You don’t see red meat that often in our household, but we’ve had some grass-fed beef tenderloin from EarthFare in our freezer for a while and put it on the menu this week. I decided it would be nice to grill the pieces as steak rather than use it in a recipe, so we had old fashioned steak on the grill! With a little garlic and black pepper, just like my dad used to make them when I was little
Beware, we like steak rare! There is nothing worse than overcooked beef. It was really good. I can’t remember the last time I ate a steak myself. I consider it a nutritional privilege to eat red meat for the superior iron boost. I didn’t know until after that this was grass-fed, so I’m not sure if I could taste a difference since I don’t eat red meat much, but maybe that’s why I liked it!?
On the side: grilled zucchini + squash with herbs.
And a grilled slice of GH Rosemary Garlic bread with a bit of butter –
From our silver butter dish! We used to eat Smart Balance, but I’ve decided to go back to the basics and just enjoy a tiny bit of butter on selected items. (There’s nothing wrong with Smart Balance, IMO, but I do think butter tastes better and a little bit isn’t going to hurt). My mom always kept hers on top of the fridge to be room temp, so I’ve started doing that too in this dish from my grandmother’s collection.
After dinner had digested some I munched on a few of my aunt’s cookies for dessert. I picked tiny ones 🙂
With tea
This afternoon I didn’t really get hungry for a snack thanks to my “dinner for lunch” but I had a tiny end piece of bread around 6 to tide hunger as we prepped dinner. I probably could have waited, as it was on the table in 20 minutes, but the bread looked too good.
Who Are You?
Kelsey and I have people all around us who remind us of Office characters I was Angela and she was Kelly. But today she found this quiz to test our true matches. She turned out to be RYAN and look at me:
Guess I must be uptight
Off to study more, then to bed!
zestycook says
Kath – I love beef! This looks amazing. I am more of medium to medium well but yours looks delicious.
Becca A says
Rare to medium rare is the only way to go with steak!
haya (living and learning) says
i am so jealous of your grilled supper! my bbq is buried under a pile of snow 🙁
direct from a farmer i know who raises cattle, all grass fed beef supposedly doesn’t taste as good as at least partially grain fed beef. since all-grass is impossible to get around these parts if you’re staying local (i try and buy as much canadian food as possible, staying in ontario where i can) so i haven’t formed my own opinon yet! a blind taste test would be interesting.
Kori says
Love the tiny pat o’ butter, it’s so nice to just enjoy a little bit of the good stuff. Plus, our grandparents and great grandparents didn’t have Smart Balance and they all turned out ok! I got back to basics with butter after reading Michael Pollan’s- In Defense of Food. That was an eye opener! Have a good night!
Ryane says
I wish it was warm enough outside to grill up here! I’ve been craving steak lately but prefer it grilled.
Too funny about the Office character matches!
And I was wondering… re: your reading and review on Intuitive Eating. I loved your argument about enjoying home made desserts or special occasion treats that are worth the calories someone’s love or other put into it.
But I’ve also noticed in those times that you’ve had a piece of pie/cake or some cookies/whatever, you always make sure to say you “had a sliver” or you “picked the small ones”. Just wondering if you say those things in defense of your choices to your readers or to yourself. I haven’t noticed it aaaaas much since before you read IE, but you did tonight. I mean, you might not even notice you do it but just found it interesting after what you said in your review the other day…
Um also, was that PESTO on your mushroom pizza the other night… looked aaaamazing!
Maggie says
Haha, Love the office 🙂 Dinner looks awesome.
Tara says
I am curious to know what your freezer looks like. Dare to share pictures?
Also, how do you thaw out food from the freezer? Do you pull it out and defrost in the microwave? Do you take it out a few days in advance? if so, how long? And how long is too long? Any tips you have would be great!
FoodsThatFit says
I love grilled veggies! I am not a huge beef eater, but yours looks tasty! Your meal would also be good as kebabs! I love putting meat and veggies on skewers and putting them on the grill!
Kati says
Those veggies look perfect! And I wish the cookie recipe could be divulged 🙂 Have a good night!
Kath says
Tara ,
I am NOT good at freezing things. I can detect freezer burn so easily and I rarely think frozen foods come out OK. But for these meats, Matt wrapped them in plastic wrap and foil and then put them in a zip lock bag. To thaw them, he put them in the fridge in a pan overnight and they were thawed by dinnertime tonight. I always think overnight thawing in the fridge is better than warm water/quick thaws.
Ryane ,
I noted that I picked the small ones because I didn’t know if you could tell the size from that bowl. And I’d rather have 3 small ones than 2 medium ones – more chew. I don’t think it has anything to do with denying myself, as clearly I eat my fair share of desserts. I’m merely using the terms to define my portion size.
And the green was NOT pesto!
The Duo Dishes says
That dinner looks gooooood. We don’t have much red meat in our meals either, but when you’ve got a good cut, you have to appreciate it.
rhodeygirl says
I LOVE the taste of a fine piece of beef, but I hate the way it feels in my belly. know what I mean? this dinner looks delicious and healthy!
Mel says
Your dinner looks straight out of a steakhouse! Those grilled veggies are definitely the star!
faith says
my iron deficient body says that steak looks YUMIVORE!!!
so kroger up here was clearing out those koka moka bars for cheap maybe they’re dong it carolina wide??? might be worth checking it with all that free time :p
seelee live (for the love of peanut butter) says
what a yummy dinner! interesting comments between you and ryane. i think its intriguing that she (he?) picked up on that, i never would have noticed. i guess its funny and (can be annoying) how readers pick up on our WORDS, not necessarily our food. hey, we’re not perfect!!!
ps. taking the quiz right now!!
theoodbod says
ohh, jangela. sounds like a scary mix! ohhh, that looks like a goood cut a meat
Meg says
Great dinner! Those cookies look amazing! Have a great night!
Lauren says
Ahah ahh that quiz is hilarious.
As a vegetarian I cannot say much about the meat, but the zucchini + squash looks AMAZING!
Diana says
Grass-fed steak? I’ll have to keep an eye out for that next time I’m there! Sounds good! Love the butter dish!
Courtney (The Hungry Yogini) says
I think red meat is a nice treat every once in a while!!
Karissa says
Yay for grass-feed beef! I’m reading The Omnivore’s Dilemma right now (I remember you saying you are a fan) and I it’s really making me think about what I eat.
Cows aren’t suppose it eat grain period! There bodies are meant to eat grass and grain physically hurts them. That’s just wrong! 🙁
I admire you dinner 🙂
Whitney says
I bought some grass-fed ground beef this weekend. I have been missing red meat but after reading Omnivore’s D. I really can’t bring myself to buy a lot of conventional meat. (which is a very good thing.)
Sarah (Tales of Expansion) says
i’m a well well well well well well-done kind of girl when it comes to red meat, but i do like your concept of the meal. definitely reminds me of summer nights spent grilling out!
Bec says
I am most like Kelly! Also rare stake is the way to go 🙂
Sharon says
Oh wow, love the dinner!
Mara @ What's For Dinner? says
I had tenderloin last night, and it was STELLAR!!!
OH, and if you wouldn’t mind Miss Kath, I’m having a giveaway on my blog… if you could mention it tomorrow that’d be great! Thanks!
BethT says
If you had grass fed beef side by side with regular, I think you could taste the difference. Grass fed is much more tender.
Emily says
Hooray for iron, tea, and the office!
sirenjess says
In my opinion the only way to eat a steak is rare to medium rare. I can’t stand it when people ask for a steak well done. It’s just wrong.
Chris says
I love your web site! Our family has just started eating more healthy recently but our grocery bill has been a lot higher. But we do eat a lot of meat. I was wondering if you mind telling what your monthly budget is, seeing as you don’t eat much meat. We have tried the kale chips, yum, many kinds of oatmeals, yum, brulee cream oatmeal, double yum, and more. I want to try the hummus sometimes. We like that with veggies. Thanks.
Michelle Hisae says
Ha, that’s kind of funny that the night you post red meat for dinner is the same night I decided to abandon my 3rd attempt at vegetarianism. I just don’t get enough iron! I think I’m doing a decent job of getting all the needed nutrients, but I always end up with low-energy and feeling hungry ALL THE TIME. I don’t know, it’s just not for me! I like the balance of foods you maintain. Like Michael Pollan says, “Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.” Well put. (:
caitlin says
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm red meaaaaaaaaaaaaaat! love it.
sue says
great title- too clever 🙂 i love steak, and only having it once in a while makes it taste sooo much better!
The Healthy Hostess says
Love your dinner because it reminds me of summer! We can’t grill out without freezing our fingers off in Ohio yet, so I am jealous!!
Sarah (lovINmytummy) says
Moo moo buckeroo!
I’m Jim. That’s cool, I like Jim.
Amy says
I just took the Office quiz and got Pam. That’s pretty accurate actually. 🙂 Dinner looks great. I rarely eat meat but when I do, I cook the heck out of it. It’s so well done that I’m sure many would consider it inedible. haha
Kailey (SnackFace) says
I’m so behind on the office- I think I’ve seen a handful of random episodes. Though I’ve never been one for red meat, your dinner still looks elegant and lovely 🙂
Marianne says
Ain’t nothing wrong with a perfectly cooked steak once in awhile. If I knew how to cook a steak to my liking, I might even buy them every once in a while. But I just can’t justify the cost for a good cut of meat when I can’t cook it the way I like it, so I just order them on occasion when I’m out and about.
Caroline says
Your grilled and roasted veggies always look so delectable!
PalaceStation LV NV says
The beef is a little rare for my taste buet is your call, and evruthing you do looks yummy…
Make Roux says
Just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy and appreciate your blog. I love your balanced approach to eating, which is something I strive for each day, though I do like to treat myself on occasion.
Keep up the awesome blog!
Tyler (Raspberry Runner) says
mmm….i do like steak! but i usually only eat it at home when my dad cooks. i’m a little intimidated to cook red meat myself! yours looks delicious!
Nicole says
I am going to take the quiz now 😀
The grilled vegetables look fabulous!
Maureen says
Hmmm.. the meat doesn’t really appeal to me but those grilled veggies look fab!
Marisa (trim the fat) says
Zucchini on the grill is the best! What a wonderful dinner!
VeggieGirl says
Wonderful meal setting!!
Love that quiz, haha 😀
Lauren says
I miss grilled food – especially squash! When we moved back to Boston, we didn’t have room for our grill. So sad.
Interesting tip about keeping butter on top of the fridge!
Bridget says
Ohhh I am SO SUPER jealous you used your grill!!!! Its still way too cold for that here. I totally agree on the meat…overcooking it ruins it…hence my complete dissappoinment with my Valentines day dinner issue!! But don’t get me started on that (lets just say the meat thermometer was NOT working).
Beautiful dinner!!
Kath says
faith ,
Thanks for the head’s up! I’ll look for them.
Chris ,
We’ve been spending about $40-50 a week, that’s down from over $100 after the Thanksgiving Challenge.
Probably the biggest reason why we don’t eat more meat (chicken, fish, lean red meats) is the cost. I prefer to buy all-natural, organic when I can, and it’s so expensive that I’d rather go veggie. I can’t believe there are people who eat meat EVERY night!
Make Roux,
Melissa (fitnessnyc) says
Oh, very excited about the trip announcement. I really like the pacific almond milk. Plus, I just read another article on vital juice daily about soy being not so good for you. But to each his/her own. Have a good one Kath
Snake says
Ha Noops!
I swear by organic grass-fed beef. At Wegmans it comes in 2-pack “perfect portions” and they usually have two cuts: Sirloin and Half Sirloin. While the cuts aren’t the best, the flavor is great. Also, I’d imagine an organic grass-fed filet would be close to $25/lb. I also buy the free range chicken breast since I tried some at a friend’s and noted a better taste (who cares if it’s only psychological).
I eat meat in almost every meal — I’ve even taken to putting ground turkey meat in my pasta sauces and I make all my caesar salads with grilled chicken.
Jenny says
I had to go check out the office quiz – love that show! I’m half Pam and half Kelly.
brandi says
i love grilling zucchini – we do that a lot in the summer.
Kath says
Snake ,
Cool you’re eating grass-fed! Wish we had a Wegmans 🙁
Jess says
I got Jan and Pam, which is just weird.
Angela says
Grass-fed beef? I thought all cows ate grass? *As I look at the packaged roast sitting in my fridge, I’m now wondering what it ate.”
Sally says
Angela – all cows start out eating grass but “convential meat” cows are then shipped to a cattle yard where they are fattened up on grain. Grass-fed beef (also known as grass-finished) eats grass up until slaughter.
My husband and I eat meat every day and we buy organic + grass-fed. It is expensive but I to us, it’s worth it (I also believe it’s healthier), and we cut corners with our budget elsewhere.
Danielle says
I rarely eat red meat but sometimes a good old fashioned steak on the grill is the perfect meal.
I also love mine rare, like super rare.
Chris says
Thanks Kath. Way to go on cutting your grocery bill in half!