It’s a dreadfully blah day out there, but the weekend forecast looks good so I’m trying to stay positive! I’m “dealing” with it by wearing jeans and a fleece today for ultimate comfort when walking through the cold wetness.
Up early this morning for spinning. It was a great class and the husband joined me – that’s always fun!! He hates cycle (mostly the format of the class – instructor tries to be enthusiastic and plays music he doesn’t like) but he comes sometimes and it’s always more fun to look over and see him pedaling away 😉
The husband is starting his new job on Monday. He’ll be working in Uptown Charlotte and taking the lightrail to work and then walking 2-3 blocks, so he’ll need to leave the house at 7:15. That is quite early!! When I was working uptown I left at 7:55 or so! It’s going to mean getting up at 4:45 a.m. again so he’ll have time to shower and eat, but we think we worked it out so he’s only going to go to the gym MWF and on TTH I’ll study early and workout after he leaves, so at least it won’t be super early everyday.
Had a small serving of Kashi H2H with some hemp milk (I microwaved it for some warmth) this morning. It held me over quite well!
Steel Cut Take XVIII
I am still trying to find ways to perfect steel cut oats. A reader suggested soaking them all night and then just warming them up the next morning. Yeah, that didn’t really work. I followed McCann’s instructions of boiling half water/milk last night, adding oats, covering, cooling, and refrigerating all night long. You should have seen my face when I pulled them out of the fridge this morning and realized it was still all liquid!!! We simmered them on low while in the shower (I’ve been afraid to leave them unattended because I’ve had too many “boiling over” episodes but we kept the heat on very low). It took a little more than 25 minutes to cook them and they were still quite chewy. The husband proclaimed them the “best steel cut oats yet” but I still think we have work to do. I’d give today’s batch an A-, but I still give rolled oats an A+!
Prepared with 1/2 a medium banana, 1 tbsp flax, 1 tsp brown sugar, vanilla extract, sliced toasted almonds and a spoonful of almond butter.
I also had a latte prepared with about 3 oz steamed milk –
From above –
This breakfast was 460 kcal, 13 grams fiber, 20 grams protein.
Anyone catch the debate last night? We’re working through it on DVR. I’m hoping to watch some more over lunch since I get to eat at home today!!!
Katie says
mmmm… looks like a GREAT meal on a cold day. Only problem — now I’m craving this. lol.
Claudia says
I have heard of people having great results by cooking their steel cut oats in a slow cooker overnight. I haven’t tried it myself but it sounds like a good idea, worth a try maybe?
Romina says
Another hemp milk fan! That’s fantastic. It’s so great tasting, I don’t know how I’d do without.
I love your idea of topping those steel cut oats with some almond butter. What could be better?
Kelly L. says
Didn’t catch the deabte. I’m not a Democrat so frankly they can ramble all day and I’m still not intereseted. 🙂
Disclaimer- I’m not a huge McCain fan either so it’s hard for me to get enthusiastic about this election. That’s really crazy because I’m a politcs junkie and keep up with eveything. I’ll still be voting (Texas March 4th) but “bleh” is all I have to say right now…….
Liz says
I’m in Europe and saw the debate replayed on CNN this morning – parts of it were pretty interesting (and heated). I always love to hear the Political Analysts’ comments afterwards about how each candidate did and who fared better. Nice that you DVR’d it, you can FF through the boring parts!
Your oats look delish!!
alex says
Yes, I watched the debate! I am so glad that you mentioned something about the 2008 election….I was wondering when someone would.
Maritza says
You inspired me to make my oatmeal with banana, honey, flax and almond butter: so delicious! I felt like I was eating a treat! Very filling too.
I have slowed cooked steel-cut oats and they turn out great!
I Pam spray the little pot. (I had to go buy a little crock pot because it burnt with my big one.) I put one cup of steel cut oats and four cups of water. I set the cooker to low. I bought a plug-timer and set it to start at 12:45 to 6:00 am (AB suggested overnight but mine burnt so I started cutting time out until this worked.)and we serve it at 7. Otherwise it is too hot for my toddlers.
I also make it like this: spray, one cup oats, two cups frozen blueberries, three cups water, and 1/3 cups brown sugar. Mix well in the morning.
K says
To The Husband – I’m with you on the general dislike of cycling classes! I just cannot bring myself to take a class because of the screaming, in-your-face, too-enthusiastic instructors and pounding music (that I don’t get to pick!) I guess this is why I don’t take other group exercise classes, as well. I’m pretty good at pushing myself and I just get too annoyed at over-the-top people breaking my concentration! Ha, ha. 🙂 Just a little innocent mini-rant!
Comrade GoGo says
That latte looks especially tempting to me this morning. . . . Am I going to have to break down and go to Starbucks to get a fix? Hmmm ;).
Tina says
Hi Kath! I think this question has been asked before, but how do you steam your milk? Do you guys have an espresso machine? If so, what brand/kind do you have? We are thinking about adding one to our registry. 🙂
Anne says
I watched the debate last night with some friends… interesting! I certainly thought Obama did better with answering the questions well and keeping himself away from bashing people like Hilary was!
Aimee C. says
aww you guys me sad!! Not ALL spinning/cycling classes are like that!
I instruct spinning 5x a week and each class is VERY different. I take requests and then will set a routine to that music which fits my class members’ likes/dislikes.
I do oldies at 5:30 with the older crowd and contemporary with some other classes. I even do Hannah Montana and the Jonas Brothers for my kids cycle class!
Don’t rule it out til you try more than one!
Carley says
Kath and morning exercisers,
I have tried for the past few mornings to do a morning routine (I tend not to exercise if I don’t do it first thing). I made sure to get 8 hours of sleep. The problem is I couldn’t do it. I am a zombie when I first get up, no matter how much sleep. I need to eat breakfast to wake up (I don’t drink caffeine, one sip and I am an addict!). Aren’t you all tired when you wake up. How do you get the energy to workout? Do you eat first or just go? Thanks in advance. Happy Friday!
martha ann says
Oh Kath, I have the same steel cut issues! Here’s what I do now: I will put the dry oats in a thermous (like for coffee/soup). Then add the boiling water/milk. Close the thermous up for a couple hours (like while you’re at the gym). When you open the thermous up they are hot, fluffy, and fantastic. I know it is totally a hobo way of making breakfast, but I love it!
Amandamoo says
Carley –
On the FAQ page, Kath gives some tips for her early-rising lifestyle. Check that out and maybe continue to give it a chance, it takes a while to get used to.
Also, we’ve talked a lot over the last month or so about how some people are better in the morning and others are better in the afternoon/evening. Sometimes, for me, it even depends on what kind of exercise I’m doing! If your body is miserable and can’t get used to a morning workout routine, listen to it and don’t force it.
BC says
The debate was actually at my school (University of Texas), and I was kind of ticked that they didn’t let more people watch. They had a raffle for 100 tickets… and 43,000 students/staff entered! But it was a great debate. 🙂
Congrats to the husband on his new job, also!
Kiala says
I had to go to a screening last night and then we went over to our friends’ house for a nightcap so we missed it but we dvr’d it, too so we’ll watch it tonight.
I don’t think it could be more obvious how democrat-y we are…but we are, in case you were wondering.
VeggieGirl says
another delicious breakfast, Kath – I always love your varying oatmeal toppings!
I do hope that Matt’s first day at his new job goes smoothly – I’m sure it will! :0)
Happy Friday!!
Carley says
Right, I know Kath gave info on the faq. But I would still like to hear her take.
melissa says
Hi Carley,
I thought I’d chime in on the morning workout routine question you had. Like you, I’m a morning gym girl. I found waking up at 5am to hit the gym difficult at first, but became very accustomed to it after doing it for about a week, two weeks max. It really has become a part of my weekday routine now. I just love it!
I find that getting out of bed is the toughest part, but once I’m up, I’m up. Even better, once I’m at the gym, I feel even more motivated to be there! The first 5 minutes of cardio are the roughest, but I listen to the news and always, always, always bring a good magazine with me.
I don’t usually eat before I go to the gym – I wait until afterwards. I do get hungry while I’m there, but guzzling water usually takes that hunger away until I get home. I wish I could eat before so I didn’t have the hunger pains, but I cramp up – even if I do weights before cardio.
Gosh, I just did a lot of rambling on, but I hope it was somewhat helpful!
Have a happy day!
Robin says
Gaolie, I am hoping you can help me with this. For some odd reason every time I eat oatmeal (my fav. breakfast) I have to chew gum and still feel unsettled after. Its like because the oatmeal is not liquidy (whereas cereal, I have milk with it) it has trouble digesting and I feel all weird. Like I need to burp, but not. Sorry, that’s really confusing, but I don’t know how to describe it. What is interesting though is that most people seem to do 1 cup milk per 1 1/2 cup cereal whereas, I always have to do equal amounts liquid to cereal. Any ideas?
BethT says
Hi Carley – give yourself at least two weeks to adjust to your new schedule. And even though it sucks to wake up even EARLIER to eat something, do it if that helps you. I know it helps me immensley. I try to get to the gym by 6:30 and it takes about 15 minutes to drive there, so I wake up at 5:30, make a small cup of coffee and something like to eat such as toast, and just chill on the couch while I eat it. I even keep my PJs on :p
By 6 or so, I’m awake enough to change into workout clothes and head out. I still feel a little sleepy on my ride to the gym but by the time I get there, the caffeine has kicked in and I’m ready to go.
Like I said, give yourself a couple weeks and you WILL get used to it.
BethT says
Oops, I just noticed you don’t drink caffeine…well, the breakfast alone should wake you up a bit!
melissa says
I agree with Beth T, a couple weeks of toughing it out and you will absolutely get used to it! I know I did. All good things come with time!
Christin says
Man, I am with you Kelly L regarding McCain…I wanted Huckabee to get the Republican ticket, not McCain…not a huge fan, but really, when it comes down to it, i’ll take anyone but Hillary…sorry if there are any Hillary supporters but in all fairness I really tried to give her a fair shake…I even (gasp) watched cspan2 to see some of her politics in action, but when it comes down to it, she is just so incredibly mean and cold-blooded!!! You should have seen the look on her face when she was debating with another senator…I thought it was going to melt the guy’s face off!!
but anyways, happy friday to all…I have enclosed a link regarding Quinoa that I read on msn this morning…very interesting!!>1=10914
Tina O. says
If I had to get up at 5am to work out, it would never happen! I am very fortunate to have a flexible schedule. I usually leave for the gym right after my youngest ones get on the bus at 8 am. I am out of there by usually 9-9:15. Then I come home, shower and leave for work.
As far as the debate, its on the DVR for my husband to watch, I could care less. But I still haven’t made my choice who to vote for in the primary. But its all Obama all the time on the tv here for him.
Katers says
Hey Carley,
I definitely have had a tough time getting used to AM workouts. I found a morning plan that makes it a bit easier for me, though! I think that taking the best bits of info and advice you can find and adapting them into a tailored plan that works for you is the best way to approach this. Here’s what I do: (forgive me in advance for the late times, I don’t have to be to work until 9 and both my gym and work are within walking distance to my apt, so I’m a bit spoiled)
– My bf wakes up earlier than I do at 6:30-6:45. The night before, I set up the coffee maker so all he has to do it press start (still need to get an automatic with a timer!) before he hops in the shower.
– Around 6:45-7, I start to smell the coffee and hear my bf rustling around like a moose 🙂 so I grope my way to the coffee maker to grab a cup.
– After that, I have a rule of not laying down. I can sit on the couch or the bed and drink my coffee but not laying down is key for me.
– After talking to my bf for a bit, I manage to pull on my gym clothes (which is alot easier for me than my work clothes because I wear comfy sweats to the gym).
– And then I fumble out the door around 7:15-7:20.
Sometimes I’m still half asleep, sometimes I’m ready to run a marathon – it just depends. After a COLD short walk to the gym (dang NYC winters), I have time for an hour workout, and after that, I’m ON!! I feel soooo good all day when I work out in the morning…almost tingly! I definitely agree that after a couple weeks toughing it out, you’ll definitely miss the AM workout if you miss it.
Best of luck!
melissa says
Tina O,
I’m completely envious of your schedule! Can we please trade? Ha-ha!
Have a happy Friday!
Tina O. says
only if you take the 3 kids, the dog, the house, the business and the husband! hahaha! Just kidding-I love it all! Happy Friday to you, too!
Maran says
Hey stranger! Hope you are well. I got a new job too uptown and have been debating on whether or not to light rail it or drive (will have free parking right in my building). You guys may have to give me the scoop on the light rail! Congrats again to Matt!
SarahF says
Morning ladies!
I read this blog all the time, but have never commented before. Kath I love your blog! I have started looking at your meals and copying them exactly. I made the vegetable lasagna on Wednesday and have eaten it for lunch & dinner every meal since! Delicious!!
I have a question for you all, which I also posted on Jenna’s blog (so sorry for the many of you who read both)
I was on SELF this morning, and saw somebody commenting about “” so I signed myself up (just to see what was on it) and I filled out my stats (5?10, 138 pounds), and said I want to lose a pound a week (I’d like to get back down to 133 which is where I was a couple of months ago). The caloric needs it told me I need to achieve this goal is inbetween 2094-2344 calories per day! And I said I was only moderately active!! Where are they getting this number from? It seemed abnormally high to me. What do you all think?
Katers says
That seems pretty concurrent with what says. Sounds right to me.
mclaugkm says
I know this is not a political blog, but I thought I would weigh in on an earlier comment regarding Hillary’s “mean and cold blooded nature.” I am a democrat and not a Hillary supporter, but have found in my discussions with Democrats and Republicans that the most common complaint about her is her perceived “coldness.” This leads me to the question of how women are perceived. If she was warm and inviting people would say she is too weak to be the leader of a nation, women often attack strong women and I have often encountered that when it comes to politics. Research the candidates! Don’t base it on the sound bites or the perception of a candidate’s personality.
On Huckabee-he is probably the least experienced in the realm of politics. He has proposed eliminating the IRS in favor of his fair tax policy which would raise the sales tax to 25%. In theory the goal is to elevate poverty, in reality it is an economic disaster. His views on gay marriage, homosexuality, stem cell research, abortion, and social issues in general are rooted in his faith. While I do not disagree with other’s faith or religion it has no place in the United States government…that whole separation of church and state ideal.
Sorry I’m done with my rant. I don’t post often, but am passionate about politics and being informed. I encourage everyone to research the candidates and to vote in upcoming primaries.
Christin says
I respect your position, but I do want to point out that I think Hillary is cold based on the fact that I HAVE researched her politics, and have kept an eye on her for YEARS well before the election. I think she is cold, whether a woman or not, and regarless of her position on political issues (as I DO agree with her position on many issues, as opposed to Huckabee’s). I think a woman can and SHOULD be president, however she is not the particular candidate I would choose REGARDLESS of her gender.
since this is a food blog, i want to repsect Kath’s intent and not necessarily drag it out any further, but I did want to clarify that my opinion is based on research, and that was my own INFORMED conclusion on an INDIVIDUAL candidate.
Robin says
Sorry, gaolie, I realized I should clarify. The reason I include the bit about the cereal. Is I don’t get the weird feeling (like I said feels like I need to burp, drink tons, chew gum) when I eat cereal with a lot of milk.
Lynn says
Sorry, but I have to say, I don’t really get the “Hillary looks mean” comments. To me, who is mean is Bush. He started a needless war based on lies that has resulted in countless deaths and paralyzed vets whose lives now will never be the same, and has driven our country into one of the worst recessions ever because of rising war costs. Not to mention that he has successfully alienated us from many of our previous allies. Now to me, that’s mean.
Alex says
I understand what you are saying, but I am with Christin on this one. I’m also a political junkie, so I know my stuff – and I think Hillary is cold and, more importantly, a sore loser because she acts as though she’s entitled to the ticket. I mean, she didn’t even say ANYTHING after she lost the Potomac primaries – and maybe it’s because I walk by her VA campaign headquarters in Arlington every morning – but that just made me feel really awful for all of the people that put in a crapload of work for her and weren’t even acknowledged.
Also, I don’t think it’s fair that you make generalizations without doing your own research on how well-informed the readers of this blog actually are.
Christin says
I never said Hillary was the ONLY mean one, Lynn 🙂
KellyNYC says
rock on mclaugkm! Thanks for your comment. People need to start doing some serious research on candidates rather than relying on “foxnews” and the like for accurate information on this election. Besides, our current “family orientated” president is probably the coldest one that we’ve had to date.
Aimee H. says
I went to the gym early today (about 6am). Normally I go after work or during lunch and I tend to be an early riser anyway (5:45-6am on weekdays because I watch people’s animals and have to walk dogs before work). So today I tried to go to the gym early since I didn’t have to take dogs out and also because of the snow storm up here (I’m in Northwest, MA – the Berkshires). I admit, I like having gotten the workout over with, but I definitely was not as energized as I am after work. I don’t think I pushed myself as hard and I’m kinda tired today (but it IS friday after all). During the day I drink lots and lots of water and eat well, so I think that helps me build myself up for the afternoon workout.
Anyway, just an observation. I don’t think working out in the morning is for everyone and I don’t think people should kill themselves trying to do it if it’s not working. Personally, since it’s easier for me to do afternoon and evening workouts, that’s what I’ll stick to.
Christin says
Thank you Alex, I agree.
I think it is possible (and in fact an advantage women have sometimes over men!) that a woman can be a strong leader, but still encounter adversity with a sense of grace, poise, and respect. It saddens me to find that this is an area Hillary would need to improve on in order to successfully take our country in the right direction. She has some good ideas I think, but overall, the manner in which she deals with adversity is not what I would have hoped for in a woman candidate. Her attitude and strategies are more telling in her case, for me, than her political views.
NC says
totally un-related to the current discussion, but I think someone asked a while back how to know what fruits/veg are in season, and I found a GREAT link today:
choose your region (on the right) and it’ll tell you what locally-grown produce is in season. 🙂
I also like Tony Tantillo’s website for tips in general (like how to choose and store different types of produce)
K says
The calculator sounds right. You are a tall girl and you exercise (even if it’s just moderately), so eating 2094-2344 calories a day does not seem like it would be too high.
In my own experience (I am 5’9″), I lost weight eating around those numbers (and I did not want to, so I had to up it… dammit, I have to eat more! ha, ha). I don’t know how much you consume now, but I’d slowly up it to around that amount and I think you’ll surprise yourself.
I think you should also be prepared for it to slowly come off, since you are already at a healthy BMI and don’t have much to lose. I would just focus on eating healthy foods (and upping your caloric intake) and exercising (but nothing too crazy and intense.) And don’t be too hard on yourself. It sounds like you’re healthy already!
Kim says
Hillary can be a bit shrill (“shrillary”) but I find her to be extremely savvy, and has a depth of expertise in foreign policy/key issues that would enable her to work with finesse where needed/and the insider perspective having spent 8 years at her husband’s side. I think former president Clinton (whatever his personal foibles are with regard to women) is a brilliant man and having Hillary win isn’t a bad thing. Obama has a passion and international appeal that will I think fare well in mending some of the fences that Bush destroyed with his inept “strategery/axis of evil nonsense.” I’m voting for Obama and in my humble opinion would be delighted if there was a ticket with Obama naming Hillary as the VP candidate. McCain is a decent guy, his military experience is powerful, but he’s kind of a dinosaur and we’ve reaped the damages for the last 8 years of junior. We are less free people than we were 8 years ago. I think we should ask the candidates if they eat oatmeal for breakfast.
Christin says
Kim, politics aside, I think you are on to something with the oatmeal theory…the world would probably be a much better place…
Kelly L. says
Back in on the political debate…
My problem with Hillary and Obama is this:
1) I’m against government healthcare. ADAMENTLY against. I work in Healthcare now and in no way shape or form do I want the governement involved in my healthcare decisions.
2) I am all for helping those in need but it should not be my responsibility to put food in the mouths of those that have no personal responsibility to get a job or continue to abuse this countries welfare system.
3) Tax cuts are great, yes, but they should be for the RICH and POOR. Why should the wealthy have to pay more because they make more. Everyone should pay the same. There should be a flat tax or a tax on goods consumed. Taxing the rich at a higher rate is like punishing for hardwork.
4) My family owns our own business. In no way do I want the government telling us how to run our business.
5) My personal beliefs are based on the bible. God created Adam and Eve.
6) There is something very very VERY creepy about Barack Obama. For me to say I’d rather have Hillary is a huge thing but it’s true.
These are just a few of the many reasons why I support the Republican ticket. I’m not saying I agree with all the conservative principals but for the most part I do.
As for the Bush comment made above…Where you saying what you are saying now when your Democrats were voting for the war? Barack was one of the very few agains the war but the majority of the country supported it. Sure, things haven’t gone as well as planned but no good is going to come from personally attacking the president. We are there. Our trips are doing a great job. Huge strides have been made. In the end things will come out for the better.
Have a super Friday!
Cara says
Can we please keep heated
political opinions off this blog? Thanks.
Christin says
Kelly L
AMEN!! that’s all I need to say. We have very similar principles I think.
Christin says
Sorry to offend Cara, I won’t say anything more politically oriented…I think we were all politely discussing, but it’s not a political blog. Much respect.
Caitlin says
Carley, I have to sorta disagree with what others are saying about just toughing it out and you’ll get used to it. Some people JUST AREN’T MORNING PEOPLE. I understand what you’re saying – I’ve tried to do the morning exercise thing and it’s made me miserable. I’m in the position where I’d have to wake up between 5-5:30. I also require a full 8 hours of sleep (at least!) to function well, which means I’d have to fall asleep at 9pm. Which would be quite ridiculous for me, because I don’t get home from work until 6pm (at least), and have a boyfriend, and a dog, and a roommate, and basically just a life that extends beyond 8:30pm on weeknights. But I am digressing 🙂 My point is, as much as it’s been talked up, working out first thing is not for everyone. I alternate between working out on my lunch break and right after work…and of course, on the weekends I am a lot more flexible. There are lots of ways to sneak workouts in at different times of day…I say, just because you can’t get it in before the sun rises, don’t feel bad!
Caitlin says
P.S. KellyL’s rant is exactly why I hate Republicans! The views you expressed are so one-sided and selfish. If we’d focus more on making the country a better place, not just for ourselves but for our neighbors, too, America and world might be a nicer place to live. For people whose “personal beliefs are based on the Bible,” it always floors me that they don’t advocate that more.
Anne says
Agreed Caitlin! I need my 8 hours too, and while I usually am in bed around 11, there’s no way going to bed at 9 would work with my social life at the moment 🙂 Maybe in the future! I did do the morning thing for awhile, but I was just too tired all day afterwards and totally lame at night… not worth it! So now I go after work, take long walks during lunch, etc., and am actually in better shape than I was when I would go in the morning! However, if you do try it Carley, I would recommend eating a banana before you go to the gym. That’s the only thing I found I could have that didn’t make me feel sick but gave me a little something so I wasn’t starving halfway through the workout. I don’t drink coffee either! Upsets my stomach, esp. first thing in the day!! A banana was the perfect light snack I found to get me started.
Aimee C. says
Caitlin i think that’s unfair to say you hate republicans. I believe it takes a lot of compromise and I feel NEITHER side is completely right.
But I do think that was quite rude of you to say. Clearly you may have a lot more in common with republicans than you think (you both read the same blogs).
America may be a nicer place to live if everyone could stop stereotyping as well…
Christin says
Wow, calm down Hillary…er…oh…I mean Caitlin. (Case and point.) Agreeable views, but TERRIBLE execution. Where is the grace, poise and respect??
Kiala says
Nothing wrong with a little polite back and forth about politics.
I hate Republicans.
What? Too much?
Kelly L. says
Hi Caitilin! So nice to meet you too! You know, if you met me I’d like to think you would consider me a very generous, kind, and giving person. Hate is such a strong word. 🙂
Like I said before, I’m a huge advocate of helping others. BUT and that’s a definite BUT, tell me this…
Do YOU personally want to spend your hard earned money paying taxes so that some drug addict of is working the welfare system can continue to take money to buy more drugs rather than better their life? What about on someone that can’t keep a job? Not because of a disability but because of laziness?
Can YOU tell me what is one sided and selfish about not wanting to pay more taxes? It should all be equal for all. If I work my butt off and do well in life I should pay x amount of taxes regardless of if I make 400k a year or 40k a year. What’s selfish about that? I hope that everyone in life works hard rather than relies on the government for support. Go out and get two jobs if you have to. It’s AMERICA. You can do wha tyou want.
As for the bible coment. I don’t appreciate that. I love everyone but I do think there is a difference between helping and enabling others to continue not to support themselves.
Lynn says
Kelly L. you might want to do some more research. Bush lied to Americans (that’s a well know fact), that includes the Congressman who voted for the war.
More tax cuts = greater debt = greater recession= greater need for a greater welfare system. You can’t go to war, without spending a lot of money. It seems that money could have been more well spent many other places or by giving people greater tax cuts.
For someone who follows the word of “G-d”, I am pretty sure G-d has something in the bible about helping those less fortunate. People without jobs can’t get jobs. It’s my guess that they aren’t lazy and probably live a much more difficult life than we do. Please have some compassion. Being fortunate is a blessing because it allows us to help those that are less fortunate.
Kelly L. says
As for stopping the political comments. It’s Kath’s blog and I think she kinda opened that can of worms with asking us about the debate. If she didn’t want that brought up she shouldn’t have said anything.
Heck, if it makes anyone feel better I’ll talk about food…
I just ate a turkey and swiss sandwich on whole wheat with Mr. Krispers rice chips. It was good FOOD. I’m content now. I think I might have a Zbar a little later though. [insert sarcasm]
KellyNYC says
Haha Kiala, you’re hilarious! And it’s not too much…uh, what’s to like?!?!
Aimee C. says
I find you all, republicans and democrats alike, pretty offensive.
Thanks for the fun though, I think I’ll be finding mine at another blog from now on.
Kim says
My apologies if my post offended/was too politically oriented for purposes of this blog. Have a great, healthy weekend all. It’s snowing up a storm here on Cape Cod.
Kelly L. says
Hello to you too! Man it’s my lucky day, I get to converse with so many supportive and open minded people.
I’m not going to get into the whole “bush lied” debate with you. Your “facts” are different than my “facts” I suppose. Was there evidence of WMD’s? Yes. Did Sadam CONTINUE to refuse inspectors in time and time again? YES? Is it very possible that he moved the WMD’s because he knew we were coming? ABSOLUTLEY! What exactly did Bush lie about? You and all of the U.S. and every other person that voted for the war saw the EXACT same evidence. I find it funny how because things didn’t go perfectly everyone changes their mind.
You can disagree with me all day about my views. I’m okay with that. What I’m not okay with is the personal attacks on my biblical beliefs. GOD (and the bible), and yes it’s GOD not G-D, is my support, refuge, guide and principals. I help others, support others, and I have said time and time again that I believe in doing that but ENABLING is different.
Please, keep the personal attacks out of it. I have n o issue debating but when you get personal it’s a whole nother thing. 🙂 Cheers!
Cara says
“Do YOU personally want to spend your hard earned money paying taxes so that some drug addict of is working the welfare system can continue to take money to buy more drugs rather than better their life? What about on someone that can’t keep a job? Not because of a disability but because of laziness? ”
No one WANTS to Kelly, but its a part of being in this society. The government was created to support the people in times when they cant support themselves, not just when KellyL finds it necessary. PS- Your claims about the homeless and drug addicted are extremely offensive. Most of these people couldnt get jobs if they WANTED to. Additionally, how do you expect drug addicts (a chemical disease) to get treatment without a) money or b) readily available healthcare.
Lynn says
Oh and Kelly L. as a result of the war there will be a significantly greater need to help people without jobs- a lot of vets are paralyzed and severely injured. I know you don’t want to provide aid and all though.
BethT says
Kath did open the door…but she might not again, LOL
BethT says
Hey NC – any idea why that Whole Foods link doesn’t include any western regions? I’m in CA…didn’t see a link for anything close to me.
Liz says
Kath – if you know, could you explain the connection between heart rate and calorie burn? As in, how is it that a heart rate monitor calculates the number of calories you’ve burned based on how high your heart rate is and for how long. Thanks!
Kayla says
what’s wrong with a little lively discussion. it’s a free country. What would be interesting to talk about is how food prices are rising. disappearing bee colonies = pay more for ice cream! other products. wheat issues. should be an interesting few years ahead. we need to look at long term prospects for how we feed ourselves and rest of the world. cloned products, etc, organic (is it real or just a marketing thing). hopefully folks won’t think this is too political.
Tina O. says
What are those things you’re not supposed to (on a first date?) talk about, oh yeah, politics and religion. Debates hardly ever go on without personalizing it when online. I was actually surprised that Kath even brought up the subject. Everyone on this blog thus far has been very nice and supportive and now everyone is arguing, which is one of the reasons I stopped reading Cristin’s blog.
But I will say, I think we can all agree the last 8 years have not been the best and regardless of who gets in, we should all hope that it gets much better!
Mandy A says
Kath or anyone here that might know –
For kath’s oatmeal pancake recipe – if you don’t have the egg whites in liquid form, how many whole eggs or whole egg whites should I use? I’d like to make it tonight for dinner!
Thanks 🙂
Caitlin says
Haha. Oh, some of you are too much. Just calm yourselves down a little!
I don’t have enough time right now to fully answer your questions, Kelly, but I will say this:
I have worked in the social service/nonprofit field for my entire career. Because of that, I’ve had the good fortune to work with and for both the very rich and the very poor. You say, “it should be equal for all,” but unfortunately, the world is not fair and the world is certainly not equal. There are lazy rich people, and lazy poor people, and nose-to-the-grindstone rich people and nose-to-the-grindstone poor people.
Unfortunately, there are also a large contingency of people like you, who stereotype “people in need” as: drug addicts who work the welfare system or people who can’t keep a job because they’re lazy. And who say things offhand like “go out and get a second job” when that is oftentimes not nearly possible for some (for way too many reasons to get into right now).
I consider myself lucky and blessed to be solidly middle class, a hard worker with a good job who has not had to deal with some of the strife (personal, financial, whatever) that others have. I consider it my RESPONSIBILITY to help those who don’t have what I have: luck. If that comes in the way of taxes, so be it!
I won’t even begin to delve into the religious/Bible discussion. There’s not enough room on this blog 🙂
Lynn says
Kelly L. actually there are there are many ways to spell G-d. I’ll stick with mine. And I didn’t make a personal attack. You said you follow the word of G-d. I simple pointed out that the word of G-d doesn’t involve assuming that all homeless people or those without jobs are crack addicts.
Kelly L. says
PS- Your claims about the homeless and drug addicted are extremely offensive. Most of these people couldnt get jobs if they WANTED to. Additionally, how do you expect drug addicts (a chemical disease) to get treatment without a) money or b) readily available healthcare.
Yea….so I’m not sure I even mentioned the word homeless….. ALso, how are my comments offensive? I did not insult anyone at all. Did I tell the drug addict to take drugs. Geez! Take some responsibility for your own actions is my opinion.
Okay. I’m done. Clearly you don’t get it. Sticking to food from now on. I will refrian from all further political comments from now own. I’m happy to debate but not with those that misconstrue comments consistently.
Lynn says
Please educate yourself on other religions before you assume there is one and only one way to spell G-d. It seems a little narrow minded, but then again that goes along with your other views.
Kiala says
Oh gawd.
I also meant to say we should set Republicans on fire.
Like witches.
i like steel cut oatmeal.
Kristen says
We could do so under the label of reparations for lynchings or war crimes or the devastation of the Native population.
Those witches were punished because they stepped outside their female box, which is something John McCain, Bush, and friends fear greatly in the possibility of a woman in power.
go hill. go obama. go home to your trophy wife, john.
Kath says
Check the FAQs under “Cooking Questions 🙂 ”
I always have to ‘wake up’ a bit before I go. Check email, eat a snack, etc. It helps get me out of bed to know I get to do fun stuff before the real fun at the gym starts 🙂 But do check the FAQs for early morning tips that I SWEAR by. And if you’re still struggling after a few weeks, perhaps you are one who should stick to afternoons. But you won’t know until you give it a good try!
Martha Ann,
But my question is, what proportion of oats to water do you use?!
I’ve been thinking about you!!! Want to walk tomorrow or Sunday? Congrats on the new job!! I want to hear all about it. You and Matt can ride the lightrail together!
I have no idea what your activity level and exercise are like so it’s hard to form an opinion. I think the best way to figure out your calories is to experiment with some numbers and see what works. If you feel like you’re eating too much or too little or the scale (or how your clothes fit) is moving up or down, then make adjustments. What’s most important is that you’re focused on eating whole foods and getting some physical activity on most days – if you put the emphasis on healthy living most of the time your body will naturally settle at a happy place. K gave some great advice and she is right in that since you’re already at a healthy weight you should be prepared to lose the weight slowly. Good luck!
Perhaps one of the Physiologists could chime in but my understanding is that calories burned during exercise is a measure of heat produced during exercise, which is a result of oxygen consumption. Because when heart rate increases, oxygen consumption must increase to fuel muscles, the ratio of heart rate to calories burned is direct. Hope that makes sense (and that my understanding is correct!)
You can use real eggs – a whole egg per 1/4 a cup of oats, including the yolk. Or you can leave the yolk out, but I know some people on CalorieKing who make them with the yolk because it’s a richer taste.
Caitlin says
I think KellyL just put the nail in the coffin when she said “Did I tell the drug addict to take drugs”
There is so much ignorance in the world.
Hal says
I have a few comments:
1. Kiala, at first your comments were funny, but now they’re just annoying.
2. There seem to be so many geniuses on here today telling others to get educated on the issues. Just because one does not agree with you on the issues does not mean he or she is uneducated. There are many different “facts” floating around depending on if you watch ABC, CNN, FoxNews, etc. I think we should all take a step back and realize that these candidates are nothing more than puppets that perform. They do what they are told by lobbyists, political consultants, and people with money. Don’t think for a minute they really and truly care about the poor.
3. I can’t wait until I get government healthcare. Will it run as effeciently as the Postal Service. LOL. Sorry, sometimes I crack myself up.
Christin says
This country was founded so that people could have freedom of religion, and freedom of speech. So in that, Caitlin, Lynn, kiala, etc you have the right to say whatever you want about Republicans, But here this:
1) We are NOT a socialist nation, but some are trying to make it more and more socialist…If I wanted healthcare for all (along with 6 month waits to see a doctor) I would live in Canada.
Rae says
I use 2 egg whites for 1/4 egg in kaths pancake. It works out well! Hope it helps 🙂
Caitlin says
That’s very, very easy for you to say Christin. If you were on the other end of the stick, would you say the same?
Jeez people says
Okay, just need to say these things:
1. Kiala, at first your comments were funny. I laughed. Now I am truly annoyed.
2. There are many women (I assume) throwing around comments about those that are “uneducated” about the candidates. Just because one does not agree with you does not make him or her uneducated. It is not easy to “educate” yourself in this society. For example, for me to “educate” myself under your standards, should I watch Fox, CBS, NBC, CNN? And let’s all realize that these candidate are nothing but puppets for lobbyists and people with money. They do not care about the poor. They care about their own egos.
3. I can’t wait for government healthcare. I hope it runs as smoothly and efficiently as the Post Office. HAHA. Sorry, sometimes I make myself laugh.
Molly says
Long waits for a doctor visit are a common misconception about universal healthcare. Have you seen Sicko? Im guessing not…
Jeez people says
I lost all respect when you referenced Sicko.
Christin says
Caitlin, you don’t know anything about me, or what I have or have not been through. But know that I take personal responsibility for my life choices. most of my life I did not have insurance, and lived just barely above the poverty line. The choices I made have allowed me an education, a job, and now health insurance.
I have worked with people who are homeless, drug addicted, hungry, and in need. They don’t need a handout from the government, they need to be educated, and worked with so that they can create a life for themselves, and feel the pride of knowing success by the work they have done with thier own two hands.
I have a lot of pride in our nation…I know that you really mean well, and want the best for our country and the people in it. So do I. We need to be made stronger by working together. There is so much more to it than government funding for healthcare. I know you know that. I think our tax money can be better spent to help people than just redistributing it to get everyone lower quality healthcare. I don’t think those that can’t afford it should be left behind, I just think we should go about helping them in a different way than what Hillary and Obama have suggested.
Kiala says
I’m annoying?
I went from funny to annoying in 5 minutes?
Stupid internet comment war s**t.
Let’s talk about food, now.
Molly says
I’m crying.
Christin says
I’m sure you are Molly. Here, I’ll get off my throne and bring you a tissue.
Christin says
And Kiala, for the record, i should probably be offended by your comments, but I still think you are hilarious.
goalie30 says
I’d love to help answer your question, but I’m not quite sure what you’re asking…are you having problems swallowing the thicker oatmeal, or does it sit badly in your stomach after you eat it? Does it cause nausea or abdominal pain? Please specify or send me an email at, and I’ll do what I can to try and give you a better answer; I just need a little more information/ clarification. Thanks!
Kiala says
Christin, that is because you are a reasonable person.
And thank you.
goalie30 says
Robin, sorry I didn’t look farther down and see your 2nd post…so when you eat cereal with milk you feel fine but when you eat oatmeal, your stomach feels uncomfortable and “heavy” like you need to burp, and if you chew gum or drink a lot of water it makes it feel better?! am I reading/understanding that correctly? Maybe the oatmeal is a higher dose of fiber than you are used to eating in one sitting, and it could be making you feel a little bit bloated after you eat it. Maybe try a smaller portion to start with and a piece of fruit or yogurt on the side and see if a smaller dose makes you feel better. Then over time you could add a little more until you get a full serving or two in? If you were allergic to whole grains/ wheat, it would happen every time you ate those products and usually people get nausea and/or diarrhea/vomiting and weight loss if they have that type of allergy due to malnutrition from poorly digestion…
Kelly L. says
So I left for a few hours and came back to read the comments. I’m kinda laughing a bit now. It was fun to “debate” but I’m over it (even if I still think I’m right). Hee hee. It’s all in good fun ladies. Can we all just agree on one thing? We love food.
Christin says
Definitely, kellyL 🙂
Kiala, you’re welcome…and because of you I am now addicted to
Kelly L. says
Oh goodness….I’m already addicted to The site is too funny. Love it!