I was up earlier than normal today because Matt set the alarm to be at the bakery by 7. I couldn’t go back to sleep.
But that was a blessing in disguise because it allowed to me watch Gossip Girl before the workday begins! Gosh I love that show.
Breakfast was a yogurt bowl. Our milk turned on us! This is the second time I’ve gotten this particular brand of grass-fed organic milk and the second time it’s gone bad on us. I love supporting the farm, but I can’t keep dumping the milk down. We don’t drink a half gallon fast enough and it doesn’t come in smaller containers.
So yogurt it was.
Topped with wheatberries (lots!), brown rice puffs (which I am really enjoying much more than I thought I would!), half a banana, 1 tsp jam, chai seeds and crumbles of Flying Squirrel PB – Cinnamon (which is dry enough to crumble and worked really well in this bowl!)
With minty
After breakfast, I decided before I eat all of the brown rice puffs I better make some of AnneP’s 5 Minute No Bake Peanut Butter Granola Bars! I bought the rice puffs and brown rice syrup for the first time just to make the bars – oh, maybe 6 months ago!? Just now making them! I haven’t had a need for on-the-go snacks until now, when life is getting busier.
The brown rice syrup was incredible! Like caramel. Yum. Sugar is sugar, but for baking this was great.
I followed Anne’s recipe with a few slight changes – subs some buckwheat groats for peptias and using Sunflower Butter instead of PB. Mmmmmm!! Her wet to dry ratio was perfection!!!
But instead of bars, BALLS were calling my name!! I couldn’t resist. The recipe made about 21 balls, and I put them in the freezer. Frozen oat puff balls just sounded good today! NOTE: wet your hands after each 4-5 balls to keep them from sticking!
FANNEtastic Oat Puff Balls
Based on the FANNEtastic 5 Minute No Bake Peanut Butter Granola Bars. Anne says to keep them in the fridge (to hold the binder together) and individually wrap bars (or balls) for easy grab-n-go. I froze mine for a cool snack or dessert. They taste like an amazing version of Rice Krispie Treats!
FANNEtastic Oat Puff Balls
Based on the FANNEtastic link(5 Minute No Bake Peanut Butter Granola Bars, Anne says to keep them in the fridge (to hold the binder together) and individually wrap bars (or balls) for easy grab-n-go. I froze mine for a cool snack or dessert. They taste like an amazing version of Rice Krispie Treats!Servings 21 ballsIngredients
- Dry
- 1.75 cups rolled oats
- 1 cup brown rice puff cereal
- 1/4 cup sunflower seeds
- 1/4 cup buckwheat groats or any other seeds/nuts
- 1/4 cup chia seeds
- 1/4 cup coconut
- 2 tbsp ground flax
- Wet
- 1/2 cup brown rice syrup
- 1/3 cup sunflower butter or any drippy PB – don’t use a very dry, clumpy one
- 1 tsp vanilla
Mix dry. Mix wet. Microwave wet for 26 seconds. Stir wet into dry. Wet hands and roll into balls. Freeze Lick bowl!
KERF is on Foodista today! Yeah drankin’!
And as promised, here’s the new coffee table!
Since our furniture is pretty traditional, I’ve always wanted a modern coffee table in the room. I also prefer round tables so you don’t have to scoot around them or poke your knees (or shins if you’re tall!) on the edges.
When we moved from Charlotte, we sold our old Target table and bought two $5 stools from IKEA that I loved for their modern, simple look. They float around the room for feet or coffee.
But they did not look very grown up!
I’ve been looking for a small round modern table for a while, and I found this nice outdoor table for only $30 at IKEA last night.
I love the material (since it’s made for outdoors) because it’s so modern, and it was the perfect smallish size for our space. PLUS – I think the white really brightens up all of our black.
Really happy with it! Especially the price!!
Hopefully there will be no emergency car trips today. Just a run and a lot of bakery planning – ordering lots of items for resale and emailing applicants about phone interviews!
Have a great one!
val says
those look so great, and it makes me want new side tables!! awesome!
Miranda @ Working Mom Works Out says
You baked this morning??!!! You are my hero!
KathEats says
No baking, just mixing!!
Miranda @ Working Mom Works Out says
You still deserve a medal. You are always so productive. Do you go into each day with a game plan?
KathEats says
Definitely not! I go with the flow for everything 🙂
Miranda @ Working Mom Works Out says
Maybe that’s my problem!
Andrea @ The Skinny Chronicles says
I agree. She needs a medal. Wow. Way to be on it (by “it”, I mean life…)
Holly @ The Runny Egg says
Cute table! I agree that it looks better than the two stools and the white definitely brightens up that space.
The balls look delicious!
Anastasia says
Oh man, those oat puffs look really great! I love making snacks to take with me in my bag so I’m not tempted to eat fast food or something unhealthy. I’ll have to try these out.
I’m also lovin’ the new table! It really does brighten up the space.
Brittany (A Healthy Slice of Life) says
With the risk of sounding like a crude comment, I love balls! I think they are so much more fun to eat than bars.
Also, found a Great Harvest yesterday and got to try it for the first time- YUM!! I told them about you. Weird? Maybe 🙂
Jane says
Hi Kath- I love your blog! Question: where did you get your rug? I love the look of it against the hardwood floors. Thanks! 🙂
KathEats says
It was Karen’s from her condo in Charlotte – she had it cut down to fit her new space and gave us the leftovers. It was a BIG rug before! I’m not sure where she bought it.
Meg says
These remind me of my mookies(non-cookie treat!):
KathEats says
Baking Books says
I thought I was the only one who said Mookies! Neat – a cross b/w a Muffin and a Cookie right? 🙂
Meg says
Ha! MOokies are Meg’s non cookie treats!! 🙂 but muffin cookies yum!!
Chelsea says
Love the new coffee table. Actually, i love everything from Ikea. Yummy Oat Puff Balls! Going to have give those a whirl.
Sarah (Running To Slow Things Down) says
The puff balls look amazing! I’ll bet they have great texture. 😀
Angie @ Musings of a Violet Monkey says
I made no-bake granola bars over the weekend and alllllmost made them into balls instead. Either way they are great for grab-n-go. (I work/commute for over 60 hours/week!).
I keep mine chilled as well. Yum!
Hillary [Nutrition Nut on the Run] says
I just made homemade granola bars Sunday with the same puffed cereal & brown rice syrup (Lundberg is a local company to me!). However, mine did not stick together nicely = yummy granola haha. I gotta give Anne’s recipe a try.
Samantha Angela @ Bikini Birthday says
I kinda like the stools. What did you do with them?
KathEats says
They’re in the corner for feet when needed
Angela @ Eat Spin Run Repeat says
I love the table! I also really need to hunt down some brown rice syrup. I’ve been wanting to experiment with a few granola bar recipes, and have tried using agave as a binder to make the ingredients stick together, but it doesn’t seem to solidify very well. Do you know if all brown rice syrups are created equal, or if there are any nasties I should be looking out for? Thanks Kath!
KathEats says
This is the first one I’ve tried, so I have no idea
Claire @ Live and Love to Eat says
I love the black and white furniture! My fiance’ already has a black couch for our new home but I’m really hoping I can talk him into a black and white patterened chair. Where did you get yours?
KathEats says
They are all from Karen from the 90s
Maria @ The Fitted Apron says
How in the world are you so productive in the morning? It takes me forever to write one little blog post let alone make a batch of goodies! I’m thinking about buying some of that flying squirrel peanut butter, looks delish! Have a great day.
Lucy @ The Sweet Touch says
Wow! By the time I got to the end of this post I couldn’t remember if I was still reading your breakfast post or last night’s! Very productive morning:) You just reminded me of a Nigella “ball” recipe I’ve been wanting to try that has similar ingredients!
Valerie @ City|LIfe|Eats says
Before I discovered I was intolerant to dairy, I used to buy milk from grass-fed cows, and it always went bad super fast. My solution was to freeze some in ice cube trays as soon as I opened it, and throw that into iced chais or cereal – it tended to melt back into milk fast and did not affect the texture as I recall, though at this point we are talking 2+ years ago.
Love the table!
LauraJayne says
I know that I always push the boundaries on my milk – hopefully not too far – but I probably drink less than 1/4 of a serving a day – just enough to sweeten my morning coffee! Bad milk (or any product, last night we discovered that our sugar snaps peas were past their “prime”) can be so frustrating, especially if you were counting on using them!
Heather says
That is too bad about the milk – I hate throwing food away!
I made “balls” with dates, soy nut butter and oatmeal – all blended in the food processor until done.
Very delicious and I love having something healthy on hand.
Felicity says
You can freeze milk, or use it to make kefir or yogurt.
Pat Kilmain says
Since buying milk by the gallon is so much more cost effective, I always freeze it. I have some quart bottles (or you could use canning jars, they work in the freezer quite well) and I just leave a little room at the top for the milk to expand. This means that the quart that doesn’t get frozen is a little more than a quart, and the others a little less, but that’s usually not a problem. I also keep a box of powdered milk (or shelf stable milk) in the house to use for baking if there’s not enough thawed. Two tips for freezing milk: be sure the jars/bottles are upright until frozen (duh), and remember it takes about a day to thaw milk in the fridge. I usually put mine in the sink (because the thawing bottle sweats) til it’s about half thawed, then move it to the fridge. Texture is fine, but you should shake when it’s fully thawed.
Ellie @ The Mommyist says
Those balls sound delicious and the new table look great.
Ash @ Good Taste Healthy Me says
Cute new coffee table. I love buying new decorations for the home.
Justeen @ Blissful Baking says
The no-bake peanut butter balls look great! I’ve been meaning to try those forever, too!
Kathleen @ KatsHealthCorner says
I have been wanting to get some Brown Rice Puffed Cereal. Would you suggest it?
KathEats says
Kayla says
Ha! I finally made Anne’s bars this week too! I found brown rice crispy cereal at Big Lots for cheap ($2 a box!) like a month ago and had intentions of making them…but waited for some reason. I went against her recipe, too, and used a combo of honey and agave for the brown rice syrup (I can’t bring myself to buy it for one recipe.) and used almonds and walnuts for the pepitas and sunflower seeds. They tasted great, but didn’t hold together well. I think I might add more PB next time…or take a cue from you and make balls! I love Angela’s (from Oh She Glows) no-bake almond butter balls, so I can see how they would translate well.
Love your new table!
Sarena (The Non-Dairy Queen) says
Dang you’ve already done a lot this morning! The granola bars look so good. I hope you two have a great day!
Ashley says
Brown rice syrup in baking or “no-bake”-ing is the best! Cute new table!!
kate@ahealthypassion says
Oh those little balls look amazing im a huge fan of brown rice syrup!
Felicia (a taste of health with balance) says
love your addition of buckwheat and SSB! simple and tasty recipes like this are my favorite, will be making them!
Katie @ Nourishing Flourishing says
Hope everything goes smoothly at the bakery today! One step closer 🙂
Jess (Sweet Potato) says
I love your new table! Simple and perfect!
Hope says
I love Gossip Girl too! Last night’s episode was good! Those granola balls look really tasty! I love easy recipes like that! 🙂
Caitlin @ Southern Curls & Pearls says
Those balls look great! And the new coffee table, as well. I need to run to the grocery store this afternoon, maybe I’ll pick up some of those brown rice puffs! 😉
Karen says
These balls look terrific…I love making super simple no bake snacks. I just made made Ashley’s almond date “lara” bars w/orange/ginger and formed them into balls and popped them in the freezer as well. Delish, fun on-the-run snackage!
Brown Rice syrup is a my favorite sweetener in terms of taste, but I find a little goes a long way.
Glad you made out of Ikea in one piece…I always seem to leave that store exhausted no matter how focused my mission.
Allison @ Happy Tales says
I looove the the new coffee table pulls the room together — what a great find! And bummer about the milk… but yay for yogurt bowls!
Lisa Fine says
I hate when the milk goes bad.
My boyfriend and I rarely buy milk because we don’t use it quickly enough, and I like to only purchase local milk. There’s one farm that has quarts for sale, but even then, we don’t always use it all.
Love the table – super cute, especially with that lovely plant [is it wheatgrass?].
KathEats says
Fake wheatgrass 🙂
Teri [a foodie stays fit] says
What do you think of the new girl Charlie on GG? I can’t stand her but don’t know why! And is it too much to ask for Blair and Chuck to just get back together?! 🙂
KathEats says
I hate her because I know she is only going to cause drama and trouble!!
Melissa @ Journey to Marvelous says
Seriously! I was so frustrated last week when Blair sent Chuck packing yet again….it’s like, REALLY? Get over yourselves and make it official already!Looks like the new couple of episodes before the season finale are going to be good…
Mary @ Bites and Bliss says
I just baked with brown rice syrup last night, too! It really is amazing stuff for baking. And about the milk, I’d love to support organic or local farms too but spoiling would be an issue. Unprocessed milk is great…but that’s kind of what keeps it from spoiling.
KathEats says
All other organic milks I’ve gotten have been fine – it’s just this one grass-fed brand. So you can still feel good buying organic!
Elizabeth@The Sweet Life says
Beautiful all around! Would love to read a post about what you’ve learned about starting a small business so far!
Laura @ Sprint 2 the Table says
I’ve made those bars before in “cookie” from. They’re a great pre-workout snack – a little protein and sugar to get me moving.
rofomom says
Kath, I love your love for IKEA. We love it too especially since we have found that kids have a tendendency to “ruin” things…we find it lessens the blow when something does get “ruined”. Also I am feeling totally inspired by the bars/ball. WHERE do you get the brown rice cereal. That’s new to me. Have a great day!!!!
KathEats says
Cereal is from whole foods
Val @ Balancing Val says
We buy organic milk and it does the same thing . . .
In school we learned that we could freeze it so that we arent wasting money and still are being able to support organics.
I dont drink cows milk often, but my boyfriend does.
We just freeze half the gallon and take it out 1-2 days before to defrost in the fridge!!
J3nn (Jenn's Menu and Lifestyle Blog) says
Those balls sound tasty! I have a jar of brown rice syrup that I haven’t used yet. I’ve been saving it for who-knows-what, LOL.
Amanda says
Those look delicious and so very simple! I will definitely have to try to make them soon! 🙂 Hope you have a great day Kath!
Heather @ Health, Happiness, and Hope says
Sounds like such a perfect morning. You definitely made good use of your getting up early! And I love the new coffee table – it’s modern and fits in so well with your style!
Ellie@fitforthesoul says
you’re so talented in decorating your home!! I hope I can do that when I get married 🙂
Elise says
love the chairs and the table — it really does brighten the space up! definitely captures the ‘spring home’ feel 🙂
stacey (the home-cooked vegan) says
Sounds like a busy day! Hope the interviewing goes well for you 🙂
The coffee table is cute!
Namaste Gurl says
Those nut butter balls look amazing- love all the ingredients! Will so be making asap 🙂 If I used agave or maple instead, would I cut down the amount?
Love the coffee table!
Cait @ Beyond Bananas says
Those balls look so yummy. and so easy to throw together. Perfect on the go snack!
lynn @ the actor's diet says
cute tables! that is really a shame about the milk – i feel like i’ve had the same thing happen to me, but luckily i have the option to buy a pint too.
love brown rice syrup! i tried a blueberry flavored one which made it insanely easy to make these pb and jelly cereal bars with just 3 ingredients:
Amanda (tomboy that wears makeup) says
LOVE your new coffee table! $30 bucks? That’s a great price. I love your decor too.
Ashley @ Feeding Ashley says
I love the table, it brightens up the room.
Chelsea @ One Healthy Munchkin says
I haven’t bought brown rice syrup yet because I’m definitely a part of the “sugar is sugar” camp. But now you have me curious to try it!
chelsey @ clean eating chelsey says
I love those granola balls! Looks delicious!
Natalia - a side of simple says
That breakfast bowl will always be the “Easter egg” bowl to me 🙂 It just always reminds me of coloring Easter eggs!
Your oat ball version is just ANOTHER reason why I must get my hands on some sunflower butter asap. Let the hunt begin!
Heather says
The balls look yummie~ I have a weird question! I noticed last week that you said that you like to do one exercise hard day then light, hard and so on. I have noticed lately that my jeans get tight in the legs as the day goes on, thinking maybe water retention?? I usually do a bootcamp(Mon), body pump(Tues), Spin class(Wed), yoga (THurs), spin(Friday), bootcamp or spin (Sat), off on Sunday. Do you think that is too many hard days is that why my legs feel like weights at times?
~THank you for your imput! Heather
KathEats says
I really can’t tell you what a hard day is – you have to listen to your body! Do you feel tired when you haven’t done that much yet? That’s a sign you might be a bit fatigued. But maybe all the pumping is building muscles in your leggins?
Heather says
Not really, my legs may be sore for a couple of minutes but after I get warmed up they are fine. It seems like as the day goes on if I start feeling fatigued my jeans start getting tight in the legs. They are fine in the mornings when I get ready as the day goes on they seem to get tighter and tighter. Does spinning make your legs big? Does running do the same?
Alaina Rose @ Sweetness Of Life says
Those peanut butter balls look so good! Treats like that are some of my favorite things to make. I love throwing healthy-ish tasty things together in a bowl and then rolling them up into balls! But, sometimes I just have to call them “nuggets” instead, because I start feeling weird saying “balls” so many times!
Khushboo says
I just baked a banana bread and those balls/bars are next on my list! Unfortunately brown rice syrup is not easily avail here but do you think honey would work instead?
KathEats says
I think so? It doesn’t seem as thick..
Anne P says
Fun idea to make them into ball shapes! Glad you enjoyed them 🙂
KathEats says
🙂 delicious!
Caroline @ French Ponytail says
I love your upholstery (turns out that’s a really hard word to spell). The patterns are pretty traditional, but the black/white make sit modern too.
Doc (The Healthy PhD) says
This is going to sound crazy, but could you take 1/2 of your 1/2 gallon (i.e. a quart) and freeze it into ice cube trays? That way, you can use the smaller portion of the liquid for coffee, cereal, etc and the frozen cubes to cook with…?
I have frozen milk before, and it gets a little precipitatey if you want to drink it, but I use it in soups, oatmeal, baking just fine.
KathEats says
I don’t know how I feel about freezing milk – it makes me think it will water down. Are you guys SURE it would work??
Pat Kilmain says
I answered this in an earlier reply. I do it all the time, and there is no separation, at least in 1% milk. Maybe whole milk would separate more due to more fat? All I do is thaw it, shake it gently before using it the first time, then use as normal.
victoria says
if you just try it with the amount you have been tossing, it really doesn’t matter…try it and see…either way it will be tossed…or it just might work 🙂
KathEats says
Well when I buy the regular organic milk it lasts for like 10 days I’m not throwing any out.. I’m just going to go back to that kind I think
Laura Jane says
I’ve frozen milk before (regular 2%) and it has worked for me! Much better than tossing it. I also like almond breeze because the stuff lasts so long and is so tasty.
Emily @ Savory and Savage says
Too bad about the milk going sour 🙁
One thought – you could use the whey (the clear liquid left after the curds separate) to make lacto – fermented veggies.
I agree with the other comments – I am always awed by your productivity!
Melissa @ Journey to Marvelous says
The new table looks great… I love perfect (and unexpected) IKEA finds! 🙂
Laura Jane says
Love the table! And I love your other furniture. I’m a new reader, and I can’t wait to try some of your oatmeal recipes!
Sarah for Real says
Your local milk is probably less pasteurized than conventional milk. This means it will spoil faster but it also means it’s more nutritious (more probiotics, etc).
Keep it at the back of your fridge, in the coldest spot. Definitely do not keep it in the door.
Mine usually is good for about 7 days after I open it. If it’s spoiling faster than that, maybe you need to figure out which day they deliver the fresh stuff to the store and buy it that day.
Cristal says
Hi Kath,
Over the summer, you had a special on OpenSky for Naturally Nutty Sunflower Butter. Well, I bought some to try, fell in love, and now I’m out…Just wondering if you will do another special on this product in the near future?
KathEats says
Hey Cristal,
Unfortunately KERF + OpenSKy were a bit too much for Nat. Nutty so I don’t think we’ll be doing any more. Maybe someday…but not in the near future
Cristal says
Oh bummer! Thank for letting me know.
Cristal says
Sara @ says
What is the difference between HFCS and brown rice syrup? I haven’t taken any advanced chemistries so I can’t be sure, but to me BRS sounds like a more expensive version of HFCS? I’ve read that BRS has a lower glycemic index but just from the general overview that I learned about in class it sounds like they’re made the same way.
Again, I haven’t researched this at all, so I may be totally wrong, so I wanted to see what you thought! 🙂
KathEats says
I am not researched up on the chemical structure, but it seems just like all the other sweetener syrups to me. That’s why I said “Sugar is sugar.” I don’t intend to use it any more often than I use sugar – which isn’t often!
Sara @ says
Thank you! I mainly wanted to know because it’s hard to shell out a dollar for one Luna bar when I can get a cheaper (although less enriched/fortified) box of bars for $2.00 – I used to stick with Luna/Clif bars because I thought brown rice syrup was healthier, but after hearing that in my Food and the Consumer class I started rethinking that purchase choice! Now I either shell out big bucks for LARA bars or stick with the cheaper brand!
KathEats says
They are also full of processed soy protein, which is the reason I don’t eat them..
kris says
What’s the difference between something like tofu and processed soy protein in bars? When I eat processed grains, I try to go with a process that’s traditional and has been around for a long time. (So tempeh instead of tofu and tortillas instead of corn bread, for example.)
KathEats says
Tofu, tempeh, miso, edamame, soy milk – they are all whole soy. They have gone through some processing, but the whole protein is in tact.
Isolated soy protein is part soy. It’s like half of the protein. And that doesn’t seem like real food to me.
Katherine: Unemployed says
great ikea find! I hope it wasn’t too hard to assemble
Baking Books says
Ikea is dangerously addicting…:)
Tracy says
I just made some balls based off of Anne P’s recipe also. They’re perfect to grab on my way out the door as a pre-workout snack! And yummy!
Christine says
I love love love Gossip Girl too! Thanks for the Oat Puff balls recipe……I see that it has TJ’s sunflower butter in it!
Angel7 says
I want to make the FANNEtastic Oat Puff Balls. They look really good!
The white table does give a splash of brightness to the room.
Heidi - apples under my bed says
Yum, your breakfast and the balls look great!! Have a wonderful day.
Heidi xo
Annette @ EnjoyYourHealthyLife says
You can freeze milk! We do it all the time 🙂
Love your couches!
Hannah says
Oooh! Is Gossip Girl back on? Hurrah! Streaming time! 😀
saikhan says
oo u are great.
Dalai Lina says
Do you think you could press in a pan and make bars? The look delish!
Katie says
Those look amazing. I can’t wait to try to make them. I was thinking of using agave and/or honey in place of the brown rice syrup. I didn’t want to buy it just for one recipe. Is it healthier than using agave/honey? I’d be willing to buy it if I could use it as a substitute more often.
Also, I love Ikea. I think its great. That table does look great with those amazing couches.
KathEats says
I don’t know if it’s any healthier – maybe just a little different. Honey or agave would probably work just as well. I think maple isn’t sticky enough.
renee says
Divide and Freeze the milk in mason jars as soon as you bring it home, in portions that you can use in 2-3 days. Thaw in fridge over night and use within 2-3 days 🙂 Make sure to give a good shake before using to redistribute the cream. will freeze about 2-3 months.
Alison AP says
Delish! I made these and they were FABULOUS!! Thanks! It’s a great way to chip at the buckwheat I have just sitting in my cabinet 🙂