I’m charging through my Monday here and it’s going fast. While I was getting my lunch photos ready for upload, I found all these photos of us from freshman year at Davidson. They had me chuckling 🙂
Hope this photo album works…
I brought a slice of last night’s pizza for lunch today. The crust was still the best part 🙂
I also munched on a carrot
Devoured a pear in about 60 seconds
And loved chomping through this Chobani with Kashi GoLean
While it had all the components of a balanced lunch, this lunch wasn’t all that filling. I think I’m used to more voluminous lunches from home! I think I’ll be eating my LaraBar snack sooner rather than later…
Bites & Bowls & Tennis Balls
Kelsey started a blog! She was a ceramics major in college and has some awesome pieces of pottery that she is working to feature in her posts. And she’s an an amazing talent at recipe creation – but she needs to get more up! She’s just starting out, and I was going to wait a little longer to debut her on KERF, but she just blogged about our shared love for therapeutic tennis balls and I had to share 🙂
Guest Lunch Post: Scordo!
Vince over at Scordo.com sent over this delicious Italian lunch guest post! Thanks, Vince!
Hi Everyone. Vince from Scordo.com here and I’m terribly excited to do my first guest post on KathEats.com! Growing up as a first generation Italian-American, lunch was never the usual peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Instead, my mother, grandmother, aunts, etc. all took turns preparing elaborate multi-course lunches for me with the inevitable tableside conversations going something like, "what, aren’t you hungry, why don’t you want another slice of frittata?" or "what’s the matter, aren’t the zucchini fritters crispy enough for you, you only ate five?" – the Italian sounds more atagnostic, trust me!
25 years later, I’ve re-created a typical Saturday lunch meal, but scaled back the dishes to a few healthy representations of the typical, first generation, Italian-American lunch. Minus the sarcastic comments from the females relatives in my life, of course!
My lunch consisted of:
1. An angel hair, red onion, and homemade ricotta frittata
2. A fresh, whole milk, mozzarella, sliced tomatoes, and Provencal olive salad
3. Organic Persian cucumbers with freshly ground black pepper and balsamic vinegar.
I’ve got to get to some studying before the day runs out!
Elizabeth (thelongweigh) says
What cute pictures! How fun is that to have so many memories together through college!
Your lunch loosk delicious as always and the guest post lunch looks amazing too!
FoodsThatFit says
I love to reminisce and look at old pictures! Very cute and I love the guest post!
Lara says
Such cute photos! You guys make such a cute couple 🙂
Courtney (The Hungry Yogini) says
Cool photo album! Can’t wait to read Kelsey’s blog too!
Sarah (lovINmytummy) says
A photo album….within a post…within a post…within a blog…
This post was like one of those cute Russian nesting dolls, but with pizza in the middle!
Jim Purdy says
Chobani Greek yogurt? I’ve never heard of it. I’ll have to try to find some.
Bec says
Love the photo album!
Natalie says
Aww, you guys were my age! The pictures are all so cute. 🙂
Shelby says
Don’t pears just dissapear so fast!? They just fall apart like buttah in your hands 😉
Danielle says
Love the photo album, and that veggie pizza looks so good!
Michelle Hisae says
I love finding old photos, too. 🙂 It’s cute to see that you and your husband met in college and the journey you’ve gone through thus far. It makes me reminisce and look forward to the time my boyfriend I have have left in college and together beyond that.
fitforfree says
what a yummy-looking guest lunch!!
zestycook says
Kath – I love the line – devoured a pear in about 60 seconds 🙂 Too funny
Mara @ What's For Dinner? says
How fun to find old photos!! I should post some old ones!
brandi says
that pizza still looks great! I need to try that crust soon!
Weekly Bite says
The guest post was really fun to see!
haya (living and learning) says
awesome pictures! you were really cute with the shorter hair.
i think the link to kelsey’s blog is a bit broken. you might want to fix it.
K says
Thanks for sharing the pics! You guys are so cute!!
Chobani and Kashi = match made in foodie heaven 🙂
JENNA says
cute guest post!! YUM x 100000! I love your photo album!
Sarah says
Loved the pictures! The pizza is totally drool-worthy!
Scordo.com says
Thanks for posting, Kath! If anyone would like the recipes for the frittata or tomato salad please let me know!
Vince from Scordo.com
Emily says
Love the photo album! That looks so cool!
And the pizza looks great!
Sharon says
Oh wow, love the pizza!
And awesome photo album!
Sarah says
Loved the photo album, and your pizza looks delicious!
Hallie says
Those pics are so cute! You two look so young. Now I want to look back at my college pics and remember the “good old days” (haha).
Allison K says
Love the college pics! It makes me want to dig up some of mine, I’d have to scan them though!
And I totally want to be Italian after the guest post, nagging relatives or not!
Sara says
Cute pictures! I LOVE looking through old pictures of my hubby and me, when we were dating. Good times. Your lunch looks great…too bad it wasn’t very filling.
Meg says
Love the old pics!
Great guest post!
Off to check out the new blog!
theoodbod says
quite the impressive looking carrot! cute pics too. good ol’ college days
Kate says
I actually made some pesto this afternoon – I saw your pizza last night and it gave me a huge craving! I’m using it on pasta tonight (see my blog for pictures later) but as soon as I make a grocery run tomorrow, I’m making the pizza ASAP!
Your guest lunch looks really good too – I want to try a fritatta like that sometime.
Emily says
Such a cute photo album – thanks for sharing it with us! I also really enjoyed your guest lunch post – so neat to see such a different combo of yummy foods!
Mel says
I love that guest post! That’s a cool way to use leftovers!
sue says
cute pictures!
Missy (Missy Maintains) says
Love the photo album! That pizza seriously made my mouth water!!!
ashley says
Oh, those photos are adorable! Thanks for sharing- they made me smile!
Lori says
Kath + Matt
You guys make such a great couple!!
TOO CUTE!! I love the little bear too!
Marissa says
Those photos are too cute 🙂
Kelsey Miles says
I just found the suuuuper hidden fresh market to pick up barney butter.. I went crunchy… mmmm..mmmmm… I can’t wait to put it in my oats tomorrow!!!!!
lainb says
awww! Those pics are so cute!
WendyF says
Those pictures are great …made me smile. I wish they had Chobani out here in Cali. Have not found it in my area.
Trying to be good calorie-wish today as the chef has a Fat Tuesday dinner tomorrow. So back- to-back spinning classes.
Bon Ton Roulet! 🙂
Chelsea says
Okay, am I the only one that thinks that the picture of the carrot is quite phallic?
ANYWAY! I thought of you today when I made my lunch. I have a white porcelain plate at work so that I’m not being wasteful and my plate looked very Kathlike-Turkey Sandwich with CranApple Butter, baby carrots, a sliced orange, and pretzel thins. It was a great lunch and the fact that it looked so pretty made me enjoy it 😉
Erin J says
hey kath!!!! i’ve been reading your blog for EVER. literally about a year now. and have not once commented because you are like an idol to me hahah.
you inspired me to start my own blog about 2 months ago!
i don’t know why i haven’t commented on yours yet but i just want to thank you.
i was in recovery from an eating disorder this summer when i was reading your blog about every minute of the day.
seeing you living your happy and healthy lifestyle really gave me a new perspective!
you are so happy and full of life and i really admire you for it!
then i saw you went to davidson and remembered my dad saying a few of our really good family friends went there, both daughters and they loved it!
i’m going to elon next year, not quite near you but close enough..
i can’t thank you enough for being my inspiration and i just got the guts to comment!
The Duo Dishes says
Yum. pizza.
Kath says
Chelsea ,
Kelsey also thought it looked so when she saw the post today 😉 Love the sound of your lunch!
Erin J,
Thanks for your comment!!
Sarah (Tales of Expansion) says
oh my goodness, what ca-yute photos!
Foodie (Fab and Delicious Food) says
Great guest post!