Technically, Gus isn’t Mazen’s dog (he belongs to my beau), but M sure loves hanging out with him!
Gus loves him back, pillow forts and all!! He is such a good sport!
I have never had a dog (in my whole life) and didn’t know if I would ever get one (or ever love one, for that matter), but I can say that Gus is the sweetest dog! He’s very well trained, and has such a great personality. He is technically not allowed on the couch, but he often puts his paws in your lap for a hug when you’re sitting down. Yes, the hair cloud that he leaves behind drives me a little crazy, but I’m getting used to it : ) So is my cordless Dyson!
Gus eats dog food. Mazen likes to give him dog bone cookies. We hope he doesn’t have an appetite for piggies!
We eat overnight oats topped with drippy Whole Foods brand almond butter.
A simple turkey, tomato, pickle, and cheese sandwich for lunch with chips. I was starving post-strength class!
And finally, I’ve been really into panko fish this fall! I splurged on some wild King Salmon – boy was it delicious! I dipped the fish in egg and Whole Foods brand flavored panko, and then baked it for about 20 minutes. Then I served it with rice-cooker risotto and roasted asparagus.
If you’re wondering, he’s a Lab + Labradoodle mix!
Amanda P. says
The saying is true…”Dogs are love”. I have always been more of a cat person but since my dog passed a few months ago, life is just not the same without a dog. My husband and I are having a new house built and will get another dog when we move and life will be complete again. Enjoy every minute of that unconditional love. It’s so worth it….hair and all! 🙂
Amanda says
Oh my goodness…Gus is adorable! And Mazen looks over the moon with his new best friend!
I think all the shedding would drive me crazy too, but I still love dogs and hope to have one of my own to love one day!
Jeanette says
Our lab Andy is so sweet and gentle. He’s never snapped at anyone and endures my kids affection beautifully. Labs are great! That said, he will be 12 in December. Once he passes, I will not miss all the hair and shedding. But we love him and have no desire for that time to come. (He’s also my first and only dog. We never had pets growing up.)
Leatitia says
That dog is adorable!! Mazen sure seems to love him a lot. <3
Shelby says
Gus is my dogs twin! We adopted ours from a lab rescue and they say he’s full lab, but he’s bigger than most labs (95lbs). Maybe he’s part laberdoodle?! Adorable pics! says
I love labs they are the nicest breed.
Kelli H (Made in Sonoma) says
Gus is so adorable. Our lab, Ryder looks very similar to Gus. Makes me can’t wait until we have a kid and they can play together. Yellow lab hair is out of control! I feel your pain but they are worth it. 🙂
Annie says
“Whole Foods-flavored panko” What does Whole Foods taste like, Kath? 😛 Love the dog friend, so cute!!
KathEats says
I think that was an editor misunderstanding! Whole Foods makes a flavored panko.
kim says
I am a dog lover for sure. I always had dogs growing up and still do to this day. I love coming home and seeing how happy my dog is to see me each night. I LOVE the smiles on Mazen’s face. You can tell he is loving Gus for sure! Thanks for sharing such sweet moments. Love your blog by the way- have been reading for YEARS 🙂
S says
Nothing compares to dog love. especially a sweet and docile mush mush like Gus. Glad Mazen has a new buddy
heather says
Aww! Has Gus moved in or visiting?! Hes super cute and seems to make you both happy 🙂
KathEats says
He is here a lot!
Emily says
Wait so everyone’s ignoring that casual throw-in of your beau? You have a boyfriend?! Tell us more
KathEats says
Haha I’ve been dropping hints for a while, but guess they’ve been hard to catch 😉 so yes <3
Lindsay Nowotny says
I’ve seen the hints. So happy for you and hopefully we will “meet him” one day.
Stacey says
We have 2 lab mixes – 80 lbs each with black hair and let me tell you, the hair does not go away. You just love them so much it seems worth it (somehow) to vacuum almost daily! God sure knew what he was doing when he created dogs 🙂 Glad you were able to have a positive experience with Gus!
Eileen says
Wow, Gus is gorgeous! (Mazen, too, of course.) He looks like a straight-up Lab to me; we know some craaaaazy and curly Labradoodles!
Lisa says
I caught them…I’ve been waiting for the big reveal.
Denise says
Me too!
candice says
What a beautiful dog!
Tracy says
He’s a beautiful dog!! Kids & pets are a great combo! I have great memories of the dogs that have been (and still are) in my life. Have fun! Can’t wait to meet the fella 😉
Ann says
Your rice-cooker risotto looks good! What ingredients do you add to the Arborio rice?
KathEats says
I used broth, sundries tomatoes and Parmesan
Mel says
I never comment but I have to today because of that beautiful dog! I just LOVE labs so much – and I’m glad to hear he is growing on you (and that Mazon adores him!) I was never a ‘big dog’ person (grew up with a shih-Tzu and was terrified of big dogs as a kid (and even as an adult, I admit). But when I met my fiancé, he had two labs, an older lab and a puppy, and they grew on me so much that I cannot imagine life without a lab! Gus is so stinkin’ adorable and those pics of Mazen and him are so stinkin’ sweet!!! This post just made my day!
KathEats says
Aww! I’ve always been a little afraid too. Bad experience when I was little.
Ashley says
Yeah! What a cute dog, and congrats on the new boyfriend!
Kelli @ Hungry Hobby says
Puppies are almost always worth the work of having a dog. 🙂
Jeanie says
Definitely a lab. They are the people-pleasers. Gus just looks like a sweetie. I can’t imagine my life without dogs. I’ve had dogs all my life and currently have three. One is a labradoodle.
Chelsea says
My dog is one of my best friends. So is my dust mop…
Gus looks like a real sweetheart!
polly says
yay for Gus and new beau 😉 and so sweet he and mazen are buddies!! love!!!
So excited for you kath. love and hugs!!! XOXO
Charlene says
The photos of Mazen hugging & kissing Gus are so adorable – they make my heart melt and *almost* have me thinking about getting a dog for my son to play with! Looks like they have a special bond!
Nikki says
Beau as in boyfriend?!? Congrats
KathEats says
Ali @ Peaches and Football says
What an AODRABLE picture! That’s Christmas card quality. Love it!!!
Ali @ Peaches and Football says
Amanda says
Have you considered vacuuming Gus? I’ve met a lot of labs who love to be vacuumed with the hose attachment!
KathEats says
Haha no but I can see how that might pull off the loose hairs (or those just getting loose) proactively. I bet it feels good!
Joni says
Yes I have noticed your hints too! I can’t believe you have never had a dog!!! They have always been such a big part of our lives! Yes, hair is a drag, but the rewards our way worth it! Happy Thanksgiving! Been following your blog for awhile. Love to see your pictures!
KathEats says
We always had cats, which we all loved. My grandparents had dogs, but that’s sort of where my fear started, as they were big jumpers when I was little.
Jessie C. says
The picture of Gus and Mazen is the SWEETEST thing I have ever seen. LOVE them both!