Rain, rain, pouring rain. I knew it was coming yet it still surprised me!
Matt came home at midnight last night…and reported having “a billion” beers [I kid you not]. So needless to say I didn’t sleep the greatest – especially when I was being kicked and thrashed upon in my sleep! Let’s hope the rain washes away any agitation from that scenario.
Not only is it raining, but my back is very sore from Monday’s Pump class and my legs are stiff from yesterday’s run, so today sounds like the perfect day for a little Dave Farmar podcast. Yoga is the best massage. I just have to make sure I actually carve out an hour today to DO it!
Breakfast was Coach’s oats made with banana, chia, milk and cottage cheese. [FYI, Coach’s oats sent me 2 giant bags to photograph for OpenSky so if you see them on KERF, please know they were a freebie! I do really like them though – great texture!]
Cville Cluster and Barney Butter topped it off
T –
Have a happy humpday!
Sarah says
I love that bowl. It is your prettiest one yet I do believe.
Janelle says
I agree ! Love it
Cait's Plate says
I currently have 3 GIANT bags of Coach’s Oats thanks to your OpenSky deal 🙂 I am SO excited to make them. I actually wanted to do pumpkin Coach’s Oats this morning but I ran out of time.
Yours look so fluffy this morning – is that the oats or the banana addition that does that?
KathEats says
I use lots of water and take it out early!
Cait's Plate says
Perfect, I will be doing the same then! Thanks 🙂
Hope @ With A Side Of Hope says
Happy Wednesday! 🙂 What a beautiful bowl of oats! I have to say I am a huge fan of your bowl. Purple is my fave color!
Janelle says
Morning ! Just wondering were u get those nice spoons from – mine are so large and chunking – I feel if I got smaller spoons I would pace my self and not inhale my breakfast !
KathEats says
They are iced tea spoons that I inherited from my grandmother. You can find them that are less expensive though if you search for them on Amazon. I love that they are so long with a smaller “bowl” at the end!
Janelle says
Thanks Kath your a doll !
Hilliary @ Happily Ever Healthy says
I love your coffee mug! So bright and cheery. I am going to a class like body pump today, I know I will be sore tomorrow because I took a little break from the class. The class was getting a bit repetitive!
Estela @ Weekly Bite says
I agree, yoga is the best massage!
Chloe (In Fine Feather) says
Just bought some tea myself and finally feel like the weather has cooled off enough to brew some!
Krystina (Organically Me) says
Nothing is worse than a significant other thrashing and moving in their sleep. My boyfriend drives me nuts sometimes, but I can’t exactly kick him out, so I just push him away.
kathleen @ the daily crumb says
ha! i get so upset with my husband (also a matt) when he crawls into bed a million beers deep. ugh. talk about messing up my precious sleep!! glad you had a delicious breakfast to make up for it 🙂
Sarah @ Sarah's Modern Bites says
LOVE that angled mug. I need more attractive coffee and tea mugs in my life… all of the ones I have are Christmas themed!
Cat @Breakfast to Bed says
If your husband thrashes, I vote to tuck him in with a really tight sheet and then sleep on top of him-he’ll sleep on the couch next time!!! jk. Sleep better tonight.
KathEats says
If there had been sheets on the guest bed, I would have sent him there.
Anna @ On Anna's Plate says
Ugh– my husband is the worst sleeper. He kicks his legs UP and DOWN all night long…drives me crazy!
Ashley @ Coffee Cake and Cardio says
HA! I love that Matt had a billion beers! Too funny.
Angela @ Eat Spin Run Repeat says
I hope Matt’s head isn’t too sore today! 🙂
Julia H. @ The Petite Spiel says
Geesh, guess that’s what I have to look forward to when I get married someday…greattttttt haha.
But I bet those oats made you feel better! I feel warm & full just looking at them 🙂
Morgan @ Life After Bagels says
Believe me friend I TOTALLY understand your pain of being kicked and thrashed about all night. My bf does that every night. No honestly every single night. So he went to a sleep clinic and got hooked up to all these wires (which he kicked out of the machine.) 8 weeks later (which brings us to about two weeks ago) he goes to get his results. They tell him that everything is basically fine and give him a pamphlet for “Restless Leg Syndrome” and “Periodic Limb Movement Disorder”. I kid you not. The only cure is sleeping pills, which we’re not doing. Okay rant over 😉
KathEats says
Oh gosh – poor you!
Maybe you need a king size bed? Or two twins!?
Morgan @ Life After Bagels says
that is most definitely the plan when we buy a house! Some people dream of a big kitchen … I dream of a big bedroom! hahaha (okay I want the big kitchen also). But while we’re still renters we only have a queen … Toronto apartments barely fit that
Cait @ Beyond Bananas says
The thrashing drunk significant other.. not one of my favorites. Although the sober snoring signifcant other is right up there, too!
Christine @ Oatmeal in my Bowl says
I love it, ” a billion beers”. Least he’s honest. Well, I do hope you feel better.
How does one go about not feeling guilty for taking a day off from exercise? I feel off my schedule as I took a ‘day off’ yesterday’s workout. And now I feel so guilty. LOL.
Enjoy the yoga.
KathEats says
You just have to realize that your heart and weight aren’t really going to change from 1 day. Even 1 week won’t do too much (although I’ve heard running performance declines after 2 days but unless you’re a professional runner I don’t think that matters too much). Often a day of rest does more good than exercising through soreness!
Paige @ Running Around Normal says
Urrrgh. Whenever Shane falls asleep after drinking beer, he snores SO LOUD. Makes for a very unpleasant (un)sleep for the other person in the bed. It’s been forever and a day since I’ve done yoga. I need to get on that train soon! 🙂
Kelli H (Made in Sonoma) says
Ha! I’m totally feeling your pain. Anytime my bf drinks beer he snores so loud too! Shesh!
Katie @ Peace Love and Oats says
lol i can imagine being frustrated by the lack of sleep. whoever marries me is very lucky – i don’t move or thrash when I’m asleep!
Lauren @ Oatmeal after Spinning says
I had a nightmare last night that someone took my dogs! It was very realistic- very weird!
It’s grey up here in Maryland- it might even be raining right now, but the weather promises to be great this weekend.
And that weather in C-ville better be awesome next weekend for me and my hubby’s visit!
Karen says
Ahhh…a session is the just the right cure for a sore body and restless sleep and, well, just about anything that ails. Enjoy and feel good, Kath!
Khushboo says
hahah has Matt woken up yet?? His poor head!
Kate (What Kate is Cooking) says
Haha, if I have too much to drink I don’t move at all in my sleep!
katie @KatieDid says
Free massage from your own living room- awesome! Hope your energy isn’t too lacking today from the restless sleep :/
Laura @ Sprint 2 the Table says
Oh no! How is Matt feeling this morning? You must be a saint – I’d have sent his thrashing legs to the couch. Lol!
KathEats says
He is one of the few humans on the earth who does not get hangovers..
Laura @ Sprint 2 the Table says
I can’t begin to describe my jealously.
Jillian says
I’m the other one! At most, I’ll feel dehydrated or tired the next day, but never bad.
Charise says
Count me in the jealous ranks too. When I hit 25, I started getting awful hangovers. Not getting them would be ah-mazing! At least knowing what I would face in the morning helps me choose to not have that “one more” drink that’ll put my over the edge. 🙂
Health Bee says
I love your breakfast photos! They look delicious.
Stephanie says
Wow, Kath! That seems extremely passive-aggressive to call out your husband like that! Seems like a dig like that would be better addressed off the blog?
Marla says
I did cringe a little reading about her agitation needing to be washed away
on such a public venue…but maybe Matt has thick skin and doesn’t mind being reprimanded in front of hundreds(thousands?) He probably takes it with a grain of salt, and perhaps I am more sensitive about these kinda things 😉
KathEats says
Maybe it was too much, but he owns up to his actions
Chloe says
I agree with both the comments made… it really comes off as passive-aggressive and very self centered. I’m sure you’ve never ever interrupted his sleep or bothered him in any way?
KathEats says
It wasn’t passive aggressive – it was pure venting. He is MY husband and you don’t know what our relationship is like! Go back and re-read the comment with a little more sarcasm.
I’m sure I’ve interrupted him and I would not care if he wrote about it. I think he has alluded to my singing of Celine Dion at the top of my lungs several times on Facebook..
Katherine says
I don’t think the comment was passive-aggressive at all. My husband and I joke around with each other and tend to “call each other out” a lot and it is all in good fun. I know everyone’s relationships are different. She merely shared something humorous (that he had a “billion beers”) and vented about how it affected her sleep.
Sarah says
It’s not passive aggressive. It was sarcastic and I laughed out loud.
Kelli H (Made in Sonoma) says
I agree. Who doesn’t say things like that about their spouse? It’s all in fun.
Becky O'Brien says
Good response Kath. I appreciate your harmless transparency. : )
Erin says
I thought I was the only young person who loved Celine Dion! Glad to know I am not alone!!
deva @ deva by definition says
We have a king-sized bed, so no issues when one of us can’t sleep! Unless the cats are taking up all the extra space.
Lauren @ What Lauren Likes says
Love the breakie bowl! 🙂
Mom says
I know ya’ll might think I’m making this up, but every since Lillian got so many cool things said about her here, she has perked up. Purring, hopping here and there, AND jumping up on the kitchen table.
Logan says
Good for her! She’s a beauty (and you can tell her I said that). She sounds feisty like my Mimi was. Mimi lived 17 years too!
Mom says
Thanks. Cute name–Mimi.
Emily@SavoryandSavage says
Yoga is the best thing when you are sore from a run.
That reminds me – I need to get in some yoga today because my hip is feeling tight.
If my oatmeal turned out as well as yours I might end up eating it on a regular basis.
Laura says
What do you think of Coach’s Oats vs regular oats? On their site, they talk about how much better they are for you, but the comparison is to packets of pre-sweetened instant oatmeal, which is NOT regular oats. It seems like there isn’t any difference nutritionally between them and regular rolled oats, but I’d be curious to hear your take on taste and texture!
KathEats says
Nutritionally rolled oats, steel cut and Coach’s are the same. They may have SLIGHTLY different glycemic indexes, but I think that’s pretty negligible. The difference is all texture preference
Laura says
Thanks, Kath! I definitely need to give them a try – I am a huge oatmeal fan 🙂
Speaking of – any recommendations for places on the downtown mall where you’d recommend their oatmeal? I’ve been packing my own bags of instant oats + chia seeds + protein powder + fun mix ins, but would love to find a place where I could get real steel cut oats instead of the instant stuff. Or maybe you could offer it at Great Harvest?? 🙂 YUM!
KathEats says
Hmmm..I’m not sure! I don’t know of any places downtown that serve it. We could do that at GH, but I think we’d rather people eat muffins or toast!
Andrea says
Cafe Cubano! I always ask for a side of fruit on top. 🙂
Coach Lizzy says
Hi Laura,
I just stopped by Kath’s site today and saw this comment. We did do a blog post once comparing our oats to instant, basically to just warn others about quick oatmeal breakfasts(since the quick instant kinds pack so much sugar). But like Kath said, an oat is an oat is oat. No matter how they are processed, cut or flattened they all contain the same nutrients.
Our main difference is in the texture. Many love steel cut oats and the nutty texture. Our patented process allows our oats to have that texture, but they cook in a fraction of the time. Another benefit is you can bake with our oats as is (steel cut oats need to be pre-cooked or soaked before baking). Please feel free to let me know if you have any further questions or comments. Send us an email at coachsoats@coachsoats.com and I can send you some samples 🙂
Kiran @ KiranTarun.com says
Aahh.. NOthing worse than a “kicker” that stirs up a bad mood. Hopefully you get to sleep better tonight!
Annette @ EnjoyYourHealthyLife says
It’s usually ME sneaking over to my husband’s ‘side’ and kicking/bothering him. Haha. Poor guy 😉
I do try though! Love your breakfast idea–looks fluffy and yummy!
Katie @ Talk Less, Say More says
Yoga is a great massage!! My legs have been super sore and a little yoga Monday + additional stretching yesterday and after the class I’m leaving for in a few minutes – hopefully I’ll feel all better. I <3 yoga. 🙂
Sarah@The Flying ONION says
Your breakfast looks so lovely and fluffy. Delicious. 😀
Hope you can sleep much better tonight!
jlr says
Calling out about singing and calling out about drinking are very different. I know y’all own your own franchise, but having the fact he was drunk floating around on the internet doesn’t seem professional to customers, employees, or the franchise owners. Not saying they have or may even read your blog, it just seems like a silly thing to post for professional reasons.
Angel7 says
I love your cool bowl!
sonya says
I’m curious about your lovely bowls that have a narrow base! I must be a complete klutz. I’d have knocked your bowl over by just looking at it! How do you avert disaster and have breakfast without having to eat it off the tablecloth? You know how you get sidetracked and the hand accidentally hits the bowl…..oops.
KathEats says
the base is pretty flat! They are a little tippy, but not too bad
Molly @ RDexposed says
A billion beers? That must have been a rough bar tab. Hope he at least scored at least half a billion free beers.
Kristen Waby says
Such pretty pictures today!
Sarah M says
Okay…so this is my first time commenting. I found you through a friend and have been HOOKED ever since :). Love your writing style, love your personality that shines through your writing, love your culinary talents, and just in general, you rock.
You know what my least favorite part about your blog is (and this “something” is TOTALLY out of your control!)? The negative Nancy’s… I mean, PEOPLE, last time I checked, Matt has been able to legally drink for a few years. And for those that say it isn’t professional to talk about him being drunk (which she never said), they clearly have never been in a professional environment, which almost always involves getting drinks after work, taking clients out for drinks, etc.
Sorry for the vent. Just ridiculous how some people are so determined to bring people down. Keep up the great work! 🙂
KathEats says
Thanks for your comment Sarah
Alana says
Haha, I am totally LOLing at the “billion beers” comment…Have a great weekend!