + Haya,
I’m checking on international shipping for you.
Sami says
Sunny Side Oats! I want some. =]
They’re a little too time consuming to make on school mornings though. =[
But the weekend is almost here. =D
Foodie (Fab and Delicious Food) says
Happy anniversary to your parents!
Foodie (Fab and Delicious Food) says
The contest sounds like fun!