I’m blogging about blogging today. And the need to adapt to a different style of blogging.
Five years ago I started an online food diary to share with friends and family how eating healthy could be enjoyable and delicious. Never in a million years could I have imagined what KERF would become. If you told me someone would document every meal she ate for over five years, I would tell you she was crazy. Yet here I am — the crazy person!! Don’t ask me how or why I did it. I suppose old habits die hard. But I love that five of the most exciting years of our lives are preserved thanks to this blog.
You guys have followed me from a desk job to Chemistry 101, from California to Africa, from cafeterias to hospitals, from Charlotte to Charlottesville, from books to bread, and from morning sickness to a new member of the family. Plus every meal along the way. I thank the thousands of you who check in daily from the bottom of my heart for your support and friendship.
I find myself at a crossroads now. Mazen not only needs a lot of my attention; he deserves it. I have loved sharing the “day in the life” of a newborn these past four months, but I know as he becomes more mobile, social and interactive, I’m going to want to spend even more time with him as well as my friends and the friends Mazen will make. I also would like to pursue some other interests and projects and need a bit more time in my day to do so.
Thus, I need flexibility. And the time has come to change gears.
Do I want to stop blogging? Never! I want to slow blogging. I don’t have a plan, but I have hundreds of ideas of posts I can write that don’t require me to document my daily life. Posts that were I not writing about daily meals and going through so many life changes these past five years, I might have written a long time ago. I’ll keep striving to answer the question: How does one live a healthy life?
Where do I see KERF headed? A less frequent posting schedule, some day-in-the-life posts and topical posts on things like:
Selected meal recaps + roundups
Weekly “day in the life” posts
A series on Real Foods (nutrition + cooking based)
Top 10 favorite nut butters, brands, etc. posts
Adventure recaps (with Mazen photos!)
Restaurant reviews/recaps
Products I love
Workout updates
Organization posts
Beer reviews
So to close, I may not see you tomorrow, or the next day. But I’ll be around as often as I can with adventures and meals to share. Thank you all again – you are the best!
Anele @ Success Along the Weigh says
I’d be lying if I said I wouldn’t miss seeing you everyday but I get it. I’ll still be here no matter when you decide to post!
Elisabeth says
My sentiments exactly!
Emily says
Me too 🙁 but in that same sense, I have a 6 month old and know exactly where you’re coming from 🙂
Alicia says
Me too! Thank you so much for all the time and energy you have given us. I will be around when you are. 🙂
Danielle says
Same! Your blog is my favorite and I’ve been particularly enjoying it lately! Please, please don’t be shy with the day-in-the-life-of posts!!
Carol says
That is EXACTLY how I feel! At the end of the day you have to do what is right for you! TEARS!
Ali @ Peaches and Football says
Kath – it’s been a joy to follow you and your family these years! Family definitely should always come first and if you need to slow down the posts to enjoy time with your little guy, then that’s the way it should be! 🙂 We’ll see you in a day, or two. Enjoy.
Sara @ fitcupcaker says
Totally understandable, I dont know how some bloggers do it with babies 🙂 I will still enjoy reading!
Laurie says
I will bet anything that was a very difficult post for you to do. As much as I will miss your daily updates, I get it!! Kids are only young once, enjoy him. Look forward to reading your posts whenever they appear 🙂
MissPinkKate says
I think less daily recaps, more highlights sounds like a great plan. Good luck in this new venture!
Lissa says
This makes me so excited! This change in your blog is exactly what I’ve been looking for in your blog 🙂 Good luck and have fun! <3
Hannah says
I echo this sentiment. What a fun adventure. You have literally thousands that follow you, and will continue. We are excited for you and the adventure you are on. Keep strong, and have fun.
Lynda says
I totally understand how your life is changed with the addition of Mazen. I too will miss your daily blogs (it’s the first thing I do when I get to work!) but as you said, life takes us in different directions. I look forward to the changes ahead and will still keep following you….Take care!
Kayla says
I am so sad that I only just recently discovered your blog! These past few weeks I have enjoyed reading about all the amazing food combinations you have come up with! I definitely understand that your baby needs your full attention. However, I will miss your daily posts though. I hope you continue to post more amazing oatmeal combinations and some of your daily eats every so often! Your blog is truly my favorite!
Ashley says
Hi Kath. I started reading kerf and baby kerf when you were pregnant. As a new parent myself (my baby is just hitting six months!) it’s been wonderful to have another perspective to read. I have to say that I am really glad for this announcement. I’ve always felt your more interesting posts have been the longer topical posts that inspire great discussion in the comments – you seem to write much more passionately in these type of posts than in your “this is what I ate” posts. I think you as a blogger have outgrown the daily food diary posts, and I applaud your decision to change formats. Hard after so many years, I know! (I’ve been meaning to ask you for a day in the life post over on baby kerf for ages, those are always my favorite posts at other blogs!) Looking forward to seeing you implement these changes (and as always, more pictures of Mazen!) in the days and weeks to come.
Ashley says
PS – should you still wish to document your daily food, have you considered just something simple, like using Instagram or perhaps a tumblr blog with phone pics? Keeping it simple! And again, looking forward to watching you evolve. As my kiddo gets older, he does need more attention like you’ve said, and I love to give it to him! Your family is way more important than your blog, but there will be plenty of time for these type of posts during naptime or after bedtime.
Amanda M says
Here here! I totally agree. I will miss seeing something new everyday, but I am excited to see more of the content that originally got me to be a thrice-daily reader, even if its much less frequently. After all, your blog showed me just how easy it could be to have a real-food lifestyle, and I’ve never been healthy, felt better, or been happier. Lives change, and it’s good to be able to embrace that change.
Shel@PeachyPalate says
I’m looking forward to your new blog posts – though I will miss your French toast/porridge pics on a daily basis that never fail to inspire! Your blog post is always the one I look forward to reading out of all my favourite blogs, but they say absence makes the heart grow fonder right!!! Good luck going forward, I’m sure it will be awesome 🙂
Galia says
I will certainly miss your daily posts, grew so accustomed to them over the years. Still, I’m sure your recaps will be ever more interesting to follow. And Kath, I would love reading a baby healthy eating section added to the blog. Enjoy the new chapter in your life!
Liz says
As much as I have enjoyed following your meals over the years, I think this will be a great change. Each post will have more “meat”, you know? Enjoy your time with your adorable little boy!
cathy@1970kikiproject says
kath, good for you. i so commend you on your choice and decision.
i just wrapped up my blog on january 9th after three years…we need to recognize when a change is in order!
all the best to you! i look forward to reading your upcoming blog postings – whatever topic or format that may be!
Elise @ Expeditions of Elise says
I’m really looking forward to this new blogging style! I can tell by your posts these past few months that the daily rundown doesn’t seem to be working for you. I know as a reader I’d rather get less-frequent posts that you are able to really focus on. Can’t wait to see what’s next!
Silvia @ skinny jeans food says
Ahhhhhh, as Jodie Foster said “this is the end of an era. What’s to come next, is to be seen.” To be honest I only glance over the 3 meals a day picts because they are well-photographed but the rest is too, and I mostly like to hear/see what you and Mazen have been up to and how he grows. Recipes would be nice and I’ve often tried out things that you recommended (lightroom, eyefi-car, etc.). Just don’t get too educational on us 🙂
Katie @ Talk Less, Say More says
This is very respectable – know your limits and be willing to adapt to life as it changes, our schedules change and our priorities change. It’s okay and I look forward to seeing how KERF adapts and changes while still being a favorite read. 🙂
Cindy says
I will miss “seeing” you everyday, but it sounds like better quality posts over quantity is a good idea! I know how precious time is with a new baby, somehow the first year flies by!!! And I’m excited about some of the topics you mentioned, so I think a bit of a change is a good thing! And I’ll still be here reading 🙂
Presley @ Run Pretty says
Honestly, I’m aMAZEd you did it this long. bahaha I know that probably gets old. Anyway, you seriously deserve a break. And Mazen deserves a mom who can spend some extra time with him. Good for y’all! Everyone will stick around and keep reading!
Linda says
I would love to see you do some book reviews or reviews of “diet trends.” As an RD, I am sure that you could provide an informed critique of diet trends / books that would help people weed out the nonsense and focus on the useful, research-supported information on nutrition. Good luck with the new format!
KathEats says
I would love to do that too (and I have so many books I want to read) but the only problem is I have less time to read than I ever have : (
Linda says
Of course… that makes sense! Something just on diet trends (and how you live a healthy lifestyle without getting caught up in trends)? I think you have some great ideas for refocusing the blog. I am most interested in the topics about real foods, product reviews, gardening, etc. and less interested in reading about “day in the life” and family-related posts. Please don’t take this the wrong way – your baby is absolutely ADORABLE, but I started looking at your blog because of the information about foods / healthy living. Maybe because I am a relatively new reader, I don’t feel like the more personal information is any of my business and it seems like a distraction from what I perceived to be the purpose of your blog.
KathEats says
Sure, I hope to delve into those sort of things as time permits : )
Jen says
Yes! I agree with this. Kath, I really think this is the direction you should take (but it’s not me lol – your choice!). No, but seriously, you are an R.D and could make this blog into more of a website versus an online diary…plus, I’d be so stressed sharing every aspect of my daily life with the world! You will really begin to experience what LIVING in the moment and just living without having to tell everyone everything…you may even regret having done it for so long. BUT there are far worse regrets trust me. Good on you!
Jen says
Also, it would be interesting to see more research…unbiased. For instance, you defend bread and wheat a lot – and I agree that it’s good in moderation for some people – but you’ve written before that people have been eating it for years and years, so why wouldn’t it be fine? But, you failed to take note of the changes in agricultural practices, etc. “Wheat Belly” is an interesting book to start.
Stephanie C says
Yes! Especially the reviews of diet trends.
Mary B. says
I totally agree! I have stopped coming to your page on any sort of regular basis BECAUSE of the personal stuff – just liked the food blogging & that was really it.
Lindsey says
I love how you worded that… Mazen deserves more time. I’m a stay at home mom to a 21 month old little boy, and I agree, I feel like we do owe it to them to give them as much of our time and attention as we can. I totally respect your decision to scale it back… just shows what an awesome mom you are! We’ll keep reading and look forward to your new adventures!
Betsey C. says
You have been an heroic every-day blogger for so long, it has been an amazing ride. I have enjoyed your posts every day, and I look forward to your “new” postings. Thanks for all the enjoyable glimpses into your healthy lifestyle!
Jennifer @ Eat With Knowledge says
Hi Kath,
Everyone goes through changes in their business when their lives change. I recently overhauled everything in my nutrition counseling business and I’m so happy with the results. I think your new format will be great!! You are so passionate about what you do it will show in every post. Quality over quantity is better anyway!!
Sarah says
Excited to see how the blog will evolve and will remain a faithful reader! Yours was the first food blog I ever found years ago and I credit it with totally changing my thinking about healthy living and how to live a healthy life. Thanks for taking us on your journey and learning to adapt as well– isn’t flexibility the key to a healthy, balanced life after all? Best wishes <3
Carly @ Snack Therapy says
Good for you! We all love your daily posts, but we also want you to spend as much time as possible with that little peanut!
Kel says
I guess this means I too will have to adapt. Your blog is the first thing I check in the morning!
Obviously, you chose this career for the flexibility it will provide. You have to do what is right for your family!
Looking forward to the next installment, whenever that will be!
Sandi says
Atta girl! ‘To every thing there is a season…’
Enjoy your little family 🙂
Amanda says
I’ve been a faithful reader for the majority of the time, and I’ll continue to follow your blog, however it continues to evolve. Enjoy this time with your family and your next chapter!
~Christy says
Congratulations on taking the leap! As I’m sure motherhood has revealed, the ability and desire to recreate ourselves is about the most important thing we ever do in this life. Keep things fresh, keep things new, keep bringing our best selves to the table. We deserve it as much as those in our lives — those closest to us and those we touch from afar — deserve it. You’re doing a great thing and I commend your courage in taking the next step. I look forward to seeing where you and the blog adventure from here. Keep following your heart! 🙂
Ashley @ My Food 'N' Fitness Diaries says
Good for you Kath! You have to do what’s best for YOU and your family! I know I will love reading regardless.
Jessica says
This sounds like a healthy change. Good for you.
Alison @ Health Assets says
Thank you Kath for all you have shared with us. You were my first food blog to follow and everyday was a joy. You inspire others to live healthier lives and I thank you for that! Looking forward to your new avenue of blogging.
Best of luck to you and your family!
Sarah says
Variety is the spice of life- good luck with the new format!
tracey says
Any decision you decide on will be a great one for you & your family. 🙂 I enjoy your recipes and love seeing pics of Mazen, but understand that lack of time.
Sydney says
I started reading when you were in your internship & now I’m coming to the end of MY internship! I have also always wanted to own a bakery, so it has been so fun to see your journey from intern to RD to bakery owner. I love your blog & am looking forward to whatever you decide to post in the future! Maybe I’ll run into you at FNCE sometime? 🙂
Alexandra says
Good for you! There is nothing more important than savoring time with your family and giving your adorable little boy all of the attention that he needs – best of luck! Of course, Ill still be here to read your blog no matter how often you post 🙂
Amanda says
I love reading your blog but do what you gotta do to enjoy every minute with that baby because time goes so fast.
Rana says
Totally understandable! I get it. I love your posts, but the slow and specific posts sounds like a good plan!
Ashley @ Coffee Cake and Cardio says
You have to do what’s best for you and your family. You’ll love the change.
Brooke says
I look at your blog every morning when I get to work and have my cup of coffee. Although I’ll miss your daily posts, having them a little less frequent with quality if quantity will be well worth it! have fun with Mazen 🙂
rosie says
Good for you!! I’ll miss your daily updates, but that just means I’ll have to see you in person more to find out the latest 🙂
Susan H. @ The Food Allergy Chronicles says
Hi Kath! I have only been following you for about a year now and have enjoyed my journey with you and your family. Your creativity in the kitchen, beautiful photos and love of life has been very inspiring! 🙂 Motherhood is a journey unto it’s own…with two boys in their teens now, I totally understand your need to create a new chapter in your life with Mazen and Matt. I too am at a crossroads in my life…I have devoted many years to my boys and their multiple food allergies, eczema and asthma issues…it will not be long before they are both out the door living their own lives…facing the many challenges that food allergies bring. I do believe that when one door closes another door opens…I am currently trying to find that special door. Good luck with your endeavours…I will continue to follow along with your journey. 🙂
Marie says
I think this is a really great choice – for you, for your family and for your blog readers. Change is good.
Björg says
We all support your decision 🙂 and those blog ideas you mentioned sound great!
Just don’t stop posting cute pictures of Mason on insta 😉
Leigh says
Hi Kath:
I have never been a blog follower until the past few months. I first read mama laughlin’s blog, which linked me to you, and I have been in love since then! The highlight of my day is checking to see what positive and healthy information you have posted. I have a one-year old baby, and I’ve been trying to eat clean the past 9 months, so I gain lots of new info from you. Thanks so much for all you do to inspire me! Happy Monday!
Julie H. of Spinach and Sprinkles says
I wish I could tell you I’m sad for your decision, but I’m not. I 100% understand the time it takes to raise a happy, healthy baby and try to maintain ANY life, let alone the blogging added to the top. I’m still glad that you’ll post sometimes! …..glad your finding your balance. Much love to you & Mazen!!
Kathi says
Kath, I’m sure this decision was a difficult one to make, or maybe it wasn’t! 😉 Your blog has always been my favorite and I have learned so much over the years about healthy eating and living. Enjoy the time with Mazen, you can never get these moments and days back. Your faithful readers will always be here!
Colleen says
Good luck, Kath! Do what’s best for you and your family 🙂
Kelli H (Made in Sonoma) says
So glad you’re moving forward, Kath!
Sam says
I’m bummed to hear this, but, as a full-time working mom of a 21 month-old and soon-to-be another, I can’t say I didn’t see this coming and that I don’t understand. I totally and completely did and do. 🙂 Best of luck in this new chapter of your life. I’ll be checking in!
Olivia @ Life As Liv says
I can’t lie–you will absolutely be missed and it makes me a little bit sad that your presence won’t be a daily thing; however, you have to live life and do what’s best for your family!! That’s what will make YOU happiest and that’s what’s most important. 🙂 Looking forward to your next post. 🙂
Marilu from Kalamazoo says
What a wise decision. It is important to know when to make a change. I imagine this will affect your celebrity blogger status, because you won’t have all the traffic that three posts/day brings, but glad to see that didn’t hold you back from doing what you feel is best for your family. Best wishes and enjoy these delightful baby days with your wee boy.
Ashley says
Good for you! I’ll miss reading your daily updates while I’m BFing my own little nugget, but I totally get it 🙂 enjoy him!!
Katie @ Peace Love & Oats says
I think this is probably a great change for you and your family. I had no idea how you kept up with those three posts a day, and even now with one post documenting the whole day, it’s a lot! I’m looking forward to the new informational posts, I know you have a lot to share!
Lynn @ the actor's diet says
When my father passed away in August I contemplated quitting blogging or taking a break or ??? I didn’t stop but I was amazed how supportive my readers were. I’m one of your biggest fans Kath and will always appreciate when you do or don’t share your life w us. It’s a gift.
Tasha says
You know, I find this very exciting…I am or of those who found your blog late and over the last year I enjoyed both KERF/BERF so much so that I am working my way through your old post posts. WhAt I am realizing what draws me to your blog is who you are and the emotion with which you write. Though I’m only into 3/2009…I’m feel keenly aware of how your blog has morphed and the direction your blog is moving toward now is exactly what I’m looking for…less recapping but more about the essence and who you are as your life changes. I love the truth of your blog as it doesn’t seem about fads to the point of cult-ish the way some of the others I’ve explored. I look forward to your upcoming posts as you work your way through life and how blogging fits into it. I love the idea about nutrition, recipes, “catching up” with Mazen and your family, book and item reviews (you will have time someday to read again, even if it is a page a day), restaurants, travel, videos if you so desire or what ever else may come your way! I’m thankful for the opportunity to have 5 years of your legacy to read and whatever else you choose in the upcoming time. You will be missed as a daily read though!
KathEats says
I am flattered you are working your way through old posts one by one : )
Leah says
I am also reading each post from the beginning. I am loving to see how you got to where you are. I’m still in the summer of 2008–you are about to start the next semester of grad school! It is fun to read, and I’m glad I will still be able to have a daily dose of KERF if I want it!
KathEats says
: )
Alison says
I also go through your old posts! Love seeing the day-to-day meals and adventures 🙂 I will miss them but I’m also looking forward to seeing your journey ahead! Focusing on family is definitely #1.
Avery Hudson says
I too am working my way through your life! I’ve come all the way from the beginning up until October 2011 right now! Loving every. single. post! You inspire me Kath!
Lele says
Ditto! I started reading in 2008 or something so I didn’t have to read back that far to read every post, but I still go back and reread some for a second or third time! I’m finishing my prerequisites to apply to R.D. programs- like you, Kath, I was NOT a science major undergrad- and it’s kind of a drag, so it’s very inspiring looking back at you truckin’ through chemistry and making it.
Christine says
I would love to see you blog about *how* to live a healthy life. You are an inspiration to me, and I can simply read your blog and tell myself things like (1) walk more, (2) spend time with friends even if just for an hour, (3) have giant salads next to my entree.
But I’d love to just get pointers from you — how do you create a meal, what balance do you look for, etc.
Good luck with whatever direction you choose to go. I am a mom of two, and there’s nothing more important than spending time with your babies, because unlike many other things we do, that time is limited and you can’t get it back!!!
Katherine says
All the best to you! You’re right – your baby is absolutely worth it!!! God bless you for seeing this 🙂
Brittnie (A Joy Renewed) says
Good for you! Your readers will still read and stand by your blog. 🙂
Heather says
While I’ve enjoyed checking your blog daily, I am really excited for what lies ahead and am looking forward to a format that allows you to explore more topics.
Cinemarie says
Hi Kath. I started to read your blog at the end of 2007 early 2008 I think? You had just moved from blogspot… I’ve commented only a handful of times – just couldn’t find what to say that 50+ people must have already said 🙂
Back when I started, I had also started blogging and this new hobby was all that kept me entertained. I would keep up with 20-40 blogs on a daily basis! I had a stressful career but the project I was on had lots of built in ‘waiting’ time… then I started to have less time at work when my responsibilities increased, then I got pregnant, then I had a baby… and I at this point, I find myself keeping up only with 2-5 blogs, on a weekly basis, katheats being one of them. Oh, and my own blog I have stopped updating a long long time ago…
All that to say, I kind of feel better now that even katheats wants to prioritize spending time with her son over blogging, a thing I almost felt guilty for doing almost 2.5 years ago (I have also chosen spending time with him over the highly stressful career I had – yup I changed jobs!) I think it’s great that you have made the decision to do what works for you and your family. More than ever now I feel like, if katheats is taking a break – then I was right to do it too 🙂
And maybe now I get to catch up on all the wonderful posts that you wrote and that I missed!!!! 🙂
THANK YOU FOR ALL that you did for the blogging community Kath. Thank you for being so super!! I will always come back to see what’s new on katheats, regardless of how regular your posts are. Thank you – thank you – thank you! and good luck!!
Amy says
I think this is a fantastic idea, Kath. Good luck with your adaptation!
Brittany @ Itty Bits of Balance says
SO happy to hear that you’re re-prioritizing your time with Mazen, friends, family, and quite frankly, LIVING life! I’m a newbie at blogging, but already have had to take several steps back over the years just to prevent myself from going nuts. Kudos to you for holding it together for so long, Kath!
I think if anything this just proves what a wonderful mother and wife that you are. Congrats on taking the step, and I wish only the best for you in the future 🙂
lisa fine @ vermont vittles says
Change is good! And I think you’ll feel like blogging is fresh again. I’ve made changes to my blogging over time, determining what works best for me at any given time.
Looking forward to different kinds of posts!
Morgan says
You can never get these moments back. Soak ’em up! I cannot lie though– I will miss your daily posts that I have looked forward to every morning now for almost 3 years! You are a great writer and story teller, Kath! I am looking forward to reading a variety of new topics here — even if it’s not as often as usual! Best of luck 🙂
Kristi says
I’ll miss ‘seeing’ you everyday! But good for you to have the courage to change it all up! Best of luck!
Karen says
Your the best ! Hope to see a photo of the family once in awhile…especially Mazen. Love to watch him grow !
Mom says
Proud mother here! It’s been funner than fun seeing all your meals, but I look forward to lots more posts on all sorts of topics. Promise me there will be plenty of photos of Maze!
elizabeth says
Can’t wait for your more thoughtful posts! Go spend time with baby Mazen and write when you can. The topics you listed sound wonderful and I look forward to them! Cheers 🙂
Patricia says
Hi Kath!
Since you are transitioning the blog, I figure now is the time to tell you that I have been reading and enjoying for months now. 🙂 I am a fellow Davidson grad, Class of 2007. I actually met your sister and Matt at a Deloitte event last summer, and have been reading (almost daily!) ever since. Thank you for sharing your life and loves with us – I will enjoy continuing to catch up when you post.
All the best,
KathEats says
Fun connections!!
Jordan @ Eat for Health, Eat for Fun says
I hope the new style of blogging gives you loads of time to spend with Mazen and that you never find it a chore, only a joy to share bits of your life with all of us!
Thank you for what this blog has been, were it not for you I would have never started my 3-meals-a-day blog that has been a huge help in dropping weight and keeping it off! People always look at me as though I am crazy when I photograph every little thing I eat, but I think of you, especially in your early stages of blogging and just smile. 🙂
Cait's Plate says
I hear you! I made the change as well and it’s been great actually. Can’t wait to follow along in the new phase of KERF 🙂
Kate @ Two Take on Style says
I’ve been waiting for you to make this change for a while now. I think all of your readers understand that focus and priorities change over the course of 5 years, even without a baby thrown into the mix! I’m excited to see what is to come!
Jennifer says
Completely understandable and I’m amazed in everything you’ve been able to do up to now.
Enjoy your time with Mazen! 🙂
MelanieF says
Kath, I think this change is exciting and I do understand also. I’ve been a reader for a little over 3 years and I enjoy your posts, and you made me fall in love with oatmeal! Again, no matter which route you take, I will still be here to read.
Ella says
Awesome, Kath. You have to evolve as your life evolves. You just amaze me every day, doing so much with such a young child. We will still be here reading, loving all your posts!
Becca says
I’ve been reading daily since 2009, so I will without a doubt miss your daily posting!
I’ll definitely miss reading about your adventures daily, but don’t worry, I’ll still continue to follow you as you adapt to this new blogging regime. Good luck with transition.
Anne says
Hi Kath,
My daughters (17 and 12) and I have been a fan of your blog for several years now, and after you had Mazen, I was wondering if this day would come. I just wanted to let you know what a huge inspiration you have been, even to women like myself who are quite a bit older than you! Enjoy these days with sweet Mazen (which is what is most important), and pursuing your other goals. We look forward to see what you are up to in the future!
Shana says
I’ll miss seeing daily posts but I am SUPER excited to read and learn more about health, nutrition, and the great balancing act that is life. Mostly, I appreciate that you aren’t willing to sacrfice what is most important to you for the sake of a blog routine. It truly makes me that much more eager to read all of the upcoming posts because I know they come from a place of “realness” and not some self-imposed obligation. If you’re taking requests, I’m hoping to get more of your expertise as an RD because I can never get enough information related to food and nutrition. Best wishes on your new ventures!
Becky in TN says
Thank you so much for the past 5 years. I am a dedicated reader, just don’t comment much. As a mother of 3, I totally understand wanting to focus on your child. Can’t wait to see what the future of kerf holds!
anne says
Totally understand the change but it does make me sad. I look forward to your posts everyday. Probably the only blog I truly read every day. I will look forward to the future KERF. Keep us posted 🙂
Miwa @ Motion For Peace says
Good for you Kath! It’s hard to find balance, but you don’t get this time back with your son so enjoy! =)
Nina @ Too Hottie For That Body says
Good for you Kath! There are so many amazing things that you can share with us that don’t need to be shared on a daily basis. As a reader myself I would love to take a peek inside your refrigerator (is that creepy?) and know how you go about planning your meals. Good luck, and enjoy your little one 🙂
Cassidy @ wine and ice cream says
Yeah, as they get more mobile life changes a whole lot, and things you could do when they were teeny tiny is not possible anymore. I’ll miss daily life posts, but as the Mom of a ten month old, I totally get it. Like everyone else, I have enjoyed watching the progression from life before baby to pregnancy to motherhood (and all that entails).
Anna @ On Anna's Plate says
GOOD for you!!! As life changes, blogging does as well. I love your day in the life posts, and even go back to read older ones sometimes. But, I look forward to seeing the new direction your blog is going to take as well.
Kate G says
Good for you Kath! I’m pleased that you are able to identify your needs and the needs of your family and are able to adjust to your new life so well. I’ll definitely remain an avid reader, no matter the delivery!
lee says
Kudos to you for recognizing the need for change. It’s so easy to get our actions and routines in a rut, even when we know mentally/emotionally that something needs to be different.
Look forward to reading your future writings, whatever they may look like and whenever they may appear. =)
Hayley @ Running on Pumpkin says
I think it is great you are allowing your blog to grow and evolve as you do, which is what I plan to do as I continue to blog through the years! I am excited to see what happens with KERF in the future. 🙂
Lauren @ Sassy Molassy says
Props to you for going in the direction that feels right. I’m sure it wasn’t an easy decision. Looking forward to following your journey as Mazen gets on the move.
val says
i really like this idea! i think it’s always great to change.
Chrissy says
I think instead of posting all three meals, you could post The Best Thing I Ate Today (best could be healthy or tasty). Or you could have Oatmeal Mondays where you share a new and interesting variation on oatmeal. Or perhaps Mazen Mondays, where you post the latest baby news. I don’t have a blog, so I can’t imagine the discipline it takes or the time involved, but it’s admirable that you are trying to adapt to the changes in your life, or even the changes in the blogosphere since you started blogging. Good luck and I look forward to checking out some of the changes!
KathEats says
All good ideas!
Danielle says
Ohh, I like the idea of “best thing i ate today” or something similar. maybe one meal a day? i always enjoy your combinations, Kath!
Mia says
Hi Kath
I’m sad that you decided to slow down blogging. I’ve been reading your blog daily since 2008, and enjoyed following you through moving (several times) chemistry, becoming a R.D, opening a bakery, weight loss, being pregnant and having Mazen. You have shared a lot with us, and if you feel it’s the time to focus on your family. Then it is exactly that time 🙂
I’m looking forward to seeing what transformations your blog will undergo, even though I am going to miss the daily posts.
And then I want to let you know that you have a few readers from Denmark too – myself included 🙂
Teri H says
I always enjoy seeing posts from you! I started reading your blog about 4 years ago and keep coming back. I’m old enough to be your mother but your balanced healthy lifestyle inspires me! Thank you! Yes, seasons change and we must change with them. I applaud your desire to slow down blogging and immerse yourself in your family, friends and life!
Sarena (The Non-Dairy Queen) says
To be completely honest, I have even more respect for you now Kath (I should state that I already had tons). My kids are now 14 1/2 and almost 12. Between work, my boys and life, blogging has taken a back seat for me as well. Always having a camera in your hand and thinking about what to post the next day takes away from actually enjoying what you are doing. I’m glad you’re taking the time to be with Mazen and Matt. Your life has evolved again and you are taking us on that journey. I’m so happy for you and your family. You’ve come a long way and worked hard for it. Enjoy where you are now!
Brynn says
I have read your blog most days for almost four years and I will miss reading about your daily adventures. I’ve gotten a lot of recipe ideas from you over the years and you crack me up so often. I’ve loved reading about Mazen and thought you did such a good job of balancing baby talk with the usual content. You’ve always been my favorite blogger and I’ll be bummed to see fewer posts but I understand and I’m excited to see what’s to come!
Sandra in TX says
I love your blog and will miss reading it every day. The pictures of Mazen are wonderful and I love watching him grow. However, less regular updates will be fine to. Plus I get good ideas from the meals you eat. I’m just learning to eat healthier and more whole foods. However, I completely understand. Enjoy that sweet baby.
Kristin says
I will miss reading your posts every day but I am wish you the best of luck and think that you made the right decision. Your cutie pie deserves every minute!!!
Lauren says
Good for you Kath! I’m so thrilled to see how you evolve KERF this year. No matter what you do, I’m sure it will be great!
Lynda @ Healthy Hoboken Girl says
This is a great idea, Kath! Change is so healthy and smart. I look forward to your new posts and will always be reading and sharing my love for KERF with others!! Thank you!
Rachel says
aww good for you Kath! I’ll miss your updates, but will look forward to hearing about your adventures 🙂 Mazen deserves all your attention. Enjoy this time xx
Bonnie says
I’m definitely going to miss reading your posts everyday and your cheerful “gooood mornings!” Still, I can’t wait to follow along with the featured posts! I hope you add in some home/house posts, as well. We are expecting our first baby in April (just three months away!) and I’d love to know how your cleaning/organizing routines had to or will change with a baby! Plus, your home is gorgeous and I love the pictures! I also can’t wait to see Mazen’s food once he starts eating solids, which will be so fun for you. Enjoy those extra hours you are granting yourself and thank you for taking us along on your adventures!
Elyse says
While I’ll miss your daily posts, I think this is a great decision! The babe is only young once and you and he deserve to spend as much time as possible together. I’m also a writer/blogger and love the freedom/flexibility this lifestyle provides. i’m so glad to see you using it to your advantage!
Thanks so much for all of your healthy meal/living inspiration over the years. I’ll definitely keep reading whenever you want to post! Looking forward to the topics you mentioned. 🙂
Deirdre | Oh Well Whatever says
Good for you! I am sure it was a struggle for you to come to this decision but how liberating it must feel. Enjoy every moment with that precious little guy. ; )
Susan says
LOVE your blog and it’s one of the best as far as I’m concerned, but certainly understand! Enjoy your little one – those days cannot be replaced. Lucky you to have a choice! Hope to hear about your new journey very soon!
priest's wife (@byzcathwife) says
There seems to be a shift in the blogosphere- even me with my micro-blog
I’m looking forward to seeing where this change takes you!
Erin Shmidt says
Good for you! Thankful for your blog, but man, with little ones they come first. It’s hard to do it as you have more kids too. Enjoy this time.
Dani says
Thanks for inspiring us on a daily basis. You live a balanced life in so many ways – nutrition, marriage, work/fun, and now as a mom. This balance has pushed me to force that in my own life. I felt silly being a little teary about your post. I think we all knew this was coming, and you’re so smart to meet yourself right where you are. I’ll still be checking-in. And I hope you loved those apples from my hometown!!!
Take best care!
Ida says
Just keep doing “you” Kath.
You’re such a smart and thoughtful person.
Do what you love and you won’t work a day in your life.
Bless you and your beautiful family.
You know what I always wondered, do you buy your greens already washed or do you buy them au natural and wash and rinse in a spinner???????
Madison says
Whatever you decide, we support you and love your blog! Thanks for sharing your life with us! 🙂
Michele says
I have loved reading your blog everyday for years now and will miss your daily inspiration. From meals to party ideas, adorable Mazen and fitness- it was all good!
Enjoy this time with your family and you know your loyal readers will be here for any posts you may write. Thank you!
Larbs says
Sounds good to me. Now I’ll no longer have to be jealous when I see pictures of your french toast when I’m eating my oats!
marjie says
I think this is a good change. I have four babies, my youngest is 21 years! I fear for all the private stuff you bloggers write on these blogs. I remember when my kids would play a game on the computer called Sim’s and in many ways I feel that when you share so much your life becomes a SIM’S family. Scary. My kids went to top colleges, and I was happy that when doing a google search of their names, only quality, proud of accomplishments showed up..your little guy will have a trail that goes back to before conception, birth and more. Kids are cruel, I worry for all these “sharings” of their private moments. Jody Foster said many wise things last night…if you did not see her speech it is worth looking for…privacy is good. Good luck to you. But it is time.
Ray says
Good idea. I think your readers will appreciate a focus on quality over quantity with your posts!
Laurie says
I’ve been following you since the beginning in 2007 . . . Wow! What an amazing commitment this blog has been for you and what a joy it has been for all of us to read KERF!! As a mother of 4 children, I am not surprised that your life journey has brought you to this point where you realize that your time and the demands on it must adapt. Family relationships always trump any other kinds of relationships but you will remain an important one in my life. So I will continue to check in and see what you are up to! Best of luck! Let us know where this journey takes you!
KathEats says
I wish I could meet you all in person! 2007!
Coco says
Kath, I totally understand your decision and I think it’s a very wise one. Babies grow so fast and before we know it we will miss when they were babies. So embrace the motherhood and keep posting whenever you feel like which will allow you to enjoy more time with Maze and blogging! 🙂
Ashlee says
Enjoy your extra time! I look forward to seeing the changes around here!
Britnee H. says
Kath, I think that sounds wonderful. I just found your blog not too long ago, and while I love your posts, I think the topics you want to switch to sound even more interesting! Yay for making some changes!
Michelle says
Excited to keep reading the “new” blog!
Lisa says
I have been reading for the past 4 years and have enjoyed the recipes, product reviews, meal inspirations, and just every day life stuff. As my own life has gotten busier, I continue to dwindle my list of “must read” blogs, but yours has always remained at the top of my list! Good luck to you as you shift your focus–kudos to you for carving out time for your family and yourself!
Gina says
I can’t wait for these posts! You inspired me to lose the weight and start blogging as well!
robyn says
You will never, ever regret putting your child before a blog. One is with you forever, regardless of what happens in life. The other lasts just as long as the domain purchase expiration date and the server’s ability not to crash and wipe everything or get hacked. One will tell you “I love you” at the exact second you need to hear it most (and your heart will imprint that moment in your mind for the rest of your life). The other has hollow “you are so awesome” comments from people you’ve never met, and probably never will meet. One will take you through the joys of first words, first steps, first day at school, first touchdown/goal/basket, first crush, prom, graduation, college applications, a wedding day, becoming a grandparent… The other just provides click-thru stats, archive links, and yesterday’s news from media attention. That’s not to say you can’t have both, or shouldn’t have both, or won’t have both. But you definitely have to find a balance once the baby powder settles, with the scales tipped in your son’s direction – good luck / best wishes in trying to do so!
KathEats says
i understand your point, but you make a blog seem like a black hole. This blog and its following mean so much more to me than you describe
robyn says
It’s not a comment you should weigh a response to today, or even next month, and quite possibly next year. Just think back on this discussion the first day Mazen enters kindergarten. (I speak from a bit of experience. I had a blog once upon a time that received equal, if not more, traffic than yours. Getting 200+ comments because I wrote that I ate a sandwich were nothing out of the usual. I closed up shop there just before the birth of my first son. I moved to a new URL, didn’t allow comments there, and only posted photos / entries as time allowed. Sometimes that would be a few times a week. Sometimes one or two times per month.)
One day all of a sudden my boys weren’t babies any longer and the “Groundhog Day” loop of life switched over into pre-school and then grade school semester-routines. And at that point it hit me just how much time had passed by in a blink. (It’s hard to see that during the early sleep-deprivation days that seem to last forever. Everyone tells you how fast it goes, but until you actually trade diaper bags for backpacks, you really don’t “get” it in full effect.) I don’t regret walking from my blog cold-turkey for a second. But I would give anything to go back and have double-the-time with my boys at home again.
It’s perfectly natural to love something you’ve devoted 5 years of your life to, grown up along-side, and poured your heart and soul into – as it is to have readers you’re very close to and care about. But these internet-based things won’t be next to your side holding your hand when you lose a loved one, face an illness, etc. And at times it’s easy to lose sight of that when publishing an entry seems as routine as brushing your teeth… I know it will be baby steps (no pun intended) to cut back. That doesn’t have to mean an ending though. It’s a new beginning! You’ll never regret the extra time you spend with Mazen, but you will regret the time you don’t. The best is yet to come – you’ll be hearing “mama” soon and that’s better than 1000 comments! Again, good luck and best wishes!
Janine says
Every mother I talked to, regardless of whether they were busy with work, or spent all of their time with their kids has said that it passes by fast. I think that’s life! Embrace it and prioritize what’s important to you!
Patricia says
I have to ditto this. I have found it disturbing to read about all the stress of finding the “right” sleep solution, diapering solution, feeding schedule, among others. The reality is you have a baby. Each has his own rhythm. Just when you figure something out, he’ll be in a other stage. I’ve so wanted to suggest you throw some things on the back burner, relax, sleep when he sleeps and just enjoy this stage of your family’s life. Like many have said, it does not last forever and each stage is a learning process, and in the big scheme of things goes quickly. .
This is probably what so many tried to explain before your baby was born–that your life would change. Really, how could it not? And why wouldn’t you want it to? It’s really such an amazing thing to get to see a child grow. So glad you are stepping back. I don’t think you’ll regret it.
Crystal says
I agree with Robyn! As a SAHM for 3 boys oldest is in junior high I would love to go back even for a moment when they were babies! It does go by way to fast and once that stage is over there is no going back. My son is as tall as me and i think when did this happen? So love and enjoy every moment! Spending more time with your son is a decision you truly will not regret!
Rachel says
Good for you! I think it’s important to enjoy your son and family time. It must be hard to live in the moment at times when you document and share so much. Evolution is a good thing!
Diane says
I’ll miss reading your posts every day, but I’m excited for you! I’m really looking forward to more organization posts. It’s nearly Spring Cleaning time, and I’m purging in preparation! 🙂 Also, I love your posts around town, as we’re relatively new here and don’t get out as often as you and Matt do. I hope those will be part of the new plan. Though I’m a relatively new reader, thanks for the five years of food!
rebecca @ blueberry smiles says
Happy for you! I bet this was sorta a tough decision, but sounds all good! Like the new topics you listed!
Lily says
I’ve been sensing this shift coming for a while now and I think it’s just fantastic! Best of luck.
Ali @ WHOLEistically Fit says
Kudos for you for paying attention to and honoring what you and your family need at this time. 🙂 I’m excited that you’ll still be blogging, even if it’s at a slower pace. You’ve got a ton of post topics/ideas that I can’t wait to read. I wish you all the best in this time of change and transition. 😀
Tracy says
As a SAHM of 4, I certainly understand your decision, Kath! I will miss your daily posts as I have read every day for 5 years! I’m excited to see what is to come though. You are a creative and talented blogger, Kath. I have no doubt that this blog will continue to be my favorite! Have lots of fun with your dear Mazen!
An idea for your kitchen creativity: I got the idea from Gina (Fitnessista) to make homemade Nuttzo. I copied the ingredients on the Nuttzo PF label and SUCCESS! Just like Nuttzo without the steep price tag!!
KathEats says
Ooo I’ll have to try that!
Tracy says
I just had to give you a Nuttzo update! My bulk bin ingredients made 2 full 16oz jars for $12.25, so about $6ish a jar. Squeal! So excited about this!
KathEats says
Annette @FitnessPerks says
I think this is soo awesome! Way to really turn your attention to your cute little one. Kudos to you! Your pics are always gorgeous, so I am sure I’ll be back -whenever you are 🙂
Kathy W. says
Change is good! New year/new blog. I’ll miss the daily posts but I’ll look forward to being surprised by what’s coming next. This will give you the freedom to go in all sorts of new directions with your blog (and your life, too).
(hey, don’t forget the decorating/reno–loved seeing your new porch being built, painted, furnished)
And there are always the archives if we need a “day-in-the-life” fix 🙂
Kelsey @ SoMuchLifeToLive says
This is the first healthy living blog I started reading….back in 2011! I’m a tiny bit sad to see things change, but I’m mostly EXCITED. You had no idea what this would become 5 years ago, and once again, you have no idea the direction things are headed now! Can’t wait to see where it goes.
And THANK YOU so much for your daily inspiration. I’ve needed and appreciated it!
Lee says
I think that just as life changes, blogging does too and good for you for recognizing that.
Charlene says
I read everyday and will miss that aspect but, as a mother of two I think you are doing the right thing. Enjoy these moments! I look forward to reading your blog in any form
lucy Lincoln says
you are making the best decision for you- is only natural that you want to concentrate on being a mum! I think you are so thoughtful about everything you do- from caring for Matt :), to chores around the house, to organising and decorating, to nutrition, to seeing family and socialising with friends, to attending community events, it is only natural that you will do whatever it takes to enjoy every moment with Mazen!
honestly can not tell you how helpful you have been to me- i read you throughout my anorexia and anorexia recoveries and no matter what crazy thoughts were going through my mind just watching your unwavering healthy attitude to incorporating a variety of simple nutritious foods with such enthusiasm and passion just uplifted me! it reminded me that there was someone out there who didn’t do crazy fads of this or that but just ate what was best for her body and with joy and happiness. Secondly, after getting married and during recovery we moved house three times and your organisational skills and ability to balance chores and work was always inspiring to me to keep on top of household things and take pride! my husband wants children soon and ill be sure to be checking out all of your baby advice!
its been great! good luck!
Marci says
it is hard to find time to sit at the computer when there are so many things to do around the house in a short amount of time. i was impressed you kept it up daily when he was a newborn! for me, finding the time is very challenging, when mostly in my free time, i want to do something else besides be at the computer.
Maureen says
This is such a crazy post because just this morning I posted about how I am now going to post daily and include my meal photos. I have hit a road block in my journey to lose weight & get healthy and feel this will help me on my way!
I will miss hearing from you everyday, but totally understand. We will all be here when you post! 🙂
emily says
I’ll miss your daily updates but I really applaud you for trying something new! I’ve read since the very beginning (well, since right after calorieking) and will continue to follow whatever you choose to blog. Good luck!
emily says
P.S. thank you thank you for –
Oatmeal with banana cooked in
Doughboy smoothies
Baked okra
Jam and cheese sandwiches
And so many other things that I know adore!
emily says
*now, frick!
KathEats says
: )
Karen says
How wonderful that you’ve (finally) given yourself some space to evolve professionally, and at that same time, shifting more of your energy to your lovely family. I’m so proud of you – for all you have accomplished thus far, and for knowing when to shift gears. I’ll be cheering you as always, my friend! 🙂
Carmen says
I just teared up a little. Thanks for sharing your journey and I look forward to seeing what’s next!
Julie says
Good for you! This is great news and whatever is best for you and your family is ALWAYS the best decision in my book.
Averie @ Averie Cooks says
Kath I am thrilled for you that you’re going to change gears based on where your life is now; your goals, needs, desires, and what’s happening now, and doing what you see is best and what will make your life happier, and more fulfilled now. So much changes not only in 5 years, but 5 weeks sometimes! And as a parent, in 5 days!
Although I do enjoy seeing the pics of your day to day life, I would love to hear your thoughts on everything from nut butters to great workout clothes to your thoughts as a parent on xyz topic or a fun bottle of wine you found. The day-to-day and real-time stuff isn’t necessary and being able to prewrite things is such a gift…so do it. We’ll be here to read!
Lyn says
Good choice. I just turned around and my baby is 22. People always said it flew, but I never believed them. It does fly, so treasure the moments IRL and not just behind a lens! 🙂
Bonnie says
I’m surprised that you want to step back a bit and spend more time with the little monkey (I had a feeling this was coming eventually), but on the same front it will be sad to not see you post everyday. I have only been reading for about a year, but really enjoy your posts as I try to live a healthier life. I am glad you are going to keep blogging and even a once/week post is better then nothing 🙂
I can’t wait to see what you have in store for KERF in the future. Just make sure you keep posting pics of that little darling!
Bonnie says
Oops I mean I’m NOT surprised!!
Lisa says
I totally understand. I just wanted to say how much I get from your blog. Your blog is the blog that got me into blog reading and still my #1 favorite.
You inspire me to eat well at every meal. As a busy mom it can be easy to put yourself on the back burner. Your blog is a beautiful reminder to me to savor, enjoy, and take notice of the beauty of a healthy meal, the great feeling of a great workout, and the special little moments between.
I look forward to continue reading as your blog evolves. 🙂
Laura says
this will be awesome, I totally get it and I think a little switcharoo never hurt anyone! Best of luck!
Cookie Dough Katzen says
Just made it over to your blog from the Virginia Blogger page and I really like your blog! I’m a Charlottesville gal too and look forward to keeping up with your new types of posts. Maybe you could just blog Monday-Fridays so you have the whole weekend with the fam? That’s what I do! Have a great day 🙂
KathEats says
Bob T says
You go girl – and boys!
Lauren Paradis says
I am looking forward to your favorite nut butter posts!!!! I am also obsessed with them so it will be interesting to see your list. 🙂
Emily says
Personally, I most enjoy your blog when you post recipes or product reviews, along with photographs of these things. While it is nice to see the delicious foods you eat, it really does no good when I can’t replicate the deliciousness myself!
From your blog, I’ve learned new approaches to making oatmeal (I enjoy it so much more now!), including your overnight oats and oats in a pb jar, neither which I had ever considered before. I’ve picked up products like Reginald’s Homemade nut butters and Kodiak pancake mix, which are products I had never sought out before your name-drops.
I encourage you to give more attention to living your life rather than documenting it, and hopefully in the process you will come to develop a more streamlined approach to blogging. The best thing for you to do, in my opinion, would be to focus on what the reader can apply to their lives through your posts, which is why I say to focus on recipes and products.
On another note, I was wondering, are there any plans to branch our the Great Harvest bakery to new locations? I live in Long Island and go to school in Manhattan, so I can’t really go our to Virginia to try the pastries and breads you post, but boy do they look good! If you have any plans to do so, please let me know!
KathEats says
I don’t think any expansion plans are in our future, but hope you can make it to Virginia sometime!
Jena says
Emily, Great Harvest is a chain – there may be one near you already! http://www.greatharvest.com/company/people.html
Justeen says
Kath, I am going to miss your daily posts + eats! I have so enjoyed reading for the last 3 years. I totally understand the need to change your blogging style, though, and will look forward to your future posts!
heidi says
Kath!!! What the heck am I going to have for breakfast tomorrow?? I really rely on you to set the tone for my (food)” day” I feel like an ant who has lost its direction! 🙂
Really, and truly I am so happy for you! Take good care of you, and yours. We will see you when we see you…xoxo
Randy says
A person has to take care of themself and their family FIRST, then do whatever you feel like or can do second.
I enjoy all of your posts but certainly understand what you are saying and am glad that you said it so eloquently to all.
I enjoy the human side to your posts about your family, friends and now Mazen as well as all of the food pictures, advice and recipies. Thank you for all that you share so openly with us!
Sometimes to be so open about what we are feeling/thinking is not easy but I applaud you for saying what is exactly on your mind Kath. I will continue to check-in when you post and look at what you have as always; but FIRST things first an that is great. Thanks for just being Kath, that is so much in itself.
Kristen says
I think its a great idea and I love that you get to focus more time on the incredibly cute Mazen! I’ve actually really enjoyed the change from 3 posts a day to 1 a day (maybe I’m the only one but I prefer longer posts even if less frequent) – plus a more random blog posting schedule means that we get surprise KERF posts and who doesn’t love surprises?!? ;-). I agree with everyone above who says you encourage them to eat well/healthy and I’m looking forward reading about the topics you’ve listed…just one request- please have at least one Mazen pic in them even if not directly Mazen related- he’s too cute and his smile just kills me!
Crystal says
I always enjoy reading your daily posts, but I can certainly understand your interest to change formats. Enjoy life and that beautiful baby boy! I’ll still be reading whenever you do share your day with us.
Jeanie says
Looking forward to future posts and keeping an eye on Mazen as he grows. 😉
Kelly says
Good for you, Kath! Good luck!
Jayne says
Brought tears to my eyes. I haven’t always followed your blog, but converted with your new all in one day format. A bit devo but have so much respect for you in making this change. Look forward to seeing how this blog develops. I’m sure it will continue to inspire people in their health journey.
Healthy is a way of life!
Much love – Jayne x
Chelsea @ One Healthy Munchkin says
I’ve always wondered how on earth you could find the time to blog 3 meals a day! This new style sounds like it’ll be a lot more manageable for you. I’m looking forward to your new posting style!
Sarah says
I am thrilled for you & Maze & Matt. Thrilled!
Megan says
Good good Kath! I’ve enjoyed reading your blog for a couple years now. Your priority is your baby boy and of course, you’re little family. While I don’t blog myself, I do want to make the commitment to spend less time on facebook and more time with my 4 month old. As you many know, my little guy was born about a week after Mazen. So I understand your commitment to your son. We don’t want to miss what is next. These little guys are changing at rapid speeds. I remember when he could barely keep his eyes open during a feeding but I can barely get him to lay down for a nap LOL.
Enjoy your time with your baby boy and your family. You will never get this time with them again. Make it count. Good luck and I will look forward to your posts.
Katie @ Real Food Katie's Way says
I am choked up! I’ve been reading your blog from the beginning…It’s a part of my almost daily routine! I value your blog more than I will ever be able to tell you Kath! You inspire me like no one else and I am very happy for you as you slow things down on the blog front and embrace your new life.
Bittersweet, Kath…Bittersweet!
NurseJulie says
I’ll miss your daily posts, but I applaud you for moving forward with your blog. Can’t wait to see what you have in store!
Gillian says
I echo the above sentiments — I don’t know HOW you’ve had the time to blog as much as you do! Looking forward to the changes 🙂 Thanks for being one of my favorite bloggers!!
Teresa says
Is it weird I felt like we were going through a break up?
Gloria says
Hey Kath! I’ve been reading for 3 years, but I hardly comment! I just wanted to thank you for sharing your days with us and I look forward to the new changes. I’m glad you’ll have more time to focus on your family and wish you all the best. Reading your blog has inspired me to eat a lot healthier the past few years and has helped me to see that it isn’t that hard or intimidating. I started reading more blogs as time went on, but yours was the very first I found and I always check back to see what you are up to 🙂
Sandra says
Have been reading you from the get go and will my daily fix on KERF!! Best wishes for all that evolves from stepping back a bit, enjoy your gorgeous baby and the precious early months.
Amanda says
Ok….my first reaction was total dissapointment. Is it sad to say that some days reading your blog was the highlight of my day? I think because it was always there for me to save and then savor! You have opened up a whole new world of oatmeal and food combinations to me I would have never thought of:). Good luck in everything you do. I will be looking forward to new information. Thank you for sharing your life with us.
Beth says
I commend you on making a change! I’m sure there was lots of thought behind your decision. I’ve been following you for 4 years and I NEVER comment simply because of lack of time but I just had to send my congrats 🙂 I truly believe in quality over quantity when it comes to content and I think this is great for KERF. You’ve given so much of your life to a certain format for 5 years and it may just be refreshing to take a bit of a breather!
Bruna says
I will be lying if I said this post didn’t make me upset but I understand… Best of luck to u and ur family…
Lauren says
Congrats on making the change. I think it is one you need, and your family would appreciate as well. As a more recent reader (I started reading while you we’re pregnant) I would love a post that talks about where you were when you started the blog, and all the changes you went through to get where you are now. Reading the post above made me realize I don’t fully know your story and I’d love to know more! 🙂
Verenique B says
i totally understand! i will miss your daily posts but look forward to seeing posts when you do post! 🙂
family really should always come & it’s encouraging to me to see you taking steps to make sure your family is your 1st priority!
Spice Chicken says
This wise and thoughtful decision has my support. Like others, I will miss the daily reports but the change sounds like a great opportunity to branch out. I would love to see more in-depth posts on topics like the ones you list above. Maybe you could draw from reader suggestions as well?
Ruth@FacetiousFarang says
I’m sad that I won’t get to “devour” your posts on a daily basis any longer, but I think you’re making a great choice for yourself and your family. I have no idea how you’ve maintained the daily posts as long as you have!
I’ve been a reader ever since I googled “kale chips” and was directed to your blog three years ago. I appreciate the gift of writing, food, and family that you’ve offered, and I’m looking forward to seeing the new format.
Laura Ann says
I think this is wonderful and am not surprised at all. I definitely sensed a change in the past few months and was hoping for new, exciting things on the horizon for the blog (yay!). You have so much intellect to share that goes wayyyy beyond food photos. I am very excited for what is to come (and can’t wait for more organization posts should you write them!). Also, I’m loving your posts with Real Health and have been trying (unsuccessfully) to comment and give you 5 stars over there, but for some reason, I’ve had trouble with it. Anyway, this all seems perfectly in line with the mindfulness that you wrote about over there. I’m so happy for you!
KathEats says
Thanks for the stars : ) (attempt at least!) Wonder what’s up with the comment form…
Ellen M. Gregg says
Brava! Selfishly, I will miss your daily posts, which I enjoy tremendously, but I have a deep appreciation for the choice you are making.
You gave me the gift of overnight oats – a gift that continues to give, and give. Thank you.
It will be fun to see where this adaptation takes you – and all of us. 🙂
Alyssa says
You deserve it, Kath! We will survive 🙂
Jenn says
I only just found your site a few days ago and although I was looking forward to reading your daily posts I have plenty to catch up on from your past 5 years 🙂 As a full time working mother of two boys, 6 and 4, I completely understand the necessity to change your approach and take the opportunity to be more present with your son. Thanks for being here!
Melissa says
Thanks Kath for sharing so much of yourself! We have all benefited! My oatmeal has been revolutionized (no added sugar needed except banana, and topping with pb instead of stirring it in!). Also, love my cold fried egg sandwiches for a portable lunch and Love, Love runny eggs on pesto noodles all thanks to you! I will look forward to your future postings and am so glad you are putting your family on first! 🙂
Pam says
Kath, I have enjoyed your blog so much over the years!! I think taking your blog in a new direction is only natural and I think you have great intuition on what would interest your readers and thank you for asking as well, can’t think of anything at the moment. I often wondered how you have been able to keep up with posting your daily meals for so long. Honestly, I would forget to photograph everything, not to mention taking amazing photos the way you do.
Your daily posts will be missed, but I am confident your less frequent posts will be interesting and conversation provoking.
All my best,
Pam (loooong time reader 🙂
Chris says
Whether or not you read this, I want to say, thanks. I didn’t find your blog until about a year ago, but I always enjoyed your posts and photos. You also introduced to me the infinite possibilities with oatmeal!
Also, your motivation to work out, eat right, and your story of becoming an RD helped motivate me in my own lifestyle habits and studies.
I know how hard it is to blog everyday. I only keep a food log and photo journal, but I find that hard enough. So once again, your daily blog posts were amazing. And I hope your life continues to be a-Mazen! (Just had to throw that in :P).
Olivia says
I had goosebumps reading this post!!!!
I’ve been an avid but silent reader since 2009. You have changed my way of eating and living. Your blog showed me that I can be healthy & not at all have to be restrictive. I found you by looking up how to make oatmeal & I fell in love since =) [w/ KERF & w/ oatmeal alike]
Great decision & can’t wait for the new “topic” based posts.
Priscilla says
Have been following you for 4 years and despite not commenting much, I have enjoyed every single post! Am definitely going to miss coming to this site every morning (a lot actually haha), knowing that I can always rely here for daily updates with enticing pictures. But yes, am sure that this change will only be for the best for your family. Looking forward to seeing what your future posts will bring. Cheers 😀
Yvonne says
Will definitely miss your daily post, but i bet the highlights of your days would be even better.
Heather says
This is really exciting! I look forward to seeing how the new KERF pans out. I am sure it will be a crazy transition, but I am sure you will handle it well and your family and friends will appreciate it. 🙂
Hannah says
Your blog is a joy to read, and I know it still will be, whatever it becomes in the future. You deserve time with your Mazen, Matt, and family! Thank you for continuing your blog. I look forward to what’s next! 🙂
-Hannah, A Reader (for the past couple of years)
Tara at Padded Tush Stats says
Ooh although I love your site now I am actually even more excited about this new direction!!!!
Lindsay says
I LOVE that you are honest with yourself and your readers about your blogging changes. you are one of the first blogs I started reading, and can’t wait to continue whenever you decide to post! I think it is safe to say the readers all still love and appreciate you, and will keep on reading;)
Ella P says
I’d call this post “Evolution”. Evolution is a good thing.
The blog is growing up. From my stand point I see a topic-driven posting more appealing than a timeframe set one. That is what many do. Less chronicle, more quality content.
Christie Ellis {Pepper Lynn} says
Good choice, mama! It’s so hard to balance life and blogging, but the thing that I keep reminding myself is that this season, where we are right now (my family specifically), this is my children’s childhood. How I prioritize them vs. work matters, and these are the days that set the tone for the rest of their lives. I’m so glad you are doing what you feel is right, and making time for yourself and your little guy. You both deserve it!
Gauri says
I love your blog and look forward to reading it everyday and though I’m sad it won’t be a daily update, I can’t wait to follow the journey with your family! You gave a big fan in India 🙂
Mikael says
Kath, I am slowly reading my way through the archives and have after many months found myself up in September 2008. I just read your post about the first time you and Matt added cottage cheese to your Oatmeal 🙂
I too am disappointed at the loss of daily posting but would love to hear your viewpoint on the following topics:
1. The most useful things I learnt from my RD studies (maybe in terms of relevance to everyday life)
2. Common Misonceptions about me
3. Behind the blog – things you didn’t know (eg Behind a food photo shoot, times you perhaps considered stopping, hardest posts you ever wrote etc)
4. Evolution of my Intuitive Eating – you speak about this quite frequently in 2007/2008 – just wondering where you’re at in this journey
5. Favourite photos from the last 5 years – and story behind them
6. Biggest influences on my blog – things you found worked for you and you enjoyed writing about most
7. Exercise phases compared – eg Running vs Yoga vs BodyPump
I hope I’m not overstepping the mark with these suggestions but there’s so many possibilities where you can from here. I know I would certainly enjoy you recapping the last 5 years. You’ve poured so much of yourself into the blog, it’d be great to learn more about your journey.
All the best Kath 🙂
KathEats says
Awww the first cottage cheese oats!
Love your suggestions. I’ll give them some thought
Melissa says
I totally agree with these. I would love to read them.
Chelsea @ Designs on Dinner says
Sounds like a great plan, Kath! I will still enjoy your posts, no matter when they come.
Élise says
Hello. I wish you Good luck in your new adventures. Being a mom is what is more important. Enjoy your life with your family!
Fran@BCDC says
You have to do what’s right for you. Thanks to Bloglovin’ I’ll know when you post and can continue to follow you when you do. Good Luck!!
Amanda @ Diary of a Semi-Health Nut says
This makes a lot of sense! It’s a wonder you were able to keep up with it thus far! Most bloggers would have given up by now!
Tami@nutmegnotebook says
A blogging makeover sounds perfect right now. I have enjoyed your daily posts but look forward with great anticipation to the new content and fomat. Wishing you and your sweet family much happiness as you move forward with your new adventure.
Candace says
Fully support your decision, and I can’t wait to see what comes next! Love your blog and couldn’t be happier for your family!
Mary says
I will definitely miss your daily posts. You are the gold standard for blogs, but I wish you well in all your new projects. I have appreciated all your healthy living advice over the past 3 years on my journey to healthy living. I do look forward to all your new posts when they pop up!
Lizzie M. says
I think it will be a great change of pace! Keeping things interesting:) Good job making sure your work-life balance stays in check!
Crystal says
Your a great mom! putting your son and family first. Enjoy every minute with your son!! Good luck to you!!!
Cyn says
About a year ago I came for the Minestrone recipe (now my family’s favorite) and just stayed. Love your “fresh eye” approach to all things food and really enjoy all aspects of your blog…will continue to check in because I’m sure whatever comes next will be just as fun!
polly says
awesome choice Kath! you are a sweetheart and no matter how much or how little you blog or if you blog at ALL… you are keeping the main thing, the MAIN THING. love ya and big hug!!! enjoy every drop of that peachy baby!!! XOXO, Pols
Kristy says
Kath – I read this yesterday but didn’t have time to comment. I’ve been reading KERF since you were at the desk job and counting calories. I’ve read the 3 times a day posts and loved the change to the one a day posts. I have three kids and work full time and I completely get it. Enjoy that baby! My favorite posts have always been the ones with recipes, the organizational posts and the research. While I will miss my daily catch-up, this will definitely be a move that you won’t regret.
Hillary | Nutrition Nut on the Run says
Change is good 🙂 See ya soon!
Anna says
I’ve been following your blog for ~3 yrs now. I’ve always enjoyed and appreciated your daily posts and I’m looking forward to the new format!
Laura in Pittsburgh says
Kath – Completely understand but I miss you already! Thanks for sharing the past 5 years with us – I’ve been there since the beginning. Looking forward to reading your new material.
Monica says
Glad to hear that you are preserving what you need out of this time in your life.
Your blog, both of them, have impacted my life on so many levels and I thank you for your writing and your time. I stumbled upon your blog by sheet coincidence and am so grateful that I did!
Mozal tov to next steps!
Amanda Cowan says
Good for you! Like another poster said, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t sad at all.. but I’ll read whatever you post, wherever you post. Good luck to you in your next endeavor and cheers to you for recognizing that this time in your life, with Mazen, requires so much attention. They grow so fast and if you blink you’ll miss it. Enjoy!
Alex @ Raw Recovery says
Good luck Kath! I’ll still look forward to your posts! It’s your blog, your life, so it’s your rules! Thanks for letting us be a part of it 🙂
Ashley says
Sounds like fun! I have been a loyal reader for a long time and will continue! 🙂 As you clearly lead a very balanced life I would love to hear your perspective as an RD on some of the trendy diets. However, I can appreciate how that is very time consuming and with a little (beautiful) baby may not be possible at this point! Anyways, love the blog and will continue to love the blog!!!!! 🙂
Elizabeth says
I found your blog about 4 months ago and for the first time ever have enough courage to send in a comment. I check-in daily on your post and have adopted quite a few of your recipes….AND to the shock of my boyfriend, a non-breakfast eater, have begun to make oatmeal that is so good he begs for it! Your food is inspiring and when I make it I feel a sense of “home”. For anyone that has every had to live away from family you know that this insatiable feeling is one that is held onto and cherished when found- and for that I thank you. It must be strange for you, and maybe even challenging to accept, what a profound impact you make on your readers, but I’d like to thank you for being so true, genuine, and relatable in a world that is anything but. I am so happy to hear you will continue to blog; know that you are not selfish for wanting to spend time with your family,pursue other dreams, and maybe even pick-up some new hobbies. You are a very driven women and the true travesty would be limiting your talent or stopping-short on your life dreams. Whatever and wherever you go next, I wish you the best of luck and hope to read much more from you in the future.
One final note, after working at a desk for the past 2 years I decided it was time to pursue my true dream in life, helping others get healthy! As a former personal trainer and fitness advocate, I was inspired by your blog to begin checking out my options. I applied to a dietetic program at one of the state schools in my area and was recently accepted! I am thrilled and have some much hope for what the future will bring. Thank you for being such an inspiration!
Mom says
What a lovely comment! (And all of the comments have been so lovely. Very touching!) Kath had the same kind of energy as a kid that she has now. Some days, I was worn out! But mothers take heart. Those energetic kids can sure make your proud.
Dena @ 40 Fit in the Mitt says
Kath, I have a feeling all your reader will be here to read, whether its 3x a week, 1x a week or 4x a month!
Elizabeth Migliori says
Good for you for having the presence of mind and the courage to prioritize. So many of us are afraid to say no when we know we should. Good luck to you and enjoy your baby boy.
lindsay @ fuel my family says
i dont know how you kept up with it for so long! Having a baby sure does change things!
Shannon P. says
I have loved your blog and its evolving nature. Your blog represents so many life changes that a number of your readers (including myself) go through over the years. I started reading your blog when I was in my twenties. I’m now 30, married, and looking forward to starting a family. Your recent posts have made me even more excited about having babies! Thank you for all of your wonderful posts over the years, and I will continue to be an avid reader 🙂
Cathy says
Guess we all will be adapting to change. I will miss your healthy food options as I have learned so much from you. Take care and enjoy your’s and Matt’s precious baby. Say bye to Pumpkin.
Rhapsody says
I am glad you have realized that the blog has changed. Not better, not worse, but it’s had a different feel since Mazen came. Best of luck with your new family and we’ll see you when we see you, in whatever format you go with.
Lite Brite says
I enjoyed this post. I am looking forward to the next one.
Katie @ Balanced RD says
I love reading your blog! I think it’s great that you were able to start so small and continue on to a much bigger thing. Blogging less and playing with your little boy more sounds like a great trade-off to me 🙂
Sara says
Ah, just doing my daily KathEats check-in and I had forgotten about this post from yesterday! Kind of sad, but happy for you that you’re doing what’s best for you and your family. Good luck!
Karen H says
I believe creative endeavors need to change and evolve as the author/artist does! Enjoy this very special time with your family. I look forward to seeing your posts…whenever! 🙂 Best to you!
robin says
Are you kidding me????? I have a routine here lady! This is my down time after work and now youre gonna up and change everything? What am I suppose to do now? Ok Im kidding….kinda, I guess ill cope:)
KathEats says
Haha. I’m still gonna be blogging!
vidya says
Same here! I have a routine too or to be frank, an addiction, LOL. I hoped she’s just kidding. Kath I have been reading many blogs since long but the daily updates format of your blog has really attracted me. It just gave me the daily energy I needed to keep up with my health and fitness routine. I have been drawing inspiration from you like many. When you switched from 3 posts to one long post, after Mazen’s birth, I enjoyed it all the more. More to read and bonus was baby photos!!! But dunno how I would cope up now.
You will be missed Kath, that’s for sure. Lots of love to you and lil Mazen. Have fun lady and keep inspiring us 🙂
Melissa says
I will miss it, but as a mother I understand :-D. You have become part of my daily routine!! Once I get out of work I would always look forwarded to checking your page. I wish you the very best for you and your family!
Angela says
Change is part of life. I look forward to your new “phase.”
sarah says
Lovely Kath,
I am in good company, it would seem! (No time right now to read all of those comments!)
I love your blog, and have been enjoying your writing for some time. I googled “kale chips” and have been glued to your updates ever since. 🙂 Your writing, photos, ideas, and obvious passion for the people and things you love have made my day many times over.
That said, I want to wish you the very best and and say that – though it’s not my place to judge or affirm – I admire your decision and think it’s wonderful that you are doing what is the best for you and your family. (But I will still miss your daily posts!)
Best to you (and I’m sure I’ll still be checking daily …)!
– sarah
Cassandra says
I totally see where you’re at! Living life is more important that blogging about it. 🙂 Glad you’ll still be writing though!
Sara T. says
I think Cassandra says it best. Live your life and enjoy your time with your family. Your baby will grow up so unbelievably fast and you don’t want to miss a beat because you had “one last post” to write for the day. My daughter will be 2 in four months and I just don’t know how that is even happening already! I follow Emily of Daily Garnish and the rate at which she blogs now with Cullen seems very normal, given that she has a child to take care of. Don’t feel bad!
Alisha @ Alisha's Appetite says
It’s not the end of an era, but the beginning of a new one! I respectfully support your decision and wish you all of the best!
Alexandra says
No Kath, YOU are the best.
I’m just one small reaser, but thank you so much for inspiring my meals! Discovering your blog was truly an “aha” moment in my life (read: oatmeal with banana, chia, peanut butter and endless toppings continues to rock. my. world.) Quality over quantity is more important any time! 🙂 All the best to you and your family.
Janie says
I am probably the only one to say this…I haven’t read all the comments. I love the fact that you have been there every day. It is one of the main reasons I follow your blog. I understand that you can’t now but I am disappointed for me. Best of Luck to you Kath.
Theodora says
Congrats again! This is a wonderful idea.
Silvia says
You are doing the right thing!!! I almost expected you to. Mazen deserves YOU time and so does your husband. It is indeed a new era. I look forward to future posts and the awesome pictures of food, recipes, home, a growing family and anything beautiful. I just know you will never regret this decision! This is what life is about: (to quote David Bowie) ch ch ch CHANGES!!!
Katie @ SkinnyMinnieMoves says
Thanks for so many great posts and inspiring bloggers like myself! I will miss reading updates every day but I understand your choice. I will probably do the same one day!
Aly says
Well it only took me over a year to finally comment, but I feel like now is the time. 🙂 I discovered your blog while deployed in 2011 and it was a fantastic way to reconnect to the “real world” on a daily basis. Then I went through my first pregnancy and miscarriage and was again inspired by BERF. Now I finally have my own baby (who is sleeping on my chest as I type) and knowing how it goes as a new mom, I am glad to see you taking your blog in a new direction–and I surely will stick with you!! Looking forward to reading whatever is to come, no matter how often (as I’m not exactly able to read every day now anyway).
Thanks for all the inspiration; keep it up!
Molly @ RDexposed says
For the sake of you and your family, I’m happy to read this!
Hope says
I hope that eating dinner without umbrella lights and a camera was awesome!! 🙂
I don’t know what it is about a food diary blog that keeps me so interested. Reading your blog is part of my day and I’ll miss it but I can’t wait for the new things that are to come!
aebell says
Sounds like you have given this a lot of thought, and are making a choice that is right for you and your family – and, ultimately, for your readers. If you’re feeling burned out/bored, then the quality of your blog will decline, no matter how hard you work to prevent it. I, for one, am excited about the prospect of a new take on your blog – and truth be told, I probably won’t miss daily pictures of oatmeal (even if you do make the most awesome looking oatmeal creations out there). Looking forward to KathEats – the sequel!
Miriam @ Sometimes I Veg says
As a mom to a three month old I have no idea how you did it through the newborn phase. I barely had a free hand to eat never-mind blog. I’m glad you are doing what is right for your family.
Libby says
Awww Kath, what a lovely post 🙂 I love your post and I feel like I know you, I don’t have time to check every day and enjoy sitting down on a Saturday morning to catch up so this won’t make much difference to me 😀 I’ll still be reading! xxx
Amelia says
I was wondering how you were going to do it all 😉 This seems like a great strategy and I am excited to see what’s to come! Hugs to little M!
Rachel S. Gerber says
Good for you, Kath. I am proud of this decision and think you are very wise. You only have one shot at raising your kids. Way to put them first.
Denise says
I started following you a year ago Kath and got hooked. You are such an admirable young woman. I found your blog through a food link. And your healthy meal creativity has been a great example to me and made me braver about cooking without recipes. But I really ended up enjoying the more personal sides of your blog so much more: Your family members, your marriage and baby life, your friendships and gatherings, the places you go out to eat in Charlottesville–a city that I would not mind relocating to at all …so thank you so much for all that. But I very much understand your wish to back away a little at this time of your life. I’ve already been there and done that and raised children and it goes by very fast. So I applaud you for taking control of your priorities and keeping your life as sane as possible as you navigate motherhood. When you do decide to post something though, I’ll happily follow you. Thanks and have fun with little Mazen. He’s adorable!
Fancy says
Hey Kath! I love your blog, I always have. I have found such inspiration in your posts on ways to incorporate healthy living (and home organization) into my everyday life. I will miss seeing your day to day life 🙁 P.S. Mazen is gorgeous!
sarah (the SHU box) says
so late on this [as you can probably understand!] but i wanted to say that i am very excited for the ‘next step’ and support you all the way! i can’t wait to read the new style of posts, too. <3
The Healthy Apple says
LOVE YOU; what a great decision. Go YOU! Make time for you and your family and we’ll all be here whenever you post.
Miss you!
Britta says
Bet you never thought you would hear/read this…but you people who blog daily wear me out, in a good way! I can’t keep up! And I feel bad for barely knowing you were pregnant and then wa-lah a baby! So, you not blogging daily will actually be a good thing for me, because maybe, just maybe I will be able to keep up with your life and your amazing inspiration called KERF!
Happy days to you!
Priscilla McInnis says
Enjoy your family and thank you for letting us all enjoy them as well. Happy to read whenever you feel like posting. Take care!
Susan Mc says
I had a long comment all ready to send 2 days ago and it got eaten by a mouse click… I woke up feeling bad that I hadn’t sent you a supportive shout-out, and here’s what started going through my head….
Jumped in during the RD school daze
Followed with awe the start-a-business craze
Sympathized with the pregnancy haze
Smile with joy at the life of Maze
Can’t wait for the next KERF faze
I don’t remember which rabbit hole led me to KERF, but I started reading just as you started your RD program, and haven’t missed a post since, even went back to the start years ago.
Here’s the thing… the reason your blog is a “can’t miss” read for me is I admire that you are true to yourself. You remain constant to your commitments and values but in a realistic, honest way. You don’t make healthier lifestyle choices seem like a burden or deprivation, but a rewarding, realistic way to live. SO empowering! Thanks for being a teacher… and BTW, my kids now love “fancy” oatmeal thanks to you!
The fact that you’re transitioning KERF right now is just… SO KERF!
Love it, love the blog, here’s to love all the way ’round
KathEats says
Alex says
Good for you! Living your life is DEFINITELY more important than documenting every aspect of it! I will read either way 🙂
Matthew says
I wish you and your growing family all the best. I have really enjoyed reading your blog and learning to love eating real food! This site is a treasure trove of information and awesome photo’s. I will keep checking back for updates as always… This site occupies a permenant place on my iPhone.
Olivia says
Good luck, Kath! I love your blog and have been reading it for so long. Looking forward to whatever you do from here!
jessica.flemming@gmail.com says
You know how they say that you are more likely to have a healthy lifestyle if you have even just one friend who also has a healthy lifestyle? You, through your blog, have been among my friends who is an example of someone living healthfully. Because of you I have incorporated many good habits into my life. I must admit though, I started reading your blog during my second pregnancy (I have twins so it was with my third child) and I have often thought, “HOW does she post three times a day every day without fail?” I was so tired and sleep deprived and you were so full of energy. It was good for perspective and I thank you for the inspiration during the days I was in survival mode. It is nice to know that you are human and not so crazy to keep up the 3 times a day every day now that you have Mazen in your life. I am glad you posted daily this long. Best wishes and thanks for your example and inspiration and positivity all this time.
Anita says
I have loved following you for about 15months now. Found you when a friend linked your recipe for Baked Oatmeal squares. Funny, I was just thinking a couple days ago, “I wonder if KERF is going to be changing?” It’s not even my change and I’m excited! Anyway, I’m definitely looking forward to seeing what direction you choose to go, and following the evolution of KERF! All the best!
Jackie says
Song for a Fifth Child by Ruth Hulburt Hamilton (1921- )
Mother, oh mother, come shake out your cloth!
Empty the dustpan, poison the moth,
Hang out the washing and butter the bread,
Sew on a button and make up a bed.
Where is the mother whose house is so shocking?
She’s up in the nursery, blissfully rocking!
Oh, I’ve grown as shiftless as Little Boy Blue
(Lullaby, rockaby, lullaby, loo).
Dishes are waiting and bills are past due
(Pat-a-cake, darling, and peek, peekaboo).
The shopping’s not done and there’s nothing for stew
And out in the yard there’s a hullabaloo
But I’m playing Kanga and this is my Roo.
Look! Aren’t her eyes the most wonderful hue?
(Lullaby, rockaby, lullaby loo.)
Oh, cleaning and scrubbing will wait till tomorrow,
But children grow up, as I’ve learned to my sorrow.
So quiet down, cobwebs. Dust, go to sleep.
I’m rocking my baby. Babies don’t keep.
Cori says
I’m bummed to be missing out on daily posts, but I totally get where you’re at and wish you all the best as you decide what KERF should evolve into. Would love it if you keep the old posts up and archived … I’ve been following you for just over a year and I’m still working my way through all the posts. I love your writing style, your mix of food, family and fun! All the best to you, Matt and that adorable Mr. Mazen!
Christin@christinjoyful says
Kath, Your blog is the first one I ever started reading, and I have been following you for years. Changing your approach and spending more time with your family is a wonderful idea, and it won;t stop me from coming back all the time! Best wishes and happy new directions 🙂
Lisa @bitesforbabies says
I really don’t know how you kept up blogging every day in the first place, but kudos to you! You have such faithful followers…and we’ll be here even if we don’t hear from you every day! 😉 Enjoy your time with Mazen…time goes by so fast! And just wait until you have two when there is literally NO time!! Lol! Trust me, I’m trying to keep up my blog with a 7 week old and 22 month old!!
Pam K. says
I have been reading your blog daily for the past 4 years…from when I had a one year old daughter to now a 5 year old daughter and 2 year old son. It’s been great…given me great ideas on dinners and enjoyed the daily life notes. Totally agree with you on the direction you are going and would love to see highlights in a nutshell of daily life plus recipes.
Morie says
Change is good, go for it, K!
Angel7 says
I will miss the frequent posts, Kath, even though I TOTALLY understand!!! Being a mommy to a 4 year-old & almost 4 month-old, I do not always have time to keep up with my housework, etc., let alone spending time on the Internet 🙂 Life is all about investing in your child’s/children’s life/lives!
Cheers 🙂
sassygirl says
the change will be refreshing! read so many blogs that sightings of
fun, informative and non-repetitive posts would be amazing.
who cares if a blog clones the recipes showing up in Saveur? i read
the mag, don’t need the zillion blogs showing me the same thing.
will catch you when YOU feel like blogging, and look forward to seeing
you then. no worries! :=O
Lisa Langenfeld says
Kath, I love your blog posts and photographs of food, and have SO enjoyed watching your journey, especially with BERF, and now with a little man. I will always be reading, and look forward to the future of KERF, whatever that may be!
Steve says
I, too, found your website about 2 years ago while searching for a “baked Oatmeal Squares” recipe, and have followed you since. Not every day because I have aging relatives and a wife who is handicapped by MS. I do all the cooking and cleaning, plus providing food on about half of the days for her parents (now parent) age 95/96. Thanks for all the inspiration you give to me (to us) and for the whirl of creativity it takes to explore so many foods and food types.
Please keep on providing re recipes, especially oats, but most importantly, live your life and don’t let the BLOG cramp your wonderful style. Your two men need you to feel happy, free, and relaxed so they also will feel happy, free, and relaxed.
By the way, I went to Davidson College, except it was only one night when our High School English teacher invited the class to her house on the campus for an unforgettable Italian Dinner.
Here’s a quote for you from Epictitus: Thou wert not born when thou chosest, but when the world had need of thee. Written before the time of Socrates. This quote surely applies to you too.
Stephanie @ Food and Fitness 4 Real says
Hi Kath, Just catching up on your blog and reading this post for the first time today. We met in person at BlogHerFood last summer and I was wondering how having a baby would change your blog. As a working mom and blogger myself, I know that it can be difficult to manage it all but I applaud you for making this decision. Being a good mom has always been my #1 priority and I have my blog as my creative outlet on the side. I blog about 2-3 times a week (depending on my schedule) and get my kids involved in cooking as much as possible. Good luck with the changes and enjoy this time as an infant mom (somehow, they do grow up fast!)
Aubrey says
I love your content and recipes, but as a reader 3-4 posts a day can get overwhelming. I like to check out blogs randomly when I have time during the week. There are so many posts I’ve missed by not following your blog daily. I think this change will be good.
BTW- I am super excited to be coming to Cville in April for the marathon! I saw that Matt’s bread is going to be given out to all finishers. That’s so cool Your guide to Cville restaurants is going to so key in helping us out while we are down there. Good luck w/ your new role as a mom.
Sarah @ The Smart Kitchen says
Hi friend. 🙂 It has been forever and a day since I’ve seen you, but I was taking a minute to at least virtually catch up over lunch.
Good. For. You.
I am in awe that you have been going so strong for this long, and still strong after Maze. I think we ALL (being the blogging community in which we find ourselves immersed) would do well with taking a step back. I have tried it, and stuck to it. I have tried it, and then posted every day for two weeks. I guess the key is remembering that there is a real life behind the blog and it is important to cultivate that more than blog content.
Anyways, rambling. Sending you, Matt, and Maze a bunch of love…and hoping I can see y’all soon!