Somebody stole the last banana!
= a Pumpkin Oats Day!
With my current favorite oatmeal ingredient: mission fig! I just love the little crackly seeds in them.
The mix:
- 1/3 cup oats, 1/3 cup 1% milk, 1/3 cup+ water, pinch salt
- 1/2 cup pumpkin, 1 tsp cinnamon, 1 tsp vanilla, 1 tbsp+ wheatberries, all stirred in at end
- 1 tbsp pumpkin butter
- 1 tbsp flax
- 1/3 Quaker Simple Harvest Choco Bar
- Happy Serving of Barney Butter
It was interesting to note how FAST the oats cooked without a banana! Guess the sugar, starch, fiber really slows down the cooking process.
I am buzzzzzing after this cup of joe
This bowl was SUPER filling!
This morning I implemented a new AM plan. I told myself I’d wake up early but I didn’t have to get up. I took my laptop in bed with me and knocked out one of my smaller assignments from bed. Worked perfectly because my attention span was ready for a change after that hour.
I hopped out of bed and did yoga – right there in my room. The other night I did it in the serene guest room. I’m loving switching up the location! And it’s cozier to do it near my bed than down in the hard-core spacious living room. I did 20 minutes of Detox yoga this AM. My shoulders are really feelin’ the stress of these past 2 (and upcoming 4) weeks and I felt great to stretch ‘em out with some twists. I might do more yoga tonight – I need the stretch.
Then came breakfast.
Now comes an online Psych test.
From Laptop To Kitchen
Jenna’s Blogger Dessert E-Cookbook is ready! If you haven’t heard, she’s raising (I just wrote raisins!) money for the The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society while training for the Nike Women’s Half Marathon in San Francisco in October 2009.
To get the cookbook, you just have to make a $10 donation to her fundraising page and email her at to let her know you made a donation. Then she’ll send you the 80-recipe e-cookbook in Word.doc form. I just got mine and can’t wait to try out some of these recipes on May 2 when I am finished with exams. Of particular interest:
- Sara’s No-Bake Chewy Peanut Butter Cookies
- Samantha’s Coconut Butter Rum Pound Cake with Rum Glaze
- Michelle’s Whoopie Pies
- Danica’s Pecan Bark
- VeggieGirl’s Chocolate-Almond-Fig Spread Blondies
- Nicole’s Vegan Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Muffins
zestycook says
Who would steal the last banana? I can’t believe it 🙂 Well at least the oats look great. Have a great morning Kath and I will see ya at lunch.
Courtney (The Hungry Yogini) says
Banana theft! What a bummer. But the pumpkin oats look gorg (abbrev. for gorgeous!). Glad you had a nice, relaxing morning. Gotta love oats and yoga!
VeggieGirl says
No banana, but I do see a SWEET POTATO!!!!! 😉
Aww yay!! Great list of recipes to try!!
brandi says
I used to love doing homework in bed in college – I could get stuff done and still be comfy 🙂
JENNA says
Sounds like a great morning! 🙂 good luck on your test.
tina says
We had a banana issue this morning at our house too!
VeggieGirl’s blondies are amazing!
Michelle Hisae says
I have that same mug! But it has an “M” on it, obviously. It’s such a great size and so pretty. I looooove Anthropologie – I can’t wait to go back for more dishes!
Matt says
The ability to spot ‘stolen’ bananas must run in the family…Larbs is always commenting on how bananas are disappearing from our kitchen….
Shannon (The Daily Balance) says
I also had pumpkin oats this morning– delish!
I definitely have to try the fig mix-in though, looks scrumptious!
have a great day 😉
Amelia says
Ooo figs are the best! I like your idea of slowly transitioning into the day. So key.
Anonymous says
how come whenever you make a spelling error you tell us about it?? so curious!
Mara @ What's For Dinner? says
I was just talking about how I need to get figs!
Sarah says
I had pumpkin oats today, too! It was my first time trying them, and they were delicious.
Moran (The Running Addict) says
I love figs too!!!
Kara says
I’ve been liking the detox yoga a lot! Doing an hour of it is like a full workout!
Rose says
I wonder who stole the banana? Haha 🙂
Oatmeal looks yummy. Oooh, figs.
Erika says
That’s ok that someone stole your banana 🙂 I think your oats turned out mighty fine!!! YUM!
And love that little orange candle!
Sharon says
Pumpkin oats works for me, yum!
Making Love In The Kitchen says
Just as I opened your blog, my mom knocked on my door (her pottery studio is right above the loft where I live) and came in and took my last banana. Off to the market I go!
Victoria says
Those recipes sound great! I have to remember tod onate when I get home from work.
Shawna says
Good luck on your test! Loving how you’re switching up the yoga locations, too. The portability factor rocks!
Bec says
I dont do it very often but working from bed can be really productive sometimes.
Sarah (lovINmytummy) says
Now if only you can find a way to WORK OUT from bed.
I’m not saying anything else…
Biz says
Love your new morning routine – what better way to start the day in your warm cozy bed!
Question about the figs – I’ve seen them around a lot lately – is there a skin you have to peel?
Off to donate to Jenna!
Jess says
No banana = bad morning for me.
I have 2 cookie recipes in that cookbook. 🙂
megan says
those recipes sound great! I’m especially interested to try any veggiegirl creation – I’ve heard such rave reviews! 🙂
HeatherBakes says
I love working on my laptop in bed!
Thanks for the e-cookbook tip… off to check it out 🙂
sara says
Hey Kath,
when do you apply to internships and which ones are you looking at? I am finishing mine up now for the RD, just curious what you are looking to focus on. I am enjoying your blog!
Run Sarah says
I have never heard of mission figs…but they look so delicious. Must look for them next time I’m at the grocery store.
Rhodeygirl says
Great morning plan!!!
Hallie says
The good thing about the boy not liking fruit is that I rarely have to worry about a banana thief…although he does go on kicks where he’ll eat a banana a day so I might find myself S.O.L one of these days 🙂
Heidi Diedrick says
Hi, I know this isn’t related to the banana header, but didn’t know where else to write. I just am making Matt’s bagels, and oh my goodness, they are awesome. I did have some barley malt syrup on hand from a KA flour pretzel recipe, so added it to the water and they are gloriously shiny. Can’t wait to eat one. If you get a chance, look at this blog and find her bagel story. It’s really good too. Have a great weekend.
Kailey (SnackFace) says
Luckily pumpkin is a fabulous stand-in. The bowl looks beautiful! I love to work from bed, but I have to be careful with what time I do so. If it’s night time, I’m for sure falling asleep. Have a good afternoon!
Diana says
I’m going to get the cookbook now!
I can’t believe “someone” stole the last banana! I bet it was one of those bears we saw racing down the stairs while you were away! They’re obviously out of control! haha.
KLM says
I always forget about figs!!
Nate says
I think that KLM probably stole the last banana. You might want to check Bites and Bowls for more inappropriate pictures.
Katie says
I think I might know where that banana went. *cough*Matt*cough*
Kerri says
In Australia, fresh figs have been in season at the farmer’s market. All those desserts sound delicious. Will have to check out the book.
Kath says
Matt ,
Anonymous ,
Because I usually find the typo humorous. It lets you know what my hands are used to typing.
Biz ,
No skin on my figs! I get the kind in a bag on the dried fruit aisle. Not the best, I know, I know, but still good.
sara ,
I have a meeting to discuss internships, but I think I will just be applying to Winthrop’s. The chances of getting matched are very high if you’re in grad school there. I am not exactly mobile to move to another city right now, and this is the only internship there is in my area.
Heidi Diedrick,
So glad you liked the recipe! I used to read Sherry’s blog 🙁
Diana ,
HAHAHHH!! The bears!!
Nate ,
She probably did!
Kristin @ Iowa Girl Eats says
Figs in my oatmeal is my absolute FAVORITE!! No joke, there is literally nowhere around where I live to buy good, quality figs though. They’re all dried up and nasty 🙁 Think I need to order some online or something?!
jenna says
Yay!! Thanks for the shout-out! 🙂 I find that in my house, the last banana ALWAYS gets stolen so sometimes I hide bananas in the fridge behind the milk 😉